Individual Details

Lewis B. Barfield Sr.

(Bef 1734 - Bef 1814)

The parentage of this Lewis is still undetermined, I place him here as a probable scenario. He appears from the following deeds to be a contemporary of Anthony Jones, who married Mary Barfield (daughter of Richard II) in 1759. If he is also a son of Richard II, he would be Anthony Jones' brother-in-law. The earliest deed I have found for him dates 1755 in which he buys from Solomon Barfield land which he later sells in 1760 to Anthony Jones. The latter deed was witnessed by Jesse Barfield. A male could witness deeds as young as 14, but had to be 21 to buy or sell land. This calculates Lewis's birth to 1734 or earlier. Another researcher had this note: "In 1755, Solomon Barfield sold Lewis Barfield 130 acres of land for 11 pounds. Barfield researcher John Martin Oates says these two are brothers. Solomon is in the Duplin 1754 Will of Richard Barfield and Lewis is not. It is not uncommon for some one to be left out of a Will when they may have been giving their share of goods in other ways or times."

Most of the following deeds mention Burncoat Swamp which is in the Albertson Quadrangle. The map I have of this area (researched and drawn by Thomas M. Byrd) shows only one Barfield - Lewis. He has four land grants dated 1769, 1779,1791 & 1801. Neighboring land owners to Lewis by Burncoat Swamp on the map include William & Frederick Graddy, William Kornege, George Smith, James & John Williams, Robert Beverly, Lewis Barnes, Jacob Lawken, Loftis Worley, Wm Hubbard, Robert Walker, Frederick Smith and others.
NW from Albertson in Williams and Mt. Olive Quadrangles are found land grants to Jesse, Stephen, Solomon and Frederick Barfields. In Warsaw Quadrangle are two small grants to a Lewis Barfield dated 1804 & 1808, but as they are imbedded in William Taylor's grants, I assume they belong to the Lewis Barfield who m. Catherine McCulloh the only heir to William Taylor.

Solomon Barfield to Lewis Barfield, both of Duplin Co. Sold for eleven pounds current money of Virginia a tract of land 130 acres in Duplin Co on the southernmost prong of Rattlesnake ..... which was granted the said Solomon Barfield for 130 acres....13 January 1755 Witnessed by John Carter, Jesse Barfield. John Dickson Clerk 9 April 1755. (NC Sampson Co Book 2 p 258)

20 November 1756. Lewis Powell to Lewis Barfield, both of the province of North Carolina, Duplin County. For the sum of 20 proclamation money... 125 acres in Duplin Co ... beginning by a mark on Samuel Jones line near Burncoat at Branch running north .... the same land taken up and patented by Lewis Powell patent bearing date 1754 ... witnessed by Alexander Rouse, Jacob Sawhew (NC Sampson Co. Book 2, p 438-439)

Lewis Barfield to Anthony Jones. Both of Duplin Co. planters. Sold for 26 pounds proclamation money ... 130 acres ... in Duplin Co. on the south east prong of Rattle Snake

(Sampson Deed, Book 1, p 457-458)
Willian Cade and William McTyer to Lewis Barfield Bond.
Know all men by these presents that one William Cade and William McTyer both of Dobbs County in the Province of North Carolina are held and firmly bound unto Lewis Barfield of Duplin County in the Province aforsaid in the Just and full sum of Five hundred pounds L500 proclamation money to be paid to the said Lewis Barfield his heirs executors and administrators jointly and severally for and in the whole firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the fourteenth 14th day of April Anna domerii 1763.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that of the above Bounded William Cade and William Mctire or either of them as and shall -- Twelve months from the date hereof. By good and Lawfull Deed of Deeds of Bargain Sale or otherwise make over and Carry to the said Lewis Barfield his heirs or assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in Duplin County in the Province aforesaid. On the south East side of the North East branch of Cape Fear River On the South side of Burn Coat Swamp being the Plantation whereas the sid William Cade lately lived And where Samuel Jones formerly lived. Containing Two hundered And twenty acres (220) and By such Deed or Deeds warrant secure and defend the said Plantation tract or Parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Lewis Barfield his heirs and assignes forever. Against the lawful Claim of any person of persons whatsoever then the Obligation to be Void otherwise to Remain in full force and Virtue.
Signed Sealed and Delivered }
in the presence of
William Houston } William Cade
Lemon Bright Jr. } William McTire

