Individual Details

Jesse Barfield

(21 Jan 1737 - 22 Aug 1780)

The middle name Francis is only found so far in LDS records, I do not know its source or if correct.

(from the memoirs of Pauline Craig Hughes)
"My great grandfather, Jesse Barfield, - a son of the emigrant - lived in Samson County, N.C., and there my grandfather, Lewis Barfield, was raised. .... Jesse married Sarah Castelo, daughter of Thomas Castelo, an Irishman. To Jesse and Sarah Barfield were born nine children, seven of which reached maturity - Frederic, Stephen, Charity, Solomon, Lewis, John and Thomas."

In 1766 Jesse bought from his brother Henry the land that his father Richard had willed Henry in 1755 (Sampson Co. Book 1, 206). This was land that Richard had conveyed to him from Edward Outlaw in 1752. Henry had already moved to South Carolina.
North Carolina, Sampson County Deed
Book 1, page 170-171

Jesse Barfield deed to William Whitfield 190 Acres
Return made to Secretarys office 4 April 1768
This indenture made the tenth day of October One Thousand Seven hundred and sixty six 1766. Between Jesse Barfield of Duplin County in the province of North Carolina of the One part and William Whitfield of Dobbs County in the same province of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Jesse Barfield for and in consideration of the sum of thirty five pounds proclamation money to him in hand paid the Recept whereof he doth hereby acknowledged Hath granted bargained sold and by these presents for himself & his heirs do grant bargain & sell unto the said Wm Whitfield his heirs and assigns Forever One certain tract of land lying in Duplin County & province of North Carolina and On the North side of the main North East Mash Beginning at apine by the side of the mash Arthur Morris Corner And Runs along Moores line W°40 Et 80 poles to apine thence North 50 Wt 200 poles thence N° 40 Et 60 poles to apine thence So 50 Et 200 poles to apine thence So 40 Wt 160 poles to apine by the mash at Whitfield lower line thence down the Mash to the Beginning. Containing by Estimation One Hundred and Ninety Acres be the same more or less being part of a Patent Granted to Jesse Barfield Bearing date May 21st day of 1765. To have And to Hold the said tract of land with the appurtenances unto him the said William Whitfield his heirs and assigns Forever and to know other intent or - whatever and the said Jesse Barfield for himself and his heirs Executors doth covenant and grant to and - the said William Whitfield his heirs and assigns Forever and he the said Jesse Barfield his heirs Executors Administrators the above granted land with the appurtenances unto him the said William his heirs and assigns forever shall and will at all times forever hereafter well and truly warrant and Forever hereafter defend from all manner of other tithes or encumbrances Whatsoever
In Witness whereof the said Jesse Barfield Hath himself Set his hand and Seal the day and Year before written
Signed sealed and delivered
In the Presence of
William Whitfield Junr } (Signed) Jesse Barfield (Seal)
Hester Whitfield }
Bryan Whitfield }

Received of William Whitfield the sum of Thirty Five Pounds proclamation money it being in full for the within lands and premises Received By me this 10th day of October 1766
Test Signed Jesse Barfield
William Whitfield Jr.

2605 pg. 593 Jesse Bearfield 11 December 1770 200 acres in Duplin, joining a Marsh above Bails improvement and the S. side of the N. E. Marsh between Reedy and Gum Branch

