Individual Details

Stephen Barfield

(1 Apr 1760 - 20 Feb 1818)

(from the memoirs of Pauline Craig Hughes)
"Stephen, the second son, married Catherine McColloh's only sister, Penelope. She died, leaving an infant daughter who died at the age of ten years. Stephen's second wife was a Miss Nancy Howse (sic), and the Costelo Barfield who used to correspond with Pauline Craig Hughes was their grandson. He lived at Lexington, Kentucky."

There is a Castillo Barfield, age 66 in 1900 that could be this grandson:

from J. Tew's research -
1769-1829 *SARAH COGDEL
Sampson/Duplin Co., North Carolina
p. 210...Deed of Gift: Jesse Barfield to Stephen Barfield (his son).
Dated: 24 January 1780
Stephen Barfield was given two tracts of land and a "Negro Woman I have named Hannah... provided Neverless the said Negro Woman Hannah to Remain On the plantation Where I now live for the better support andmaintainance of my wife Sarah Barfield during her Natural life which him (sic) said Hannah is to be under the Care and direction of Frederick Barfield then wench Hannah to be delivered to Stephen Barfield... also I give my son Stephen Barfield the first Child that Easter Frederick Barfields wench may bring to him." The first tract of land consisted of 150 acres "On the North side of the North East Joining and Between William Whitfields George Rimseys (Runseys?) line Beginning on the North side of Jumping Run marsh." Deed mentions Keryer's line. The line ran "near the mouth of Smiths branch thenceup Jumping Run to the Beginning."

The second tract consisted of 100 acres "Joining the Other survey Beginning... On the west side of Jumping run marsh." Deed mentions Theophilus Williams, Keryer's line and "the pattent line." Wit:Joseph Williams, David Williams and Theophilus Williams.

Stephen Barfield To William O'Daniel Deed 7 July 1783
Deed Book 1 A Page 99 & 100
Stephen Barfield To William O'Daniel
Deed for 200 acres lands

This indenture made this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord Christ one thouseand seven hundred & eighty three between Stephen Barfield of the County of Duplin of the one part and William O'Daniel of the same County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Stephen Barfield for and inconsideration of the sum of forty pounds specie to him in hand paid by the said William O'Daniel at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof and of every part & parcel thereof the said Stephen Barfield doth acknowledge, hath given granted bargained and sold alined enfeofed released & convirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain * sell, alien enfeofe release & confirm unto the said William O'Daniel on certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and geing in the County of Duplin aforesaid, on the No. side of the No. East Swamp & on both sides of Rooty Branch, containing by extimation two hundred acres be the same more or less. Begining at a stake said Barfields corner of another survey in Jumping run marsh and runs along said Barfield's line across rooty branch, thence along said line at a line of marked trees which divides said Barfields lands and Theophilus Williams' , thence a So. course along the line of marked trees to another line belonging to a survey granted to Jesse Barfield by patent, bearing date one thousand seven hundred and seventy three, thence along a line of the same survey to Rooty Branch to the fork, thence up Jumping rum to the begining. To have and to hold to the said William O'Daniel his heirs & assigns forever and also the reversion & reversions, remainder & remainders rents issues of the said premises & of every part & parcel thereof with the appertenances therunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said William O'Daniel his heirs and assigns forever, to the only proper use benefit & behoofs of him the said Wm. O'Daniel his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Stephen Barfield for himself his heirs executors & administrators doth covenant promise & agree to & with the said William O'Daniel his heirs and assigns with the said William O'Daniel his heirs and assigns that the said Stephen Barfield his heirs executors & administrators, the above bargained premises & every part and parcel thereof to the said William O'Daniel his heirs and assigns, against the right title claim & demand of all and all manner of persons whatsoever will forever warrant and defend. In witness where of the said Stephen Barfield hath hereunto set his hand and fixed his seal the day and year first above written. Stephen Barfield

Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us
Frederick Barfield
Owen O'Daniel