George Smith to a Lewis Barns Deed 26 October 1778
(Transcribed by Hunt Sanders)
(Sampson Co, NC. Deed Book 6, pp272-3)

George Smith to a Lewis Barns for land
This Indenture made the Twenty sixth day of October in the Year of our lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy Eight and in the third Year of our Independence Between George Smith of Duplin County and State of North Carolina of the One part and Lewis Barns of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said George Smith for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred pounds Current money to me in hand paid The Receipt whereof I do acknowledge myself to be fully satisfied and paid and of Every part and parcel Thereof doth acquit Exonerate and discharge the said heir the said Lewis Barns his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever and have give granted Bargained and sold unto the said Lewis Barns his heirs and assigns forever a Certain parcel of land lying and Being in the County aforesaid On the South side of Burncoat Swamp adjoining his own land Beginning at a Stake at Run of Burncoat Swamp and Runs South 25 East 25 pole to a Hickory his own Corner thence along his own line North 63 East 162 pole to a sweet Gum at the Run of the dividing Branch thence North 30 pole to Burncoat Run thence the Various Courses of the Swamp to the Beginning Pattented By Lewis Barfield Bearing date December 22nd 1770 and set over from Lewis Barfield to George Smith and from George Smith to Lewis Barns To Have and to Hold The said lands and premises thereunto Belonging to his proper use of the said Lewis Barns his heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever to Have each and singular every part and parcel thereof without any Interruption of him the said George Smith his heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever or any other person Whatsoever laying any Claim thereunto And I the said George Smith for myself my heirs Executors administrators do Warrant and defend the above Bargained land Unto the said Lewis Barns his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns to their proper Benefit and Behoof and the said lands and premises Now are and shall forever Remain Continue and be unto the said Lewis Barns his heirs forever In witness whereof I the said George Smith Have Hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal The day and Year First above written Signed Sealed and }
Delivered in the presence of }
James Williams } George Smith
Benjamin Prescoat }
State of North Carolina
Duplin County January Court One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy nine Then was the within deed from George Smith to Lewis Barns was proved in open Court By the Oath of Benjamin Prescoat and Ordered to Be Registered
William Dickson Clk
Page 273.
State of North Carolina
Duplin County Registered in the Registers office of the aforesaid County in Book letter F
pages 218 and 219 on the 26th day of September 1783
Richard Clinton Register

George Smith to Lewis Barns Deed 26 October 1778
(Transcribed by Hunt Sanders)

(Sampson Co, NC. Deed Book 6, pp269-270)

George Smith to Lewis Barns
This Indenture made the 26th day of October in the year of Our lord one thousand seven Hundred and seventy Eight it Being the third year of our Independence Between George Smith of Duplin County in the State of North Carolina of the one part and Lewis Barns of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Smith as for and in Consideration of the sum of Two hundred pounds Current money to me in hand paid the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself to be fully satisfied and paid and of every part or parcel thereof doth acquit exonerate and discharge him the said Lewis Barns his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever and given granted Bargained and sold unto the said Lewis Barns or his heirs forever a certain parcel of land lying and Being in the County aforesaid Beginning at a marked pine Standing Samuel Jones line near Burncoat Swamp Running north 23 west 19 chain to a pine thence South 60 west 62 Chains to a pine standing near the North East at Cape Fear Running thence South 42 East 18 chains thence 60 west
Page 270.
10 Chains to the River thence South 10 chains to a pine on the Island thence North 47 East 176 Chains to the Beginning and the said land Taken up and Pattented by Lewis Powell Pattent Bearing date March 30th 1754 and set over from the said Lewis Powell to Lewis Barfield and from said Lewis Barfield to George Smith from George Smith to Lewis Barns To Have and to Hold the said land and premises Bargained to the proper use of the said Lewis Barns his heirs Executors administrators or Assigns forever to Have each and Singular every part and parcel thereof without Any interruption of him the said George Smith His Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns or any other person Whatsoever laying any Claim thereunto and I the said George Smith for myself my heirs Executors administrators do so grant and defend the above Bargained lands unto the said Lewis Barns his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns to their proper benefit & Behoof and the said land and premises Now give and shall forever Remain Continue and be unto the said Lewis Barns his heirs forever In witness whereof I the said George Smith Have Herewith set my hand and Seal affixed the day and Year first above Written

