Individual Details

Thomas C. Barfield

(25 Mar 1778 - 29 Jun 1858)

Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield Deed 19 January 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 193, 194, & 195
Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield
This Indenture made this nineteenth of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & ninety one Between Fredrick Barfield of North Carolina and Duplin County of one part and Thomas Barfield of the same state and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Fredrick Barfield for and in consideration of the sum of fifty seven pounds four shillings current money to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof I the said Fredrick Barfield doth acknowledge doth grant bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Barfield his Heirs and assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Duplin and state of North Carolina which was sold and conveyed by Samuel Johnston and Jean Blair and John Johnston all of the same state to Fredrick Barfield of the state of North Carolina and Duplin County Begining with the Patent Begining or place of Begining and runs with the patent line So. 56 Et. 3334 pole to a stake thence No. 38 Et. 128 pole acress the Patent to a stake in the Patent line William Whitfields corner thence with his line So. 72 Wt. 72 pole to a stake in the Marsh thence with his line again No. 52 Wt. to the Run of the Creek thence up the various courses of the Creek to the given line and thence to the begining being part of a Tract of Land containing three thousand acres taken up and Patened by Samuel Johnston Esquire in his lifetime and by him in his last will and Testament given to Samuel Johnston to George Blair in his lifetime by Deed of Bargain and sail & also all the woods underwoods common and common of pasture ways water courses profits commodities advantages heriditaments and appurtainances whatsoever to the said Tract or parcel of land belonging or in any wise appurtaining and no Rivertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits of the said premises and Every part and parcel thereof and all the Right Title Interest claim and Demand whatsoever of I the said Fredrick Barfield of in and to the said Tract or parcel of Land and premises and every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land and all and singular the promises and covementioned and every part and parcel therof with the appurtainances unto the said Thomas Barfield his Heirs and assigns forever and the said Fredrick Barfield to the only proper use and behoofe of him the said Thomas Barfield his Heirs and assigns forever and the said Fredrick Barfield for himself his Heirs and assigns the said Tract or parcel of Land and premises and Every part and parcel thereof against the Heirs of the said Fredrick Barfield or any person or persons who shall Lawfully claim and I will warrant and forever Defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said Fredrick Barfield have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the Day and Date above written.signed sealed and Delivered
In the presence of us Fredrick Barfield
Stephen Barfield
Lewis Barfield
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791
Then was the within Deed acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield Deed 19 January 1791
(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn)
Deed Book E Page 243
Fredrick Barfield To Thomas Barfield
Bill of Sale
Know all men by these presents that I Fredrick Barfield of the state of No. Carolina in Duplin County for and In Consideration of the sum of twenty pounds specie to me in hand paid by Thomas Barfield of the same state and County aforesaid have Bargained sold set over and Delivered to the said Thomas Barfield one negroe Boy slave named Ned about two years and a hold old which said negroe slave ned I do warrant to and forever Defend against the Lawfull Claim or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever to the said Thomas Barfield his heirs and assigns forever as Witness my hand and seal the 19th January 1791
Stephen Barfield Fredrick Barfield
Lewis Barfield
State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791
Then was the within Bill of sale acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

"Thomas, the youngest of Jesse and Sarah Barfield's children, lived in Kentucky, not far from Bowling Green. His son, Lewis, used to bring horses to Alabama for sale and made his Uncle Lewis Barfield's place his headquarters. In the autumn of 1836 Thomas accompanied his son to Alabama. Pauline Craig Hughes remembers, even though only a little girl of ten, the pleasure her grandfather felt in having his baby brother Thomas with him again after years of separation. Her three-year-old brother, John, being told that his Uncle was from Kentucky, called him "Uncle Tuckin". " (Pauline Craig Hughes)

Thomas lived in Muhlenberg, KY after his marriage to Cinderilla Wilkins . No true death date. His son, Lewis K. Barfield, is the one mentioned above by Pauline. After Lewis married he moved to Illinois and then to Missouri by 1854. Lewis was the father of Oscar and Charles who moved to southeast Missouri. I have better information on Thomas's grandsons Oscar and Charles. (Vicki Smith, Please contact Vicki if this is your line! <> )

Thomas Barfield b. 1778 d. Muhlenberg Co., KY md. Cinderilla Wilkins. They had issue: Jesse, Lewis K., Salley, Nancy, Charity, Hepseba ? and Catherine. Thomas's mother, Sarah Castellow Barfield died at his home. (Posted by: Margaret Baldock, GenForum)


Birth25 Mar 1778Sampson, North Carolina, United States
Census1800Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Marriage21 Apr 1801Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Cinderilla Wilkins
Census (family)1810Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States - Cinderilla Wilkins
Census (family)1820Lewisburg, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States - Cinderilla Wilkins
Census1830Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States
Census1840Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States
Census24 Aug 1850subdivision 2, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States
Death29 Jun 1858Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States


SpouseCinderilla Wilkins (1781 - 1830)
ChildJesse Barfield (1802 - )
ChildLewis K. Barfield (1809 - 1870)
ChildSally Barfield ( - )
ChildNancy Barfield ( - )
ChildCharity Barfield (1815 - )
ChildHepseba Barfield ( - )
ChildCatherine Barfield (1816 - )
FatherJesse Barfield (1737 - 1780)
MotherSarah Castellaw (1738 - 1818)
SiblingFrederick Barfield (1757 - 1829)
SiblingStephen Barfield (1760 - 1818)
SiblingCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1765 - 1781)
SiblingLewis Barfield (1767 - 1854)
SiblingJohn Barfield (1770 - )