2606 pg. 594 Jesse Bearfield 11 December 1770 200 acres in Duplin, on the N. side of N. E. Swamp between William Whitfield and George Kenaga, joining Jumping run Marsh to the mouth
James Morris To Daniel Clark Deed 1 August 1787
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book 1 A Page 471, 472, 473, & 474
James Morris To Daniel Clark
Deed for 421 acres lands
This indentrue made this first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven, & in the twelveth year of the Independence of the State of North Carolina. Between James Morris of the State of North Carolina & County of Duplin of the one part & Daniel Clark of the said State & County of the other part, witnesseth, that the said James Morris for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred pounds specie, well and truly paid by the said Danie Clark, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith to be fully satisfied contented & paid & of every part and parcel doth acquit & discharge the said Daniel Clark his heirs executors & administrators forever, he the said James Morris hath given granted bargained sold conveyed confirmed assigned set over, & by these presents for himself his heirs executors & administrators, doth freely fully and absolutely give grant bargian sell convey confirm assign & set over unto the said Daniel Clark sundry tract or parcels of land, situate lying and being in Duplin County aforesaid on the south side of the North East & on a branch called Rattlesnake Branch adjoining Elijah Jones's Jacob Kornegay & Anthony Jones's lines, and is bounded as follows Viz. one piece of land lying on the south side of the North East Swamp & in the fork of Rattlesnake Branch, being part of a survey patened by John Connerly bearing date the 2nd day of April 1751, and begining at a small pine in the branch below Anthony Jones field & runing So. 81 Wt. 81 pole to a red oak & marked pine, thence No. 20 Wt. 186 poles to a white oak, thence No. 45 Et. 20 poles to a statke in Rattlesnake Branch, thence down the swamp to a marked gum at the mouth of a Branch, thence up the branch to the begining, containing one hundred & twenty one acres be the same more or less, which said land decended from the said John Connerly to his son Cullen Connerly as heir at law, and was by the said Cullen Connerly sold and conveyed by a deed of sale to Jesse Barfield, & since by the said Jesse Barfield was sold & conveyed by a deed of sale bearing date March the 11th 1775 to Constantine Whitfield, reference being thereunto had may more fully appear, also one other piece of parcel of land containing one hundred acres lying & being in the County of Duplin aforesaid. Begining at a white oak on the south side of the No. Et. on a Branch known by the name of the Rattlesnake Branch, runing thence So. 24 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence No. 66 Wt. 90 poles to a black jack, thence No. 26 Et. 180 pole to a pine, thence to the first station it being a patent formerly granted to Edward Rollins bearing date September 29th 1753, relation being thereunto had may more fully appear, Likewise one other piece or parcel of land adjoining the above tract & was granted to Solomon Barfield by patent bearing date March 15th 1756, contianing by estimation one hundred acres of land be the same more or less, buted & bounded as follows Viz. Begining at a pine a corner tree of his former survey near Rattledsnake Branch and runs So. 21 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence No. 71 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence along a line of marked trees to a white oak on a little branch, thence down the said branch to a pine his corner, thence to the first station, the said last mentioned two tracts of land was sold & conveyed by William Graddy & Jesse Barfield to Constantine Whitfield by deed of bargain & sale, reference being thereunto had may more fully appear, also one other piece or parcel of land lyig & being in Duplin County on the south side of Rattlesnake Branch, & joining the lines of the other lands hereby granted & being part of a tract of land of two hundred acres which was granted by patent to Constantine Whitfield bearing date the 24th day of May 1773, reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear, all which four pieces or parcel of land containing in the whole four hundred & twenty four acres more or less, was conveyed by a deed of gift from the said Constantine Whitfield to his daughter Rachel Goodman bearing date the 24th day of September 1778, and was since conveyed by a deed from Henry Goodman & Rachel his wife to Timothy Goodman bearing date the 24th day of October 1778, & since conveyed be a deed of gift from Timothy Goodman to Henry Goodman bearing date the 26th day of October 1778, reference being thereunto had may more fully & at large appear, all which four pieces or tracts of land were conveyed be the said Constantine Whitfield to the said Henry Goodman & by the said Henry Goodman were conveyed by a deed of bargain & sale bearing date the 25th day of October 1785, to Stephen Barfield & was since conveyed by the said Stephen Barfield to David Cannon junr. by a deed of sale bearing date the 16th day of November 1785, & since conveyed by a deed of bargain & sale from the said David Cannon to James Morris bearing date the 29th day of December 1786, & by these presence conveyed by the said James Morris to the said Daniel Clark his heirs & assigns forever. To have and to hold the said four tracts or parcels of land contining four hundred and twenty one acres, to him the said Daniel Clark his heirs & assigns forever, together with all and singular the benefits previledges & appurtenances thereunto belonging, & the said James Morris for himself his heirs executors & administrators doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Daniel Clark his heirs & assigns to warrant secure & forever defend the said Daniel Clark his heirs & assigns in the peaceble & quiet possession of all and singular the said four tracts of land and premises hereby bargained & sold & every part and parcel thereof, from and against him the said James Morris his heirs and every person or persons whatsoever, claiming any right title or interest of in & to hte same or any part or parcel thereof. In witness whereof the said James Morris hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year first above written.
Jas. Morris
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Charles Brown
Wm. Whitfield
David Clark
State of No. Carolina Duplin County October Term 1787.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Charles Brown & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Daniel Clark To Elisha Jernigan Deed 5 April 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 202, 203, 204, & 205
Daniel Clark To Elisha Jernigan
Deed 421 acres
