Individual Details

Frederick Barfield

(27 Nov 1757 - 21 Nov 1829)

Pauline Craig Hughes wrote in her memoir:
" Frederic was twice married. After his marriage he lived in Tennessee near Stone River. One of his daughters, Susan - by the first marriage - married Needham Bryan, and about 1836, moved from Tennessee to Alabama.
During the Revolutionary War, when he was quite a young man and still living in North Carolina, he and his brother Solomon were fired upon by some of their Tory neighbors. He was seriously wounded and Solomon shot down. Frederic managed to get home, leaving his brother, as he thought, dead. Late in the night the family heard someone moaning as if in distress. Some of them went out to investigate and found Solomon crawling slowly and painfully toward the house. They carried him in and did what they could to relieve his sufferings, but he died before morning dawned.
Frederic recovered and lived many years, suddenly dying of apoplexy."
William Wilkins To Edward C. Debruhl Deed 9 February 1780
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book 1 A Page 383, 384, & 385
William Wilkins To Edward C. Debruhl

Deed for 200 acres lands

This indenture made the ninth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty. Between William Wilkins of the County of Duplin & the State of North Carolina of the one part, & Edward Cornwallace Debruhl of the County of Duplin & the Stated aforesaid of the other part (Witnesseth) that the said William Wilkins for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand pounds good & lawfull money of the State aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said Edward Cornwallace Debruhl, the receipt whereof the said William Wilkins doth hereby acknowledge & confess that he is therewith fully satisfied contented & paid, hath granted bargained & sold, aliend and confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain & sedll alien & confirm unto the said Edward Cornwallace Debruhl his heirs & assigns forever, two certain tract or parcels of land situate in the County of Onslow & lying & being in the manner following that is to say, one tract on the south side of New River. Begining at a small gum by the River side Kibblis lower corner, on the River above a branch or creek in a field, thence crossing the said Branch or creek along the dividing line No. 67 de. Wt. 380 poles to a pine in the Ward line of the tract, thence So. 24 de. Wt. 40 pole to a white oak on the sidee of a Branch, thence down the various courses of the branch, supposed to make a course So. 67 de. Et. 37 pole to a pine by the River side, thence up by the River to the first station, containing one hundred acres, thus ends the courses of the deed from Daniel Hicks to the aforesaid William Wilkins and now begins the courses of a deed from James Kibblis to the aforesaid William Wilkins. Begining at at a sweet gum by New Rover aforesaid John Willimason's corner, thence runing by a hewn hickory by a path side No. 67 de. Wt. 380 to a pine, thence 249 de chains 76 links to a stake, thence So. 67 de. Et 340 pole to a stake, in a swamp thence So. 24de. Wt. 26 pole to a small maple by the swamp of the creek, thence crosses the creek So. 67 de. Et. 40 pole to a small gum by the River marked for a corner tree, thence up the River to the first station, containing one hundred acres. To have and to hold to the said Edward Cornwallace Debruhl his heirs and assigns forever, & also the reversion & reversions, remainder & remainders, rents issues of the said premises & every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Edward Cornwallace Debruhl his heirs & assigns forever, to the only proper use & behoofe of him the said Edward Cornwallace Debruhl his heirs executors administrators and assigns of the above bargained premises, & every part annd parcel thereof, to the said Edward C. W. Debruhl his heirs & assigns against the righty title claim or demand of any manner of person or persons whatsoever in law or equity, & the said Wilkins done and will forever warrant & defend the aforesaid granted lands from my heirs executors administrators & assigns forever. In witness whereof I have set my hand & affixed my seal the day & year above written. William Wilkins

In presence of us
Frederick Barfield
James Taylor

State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1787.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Frederick Barfield & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

(p 34) Duplin Deeds, Book 1A
p. 377 Samuel Johnston, Exr. & Jean Blair, Exx. of the L.W.& T. of George Blair dec'd of Edenton in Chowan Co., N.C. & John Johnston of Bertie Co. to FREDERICK BARFIELD of Duplin Co., 2 July 1780, for 47 pds. 4 shill. proc. 243A, being part of a tract of 3,000A taken up by Saml. Johnston, Esqur. in his lifetime & by him willed to Samuel Johnston & John Johnston & one undivided moiety thereof conveyed by the sd. Samuel Johnston to George Blair in his lifetime. Deed mentions William Whitfield's corner. Wit: John Gray, Joseph Horne. Probated 3 Nov 1787.