State of North Carolina Duplin County October Court 1784.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Owen O'Daniel & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Stephen Barefield To David Cannon Deed 16 November 1785
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 182, 183, & 184
Stephen Barefield To David Cannon
Deed for 420 acres lands
This indenture made this sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord ond thousand seven hundred & eighty five and in the tenth year of the Independence of the State of No. Carolina between Stephen Barefield of the State of North Carolina & County of Duplin of the one part, and David Cannon junr. of the said State and County of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Stephen Barefield for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred & fifty pounds specie well and truly paid by the said David Cannon junr., the recet. whereof he doth hereby acknowledge & himself therewith to be fully satistied contented & paid, and of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit and discharge the said David Cannon junr. his heirs executors & administrators forever, he the said Stephen Barefield hath given granted bargained sold conveyed confirmed assigned set over and by these presents for himself his heirs executors and administrators, doth fully freely and absolutely give grant bargain sell convey confirm assign and set over unto the David Cannon junr. sundry tracts or parcels of land, situate lying and being in Duplin County aforesaid on the South side of the North East & on a Branch called Rattle Snake Branch, adjoining Elihay Jones's Jacob Kornegay's and Anthony Jones's lines, & is bounded as follows piece of land lying on the south side of the No. East swamo & in the fork of Rattle Snake Branch being part of a survey patend by John Connerly bearing date the 2nd day of April 1737, and begining at a small pine in the branch below Anthony Jones's field, and runing So. 81 Wt. 81 poles to a Red Oak and marked pine, then No. 20 Wt. 186 poles to a white oak thence No. 45 East 20 poles to a stake in Rattle Snake swamp, thence down the swamp to a marked at the mouth of a Branch, thence up the branch to the begining, containing one hundred and twenty one acres, be the same more or less, which lands descended from the said John Connerly to his son Cullen Connerly as heir at law and was by the said Cullen Connerly sold and conveyed by a deed of sale to Jesse Barefield, and by the said Jesse Barefield was sold & conveyed by a deed of sale bearing date March 11th 1775 to Constantine Whitfield reference being thereunto had may more fully appear, also one other piece or parcel of land containing one hundred acres lying and being in the County of Duplin aforesaid. Begining at a white oak on the south side of the North East on a branch know by the name of Rattle Snake branch, runing thence So. 24 Wt. 180 poles to a pine, thence No. 66 Wt. 90 poles to a black jack, thence No. 24 Et. 180 pole to a pine, thence to the first station it being a paten formerly granted to Edward Rollins bearing date September 29th 1753, relation being thereunto had may more fully appear, likewise one other piece or parcel of land adjoining the above tract & was granted to Solomon Barefield by paten bearing date March 15th 1756, containing by estimation one hundred acres of land more or less, buted and bounded as follows Viz. Begining at a pine a corner tree of his former survey near Rattle Snake branch, and runs So. 21 Wt. 180 poles to a pine, thence No. 71 Wt. 180 poles to a pine, thence along a line of marked trees to a white oak on a little branch, thence down the said Branch to a pine his corner, thence to the first station, the said last mentioned two tract of land was sold & conveyed by William Graddy and Jesse Barefield to Constantine Whitfield by deed of bargain & sale, reference being thereunto had as may more fully appear, also one other piece or parcel of land lying and being in Duplin County on the south side of Rattle Snake Branch and joining the line of the other lands hereby granted, and being part of a tract of land of 200 acres which was granted by paten to Constantine Whitfield, bearing date the 24th day of May 1773, reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear, all which four pieces or parcels of land containing in the whole four hundred and twenty one acres more or less, was conveyed by a deed of gift from the said Constantine Whitfield to his daughter Rachel Goodman bearing date the 24th day of September 1778 and was since conveyed by a deed from Henry Goodman and Rachel his wife to Timothy Goodman, bearing date 24th day of October 1778, and was since conveyed by a deed of gift from Timothy Goodman to Henry Goodman bearing date the 26th day of October 1778, reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear, all which four peices of tract of land was conveyed by the said Constantine Whitfield to the said Henry Goodman and by the said Henry Goodman were conveyed by a deed of bargain and sale bearing date the 25th day of October 1785, to Stephen Barefield to the said David Cannon junr. his heirs and assigns forever. To have and to hold the said four tracts or parcels of land containing four hundred & twenty one acres to him the said David Connon junr. his heirs and assigns forever togeather with all and singular the benefits preveledged and appurtenances thereon or thereunto in any wise belonging, and the said Stephen Barefield for himself his heirs executors and administrators, dothe hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said David Connon his heirs and assigns to warrent secure and forever defend the said David Cannon his heirs and assigns in the peaceable & quiet possession of all and singular the said four tract of land and premises hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof from and against him the said Stephen Barefield his heirs executors administrators and assigns, and from & against all and every person or persons whatsoever, claiming any right title or interest of in and to the same or any part or parcel thereof. In witness whereof the said Stephen Barefield hath hereunto set his hand affixed his seal the day & year first above written. Stephen Barefield Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of us W. Sharpless Alexd. Willson Duplin County July Court 1785. The within deed was proved in open Court by the oath of William Sharpless & ordered to be registered. Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Henry Goodman To Stephen Bearfield Deed 25 October 1785