This Indenture made the fifty day of April in the 15th year of the American Independence and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven Hundred and ninety one. Between Daniel Clark of the County of Duplin in the state of North Carolina of the one part and Elisha Jernigan of the same place on the other part. Witnesseth that the said Daniel Clark for and in consideration of the sum of three Hundred pounds specie well and Truly paid by the said Elisha Jernigan the Receipt whereof he Doth hereby acknowledge and himself to be therewith fully satisfied contented and paid, and every part and parcel thereof Doth he acquit and Discharge the said Elisha Jernigan his Heirs Executors and administrators forever He the said Daniel Clark Hath given granted, bargained, sold & conveyed and confirmed assigned and set over And by these presents for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth fully freely and absolutely give grant, bargain, sell, convey, confirm, assign and set over unto the said Elisha Jernigan, sundrey Tracts or parcels of Land, situate Lying and being in Duplin County aforesaid on the south side of the No. East, and on a Branch called Rattle snake branch adjoining Elijah Jones Jacob Kornegays and Anthony Joneses lines, and is bound as follows to wit one peice of Land lying on the south side of the No. East swamp and in the fork of Rattle snake branch, being part of a survey Patened by John Connerly bearing date the second Day of April 1751. Begining at a small pine in the branch below Anthony Joneses field, and runing So. 81 Wt. 81 poles to a red oak and marked pine, thence No. 20 Wt. 186 poles to a white oak, thence No. 45 Et. 20 poles to a stake in Rattle snake swamp thence down the swamp to a marked gum at the mouth of a branch and thence up the branch to the begining containing one hundred and twenty one acres be the same more or less, which land Decended from the said John Connerly to his son Cullen Connerly and was by the said Cullen Connerly sold, and conveyed by a Deed of Sale to Jesse Barfield and since by the said Jesse Barfield was sold and conveyed by a Deed of sale bearing Date March 11th 1775 to Constantine Whitfield Reference being thereunto had may more fully appear And also one other peice or parcel of Land containing one hundred acres, lying and being in the County of Duplin aforesaid. Begining at a white oak on the south side of the No. east on a branch known by the name of Rattle snake branch runing thence So. 24 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence No. 66 Wt. 90 poles to a blackjack, thence No. 24 Et. 180 pole to a pine, thence to the first station, it being a patent formerly granted to Edward Rollings bearing Date September 29th 1763. Relation being thereunto had may more fully appear Like wise one other peice or parcel of Land adjoing the above said Tract and was granted to Solomon Barfield by Patent bearing Date March 15th 1756 containing by estimation one Hundred acres of land be the same more or less butted and bounded as follows to wit. Begining at a pine a corner tree of his former survey, near Rattle snake Branch, and runs thence So. 21 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence No. 71 Wt. 180 pole to a pine thence No. 21 Et. 90 pole, thence along a line of marked trees So. 71 Et. 180 pole to a white oak on the patent line by a branch, thence to the begining, the said two last mentioned tracts of Land was sold and conveyed by William Graddy and Jesse Barfield to Constantine Whitfield by Deed of Bargain and sale, Reference being thereunto had may more fully appear, Also one other peice or parcel of Land, lying in Duplin County aforesaid on the south side of Rattle snake branch, and Joining the lines of the other Land, hereby granted and being part of a tract of Land of 200 acres which was granted by Patent to Constantine Whitfield, bearing Date the 24th Day of May 1773. Begining at a small white oak in the edge of a small branch on the line that was Solomon Barfields and runs and his and Edward Rollingses line No. 22 Et. 242 pole to a small white oak on the edge of Rattle snake branch at Rollings corner, thence No. 80 Et. 6 pole to a large white oak Connerlys corner thence along Connerlys line So. 22 Et. 174 pole to a pine by Anthony Joneses line, thence along his line So. 35 Wt. 42 pole to a blackjack his corner thence to the begining. Reference to said Grant being had may more fully appear &c All which four peices or parcels of Land containing in the whole four Hundred an twenty one acres, be the same more or Less was conveyed by a Deed of Gift from the said Constantine Whitfield to his Daughter Rachel Goodman bearing Date the 24th day of September 1778 and was since conveyed by a Deed from Henry Goodman and Rachel his wife to Timothy Goodman bearing Date the 24th day of October 1778 and was since conveyed by a Deed of Gift from Timothy Goodman to Henry Goodman bearing Date the 26th day of October 1778. Reference being there had may more fully and at Large appear. All which four pieces or Tracts of Land were conveyed by the said Constantine to the said Henry Goodman and by the said Henry Goodman were conveyed by a Deed of Bargain and sale bearing Date the 25th Day of October 1785 to Stephen Barfield and were since conveyed by the said Stephen Barfield to David Cannon Junior by a Deed of sale bearing Date the 16th day of November 1785 and since conveyed by a Deed of Bargain and sale from the said David Cannon to James Morris bearing Date the 29th day of December 1786 and since conveyed by a Deed of Bargain and sale from the said James Morris to the said Daniel Clark bearing Date the first day of August 1787. Reference to the said several conveyances being had may more fully appear &c. and now conveyed by these presents from the said Daniel Clark to the said Elisha Jernigan. To have and to hold the said four Tracts or parcels of Land containg in the whole four hundred and twenty one acres to the said Elisha Jernigan his Heirs and assigns forever Together with all and singular the benefits previledges and appurtainances thereon or thereon to in any wise belonging and the Daniel Clark for himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Elisha Jernigan his Heirs and assigns to warrant secure and forever Defend the said Elisha Jernigan his heirs and assigns in the peacable and quiet possession of all and singular the said four Tracts or parcels of Land and premises hereby bargained and sold and Every part and parcel thereof from and against him the said Daniel Clark his heirs Excrs. and admrs. and from and against all and every pther person or persons whatsoever claiming any Right Title or Interest of in or to the same or any part or parcel thereof. In Witness whereof the said Daniel Clark hath hereunto set his hand and fixed his seal the Day and Date first above written.
signed sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of Daniel Clark
W. Dickson
Joseph Dickson
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791
Then was the within Deed proved in open Court by the of William Dickson & ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

