Individual Details

Lewis Barfield

(8 Dec 1767 - 6 May 1854)

(from the memoirs of Pauline Craig Hughes)
"Lewis was raised in Samson County, North Carolina. After Mary (Taylor) McCulloh's death, her estate went to Catherine (McCulloh) Barfield as the only surviving heir. Lewis disposed of his home in Samson County and moved to Duplin County to live on the Taylor estate inherited by his wife. There all their children were born excepting the three oldest. There Mary was born and lived until thirteen years of age.
Some of the Rhodes family, thinking they had discovered a slight irregularity in the title of the estate, entered suit for possession, and after much litigation and the spending of a great amount of money, Lewis compromised with the Rhodes, they paying him $1000 in cash. After settling the Rhodes' claim to the estate he went to Roan County and remained two years. Thence to Tennessee to live near his brother Frederic on Stone River. Two years later he went to Alabama, having bought a tract of valuable land in the cane-brake region of that state. His sons could not adapt themselves to this environment and became so much dissatisfied that they finally induced him to exchange land with Mr. Zack Green who owned a tract of poor, sandy land some miles father south in the same ( Marengo) County. About two years after this, the young teacher John Craig appeared who married their daughter Mary. After Mary and John Craig were settled in their home Lewis bought land in the southern part of Perry County and lived there until the autumn of 1839. He then came to Winston County, Mississippi, where he resided until after his wife's death.
The home in Perry County is the one where the family used to congregate at least once a year. Pauline states that her grandfather's home in Mississippi was pleasant, but was never quite so dear to her as the Alabama home where she spent so many happy hours of her childhood."

From research by Fletcher Freeman -
October 20, 1786
Lewis Barfield is appointed to lay out a road.
April 20, 1787
Lewis Barfield is appointed a jury man.
April 21, 1788
Deeds of 120 and 150 acres to Lewis Barfield were recorded.
July 20, 1789
Lewis Barfield was ordered to be Constable of Captain Bowden's district.
January 18, 1790
Lewis Barfield sold a negro slave to Frederick Barfield
January 8, 1791
Lewis Barfield married Catharine McCulloh.
January 17, 1790
Lewis Barfield is appointed to the Grand Jury.
July 21, 1794
Lewis Barfield served on the Grand Jury.
Abstracts of Duplin County Wills, 1730-1860 by W. L (Bill) Murphy, Duplin County Historical Society, 1892:
Lewis Barfield witness will of John Gibbs, Sr., 4 Dec., 1809.
The following deeds appear to belong to this Lewis as the land owners referred to reside in Williams Quadrangle near the Barfields listed for that area. While this Lewis isn't listed on the land grant map I have, Jesse, Frederick and Stephen are. The other Lewis I know of had land grants in Albertson Quadrangle by Burncoat Swamp.
Neighboring land owners in Williams Quadrangle include Edward Outlaw, Lutson Stroud, Peter Watkins, William Whitfield, Samuel Johnston, Mary Fisher Debruhl, John Whitehead, Wm. Graddy, Jacob Kornege, and many others.

Lewis Barfield To Lavin Watkins Deed 29 April 1791
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book E Page 296, 297, & 298
Lewis Barfield To Lavin Watkins
Deed 400 acres