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 232, 233, 234, & 235
Henry Goodman To Stephen Bearfield
Deed for 421 acres lands
This indenture made this twenty fifth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five & in the tenth year of Independence of State of North Carolina, between Henry Goodman of the State of North Carolina and County of Dobbs of the one part, and Stephen Barefield of the same State & County of Duplin of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Henry Goodman for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds specie well and truly paid by the said Stepher Barfield the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith to be fully satisfied contented & paid and of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit and discharge the said Stephen Barfield his heirs exers. and administrators forever, he the said Henry Goodman hath given granted bargained sold conveyed confirmed assigned set over, and by these presents for himself his heirs exrs. & admins. doth fully freely and absolutely give grant bargain sell convey confirm assign and set over onto the said Stephen Bargield sundry tracts or parcels of land, situate lying and being in Duplin County aforesaid on the South side of the No. East, & on a branch called Rattle Snake Branch adjoining Elijah Jones's Jacob Kornegay's and Anthony Jones's lines and is bounded as follows, to wit., one piece of land lying on the south side of the North East swamp and in the fork of Rattle Snake branch being part of a survey patented by John Conerly bearing date the 2nd day of April 1757 and Begining at a small pine in the branch below Anthony Jones's field and runing So. 81 Wt. 81 pole to a red oak & marked pine, thence No. 20 Wt. 186 pole to a white oak, thence No. 45 Et. 20 pole to a stake in Rattle Snake swamp, thence down the swamp to a marked gum at the mouth of a branch, thence up the branch to the begining, containing one hundred and twenty one acres be the same or less, which lands deeded from the said John Conerly to his son Cullen Conerly, sold and conveyed by a deed to Jesse Barfield, and given by the said Jesse Barfield was sold and conveyed by a deed of sale bearing date the 11th March 1775, to Constantine Whitfield reference being thereunto had may more fully appear as also one other piece or parcel of land containing one hundred acres lying & being in the County of Duplin aforesaid. Begining at a white oak on the So. side of the No. East on a branch known by the name of Rattle Snake runing thence So. 24 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence No. 66 to the first station, it being a paten formerly granted to Edward Rollins bearing date September the 29th 1753, relation being thereunto had may more fully appear etc. likewise one other piece or parcel of land adjoining the above said tract and was granted to Solomon Barfield by patent bearing date March 15th 1756, containing by estimation one hundred acres of land more or less buted and bounded as follows to wit. Begining at a pine a corner tree of his former survey near Rattle Snake branch and runs So. 21 Wt. 180 pole to a pine, thence No. 71 Wt. 180 poles to a pine, thence along a line of marked trees to a white oak on a little branch, thence down the said Branch to a pine his corner, thence to the first station the said last mentioned two tracts of land was sold and conveyed by William Graddy and Jesse Barfield to Constantine Whitfield by deed of bargain & sale etc. reference being therunto had may more fully appear, also one other piece or parcel of land, lying and being in Duplin County on the south side of Rattle Snake Branch & joining the line of the other lands hereby granted, and being part of a tract of land of 200 acres which was granted by paten to Constantine Whitfield bearing date the 24th day of May 1773 reference being had may more fuly & at large appearetc., all which four pieces or parcels of land containing in the whole four hundred and twenty one acres more or less, was conveyed by a deed of gift from the said Constantine Whitfield to his daufhter Rachel Goodman, bearing date the 24th day of September 1778, and was since conveyed by a ded from Henry Goodman & Rachel Goodman his wife to Timothy Goodman bearing date the 24th day of October 1778, and was again since conveyed by a deed of gift from Timothy Goodman to Henry Goodman bearing date the 28th day of October 1778, reference being had may more fully and at large appear etc., all which four pieces or tracts of land was conveyed by the said Constantine Whitfield to the said Henry Goodman, & now by these presents sold and conveyed by the said Henry Goodman to the said Stephen Barfield his heirs and assigns forever. To have and to hold the said four tracts of land containing four hundred and twenty one acres to him the said Stephen Barfield his heirs and assigns forever, togeather with all and singular the benefits prefiledges & appurtenances thereon or thereunto in any wise belonging and the said Henry Goodman for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Stephen Barfield his heirs and assigns to warrent secure and forever defend the said Stephen Barfield his heirs and assigns in the peaceble and quiet possession of all and singular the said four tract of land and premises hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof from and against him the said Henry Goodman his heirs executors administrators and assigns and from & against all and every person whatsoever claiming any right title or interest of in & to the same or any part or parcel thereof. In witness whereof the said Henry Goodman hath hereunto set his hand & fixed his seal the day & year first above written.
Henry Goodman
Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of us
Frederick Barfield
John Hanks
State of North Carolina Duplin County January Court 1786.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Frederick Barfield & ordered to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