DAVID CANNON to JAMES MORRIS Deed 29 December 1796
(Transcribed by Carolyn Shank)

29 Dec. 1796 DAVID CANNON, planter, to JAMES MORRIS, both of Duplin, North Carolina, for 300 pounds current money - 421 acres on the South side of
Rattlesnake Branch in four tracts:
(1) 121 acres on the South side of the Northeast Swamp in the fork of said Branch, beginning at a small pine in a branch below ANTHONY JONES' field being Part of a survey of 300 acres formerly granted to JOHN CONNERLY dated 2 April 1751, which land descended for SD. CONNERLY to his son, CULLEN CONNERLY and Since conveyed by said CULLEN CONNERLY to JESSE BARFIELD who sold said land to CONSTANTINE WHITFIELD.
(2) 100 acres on the South side of the Northeast Rattlesnake branch, which was
Formerly granted to EDWARD ROLLINS on 29 Sep 1753.
(3) 100 acres adjoining the second tract formerly granted to SOLOMON BARFIELD On 15 Mar 1756, the last two pieces being sold to CONSTANTINE WHITFIELD by WILLIAM GRADDY & JESSE BEARFIELD;
(4) 100 acres on the South side of Rattlesnake branch and joining the lines of
The other lands hereby granted, part of a tract of 200 acres granted to said
WHITFIELD ON 24 May 1773. All four tracts of 421 acres conveyed by said WHITFIELD to his daughter, RACHEL GOODMAN, by deed of gift on 24 Sep., 1788 and since conveyed by deed From HENRY GOODMAN and RACHEL, his wife, to TIMOTHY GOODMAN, who conveyed by Deed of gift to said HENRY GOODMAN on 26 Oct. 1778. HENRY GOODMAN deeded the Same 421 acres to STEPHEN BEARFIELD 25 Oct. 1785 and SD BEARFIELD by deed to DAVID CANNON, 16 Nov. 1785. Witnesses: WILLIAM DICKSON, JOHN NICHOLS. Proved July Court 1787.