Saml. & John Johnston & Jane Blair To Frederick Barfield Deed 2 July 1780
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 377, 378, & 379
Saml. & John Johnston & Jane Blair To Frederick Barfield
Deed for 243 acres lands
This indenture made the second day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, Between Samuel Johnston Executors & Jean Blair Executrix of the last will & testament of George Blair deceased of Edenton in Chowan County in the State of No. Carolina & John Johnston of Bertie County in the State afoareaid of the one part & Frederick Barfield of Duplin County in the State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth, that the said Samuel Johnston Executior & Jean Blair Executrix & thes said John Johston for & in consideration of the sum of forty seven pounds four shillings proclamation money to them in hand paid the rect. whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said Samuel Johnston Jean Blair & John Johnston have granted bargained and sold & by these presents do grant bargain & sell unto the said Frederick Barfield his heirs & assigns all that tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Duplin. Begining at the patent begining & runs with the patent line South 55 East three hundred and thirty four pole to a stake, then North thirty eight degrees East 175 pole a course of the patent to a stake in the patent line William Whitfield's corner, thence with his line South 72 degrees West 72 pole to a stake in the Marsh, thence with his line again No. 52 degrees West to the run of the creek, thence up the various coursed of the creek to the given line, thence to the beging. containing two hundred and forty three acres, Being part of a tract of land containing three thousand acres, taken up and patend by Saml. Johnston Esqr. in his life time & by him in his last will & testament given to Samuel Johnston & John Johnston & one undivided moiety thereof conveyed by the said Samuel Johnston & George Blair in his life time by deed of bargain & sale, & also all the woods under woods common & commons of pasture wary watercourses profits commodities advantages heriditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract or parcel of land belonging or in any ways appertaining, & the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders rents issues & profits of the said premises, & ever part and parcel thereof 7 all the right title interest claim & demand whatsoever & them the said Samuel Johnston Jean Blair & John Johnston of in and to the said tract or parcel of land & premises & every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land & all & singular the premises above mentioned & every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Frederick Barfield his heirs & assigns, to the only proper use and behoofe of him the said Frederick Barfield his heirs & assigns forever, & the said Samuel Johnston, Jean Blair for themselves & the said John Johnston for himself his heirs & assigns the said tract or parcel of land and premises & every part and parcel thereof against the heirs of the said George Blair & of the said John Johnston or any person or person who shall lawfully claim by from or under them or either of them, shall and will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Samuel Johnston Jean Blair & John Johnston have hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals the day & date above written. Saml. Johnston
Jean Blair
John Johnston

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
John Gray
Joseph Horne

This 3rd day of November 1787, came before me Joseph Horne & made oath that he one of the subscribing witnesses to the above deed, saw Saml. Johnston Jane Blair & John Johnston sign seal and deliver the same as their respective act & deed &c.
Jno. Williams J. L. C. L. E.

(p. 46) Duplin Deeds, Book 1A
p. 497 William Wilkins to Jacob Taylor, both planters of Duplin Co., 6 Oct 1784, for 40 pds. specie 100A beg. at a dividing line of marked trees between sd. Taylor & Dempsey Westbrook & runs a west course to a pine, thence N 40 E 180 pole to a pine by a marsh, thence down sd. marsh to the sd. dividing llne between Westbrook & Taylor, thence along sd. line to the beg. Wit: FREDERICK BARFIELD, James (X) Taylor. Jan. Ct. 1788

October 18, 1784
Frederick Barfield, Justice was ordered to take a list of the taxables for Captain Barfield's Company- (It appears that the county was divided into five or more "companies" each of which were named after a "captain". One of the companies in the 1780's was named Captain Barfield's Company.) Each company had a Justice of the Peace and a Constable. They were probably analogous to modern day precincts in a county. The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the period 1791 thru 1795 made some references to a Barfield bridge and a Barfield road.

(p. 13) Duplin Deeds, Book 1A
Frederick Bearfield To Andrew Gufford Deed 29 January 1785
Deed Book 1 A Page 155, & 156
Frederick Bearfield To Andrew Gufford Deed for 100 acres lands
This indenture made this twenty ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, and in the ninth year of our Independence between Frederick Bearfield of the State of No. Carolina & County of Duplin planter of the one part, and Andrew Gufford of the same County & State planter of the other part, Witnesseth that I the said Frederick Bearfield do for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds specie to me in hand paid by the said Andrew Gufford before the ensealing and delivering of these presents, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acquit and discharge the said Andrew Gufford his heirs executors admins. and assigns & hath granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed for himself his heirs executors administrators doth fully freely and absolutely grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said Andrew Gufford his heirs or assigns, one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the State and County aforesaid. Begining at a pine in Luisses'es former line and runs So. 11 Wt. 100 poles to a pine, thence Wt. 120 pole to a pine, thence No. 25 Wt. to poley pocoson, thence a direct line to the head of the mare brance, thence down the said Branch to Lussess'es old line, thence along said line to the begining. Containing by estimation one hundred acres of land, be the same more or less, togeather with all previledged & advantages to the said land belinging or in any wise appertaining and further more I the said Frederick Bearfield do for myself my heirs executors admins. warrent and forever defend the above bargained land and premises unto the said Andrew Gufford his heirs executors administrators or assigns forever, against the lawfull clame of any person or persons whatsoever, said land granted to Jesse Bearfield by patent bearing date 1780, and the said Frederick Bearfield hath good right & Lawful authority on his own proper right to grant bargain sell convey & forever confirm the said tract or parcet of land from him his heirs executors administrators or any other assigns unto the said Andrew Gufford his heirs executors administrators or assigns to their only use benefit and behoof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the day & year first above written.
Frederick Bearfield
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Stephen Gufford
James Werring
State of No. Carolina, Duplin County, January Court 1785.
There was the within deed acknowledged in open Court & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