Signed Sealed & }
Delivered in the presence of } George Smith
James Williams }
Benjamin Prescoat } State of North Carolina
Duplin County January Court One Thousand seven Hundred
and Seventy nine Then was the within deed from George Smith to Lewis Barns was proved in Open
Court By the Oath of Benjamin Prescoat one of the subscribing witnesses thereof and Ordered to
Be Registered
Will Dickson Clk
State of North Carolina
Duplin County Registered in the Registers office of the aforesaid County in Book
letter F pages 216 and 217 By me the 26th day of September 1783
Richard Clinton Rgr
Duplin Deeds, Book 1A

(p. 37)
p. 409 Mills Mumford to Thomas Shelton, both of Duplin Co., 5 Jan 1787, for 16 pds. specie 100A patented by James Dobson 10 Nov. 1784 which sd. Dobson sold to sd. Mumford, between the Calf Marsh & White Oak, joining the sd. Shelton's line. Wit: Lewis (X) Barfield, Anthy, (A) Jones, July Ct. 1787.
Anthony Jones To Lewis Barfield Deed 16 April 1788
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 536, 537, & 538
Anthony Jones To Lewis Barfield

Deed for 120 acres lands

This indenture made this sixteenth day of April & in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred & eighty eight. Between Anthony Jones of State of No. Carolina & County of Duplin, planter, of the one part & Lewis Barfield of the County & State aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that I the said Anthony Jones do for and in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds specie to me in hand paid before the ensealing & delivery of these presents by the said Lewis Barfield, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself to be fully satisfied and paid & of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit exonerate & discharge him the said Lewis Barfield his heirs and assigns forever, & furthermore I the said Anthony Jones doth give grant bargain sell alien & confirm unto the said Lewis Barfield his heirs & assigns forever one tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less, lying & being in the County & State aforesaid on the east side of the North East River, on both sides the road & on the south side of Burncoat swamp. Begining at a stake in the swamp Anthony Jones' corner, thence his line across the road South 25 Et. 160 poles to a black jack his corner, thence his other line So. 65 Wt. 54 poles to a pine, thence along Samuel Jones's line So. 25 Et. 80 poloes to a pine, thence No. 65 Et. 140 poles to a pine, thence crossing the road No. twenty five Wt. to Burncoat Swamp, thence down the swamp to the begining stake, it being part of two hundred acres patent by Lewis Barnes patent bearing date the tenth day of November 1784, in the ninth year of our Independence & that the said Lewis Barfield he his heirs executors adms. or assigns forever. To have hold use occupie & enjoy the above bargained land & premises to their only proper use benefit & behoof & furthermore I the said Anthony Jones do for myself my heirs executors adms. warrant & forever defrend the above bargained land & premises unto the said Lewis Barfield his heirs executors administrators or assigns forever, against the lawfull claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day & date first above written. Anthony Jones

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Geo. Smith senr.
Saml. Jones

State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1788.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Saml. Jones & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.

Anthony Jones To Lewis Barfield Deed 16 April 1788
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)
Deed Book 1 A Page 538, & 539
Anthony Jones To Lewis Barfield

Deed for 150 acres lands

This indenture made this 16th day of April & in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred & eighty eight. Between Anthony Jones of the State of No. Carolina & County of Duplin planter of the one part & Lewis Barfield of the County & State aforesaid planter of the other part. Witnesseth, that I the said Anthony Jones do for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds specie to him in hand paid before the ensealing & delivering of these presents by the said Lewis Barfield, the receipt whereof I the said Anthony Jones doth hereby confess myself to be fully satisfied & paid & every part and parcel thereof doth exonerate acquit & discharge him the said Lewis Barfield his heirs & assigns forever, & furthermore I the said Anthy Jones doth give grant bargain sell alien & confirm unto the said Lewis Barfield his heirs & assigns forever, one tract or parcel of land containing one hundred & fifty acres lying & being in the County & State aforesaid, on the east side of the No. East River, on the south side of Burncoat swamp on both sides of the main road. Begining at a pine in said swamp, thence along Lewis Barnes's line South 25 Et. 160 poles crossing the road & branch to a pine said Barnes's corner, thence No. 65 Et. 150 poles to a black jack, thence crossing the road No. 25 Wt. 160 poles to a stake, six...from the high lands in the marsh, thence down the marsh & swamp south 65 Wt. 150 poles to the first station, the said lands patend by Anthony Jones bearing date tenth of November in the ninth year of our Independence, & in the year of our Lord 1784, & that the said Lewis Barfield he his heirs executors adms. or assign forever, to have hold use occupie & enjoy the above bargained land & premises to their only proper use benefit and behoof, & furthermore I the said Anthony Jones do for myself my heirs executors administrators warrant & forever defend the above bargained land and premises unto the said Lewis Barfield his heirs executors adms. or assigns forever against the lawfull claim of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day & date first above written. Anthony Jones