Excerpt's from Duplin Deeds, Book 1A -

(p 16)
p. 188 Samuel Tanner of Duplin co. to William Whitfield of Wayne Co., 6 Oct 1785, fir 30 pds. current money of N. C. 100A on the ES of the Northeast Branch of Cape Fear, being part of a patent granted to JESSE BAREFIELD for 200A 22 Dec 1770, beg. at a pine the 2nd corner of sd. patent near to a foard across Rooty Branch above William Daniel's planta., to THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS' land to Kornegay's line, to Smith's Branch, being the planta. where sd. Tanner now lives whic sd. Tanner bought from William O'Daniel 3 Feb 1785. Wit: William Whitfield, Sarah (X) Buton [sic]. Oct. Ct. 1785

(p. 17)
p.190 William O'Daniel to Samuel Tanner, both of Duplin Co., 3 Feb 1785, for 24 pds. specie money 100A on the NS of the Northeast of Cape Fear on the upper side of Smith's Branch lyling between THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS' line & joining the ds. branch, being part of 200A taken up by JESSE BARFIELD joining Kornegay's line & STEPHEN BAREFIELD'S line. Wit: Thomas Tanner, John Durrell. Oct. Ct 1785.

p. 192 THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS of Duplin Co. to William Whitfield, Senr. of Wayne Co., 15 Oct 1785, for 50 pds. current money of N.C. 150A on the NS of the Northeast Marsh joining Kornegay's line on the south & STEPHEN BEARFIELD'S on the east, beg. at a pine Kornegay's corner in Bales Branch, toward Rooty Branch, to a pine STEPHEN BARFIELD'S corner, to a white oak in Kornegay's line, being part of 300A granted by patent to JESSE BEARFIELD 15 Dec 1778 who conveyed to sd. Williams 24 Jan 1780, incl. the planta. & impr. whereon sd. Williams then live. Wit: W. Dickson, John Bradley. Oct. 1785

(p 29)
p. 327 William Whitfield (Senr.) of Wayne Co. to William Whitfield, minor of Duplin Co., 30 July 1786, for 150 pds. specie 600A on the NS of the Northeast Branch in several tracts: (1) 150A .... (2) 200A .... (3) all the remaining tract of 100A .... (4) 200A attained by deed from William O'Daniel & Samuel Tanner, beg. at a pine on Jumping Run, to a pine near Rooty Run, a corner tree of JESSE BARFIELD'S patent, to Theophilus Williams' line, to the 3rd corner of BARFIELD'S survey to Kornegay's line, to Smith's Branch & Jumping Run to the beg.; (5) all the land that lies.... Oct. Ct. 1786.

(p 37)
p. 412 William O'Daniel of Duplin Co. to William Whitfield of Wayne Co., 28 Dec 1785, for 40 pds. specie 200A on the NS of the NE Creek & Ws of Jumping Run, beg. at a pine on Jumping Run Marsh a corner of JESSE BARFIELD'S patent dated 15 Dec 1778, to Rooty Branch, THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS' line, incl. part of the two patents of land & the planta. wher Charity O'Daniel formerly lived. Wit: John Ivey, John Barfield, Bryan Whitfield. July Ct. 1787

Excerpt's from Duplin Deeds, Book 3A -

(p 64)
p. 90 Thomas Gray of Sampson Co. to Charles King of Duplin Co.,__ day of May 1794, for 200 pds. current money 200A on the NS of Goshen Swamp in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 110A (?) incl. the ... Beck formerly ... Robert Warren's old patented line, Powell's line by Powell's fence (now cut down), to Warren's outside patented line, John Hain's corner; (2) 90A beg. at a water oak near sd. Robert Warren's corner, to the back line of Charles Wolf's patent, to a prong of the Marsh Branch, to Caleb Beck's line. Wit: J. Beck, J. BARFIELD Oct. Ct. 1794. "Note. Part of the original record of the foregoing deed has been worn out & lost (to wit) wherever a dotted blank occurs." B.F. Grady, Transcriber.

(p 66)
p. 105 John (X) Deaver (or Davice) to Stephen Jones, both of Duplin Co., 20 Sep 1790, for 30 pds. specie money 200A on the SS of the Northeast between Rattlesnake Branch & the head of ... Marsh, beg. at a pine Baker Bowden's corner & runs along JESSE BARFIELD'S line, along with sd. Deaver's own line, to a pine Elijah Jones' corner. Wit: William Dunkan, James Grimes, George Dunkan. July Ct. 1794.