(p 45) Duplin Deeds, Book 1A
p. 495 Dempsey Westbrook to Jacob Taylor, both of Duplin Co., __Jan 1786. for 30 pds. specie money 100A on the Northeast Marsh & SS of Gum Branch, beg. at a pine on the marsh above Bailes' impr. Wit: FREDK. BARFIELD, James Taylor. Jan. Ct. 1788

1786 Duplin Frederick Barfield rendered his list of Insolvents & was allowed as follows: John Brock. Samuel Powers.William Sulliven 1 Poll; 1,715 acres; 4-0-9 gen’l tax; 6-9 county tax; 6-9 poor tax; 6-9 court house tax; 3-5 goal tax; 10-3 continental tax. June 3. (Christine Grimes Thacker)

January 21, 1788 Frederick Barfield was sworn in as a Justice of the Peace.
North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
Bride: Rachel Rogers
Groom: James Hughs
Bond Date: 01 Jan 1790
County: Duplin
Record #: 01 043
Bondsman: Fredk. Barfield
Bond #: 000041809

Bride: Mary Guy
Groom: Richard Martin
Bond Date: 05 May 1798
County: Duplin
Record #: 01 056
Bondsman: Fredk Barfield
Bond #: 000042025

Bride: Rebecka Cherry
Groom: Thomas Craddick
Bond Date: 13 Nov 1801
County: Duplin
Record #: 01 022
Bondsman: Fredk Barfield
Witness: Wm Dickson Clerk of Court
Bond #: 000041442

Bride: Anna Turnage
Groom: Abraham Kornegay
Bond Date: 23 Nov 1801
County: Duplin
Record #: 01 050
Bondsman: Fredk. Barfield
Witness: Wm Dickson
Bond #: 000041930
Frederick Barfield Deed 11 July 1788
Deed Book B Page 156 No. 1046
Frederick Barfield son of Jesse Barfield Deceased two hundred acres of land in Duplin County on the South side of the North East. Between the Gum Branch and where he now lives. Begining at a pine by the side of the No. East Marsh the corner of Jacob Taylors land and runs along his line So. 40 Wt. 180 poles to a pine his corner. Thence North 60 Wt. 14 poles to a pine Jesse Barfields corner. Thence So. 61 Wt. 20 poles to a pine his other corner. Thence along his other line No. 29 Wt. 330 poles to a pine by a small branch by Samuel Johnstons line. Thence to the begining.
Dated the 11th day of July 1788

Frederick Barfield Deed 11 July 1788
Deed Book B Page 157 No. 1058
Frederick Barfield son of Jesse Barfield deceased two hundred acres land in Duplin County on the waters of Poley Bridge Branch. Begining at a pine the corner of his own land and runs with his own line No. 40 pole to a pine. Thence East 180 pole to a pine by a Meadow. Thence South 180 pole to a poplar in a branch on his own line. Thence Wt. 180 pole. Thence to the begining.
Dated July the 11th 1788

A return of the Sale of the perishable part of the Estate of John Barfield sold by an order of Court, To wit
Nineteen head of Cattle at £58-0-0
Six head of Steare at another time at 5
To Steare at another Time at 16
Sold by me Fre'dk Barfield
24th April 1789
Total £110

Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield Deed 19 January 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page193, 194, & 195
Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield
This Indenture made this nineteenth of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & ninety one Between Fredrick Barfield of North Carolina and Duplin County of one part and Thomas Barfield of the same state and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Fredrick Barfield for and in consideration of the sum of fifty seven pounds four shillings current money to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof I the said Fredrick Barfield doth acknowledge doth grant bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Barfield his Heirs and assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Duplin and state of North Carolina which was sold and conveyed by Samuel Johnston and Jean Blair and John Johnston all of the same state to Fredrick Barfield of the state of North Carolina and Duplin County Begining with the Patent Begining or place of Begining and runs with the patent line So. 56 Et. 3334 pole to a stake thence No. 38 Et. 128 pole acress the Patent to a stake in the Patent line William Whitfields corner thence with his line So. 72 Wt. 72 pole to a stake in the Marsh thence with his line again No. 52 Wt. to the Run of the Creek thence up the various courses of the Creek to the given line and thence to the begining being part of a Tract of Land containing three thousand acres taken up and Patened by Samuel Johnston Esquire in his lifetime and by him in his last will and Testament given to Samuel Johnston to George Blair in his lifetime by Deed of Bargain and sail & also all the woods underwoods common and common of pasture ways water courses profits commodities advantages heriditaments and appurtainances whatsoever to the said Tract or parcel of land belonging or in any wise appurtaining and no Rivertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits of the said premises and Every part and parcel thereof and all the Right Title Interest claim and Demand whatsoever of I the said Fredrick Barfield of in and to the said Tract or parcel of Land and premises and every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land and all and singular the promises and covementioned and every part and parcel therof with the appurtainances unto the said Thomas Barfield his Heirs and assigns forever and the said Fredrick Barfield to the only proper use and behoofe of him the said Thomas Barfield his Heirs and assigns forever and the said Fredrick Barfield for himself his Heirs and assigns the said Tract or parcel of Land and premises and Every part and parcel thereof against the Heirs of the said Fredrick Barfield or any person or persons who shall Lawfully claim and I will warrant and forever Defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said Fredrick Barfield have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the Day and Date above written.signed sealed and Delivered
In the presence of us Fredrick Barfield
Stephen Barfield
Lewis Barfield
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791
Then was the within Deed acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield Deed 19 January 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 243
Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield
Bill of Sale
Know all men by these presents that I Fredrick Barfield of the state of No. Carolina in Duplin County for and In Consideration of the sum of twenty pounds specie to me in hand paid by Thomas Barfield of the same state and County aforesaid have Bargained sold set over and Delivered to the said Thomas Barfield one negroe Boy slave named Ned about two years and a hold old which said negroe slave ned I do warrant to and forever Defend against the Lawfull Claim or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever to the said Thomas Barfield his heirs and assigns forever as Witness my hand and seal the 19th January 1791
Stephen Barfield Fredrick Barfield
Lewis Barfield
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791
Then was the within Bill of sale acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

Frederick Barfield To Peter Watkins Deed 12 March 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 156, 157, 158, & 159
Frederick Barfield To Peter Watkins
Deed 400 acres
This Indenture made this 12th day of march In the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Ninety one and in the fourteenth year of American Independence Between Fredrick Barfield of the state of No. Carolina in Duplin County Planter of the one part & Peter Watkins of the same County and state aforesaid Fredrick Barfield for Divers good causes and considerations but more especially for and Inconsideration of the sum of one Hundred pounds current money of said state to me in hand well and truly paid before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself to be fully satisfied therewith and content thereof and there from doth hereby aquit and Discharge the said Peter Watkins his heirs Exers. adms. hath granted Bargained sold conveyed & fonfirmed and by these presents doth for myself my heirs Executors admrs. fully firmly & absolutely grant bargain sell convey and for ever confirm unto the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County and State afore said and on the south side of Main No. East and on the poley Branch at a place called the goose pond Containing by Estimation four Hundred acres Be the same more or less Begining at a pine and Runs So. 40 Et. 127 ple to Black oak thence No. 40 Wt. 127 pole to a blackjack thence to the Begining also another Tract or parcel of Land joining the above begining at a bay and Poplar in the poley Bridge Branch and Runs Et. 120 pole to a Gum on Brocks line thence No. 63 Et. 103 pole to a black jack on Lewis Barfields Line thence with Lewis Barfields line No. 105 pole to a white oak on the side of the road on Lewis Herrings line thence with his Line No. 55 Wt. 280 pole to a pine thence So. 35 Wt. 160 pole to the Branch thence up the Branch to the Begining containing in the above two Tracts four Hundred acres of Land be the same more or Less with all the Houses Buildings Common Pasters woods under woods ways waters water courses Easements profets and advantages what so ever to the said land and premises appertaining in as full and ample manner as he the said Frederick Barfield by his former deed or patent could enjoy the same to the said Peter Watkins to have & to hold the above mentioned four Hundred acres of land be the same more or less together with all and singular the primary above mentioned and Every part and parcel thereof with the appurtainances unto the said Peter Watkins his heirs and assigns forever and the said Fredrick Barfield for himself his heirs Excrs. and admrs. doth hereby covenant & agree to and with the said Peter Watkins his heirs and assigns that he the said Fredrick Barfield is the true Rightfull and Lawfull owner of the above mentioned four Hundred acres of Land and premises and every part and parcel thereof without any manner of Condition or Incumberance that shall or may alter or change the the same and that he the said Fredrick Barfield now hath good Rightfull power and Lawfull authority in his own proper Right. To grant Bargain sell convey and confirm the said land and all and singular the premises above mentioned to the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns forever and the said Fredrick Barfield doth further covenant and agree for himself his heirs Exers. or administrators to and with the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns that he the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and Quetly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy all and singular the above mentioned Land and premises without any trouble Molistation or Interruption of him the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs Executors admr. or any other person or persons whatsoever freed discharge kept harmless & Indemnified of and from all manner of former as other Bargains sales gifts grants mortgages joynters Dowerys intails rents as any other plain Lawfully made by from or under him them or any of them according to the true intent and meaning of these presents furthermore the said Fredreick Barfield doth covenant and Engage for himself his heirs Executors and admrs. that at any time hereafter at the Reasonable Request of him the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns and at the cost and charge in the Law of him the said Peter Watkins his or assigns to make or cause to be made and duloy Executed any further or other Deed or Instrument of writing as he the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns or his or their Counsell Learned in the Law shall advise Devise or Requre for & to the purpose or Intent of sure Making or confirming the title of the aforesaid four Hundred acres of Land & premises to the said Peter Watkins his heirs or assigns forever In Witness whereof I the said Fredrick Barfield hath hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year first above written
signed sealed & Delivered
In presence of us Fredrick Barfield
Jacob Taylor
Lavin Watkins
Thomas Barfield
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791
Then was the within Deed proved in open Court by the oath of Lavin Watkins and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