(p 29)
p. 328 William Whitfield (Senr.) of Wayne Co. to his son-in-law Buckner Killebrew (co. not given), 30 July 1786, for "the natural love good will & affection which I bear unto my beloved son William Whitfield & at his request or desire & for other good causes" 350A in 2 tracts on the NS of the Northeast of Cape Fear: (1) 200A in 2 tracts each granted to George Kornegay 14 Oct 1749 & 27 Sep 1753; (2) 150A obtained by deed from Theophilus Williams, beg. at a pine Kornegay's corner in Bailes Branch, toward Rooty Branch, to a pine STEPHEN BARFIELD'S corner. Wit: Wm. Whitfield, William Whitfield, minor. Oct. Ct. 1786.

(p 40-41)
p. 441 John Wright to Robert Byrd, both of Duplin Co., 9 Oct 1787 for 5 pds. current money 150A on the SS of Goshen between the Reedy Branch & the heads of the Poley Branch, joining sd. Byrd's own land, beg. at a pine Roberts' old corner, to a pine in the Reedy Branch by Thomas Gray's line, being the upper half of a patent of 300A granted to sd. Wright 15 Dec 1778. Wit: W. Dickson,

(p. 46)
p. 502 Theophilus Williams to John Hart, both of Duplin Co., 12 Sep 1784, for 33 pds. current money 200A on the NS of Goshen Swamp incl. a place called the lake, beg. at a white oak on Weston's line, to a pine on Husk's line, to a pine Hurst corner, to a water oak by Hurst corner, in the edge of the Northeast Pocosin, being the contents of a patent for 200A granted to JESSE BARFIELD 1 Apr. 1780 & conveyed from him to sd. Williams. Wit: Daniel Clark, STEPHEN BAREFIELD. Jan. Ct. 1788.