(p 88)
p. 296 Joshua Benton to William Benton, both of Duplin Co., 17 Oct 1797, for 5 pds. 175A in 2 tracts to wit: (1)100A being part of a survey patented by JESSE BARFIELD & purchased from Andrew Gufford 20 Feb 1787, beg. at a pine on Snipes' former line, to Poley Pocosin, to the head of Mirey Branch; (2) 75A being part of a survey patented & purchased from sd. Gufford 12 Mar 1787, beg. at a jack & runs E to a poplar in a branch then N across the run of the Mirey Branch, up the sd. branch to the upper line of the sd. survey, along sd. line to the beg. Wit: Sarah Herring, Benjamin Herring. Oct. Ct. 1797

(p 94)
p. 349 Jephtha (X) Daniel to Isaac Spence, both planters of Duplin Co., 26 Nov. 1795, for 100 pds. current money 100A on the NS of Goshen Swamp & incl. part of the place called the Lake Land, beg. at a white oak, the beg. of John Sheffield's land near Pompey's Pocosin & running a direct line to the center of 3 pines, marked formerly Weston Prairses [sis] corner, to Hart's line, to a pine the the beg. of the land John Hart sold to Jesse Cook & which the sd. Spence now lives on, being half of a patent granted to JESSE BARFIELD 1 Apr 1780 & conveyed through several hands unto sd. Daniel. Wit: Stephen Jones, Timothy Spence. July Ct. 1796.

(p. 109)
p. 483 Henry Kornegay to John Jones, both of Duplin Co., 23 May 1808, for $120, 46A on the SS of the Northeast Swamp, beg. at a sweet gum in sd. swamp Connerly's old corner & sd. Jones' corner, adj. sd. Jones, Whitfield & Rattlesnake Run, being the lower part of a patent granted to sd. Connerly & deeded to JESSE BARFIELD who deeded to Jacob Kornegay 11 Mar 1777, & since by division of the estate of Jacob Kornegay dec'd fell to his heir Henry Kornegay. Wit: B. Kornegay, Thomas Jones, Shadrack Jones. Oct. Ct. 1808.

Excerpt's from Duplin Deeds, Book 4A -

(p 129)
p. 90 Readin Pope of Duplin Co. to Jacob Lassiter, Esqr. of Greene Co., 2 Sep 1809, for $2,000, 777A in 2 tracts: (1) 600A on the SS of the Northeast & on a branch called the Poley Bridge, beg. at a gum in sd. Northeast his & Stanley's corner, to a pine in a meadow on Readen Bowden's line, being the contents of several patents granted to JESSE BARFIELD & FREDERICK BARFIELD & since by several conveyances became the prop. of Nicholas & James Bowden & from them conveyed to sd. Pope; (2) 177A on the SS of the Northeast & WS of Poley Bridge, beg. at a pine on the Mill Pond above the house on the old patent line, incl. the house, planta. & mill whereon sd. Pope now lives. Wit: Blaney Harper Junr., Charles H Harper. Jan. Ct. 1810.

(p 142)
p. 193 Isaac ( ) Spence, planter of Duplin Co. to Giles Thomas Loftin of Lenoir Co, 9 Oct 1810, for $574.50 good & lawful money of N.C. 193A on BS of the road between Goshen & the Northeast, incl. a place called the Lake Savannah & the planta. whereon the sd. Isaac Spence now lives, it being land formerly patented by JESSE BARFIELD & part pf a small survey patented by sd.Spence, beg. at a pine by his fence a corner of the___ he sold to John Screws & runs with sd. Spence's old llne along his fence, along BARFIELD'S old line to a pine stump of his corner, then along BARFIELD'S other line, to a white oak in the Northest Pocosin his corner, joining Oliver, to a stake in the Lake Meadow, John Screw's corner. Wit: Wm. Dickson. Oct. Ct. 1810

(p 145)
p. 219 Bryan Whitfield of Lenoir Co. to Joseph Spears Hardie of Greene Co., 1 Jan 1807, for 83 pds, current money 83A on the NS of the Northeast Branch of Cape Fear River in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 72A being part of a tract of 100A granted to JESSE BARFIELD 17 Dec 1778, beg. on the 2nd line of the sd. tract where Kornegay's line crosses, near Bale's Branch & joining Kornegay; (2) 11A granted to Buckner Killebrew 28 Aug 1795, beg. at a white oak in the run of Bale's Branch & joining Kornegay. Wit: James Young, AB. Croom, Michl. Belloon. Oct. Ct. 1809. Jos. G. Wright J.S.C.L.E.