John Barfield To Fredrick Barfield Deed 28 June 1791
Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 455, & 456
John Barfield To Fredrick Barfield
Bill of Sale
Know all men by these presents that John Barfield of the State of No. Carolina in Duplin County for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds specie to me in hand paid by Fredrick Barfield of the same State and County aforesaid have bargained sold set over and delivered to the said Fredrick Barfield all my proportion Right Title Claim and Demand in a Certain negroe man Slave named Will which said negroe Will was given by Jesse Barfield in his Lifetime to Solomon Barfield his son by Deed of Gift which said proportion Right Title Claim and demand in the above mentioned Slave Will I do warrant and forever Defend against the Lawfull claim or Demand of all manner of person or persons whatsoever To the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns forever as wit. My hand and seal this 28th day of June 1791.
John Barfield
State of No. Carolina
Duplin County January Term 1792
Then was the within Bill of Sale acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

July 18, 1791 Frederick Barfield, esq. was a member of the County court of Pleas and Quarter sessions.

Stephen Barfield To Fredrick Barfield Deed 28 July 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Stephen Barfield To Fredrick Barfield Deed 28 July 1791
Deed Book E Page 412, 413, 414, 415, & 416
Stephen Barfield To Fredrick Barfield
Deed 675 acres
This Indenture made this Twenty Eight day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety one and in the Sixteenth year of American Independence. Between Stephen Barfield of the State of North Carolina in Duplin County of the one part and Fredrick Barfield of the same State and County aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Stephen Barfield for and in Consideration of the sum of six hundred pounds specie to him in hand well and truly paid before the sealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Fredrick Barfield the Receipt whereof is Hereby acknowledged and the said Stephen Barfield doth hereby acknowledge himself thereby with to be fully satisfied Contented and paid and of every part and parcel thereof doth Exonerate acquit and discharge the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents hath given granted bargained sold aliened Efeoffed conveyed confirmed assigned set over unto the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns forever all that piece or parcel of Land and Plantation lying and being in the state and County aforesaid on the South side of Goshen swamp and no. west side of Bear swamp beginning at a Black gum on the Run of Bear swamp a Corner Tree of Thomas Hooks’s Land and Runs along his line No. 46 Wt. 112 poles to a lightwood stump and pine in a marsh the upper corner of Henry Cannons land thence along Henry Cannons line No. 46 Wt. 176 pole to a small white oak his corner thence So. 20 Wt. 198 poles to a small whiteoak and Blackjack on John Stuckeys line thence along his line So. 60 Et. 234 pole To a Cypress and horn beam at his lower corner on the Run of Bear swamp thence down the Run as it meanders to the Beginning Containing in the whole Two hundred and fifteen acres als one other piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the State and County aforesd. And on the So. side of Goshen swamp Joining therefore mentioned lands and Including the Plantation whereon Henry Cannon formerly lived bounded as follows Beginning at a sweet gum on the side of the Southernmost run of Goshen swamp at the lower End of the Great Marsh and runs thence So. 31 Wt. 61 pole to a small pine Thence No. 77 Wt. 114 pole to a Red oak thence So. 28 Wt. 108 pole to a Lightwood Stump in a marsh thence No. 46 Wt. 176 pole to a small white oak thence along Samuel Wards line No. 30 Et. 186 pole to a stake by Goshen Swamp and thence down the Run thereof to the Beginning Containing by Estimation three hundred and and Sixty five acres be the same more or less being land formerly sold and conveyed by Henry Eustace McCulloch To Henry Cannon and since willed by the said Henry Cannon to his son David Cannon Reserving therin an Estate to Mary Cannon widow of said Henry Cannon during her natural life also one other piece or parcel of Land adjoining the Last mentioned lands and Joining the main Run of Goshen being part of patent or grant mad ought to Henry Cannon in his lifetime Beginning at a persimmon Tree on the said main Run of Goshen near the north side of the swamp at Taylors ford and Runs thence So. 35 Wt. 40 pole to a sweet gum the beginning corner Tree of the other parcel of Land and Runs thence up the swamp No. 56 Wt. 280 pole to a stake on Samuel Wards line thence No. 30 Et. 66 pole to a water oake and Black gum on the main Run of Goshen Swamp on John Gibbses boundery and thence down the said Run and main Flew of the swamp as it meanders to the beginning containing by Estimation ninety five acres be the same more or less which said Tress pieces or parcels of Land before mentioned Containing in the whole six hundred and seventy five acres together with all woods waters and Rivers and all profits commodities Heredittaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold to him the said Fredrick Barfied his heirs and assigns forever all and Singular the above granted And bargained Land and premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging in as and ample manner as he the said Stephen Barfield by his Right and Title to the same Could or might Enjoy and the said Stephen Barfield for himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns that he the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the said Lands and premises hereby granted and sold and that free and Clear freely and Clearly Exonerated acquitted and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sales leases Mortgages and all Incumbrances whatsoever Except the Right and previledges as herein before mentioned to be given and Granted by Henry Cannon in his will to his wife Mary Cannn as an Estate to her in the two last mentioned pieces or parcels of Land during her own life and farther the said Stephen Barfield doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns in the Quiet and peaceable possession of the above granted Land and premises and every part and parcel thereof and the same will warrant secure and forever Defend from and against the just and Lawfull Claim of him the said Stephen Barfield his heirs and assigns and from and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever Claiming or to Claim any Right Title Interest or property of in and to the said Six hundred and seventy five acres of land and premises hereby Bargained and Sold or of any part or parcel thereof according to the True an Intent and meaning of these presents. In witness whereof I the said Stephen Barfield hath hereunto set my hand and fixed my Seal the Day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of Stephen Barfield
W. Dickson
Lewis Barfield