This Indenture made this twenty ninth day of April in the year of our Lord Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety one and in the sixtenth year of American Independence, Between Lewis Barfield of the state of No. Carolina and in Duplin County of the one part and Lavin Watkins of the same County and State aforesaid of the other part. Wtinesseth, that the said Lewis Barfield for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty pounds currenct money of the state of No. Carolina to him in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents. The Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied content and thereof and therefrom doth hereby acquit and Discharge the said Lavin Watkins his heirs Excrs. admrs. hath granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth for himself his heirs Excrs. and administrators fully firmly and also lately grant bargain sell convey and forever confirm unto the said Lavin Watkins his heirs or assigns, a certain Tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County aforesaid on the South side of the No. East swamp containing four hundred acres, Begining at a pine on Jesse Barfields line formerly But now the property of Peter Watkins and runs with his line So. 11 Wt. 100 poles to a pine thence No. 120 poles to a pine on Herrings line formerlin thence No. 25 Wt. 368 poles crossing the head of Poley Bridge branch and Barfields road to a pine and white oake on the side of the road thence No. 65 Et. 248 poles to pine in Rogerses line thence with his line to the Begining, with all Horses Buildings commons pastures woods underwoods ways waters water courses easements and advantages whatsoever to the said Lands and premises appurtaining in as full and ample a manner as the aforesaid Lewis by deed or paten can or may enjoy the same to the said Lavin Watkins to have and to hold the said four hundred acres of Land together with all and singular the premises above mentioned and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtainances unto the Lavin Watkins his heirs or assigns forever and the said Lewis Barfield for himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Lavin Watkins his heirs and assigns that he the said Lewis Barfield is true rightfull and Lawfull owner of above mentioned four hundred acres of Land and premises and every part and parcel thereof without any manner of condition or incumbrance that shall or may after or chance the same and that he the said Lewis Barifled now hath good rightfull power and Lawfull authority in his own proper right to grant bargain sell convey and confirm the said and all and singular the premises above mentioned to the said Lavin Watkins his heirs or assigns foever and the said Lewis Barfield doth further covenant and agree for himself his heirs Executors or administrators to and with the said Lavin Watkins his heirs and assigns that he the said Lavin Watkins his heirs or assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the above mentioned Land and premises without any trouble molistation or Interruption of him the said Lewis Barfield his heirs Executors administrators or any other person or persons whatsoever freed Discharged kept harmless and indemnifyed of and from all & all manner of former or other Bargains sails gifts grants mortgages jointers Dowers intails rents or any other claim Lawfully made by from or under him them or any of them according to the true intent and meaning of these presents further more the said Lewis Barfield doth covenant and engage for himself his heirs Executors adminrs. that at any time hereafter at the reasonable request of him the said Lavin Watkins his heirs and assigns to make or cause to be made and duly Executed any further or other Deed or Instrument of writing as he the said Lavin Watkins his heirs or assigns or his or their Counsell learned in the Law shall advise Devise or require for and to the purpose or in of confirming and sure making the title of the aforesaid 400 acres of Land and premises to the said Lavin Watkins his heirs or assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Lewis Barfield hath hereunto set his hand and seal day and year above written.
signed sealed and Delivered
In the presence of us Lewis Barfield
Frederick Barfield
John Barfield
Joseph Vick

State of No. Carolina Duplin County July Term 1791

Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Fredrick Barfield & ordered to be
Registered. Test W. Dickson C. C.


Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 3A

(p 71)
p. 147 Andrew Gufford to Jesse Ellison, both of Duplin Co., 10 Nov 1791, for 80 pds. specie 200A on the NS of Goshen Swamp on a branch running out of the Northeast called Outlaw's Mill Branch, beg. at a small pine William Mayner's line by a pond called the Open Pond, to Smith's line, crossing BARFIELD'S road. Wit: Jonathan Keithley, Arthur Herring, Matthew Ward. July Ct. 1795.

(p 68)
p. 125 Bryan Whitfield of Lenoir Co. to James Williams of Duplin Co., 10 Jan 1795, for 150 pds. 215A on the ES of the Northeast River on the NS of Panther Swamp, beg. at a black jack on the WS of the road along Smith's or Barnes' line, adj. LEWIS BARFIELD, Mills Mumford, Lewis Smith, to a white oak in White Oak Swamp, granted to Samuel Jones 10 Nov 1784 & conveyed from him to Bryan Whitfield. Wit: Richard_______, James Williams. Jan Ct. 1795

(p 101)
p. 414 Besant (B) Brock to James Grimes, both planters of Duplin Co., 20 Oct. 1796, for 17 pds. specie money 85A on the NS of Goshen Swamp on the heads of Goshen Branch & the Northeast Branch, beg. at a lightwood tree & pine by the Horse Pen Pocosin, Hezekiah _____ corner, to a pine by Silas Carter's corner, to John Whitehead's corner at the old path to a black jack, to BARFIELD'S road to Whitehead's other corner. Wit: Sampson Graimes, Bathsheba (X) Graimes. Jan. Ct. 1797.

(p 104)
p. 437 LEWIS BARFIELD of Sampson Co. to Bryan Whitfield of Lenoir Co., 28 Dec 1796, for 100 pds. current money 154A on th SS of the Northeast Marsh between Reedy Branch & Gum Branch, being part of a tract granted to JESSE BARFIELD 22 Dec 1770, beg. in the 1st line of sd. grant in Johnston's line. Wit: Bryan Whitfield, William Croom, David Smith. Jan. Ct. 1797.

Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 4A

(p. 171)
p. 439 FREDERICK BARFIELD TO LEWIS BARFIELD, both of Duplin Co., 24 July 1799, for 520 pds. current money of N.C. 6 negro slaves to wit: Elleck about 14 yrs. old, Tom about 13 yrs. old, Nancy about 7 yrs. old, Dinah about 30 yrs. old & her child Lucy about 3 yrs. old & her youngest child Smith about 7 mos.old, Wit: Wm. Dickson. Apr. Ct. 1800

One method of relief for the poor used in Duplin County during the period between the Revolution and the Civil War was the selling of the maintenance of the pauper to the lowest bidder. From the minutes of St. Gabriel's Parish is found an entry in 1803 that James Jones, whose name appears several times in the records, was bid off by Lewis Barfield at the sum of six pounds. It was stipulated that Jones was to be furnished with "three shirts, three pairs of trousers (one of the latter of yarn), coat and under jacker, a pair of yarn stockings and a pair of shoes."(Brown 38-39). Since there were other Lewis Barfield's living in Duplin Co. during 1803, I can't be certain which one this refers to, but it is an interesting reference on the social system used during American's early years.

The book, Minutes of the Regimental Courts-Martial, Duplin County Militia, North Carolina 1784-1853 reflects that on October 7, 1810, Lewis Barfield was appointed Captain which rank he held on October 2, 1812; September 28, 1813; and August 15, 1814. Previously, Frederick Barfield had held the rank of Captain in this same militia company.
Excerpts from Duplin Deeds, Book 4A -

(p 139)
p. 164 D. L. (Daniel Love) Kenan, Shff. to LEWIS BARFIELD, both of Duplin Co., 1 Jan 1810, for 22 shill. & 6 pence 99A lying on Bear Marsh, beg. at a stake on the 1st line of a survey of 100A laid off by order of the Co. Ct. of Duplin for HENRY McCULLOCH. The sd. land was surveyed by Basil Kornegay, Esqr. of sd. Co. & LEWIS BARFIELD became the bidder for sd. land at public auction, the taxes for the sd. land being unpaid for the year 1807. Wit: John Whitehead. July Ct. 1810.

(p. 140)
p. 173 LEWIS BARFIELD, Patent No. 1913, 1 Dec 1808, for 50 shill. for every 100A, 7A on the ES of Bear Marsh & on the NS of the main road joining his own & Turnage's lines, beg. at a stake his & sd. Turnage's corner in their field. Entered 9 Dec 1807 & surveyed by Basil Kornegay 8 Sep 1808. Wit: Benjamin Williams, Esqr. Gov. Wm. M. Wite, Dist. Sec.

(p 151)
p. 267 LEWIS BARFIELD, planter, to Lewis Herring, both of Duplin Co., 16 Nov 1810, for $75, 99 3/4A on the head of Bear Marsh, being part of a tract of 500A granted to Baker Bourden, beg. at the 3rd corner from the beg. of sd. survey at a pine in the head of Bear Marsh, patented 29 Oct 1782. Wit: Ln. (Levin) Watkins, Lewis Hines, Peter Watkins. Jan. Ct. 1811.

(p 153)
p. 286 John Kornegay, planter, to Basil Kornegay, both of Duplin Co., 8 June 1810, for $2,000, 700A in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 550A on the SS of the Northeast Swamp, beg. at a white oak in the sd. Northeast Swamp Edmond Duncan's old corner, adj. Henry Kornegay, Jacob Duncan; (2) 150A on the head of the Northeast Swamp & Deep Gully Branch. beg. at a pine a corner of Elijah Jones, to a white oak in Little Pocosin, being the contents of a deed from sd. Jones & Benjamin Weston to Jacob Kornegay Senr. & by sd.Kornegay's estate laid off to George Kornegay who conveyed to sd. John Kornegay. Wit: John Oliver, LEWIS BARFIELD. Apr. Ct. 1811.