Stephen Barfield To Fredrick Barfield Deed 28 July 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Stephen Barfield To Fredrick Barfield Deed 28 July 1791
Deed Book E Page 412, 413, 414, 415, & 416
Stephen Barfield To Fredrick Barfield
Deed 675 acres
This Indenture made this Twenty Eight day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety one and in the Sixteenth year of American Independence. Between Stephen Barfield of the State of North Carolina in Duplin County of the one part and Fredrick Barfield of the same State and County aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said Stephen Barfield for and in Consideration of the sum of six hundred pounds specie to him in hand well and truly paid before the sealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Fredrick Barfield the Receipt whereof is Hereby acknowledged and the said Stephen Barfield doth hereby acknowledge himself thereby with to be fully satisfied Contented and paid and of every part and parcel thereof doth Exonerate acquit and discharge the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents hath given granted bargained sold aliened Efeoffed conveyed confirmed assigned set over unto the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns forever all that piece or parcel of Land and Plantation lying and being in the state and County aforesaid on the South side of Goshen swamp and no. west side of Bear swamp beginning at a Black gum on the Run of Bear swamp a Corner Tree of Thomas Hooks’s Land and Runs along his line No. 46 Wt. 112 poles to a lightwood stump and pine in a marsh the upper corner of Henry Cannons land thence along Henry Cannons line No. 46 Wt. 176 pole to a small white oak his corner thence So. 20 Wt. 198 poles to a small whiteoak and Blackjack on John Stuckeys line thence along his line So. 60 Et. 234 pole To a Cypress and horn beam at his lower corner on the Run of Bear swamp thence down the Run as it meanders to the Beginning Containing in the whole Two hundred and fifteen acres als one other piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the State and County aforesd. And on the So. side of Goshen swamp Joining therefore mentioned lands and Including the Plantation whereon Henry Cannon formerly lived bounded as follows Beginning at a sweet gum on the side of the Southernmost run of Goshen swamp at the lower End of the Great Marsh and runs thence So. 31 Wt. 61 pole to a small pine Thence No. 77 Wt. 114 pole to a Red oak thence So. 28 Wt. 108 pole to a Lightwood Stump in a marsh thence No. 46 Wt. 176 pole to a small white oak thence along Samuel Wards line No. 30 Et. 186 pole to a stake by Goshen Swamp and thence down the Run thereof to the Beginning Containing by Estimation three hundred and and Sixty five acres be the same more or less being land formerly sold and conveyed by Henry Eustace McCulloch To Henry Cannon and since willed by the said Henry Cannon to his son David Cannon Reserving therin an Estate to Mary Cannon widow of said Henry Cannon during her natural life also one other piece or parcel of Land adjoining the Last mentioned lands and Joining the main Run of Goshen being part of patent or grant mad ought to Henry Cannon in his lifetime Beginning at a persimmon Tree on the said main Run of Goshen near the north side of the swamp at Taylors ford and Runs thence So. 35 Wt. 40 pole to a sweet gum the beginning corner Tree of the other parcel of Land and Runs thence up the swamp No. 56 Wt. 280 pole to a stake on Samuel Wards line thence No. 30 Et. 66 pole to a water oake and Black gum on the main Run of Goshen Swamp on John Gibbses boundery and thence down the said Run and main Flew of the swamp as it meanders to the beginning containing by Estimation ninety five acres be the same more or less which said Tress pieces or parcels of Land before mentioned Containing in the whole six hundred and seventy five acres together with all woods waters and Rivers and all profits commodities Heredittaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold to him the said Fredrick Barfied his heirs and assigns forever all and Singular the above granted And bargained Land and premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging in as and ample manner as he the said Stephen Barfield by his Right and Title to the same Could or might Enjoy and the said Stephen Barfield for himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth hereby covenant grant and agree to and with the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns that he the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the said Lands and premises hereby granted and sold and that free and Clear freely and Clearly Exonerated acquitted and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sales leases Mortgages and all Incumbrances whatsoever Except the Right and previledges as herein before mentioned to be given and Granted by Henry Cannon in his will to his wife Mary Cannn as an Estate to her in the two last mentioned pieces or parcels of Land during her own life and farther the said Stephen Barfield doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Fredrick Barfield his heirs and assigns in the Quiet and peaceable possession of the above granted Land and premises and every part and parcel thereof and the same will warrant secure and forever Defend from and against the just and Lawfull Claim of him the said Stephen Barfield his heirs and assigns and from and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever Claiming or to Claim any Right Title Interest or property of in and to the said Six hundred and seventy five acres of land and premises hereby Bargained and Sold or of any part or parcel thereof according to the True an Intent and meaning of these presents. In witness whereof I the said Stephen Barfield hath hereunto set my hand and fixed my Seal the Day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of Stephen Barfield
W. Dickson
Lewis Barfield

State of No. Carolina
Duplin County January Term 1792
Then was the within Deed proved in open Court by the oath of William Dickson and ordered to be Registered.Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 3A