State of No. Carolina
Duplin County January Term 1792
Then was the within Deed proved in open Court by the oath of William Dickson and ordered to be Registered.Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Mrs. Cannon To Fredrick Barfield Deed 3 October 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 439, 440, 441, & 442
Mrs. Cannon To Fredrick Barfield
This Indnture made the third day of October In the Sixteenth year of American Independence and the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and ninety one. Between Mary Cannon of the County of Duplin in the State of No. Carolina widow of the one part, and Fredrick Barfield of the same place of the other part. Whereas Henry Cannon in his lifetime by his last will and testament bearing date the 20th day of February in the year of our Lour Christ 1781 therein demised and bequeathed to his wife Mary Cannon the use of his Plantation whereon he then lived to be at her own disposal for and during her life &c. which said will since the death of the said Henry Cannon has been duely Recorded in the said County Court of Duplin. Reference being thereunto had may more fully appear &c. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Mary Cannon the widow of the said Henry Cannon deceased, for an in Consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Current money to her in hand well and truly paid by the said Fredrick Barfield, the Receipt she doth hereby acknowledge and herself therewith to be fully satisfied contented and paid and of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit and Discharge the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs Executors and administrators by these presents she the said Mary Cannon hath demised, granted, and to Farm betten, and by these presents doth demise and To farm let, unto the said Fredrick Barfrield all that Messuage. Tenement, Tract or parcel of Land and Plantation whereon She now lives, being the same bequeathed and lent to her by her said husband Henry Cannon during the Term of her life as aforesaid, lying and being in the County of Duplin on the South side of Goshen Swamp, Beginning at a sweet gum on the run of Goshen at the lower end of the great marsh and Runs thence So. 31 Wt. 61 pole to a small pine thence No. 77 Et. 114 pole to a Red oak thence So. 28 Wt. 208 pole to a lightwood stump in a marsh Near to Bear Swamp thence No. 46 Wt. 176 pole to a small white oak thence Joining Samuel Wards line No. 30 Et. 286 pole pole to a stake by Goshen Swamp thence down the run to the Beginning also 95 acres in Goshen part of a Tract of Land Pattened by Henry Cannon in his life time beginning at a persimmon Tree on the main run by Taylors ford and Runs thence So. 35 Wt. 40 pole to a sweet gum the corner of the other survey thence up the Swamp Joining other Survey No. 56 Wt. 280 pole to a stake in Samuel Wards line thence No. 30 Et. 66 pole to a water oak and black gum on the Run of Goshen thence to the Beginning and containint on the whole 460 acres be the same more or less with all and Singular the houses, Buildings, Improvements, Profits, commodities & Appurtainances to the said messuage Tenement Tract or parcel of Land and Plantation, belonging or appurtaining To have and to hold the said Messuage, Tenement Tract or parcel of Land and Plantation with all and Singular the premises with their and every of their appurtainances, herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby demised unto the said Fredrick Barfield, his Executors Administrators and assigns from the day of the date hereof and hence forward for and during the Term of the life of the said Mary Cannon; And the said Mary Cannon, doth by these presents for and and in consideration of the aforesaid Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Fredrick Barfield to Keep harmless and indemnified, him the said Fredrick Barfield, his heirs and assigns in the Quiet and peaceable possession of all and Singular the hereby granted and bargained premises, for and during the term of the life of the said Mary Cannon as aforesaid, from and against the Just and Lawfull claim and demand of her the said Mary Cannon and from and against the Just and Lawfull Claim or demand of all and every person or persons Claiming and Right, Title, Interest or property therein by from or under her the said Mary Cannon, or any person or persons for her. In Witness whereof the said Mary Cannon hath hereunto set her hand and Seal the day and date first above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of Mary Cannon
Thomas Hooks
State of No. Carolina
Duplin County January Term 1792
Then was the within Lease proved in open Court by the oath of Thomas Hooks and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

