Individual Details

Solomon Barfield

(8 Jun 1765 - Abt 1781)

Solomon was shot to death by Tory neighbors during the Revolutionary War. See story by Pauline Craig under Frederic Barfield.
From a family history written by Castillo Barfield dated 25 April 1886. In it he states -
"Solomon Barfield was born in Sampson Co., NC 28 June 1765. He was murdered by the Tories at 14 yrs. of age by a family by the name of Wilson -- who also shot Uncle Fredrick at the same time but did not kill him. Wilson was afterward tried and shot."

8 May 1784, Duplin Co., NC:
A petition to the NC State Assembly notes offences in Duplin and Wayne Cos by Tories and Loyalists, specifically three Basses: Rice, Harman, John; and an Absalom Davis
Victims included :
Mt (Mr. or Matthew?) Whitfield, whose house and storehouse were broken into & arms, ammunition among articles stolen. NOTE: His name is written this way several times.
Rob*d Hooks, whose cart was robbed when he was moving for safety; horse stolen Capt. Otiey Williams, was waylaid; horse shot
Capt. Blanchard, house robbed of arms, etc.
Franks, Blackshear and Becton (no given names) were murdered by group which
included the Basses.
Solomon & Frederick Bearfield (2 young men) were in their cornfield when they were shot (Basses & Absalom Davis involved)
John Stevenson, murdered in his home; wife present
George Kornegay was met in the woods by Herman Bass, who shot him in the arm, & when Kornegay fled into Miry Swamp, Bass pursued him in effort to kill him.
Capt. Blanshard and Charles Hames proposed raising group to pursue the perpetrators. Their mill was burned to the ground.
John and Rice Bass were caught and imprisoned for the murder of Solomon Bearfield (Frederick recovered) but they escaped.
No further information (NC Gen. Soc Journal 1979 issue 4)
See also : the North Carolina General Society Journal V:247 for Soloman death by
the Tories.

January 1792
Frederick Barfield is named as the administrator of the estate of Jesse Barfield who had an orphaned minor child named Solomon.

Duplin County 15th July 1792
Pursuant to an Order of this County Court I - have sold a Negro man named Will the property of Solomon Barfield ( a minor Deceased) for the Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Current money
Fr'k Barfield

?? Which Jesse with son Solomon is this? Frederick's father died 1780, and mother 1828, would his younger brother Solomon be called an orphan by the courts in 1792? Maybe this is the Solomon that married Sarah Crow?


Birth8 Jun 1765Sampson, North Carolina, United States
DeathAbt 1781North Carolina, United States


FatherJesse Barfield (1737 - 1780)
MotherSarah Castellaw (1738 - 1818)
SiblingFrederick Barfield (1757 - 1829)
SiblingStephen Barfield (1760 - 1818)
SiblingCharity "Chelly" Barfield (1762 - 1800)
SiblingLewis Barfield (1767 - 1854)
SiblingJohn Barfield (1770 - )
SiblingThomas C. Barfield (1778 - 1858)