(p 65)
p. 95 STEPHEN BARFIELD of Duplin Co. to JOHN BARFIELD of Sampson Co., 22 July 1794, for 75 pds. current money of N. C. one negro boy named Toney. Wit: LEWIS BARFIELD

(p 86)
p. 278 John Dural, planter, to his son David Dural, both of Duplin Co., 9 Sep 1797, for "love & affection" 100A on the NS of the Northeast Swamp, it being part of a survey granted to STEPHEN BARFIELD & by him conveyed to sd. John Dural, beg. at a red oak & runs along the patented line. Wit: John Whitehead, Jos. Whitfield. Jan. Ct. 1798.

(p 100)
p. 401 STEPHEN BARFIELD to Peter Parker, both of Duplin Co., 2 Aug 1796, for 100 pds. current money 130A in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 100A on the SS of the Northeast Swamp, being part of a tract of land patented by John Parker 25 Apr 1764, beg. at a pine sd. Peter Parker's corner, to a pine on Daniel Glisson's line; (2) 30A joining the 1st tract & Jonathan Parker's land, beg. at a poplar in a small branch, running with his line to Peter Parker's line, to Bales' corner. Wit: Daniel Parker, Jonathan (X) Parker. Oct. Ct. 1796.

Duplin County, NC - Stephen Barfield to Nicholas Bowden, 1798 ~~~~~~~~~Duplin County Deed Book M, page 441
Stephen Barfield to Nicholas Bowden 530 acres on Northeast Cape Fear and Poly Bridge in 1798 Recorded: July 1799

Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 4A

(p. 159)
p. 342 Major (X) Searles to Bryan Minshew, both of Duplin Co., 23 Mar 1809, for 160 pds. 6 shill. & 3 pence 300A in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 200A beg. at a pine in sd. Searles' field, near the house, down the run of Rooty Branch to Durels line, to a dividing line between sd. Searles & David Durel, being part of a survey of 300A patented by STEPHEN BARFIELD 9 Oct 1782; (2) 100A beg. at a pine...... July Ct. 1811

Duplin County, NC - Stephen Barfield to Nicholas Bowden, 1798
Duplin County Deed Book M, page 441 Stephen Barfield to Nicholas Bowden 530 acres on Northeast Cape Fear and Poly Bridge in 1798 Recorded: July 1799
Abstracts of Duplin County Wills, 1730-1860 by W. L (Bill) Murphy, Duplin County Historical Society, 1892:
Stephen Barfield witness the will of Henry Faison, 14 May, 1788.
North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868

Bride: Sarah Herring
Groom: Daniel Glisson
Bond Date: 06 Sep 1783
County: Duplin
Record #: 01 032
Bondsman: David Cannon; Stephen Barfield
Witness: W Dickson
Bond #: 000041609


Birth1 Apr 1760Sampson, North Carolina, United States
Census1786Duplin and Sampson Co., North Carolina
MarriageBef 1790North Carolina, United States - Penelope McCulloh
Census1790Wilmington District, Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Marriage22 Oct 1791Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Nancy House
Census (family)1800Sampson, North Carolina, United States - Nancy House
Death20 Feb 1818Spencer Creek's, Williamson, Tennessee, United States
WillBef Apr 1818Williamson, Tennessee, United States


SpouseNancy House (1769 - 1829)
ChildLewis Barfield (1792 - 1865)
ChildJohn Barfield (1794 - 1870)
ChildBlake Barfield (1796 - 1847)
ChildTabitha House Barfield (1799 - )
ChildPenelope House Barfield (1801 - 1839)
ChildHarriet Barfield (1803 - 1824)
ChildMary Jane "Polly" Barfield (1805 - )
ChildWillie Blount Barfield (1811 - 1873)
SpousePenelope McCulloh (1773 - 1791)
ChildBarfield (1790 - 1800)
FatherJesse Barfield (1737 - 1780)
MotherSarah Castellaw (1738 - 1818)
SiblingFrederick Barfield (1757 - 1829)
SiblingCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1765 - 1781)
SiblingLewis Barfield (1767 - 1854)
SiblingJohn Barfield (1770 - )
SiblingThomas C. Barfield (1778 - 1858)