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Geo. Smith
Saml. Jones

State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1788.
Then was the within deed proved in open Court by the oath of Saml. Jones & ordered
to be registered.
Test W. Dickson, C. C.
William Hubbard To William Alberson Deed 20 October 1789
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book E Page 126, 127, 128, & 129

William Hubbard To William Alberson

Deed 2 Tracts Land

This Indenture made the twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. Between William Hubbard of the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina of the one part and William Alberson of the same County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of two Hundred pounds good and Lawfull Money of the State of No. Carolina aforesaid to him in hand well and truly paid by William Alberson aforesaid The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have given granted Bargained sold assigned and set over To William Alberson his heirs Executors admrs. and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Duplin aforesaid in the fork of the No. East and Burncoat swamp. Being part of a Tract of one hundred and twenty five acres Granted by Patent to Lewis Powel the 30th of March 1754. Including the Island Between the East and West runs of Burncoat Swamp and the No. East Bridge where the said Albersons new field now is Etc. Begining at a stake in the run of Burncoat Swamp in the uper line of the Paten and runs as the Patent So. 23 Wt. to a Maple in a branch or pond where the second Corner of the Patent Mentions a pine, Thence along said Paten Courses South 50 Wt. Sixty two chains to a stake in the No. East swamp Called in the Paten a pine, thence So. 42 Et. 18 chains, thence So. 60 Wt. Ten chains down the River thence So. Ten chains to a marked pine in the Island, thence along the last or open line of the Paten No. 45 Et. to the run of Burncoat swamp at Lewis Barfields line, thence up the said run as it meanders with Barfields line to the first station containing by Estimation seventy five acres be the same more or less as also one other Tract or parcel of Land in Duplin County aforesaid, on both sides of the No. East swamp including the Bridge nigh the mouth of Burncoat swamp and part of the Great Road Begining at a white oak the first station of his survey of two hundred acres that was patened by George Smith on the open line of his old survey of one Hundred and twenty five acres thence the lines of the one Hundred and Twenty five acre Survey South 47 Wt. 120 poles to a white oak at the last corner of said Survey. Thence the line of said old Survey No. 40 poles to a red oak, thence No. 60 Et. 40 poles to a stake, thence No. 42 Wt. 72 poles to a stake. Thence crossing the river South 88 Wt. 38 poles to a Cypress & Maple in the west edge of the Swamp thence crossing the road supposed to be on or nigh William Kornegas line South sixty West 60 poles to a stake thence South 180 poles to a stake, thence Et. 254 poles to a stake thence joining his own line No. 20 Wt. 190 poles to the first station containing by estimation Two Hundred acres be the same more or less. Being the contents of a Paten granted to William Hubbard aforesaid Paten bearing date the Eleventh day of July 1788. To have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises with all the appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining to him the said William Alberson his Heirs or assigns forever free from all former gifts grants Martgages Intails wills Dower right or title of Dower or any other Incumberances whatsoever given granted or done by him the said William Hubbard or any other person or persons by from or under him or them or any of them and the said William Hubbard the aforesaid Lands and premises to him the said William Alberson his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever, shall and will warrant secure and Defend from and against him the said William Hubbard his heirs Excrs. admrs. or assigns forever, as also from and against the just and Lawfull claim of any other person or persons Who may hereafter lay any Lawfull claim to the same. In witness whereof the said William Hubbard hath hereunto set his hand and seal the Date first above written. signed sealed and Delivered William Hubbard
In the presence of us
James Hubbard
William A. Houstaon

State of No. Carolina Duplin County January Term 1791

Then was the within Deed proved in open Court by the oath of James Hubbard and ordered to be
Registered. Test W. Dickson C. C.
Lewis Barfield To Anthony Jones Deed 12 February 1790
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book E Page 178, 179, & 180