(p. 158)
p. 325 Wm. (William) Alberson to David Alberson, both of Duplin Co., 13 Feb 1811, for 500 pds. lawful money 266A in 3 tracts to wit: (1) 100A beg. at a gum Kornegay's corner on sd. Alberson's line, to Dempsey Island, joining LEWIS BARFIELD & Kornegay patented 19 Oct 1803; (2) 70A beg. at a pine on Frederick Grady's line, to a bay in the mouth of Burncoat Swamp,....... Apr. Ct. 1811

(p. 159)
p. 335 David Alberson to William Kornegay, both planters of Duplin Co., 17 Apr. 1811, for 50 pds, lawful money of N. C. 100A in the Northeast Swamp, beg. at a gum William Kornegay's corner & sd. Alberson's line & runs with his own line E through the Dempsey Island, joining LEWIS BARFIELD & Kornegay. Wit: Jones Dickson, Edward Pearsall. Apr. Ct. 1811.

p. 379 William (X) Munds & Sarah (Sally) Munds his wife of Duplin Co., to Sampson Grimes (co. not given), 27 July 1811, for $86, 93A on the NS of Goshen Swamp, patented by John Sulivent (little) & conveyed by him to John Sulivan Senr. who conveyed to Michael Sulivan, then fell by lott the 5th to Sally Munds, wife of William Munds, at the division of the sd. Michael Sulivan's lands. The 93A beg. at a large pine on sd. Grimes' line. Wit: LEWIS BARFIELD, Timothy Spence. Sarah Mund acknowledges that she signed the above deed of her ow free will & accord 21 Jan 1812 before David Wright & John Beck, Justices of the Peace. Jan Ct. 1812.

(p. 165)
p. 386 Readick Worley to Frederick Smith Senr., both of Duplin Co., 20 Nov 1811, for $580, 145A on the ES of the Northeast Swamp joining sd. Smith & Frederick Smith Junr., beg. at a pine Frederick Smith Junr.'s corner near the Flaggy Bottom, to the mouth of the Stoop Hickory Branch, along the road to the Flaggy Bottom, thence down sd. branch to Fredk. Smith Junr.'s line & with his line to the beg. Wit: O. O'Daniel, L. BARFIELD. Jan. Ct. 1812.

Approximately 1815 Lewis and Catherine left Duplin County. Pauline says he spent 2 years in Rowan (Roan) County. This is where Catherine's father was living and is about the time of his death. They probably helped settled James McCulloh's estate. They then went to Stone River, Tennessee, where his brother Frederic was living. Two years after he went to Alabama.

Possible land patents for this Lewis Barfield?

Cancelled: N Document Nr. : 13507 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: BARFIELD, LEWIS
Warrantee Name:
Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566)
Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 10/15/1835 Metes/Bounds: N
Survey Date: Subsurface Reserved: N
Land Office: MT. SALUS
Legal Land Descriptions
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties

Cancelled: N Document Nr. : 24500 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: BARFIELD, LEWIS
Warrantee Name:
Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566)
Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 12/10/1840 Metes/Bounds: N
Survey Date: Subsurface Reserved: N
Land Office: MT. SALUS
Legal Land Descriptions
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties


Birth8 Dec 1767Sampson, North Carolina, United States
Marriage8 Jan 1791Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Catherine McCulloh
Census (family)1800Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Catherine McCulloh
Census (family)1810Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Catherine McCulloh
Census (family)1830Perry, Alabama, United States - Catherine McCulloh
Property1 Jul 1831Perry, Alabama, United States
Property1 Jul 1831Marengo, Alabama, United States
Property12 Aug 1834Perry, Alabama, United States
Property15 Oct 1835Winston, Mississippi, United States
Census (family)1840Winston, Mississippi, United States - Catherine McCulloh
Property10 Dec 1840Winston, Mississippi, United States
Census (family)4 Sep 1850Winston, Mississippi, United States - Catherine McCulloh
Death6 May 1854Winston, Mississippi, United States


SpouseCatherine McCulloh (1775 - 1852)
ChildJames Barfield (1792 - 1822)
ChildJesse Barfield (1795 - )
ChildHenry M. Barfield (1798 - 1883)
ChildAlfred Barfield (1801 - 1880)
ChildMary Barfield (1803 - 1860)
ChildThomas Castillo Barfield (1805 - 1890)
ChildSarah Barfield (1808 - )
ChildJohn Pugh William Barfield (1811 - )
ChildNancy Barfield (1814 - )
FatherJesse Barfield (1737 - 1780)
MotherSarah Castellaw (1738 - 1818)
SiblingFrederick Barfield (1757 - 1829)
SiblingStephen Barfield (1760 - 1818)
SiblingCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1765 - 1781)
SiblingJohn Barfield (1770 - )
SiblingThomas C. Barfield (1778 - 1858)