January 1792 Frederick Barfield is named as the administrator of the estate of Jesse Barfield who had an orphaned minor child named Solomon. (?? Which Jesse with son Solomon is this? )

Duplin County 15th July 1792 (Estate Files, Barfield, Frederick, 1792)
Pursuant to and Order of this County Court I -- have sold a Negro Man named Will the property of Solomon Barfield ( a Minor Deceased) for the Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Current money
Fr'k Barfield

July 15, 1793 Steven Barfield and Frederick Barfield are named Justices.

31 Oct., 1795 Susanna Barfield and Freck. Barfield witness to the will of Whitmel Hooks. (Abstracts of Duplin County Wills, 1730-1860 by W. L (Bill) Murphy, Duplin County Historical Society, 1892)

(p 89-90) Duplin Deeds, Book 3A
p. 309 Samuel (S) Ward, planter, to Andrew Gufford, both of Duplin Co., 19 Jan 1796, for 30 pds. current money 220A on the heads of Poley Bridge Branch, beg. at a stake & 3 pines on the NS of the branch, near Robert Brook's old field, to a pine on John Sullivent's line, Westbrook's corner a little above his fish dam, to a pine on the giving line of Samuel Ward's patent, being part of a tract granted to sd. Samuel Ward by patent dated 1 Apr 1780, it being also that land that Robert Brock formerly lived on, & which he sold to sd. Gufford. Wit: FREDERICK BARFIELD, Warren Blunt. Jan. CT. 1796.

(p. 171) Duplin Deeds, Book 3A
p. 439 FREDERICK BARFIELD TO LEWIS BARFIELD, both of Duplin Co., 24 July 1799, for 520 pds. current money of N.C. 6 negro slaves to wit: Elleck about 14 yrs. old, Tom about 13 yrs. old, Nancy about 7 yrs. old, Dinah about 30 yrs. old & her child Lucy about 3 yrs. old & her youngest child Smith about 7 mos.old, Wit: Wm. Dickson. Apr. Ct. 1800

D.B. "A" No. 11 27 June, 1804
Davidson County, (North Carolina) Tennessee
Joseph Thomas Rhodes to Frederick Barfield
Indenture 25 August 26th year of American Independence 1801, between Joseph Thomas Rhodes, of Duplin Co., NC. and Frederick Barfield of same place, 2,000 acres of land lying in County of Davidson in the State of North Carolina formerly ... but now in the state of Tennessee ... on the main West Fork of the Stones River. Beginning at West bank of said fork where the Soldiers Boundary Line crosses, commonly known as the Rutherford Line, thence ... thence with the patient line ... thence ... Being the upper part of a Military Grant of 3840 acres to Joseph Rhodes, captain of the Continential Line bearing the date 20 May, 17th year of American Independence 1793.
wit: Wm. Dickson Susan Dickson

Frederick Barfield was one of the commissioners who selected a site for the seat of justice for the town of Jefferson (Old Jefferson), Tennessee, on August 3, 1804. The group choose a tract of land between the forks of Stone River. (Hale 822)

D.B. "E" No. 486
Frederick Barfield to James Barfield:
500 acres Indenture June 17, 1807
For love and affection for his son James Barfield. Begin William Barfield's cor. etc.
Witness: William Barfield and James Dickson
Registered July Session 1807 Rutherford County Court

Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 4A

(p 126)
p. 61 Joseph T. Rhodes to his son James Thomas Rhodes, both of Duplin Co., 26 Aug 1809, for "love & affection" 264A on the SS of Goshen & WS of Bear Swamp, being part of 2 surveys in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 215A beg. at a black gum on the run of Bear Swamp, a corner tree of David Hooks' land & runs along his line, to the upper corner of a survey Henry Cannon formerly bought of HENRY EUSTACE McCULLOCH, to Hodges' planta. & adj. Lewis Thomas, along his line to a cypress & hornbeam at his lower corner on the run of Bear Swamp; (2) 49A adj. the 1st tract on the NS, beg. at a pine on the road side in the line dividing the land of sd. Joseph T. Rhodes & David Hooks, to a white oak in Benjamin Hodges' line, the 3rd corner of the 1st tract, being part of a tract of 365A deeded to Joseph T. Rhodes by FREDERICK BARFIELD 8 Aug. 1801. Wit: William Cox, Susanah Harris. Oct. Ct. 1809.
Tennessee, Rutherford County deeds:

22 October, 1818, Isaac Hilliard to Fred'ck Barfield. Registered 1 June, 1819

Dec. 25, 1815: Fred'k Barfield to Sally Lewis for Deed of Trust: I Frederick Barfield of Rutherford County for and in consideration of natural love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved daughter, Sally Lewis of Franklin County, Tennessee and for the sum of one dollar paid by William Barfield of Rutherford County, I have this day given to the said William Barfield a negro slave named Elec and a negro boy slave named David to him his heirs and assign for the use and benefit of said Sally Lewis. This 25 December,1815, signed Fred'k Barfield. Registered June 22, 1816.

A deed 15 March, 1819 refers to a boundry at Frederick Barfield's land.

Deed book M, p.221: Frederick Barfield to John McIver for deed: This indenture made 1 march, 1820 between Frederick Barfield of Rutherford Co. and John McIver of Fairfax Couty, VA for a tract of land in Rutherford County, 571 1/2 acres,,,etc etc, with a line S and E of the house where said Barfield now resides, etc. etc...including the plantation and farm on which said Barfield now lives. It being part of a tract of 3840 acres originally granted by the State of NC to Joseph Rhodes by papent # 1792 dated 20 May 1793..etc...Except a certain framed building intended as a meeting house for a Baptist Society with about 1/2 an acre of ground around the same.///etc >

Money to Frederick Barfield to take a deposition dated 2nd Monday, December 1819.

Page 121: Frederick Barfield to William Rutledge for Deed: Indenture make 7 Dec. 1821 between Frederick Barfield of the State of Tennessee, Western District, and Willliam Rutledge of Rutherford County for a certain tract of land in Williamson County, Tennessee and on Nelsons Creek, a branch called East Branch of Harpeth River, etc etc. Signed Fred'K Barfield, registered 14 Aug, 1822.

page 337: Frederick Barfield to Anderson Chldress for Bill of Sale: I Frederick Barfield of Madison County, Tennessee have this day sold unto Anderon Childress of Rutherford County two negro slaves for life, named toby and his wife Fanny, this 31 October 1822, signed Fredr. Barfield. Registered 6 nov, 1822.

p 247: Frederick Barfield to John L Dalton and Elijah Cox for Billl of Sale: I Frederick Barfield of Stewart County, Tennessee [probably Frederick's son] have sold unto John L Jetton and Eligah Cox two certain negro slaves for life, one a boy by the name of John about 20 years of age and the other a woman Jenny about 17 years of age this 16 Nov., 1821 siglned Fred'k. Barfield.

Frederick Barfield is said to be who the place name "Barfield" in Rutherford County is named after. He had served as a trustee in the nearby Bradley Academy and held real estate in the area. (Miller 12)

Chap. 22. An act to appoint additional trustees for Bradley academy, in th 1806. ch. 3. county of Rutherford. [Passed October 24, 1815].
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, that Frederick Barfield, Benjamin McCulloch, William E. Butler, James Manny, William Lytle and William Dickinson, be and they are hereby appointed trustees of Bradley academy, in the county of Rutherford (Scott 193).


Birth27 Nov 1757Sampson, North Carolina, United States
MilitaryAbt 1776Duplin, British America
Marriage16 May 1779Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Susannah Williams
CensusBet 1784 and 1786Duplin and Sampson Co., North Carolina
MarriageBet 1790 and 1799Margaret Herring
Census1790Wilmington District, Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Census1800Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Census1810Nashville, Rutherford Co., Tennessee, United States
Census1820Murfreesboro, Rutherford, Tennessee, United States
Death21 Nov 1829Madison, Tennessee, United States


SpouseSusannah Williams (1759 - 1820)
ChildJames Barfield (1780 - 1843)
ChildSusan Charlotte Barfield (1790 - 1852)
ChildGeorge C Barfield (1782 - 1834)
ChildBlake Barfield (1785 - )
ChildSolomon Barfield (1780 - )
ChildLewis Barfield (1780 - )
ChildJesse Barfield (1780 - )
ChildJohn Barfield (1780 - )
ChildStephen Barfield (1780 - )
ChildThomas Barfield (1780 - )
ChildCharity Barfield (1780 - )
SpouseMargaret Herring ( - )
ChildAnn Barfield (1807 - 1847)
ChildMary C. Barfield (1810 - 1879)
FatherJesse Barfield (1737 - 1780)
MotherSarah Castellaw (1738 - 1818)
SiblingStephen Barfield (1760 - 1818)
SiblingCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1765 - 1781)
SiblingLewis Barfield (1767 - 1854)
SiblingJohn Barfield (1770 - )
SiblingThomas C. Barfield (1778 - 1858)