(p 182)
p. 513 Jacob Lassitter of Greene Co. to Daniel Witherington of Lenoir Co., 23 Oct 1812, for $2800, 888A in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 600A beg. at a gum in the Northeast, his & Stanley's corner, to a pine in a meadow on Reading Bowden's line, to the run of Poley Bridge, down the sd. meanders of the western edge & joining the high land to the mouth or run of the sd. Northeast, being the contents of several patents granted to JESSE BARFIELD & also to FREDERICK BARFIELD & since by several conveyances down to the sd. Witherington by the sd. Lassitter; (2) 177A beg. at a pine on the Mill Pond above the house on the old patent line, to the run of the Northeast, down the run to the Poley Bridge. Wit: Jno. Gatlin, Barney Witherington. Oct. Ct. 1813.

Duplin County, NC - Bryan Whitfield Sr. to Charles Williams, 1806
Duplin County Deed Book N, pg 469
Indenture made on 18 Oct 1805 between Bryan Whitfield, Sr. of Lenoir Co, NC, of the one part and Charles Williams of Green County, NC of the second part, for the sum of $1,000 paid by the said Charles Williams, said Bryan Whitfield does sell and convey unto said Charles Williams, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Duplin County on the north side of the North East River of Cape Fear River and between Bails Branch and Jumping Run, beginning at a poplar above the mouth of Jumping Run in the creek swamp and runs north 48 p to a stake s 76 w 166 p n 250 p to a stake in the back line of Jesse Barfield's line grant, then s 78 w 149 p to a pine on Bails Branch, then down the branch to the run of the creek, then down the run of the creek to the beginning, 419 acres, etc. Bryan Whitfield Wit: Samuel Herring, Bryan Whitfield, Jr., William Holliday Registered 1806

From research by Judge Fletcher Freeman -

January 24, 1780: Jesse Barfield and wife, Sarah Castillo, of Duplin County transferred property to his sons Solomon, John, Frederick, Lewis, Thomas, and Stephen by Deed of Gift as follows:
"Frederick Barfield was given the four tracts of land described below and "also all my stock of Cattle Part of which are to be sold the Remaining part to be left on the plantation with the Reserved slaves and other stock during the Natural life of my wife Sarah Barfield & Thomas Barfield and or at the age of Twenty One years then the said Cattle to be equally divided between my son Solomon Barfield, Lewis Barfield, John Barfield and Thomas Barfield. ' The first tract of land consisted of 100 acres " in the County of Onslow on New River Beginning.. . by the River side of James Kibbs lower corner on the River above Branch or Creek in afield. ' Deed mentions Ward's line. The second tract consisted of 100 acres, 'the Courses of a deed from, James Kibbs to William Wilkins to wit Beginning,. . by New River aforesaid John Williamsons corner, ' etc., Deed mentions a path and a swamp. The third tract consisted of 120 acres ' in Duplin county in the fork of the Miery branch and joining the head of poley bridge Branch. ' the fourth tract consisted of 100 acres ' in Duplin lying On the North side of the North East swamp between the North East and Baleses (Boleses) Branch Joining Jacob Kornegays land. ' ''
" Frederick Barfield was also given a tract of land 'On the south side of the North East swamp and On the East side of Poley Bridge Joining of his new entry containing (200) acres of land granted to the said Jesse Barfield By patent bearing date 10 April 1780 (sic). (A description of the land is not given.)
Frederick Barfield was also given 'Two Negroes One fellow by the Name of Bobb forty Years of age and a Wench By the Name of Easter seventeen Years of age, ' Deed adds this restriction: 'provided ... the Said Negro man Bobb and woman Easter is to Remain on the manner Plantation for the better support of my wife Sara Barfield during of her natural life then in case said Negro Woman Easter shall have children I give the first Child..- to my son Stephen Barfield and the second Child..- to my Son Solomon Barfield the third Child. ..I give to my son Thomas Barfield and all the increase to be the property of Frederick Barfield. ' "
"Stephen Barfield was given two tracts of land and a "Negro Woman I have named Hannah... Providing Neverless the said Negro Woman Hannah to Remain on the plantation where I now live for the better support and maintenance of my wife Sarah Barfield during her Natural life which him (sic) said Hannah is to be under the Care and direction of Frederick Barfield then said wench Hannah to be delivered to Stephen Barfield... also I give my son Stephen Barfield the first Child that Easter Frederick Barfields wench may bring him.' The first tract of land consisted of 150 acres 'on the North side of the North East Joining and between William Whitfields George Rimseys (Runseys) line Beginning On the North side of Jumping Run marsh, ' Deed mentions Keryer's line. The line ran 'near the mouth of Smiths branch thence up Jumping Run to the Beginning The second tract consisted of 100 acres 'Joining the Other survey Beginning... On the west side Jumping Run marsh,'
"Solomon Barfield was given two tracts of land. The first tract consisted of 100 acres 'on the South Side of the north East Marsh on the head of Poley Bridge branch at a place Called... the Goose Pond. ' Deed mentions a branch. Tract included ' the improvements' and was granted to Jesse Barfield by patent dated 9 April 1771 (1770?) . The second tract consisted of 300 acres, ' a New Entry Joining the Other Survey. ' Lewis Barfield was given 400 acres 'On the North side of a branch including all the land of my property Joining of the North side of the miery Branch including the plantation whereon James Wilkins now lives and mains (sic) Old field. ' John Barfield was given two tracts of land. The first tract consisted of 300 acres which was 'part of a New Entry of (400) Acres of land south side of the NorthEast and both sides of the main Road and joining the Polly meadow. ' The second tract consisted of 100 acres, 'a New entry Joining his other his other line and the gum ranch including the land between said line and Gum branch. ' Thomas Barfield ('My youngest Son') was given 'the manner plantation with (150) acres of land... also (110) acres of land On the North East below the other be it part of the plantation Where I now live (100) acres of land joining the other two surveys and being part of a survey of (400) acres... the Remainder before given to John Barfield. Solomon Barfield was given 'My Negro Man slave Named Will also the second Child that the Negro woman Easter that I have given to Frederick Barfield may bring. ' Lewis Barfield was given 'One Negro man Slave Named David. ' John Barfield was given 'the first child that Teanir shall bring. ' Deed adds: 'provided Nevertheless that the forementioned slaves Will and David given to Solomon Barfield and Lewis Barfield be kept the manner plantation before given to Thomas Barfield and the profits arising from the labours of said slaves and Plantation Shall be applied to the maintaining my wife Sarah Barfield and Children during her natural life and not to be Removed from said plantation before given to the said Thomas Barfield until Thomas Barfield shall arrive at the Age of (25, says 21 several times later in the deed) years which lands and slaves before given to Solomon Barfield, Lewis Barfield, John Barfield and Thomas Barfield my sons are put in the hands of Frederick Barfield in trust for 'my wife' and four sons. Deed continues near the end: 'and the Said Frederick Barfield is to see to schooling of his brother Solomon Barfield, Lewis Barfield, John Barfield, and Thomas Barfield and the money arising from the increase of their cattle to be applied to that use also I give unto my Children all my Household and Furniture all my stock of Sheep Hoggs and the Cattle that may Remain after my debts are satisfied Deed continues: 'all my plantation Carpenters and Coopers Tools of every kind whatsoever and one whip saw also to Remain on the plantation until Thomas Barfield arrives at the age of (21) Years then to be Divided.' "

The Duplin County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes for 1784 thru 1787 shows that on Wednesday, April 18, 1787, the Court exhibited an addtional inventory of the estate of Jesse Barfield and appointed a committee to settle the accounts of Jesse Barfield and report to the next court. The court also ordered Frederick Barfield, the administrator of the estate of Jesse Barfield, to sell the perishable part of the Estate and report to the court.
July 17, 1787: One account current with the Estate of Jesse Barfield, Deceased, was exhibited by Frederick Barfield, Administrator; the Court concurred and ordered it filed. This appears to be the probating and settling of Jesse Barfield's estate by his son, Frederick.


Birth21 Jan 1737Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Marriage3 Jan 1756Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Sarah Castellaw
Death22 Aug 1780Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, United States
Property1787Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Probate24 Apr 1787
MilitaryAmerican RevolutionNorth Carolina, United States


SpouseSarah Castellaw (1738 - 1818)
ChildFrederick Barfield (1757 - 1829)
ChildStephen Barfield (1760 - 1818)
ChildCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
ChildSolomon Barfield (1765 - 1781)
ChildLewis Barfield (1767 - 1854)
ChildJohn Barfield (1770 - )
ChildThomas C. Barfield (1778 - 1858)
FatherRichard Barfield (1696 - 1755)
MotherUNK ( - )
SiblingHenry Barfield (1722 - 1790)
SiblingRichard Barfield (1722 - )
SiblingAnn Barfield (1727 - )
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1729 - )
SiblingCatherine Barfield (1729 - 1801)
SiblingLewis B. Barfield Sr. (1734 - 1814)
SiblingElizabeth "Lebeth or Tebeth" Barfield (1735 - 1754)
SiblingMary "Mollie" Barfield (1740 - 1791)