Lewis Barfield To Anthony Jones

Deed 150 acres

This Indenture made this twelth day of Febuary and In the year of ou Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and ninety. Between Lewis Barfield of the State of No. Carolina and County of Duplin planter of the one part and Anthony Jones of the County of Duplin and state aforesaid planter of the other part Witnesseth that the said Lewis Barfield do for and In consideration of the sum of fifty pounds specie to me in hand paid before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Anthony Jones the receipt whereof I the said Lewis Barfield Doth hereby confess myself fully satisfied and paid and of Every of part and parcel thereof Doth acquit exonerate and Discharge him the said Anthony Jones his Heirs and assigns forever and further more I the said Lewis Barfield doth give grant Bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Anthony Jones his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of Land containing one Hundred and fifty acres lying and being in the state an county aforesaid on the East side of the North East River and on the south side of Burncoat swamp on both sides of the main Road Begining at a pine in the said swamp thence along Lewis Barnes line So. 25 Et. 160 poles crossing the Road & branch to a pine said Barnses corner thence North 65 Et. 150 poles to a black jack thence crossing the road north 25 Wt. 160 poles to a stake 6 sticks from the Land in the marsh thence Down the Marsh & swamp So. 65 West 150 poles to the first station the said Land pattened by Anthony Patrit bearing Date the twelth day of November & in the Ninth of our Independance and in the year of ou lord Christ one Thousand 7 hundred & eighty four & set over to the said Barfield by deed will appear & now purchased again the said Anthony Jones his heirs executors Admrs. or assigns for ever to have & to hold use occupy & enjoy the said bargained land & premises to their only proper use benefit & behoofe & further more I the said Lewis Barfield do for myself my heirs exec. admrs. warrant & forever defend ye above bargained Land & premises unto the said Anthony Jones his heirs Execrs. admrs. or assigns forever against the lawful claim of me or any person or persons whatsoever in as full & ample a manner as any right contains in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and date first above mentioned signed sealed & delivered Signed sealed and Delivered
In the presence of Lewis Barfield
George Smith senior
Lucretia Barfield

State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791

Then was the within Deed acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.

NOTE: If the witness to this deed is granddaughter Lucretia (females could witness deeds as young as 12) that would make her born at least by 1778. This doesn't seem to fit a granddaughter. Maybe Lewis B's wife was named Lucretia?
Lewis Barfield to Fredrick Jones Deed 12 February 1790
(Transcribed by Keith & Myra Lanier)

Deed Book E Page 180, & 181

Lewis Barfield to Fredrick Jones

Deed 1720 acres

This Indenture made this twelth day of Febuary and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven Hundred and Ninety. Between Lewis Barfield of the State of North Carolina and County of Duplin planter of the one part and Fredrick Jones of the said County and State aforesaid planter of the other part Witnesseth that I the said Lewis Barfield do for and In consideration of the sum of thirty pounds specie to me in hand paid before the ensealing and delivering of these presents by the said Fredrick Jones the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself satisfied and paid and of every part and parcel thereof doth acquit Exonerate and Discharge him the said Fredrick Jones his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Lewis Barfield doth give grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Fredrick Jones his Heirs and assigns forever one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing by Estimation one Hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less lying and in the County and state aforesaid on the East side of the Road and on the So. side of Burncoat swamp. Begining at a stake in the swamp Anthony Joneses corner thence his line across the Road So. 23 Et. 160 poles to a blackjack Anthony Jones corner thence his other line So. 65 Wt. 54 poles to a pine thence So. 25 Et. 80 poles to a pine thence No. 65 Et. 140 poles to a pine thence crossing the Road No. 25 West to Burncoat swamp thence down the swamp to the begining stake it being part of two Hundred acres paten by Lewis Barnes patent bearing date the tenth day of November 1784 and he the said Fredrick Jones he his heirs and exrs. admrs. or assigns forever to have hold use occupy and enjoy the above bargained land and premises unto their only proper use benefit & behoof & furthermove I the said Lewis Barfield do for myself my heirs Executors administrators warrant & forever defend the above bargained Land & premises unto the said Fredrick Jones his Heirs Execrs. administrators or assigns forever against the lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever in as full and ample a manner as my right makes me from Anthony Jones & that the said Frederick Jones may from time to time and at all times hereafter peaciablely enjoy the above premises with appurtainances to the same Belonging or in any wise appurtaining In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afixed my seal the day and date first above written Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
George Smith senior Lewis Barfield
Lucretia Barfield

State of No. Carolina Duplin County April Term 1791

Then was the within Deed acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test W. Dickson C. C.
(p 135)
p. 141 Wm. (William) Alberson to Samuel Alberson, both of Duplin Co., 16 Jan 1794, for 200 pds. good & lawful money of N.C. 275A in 2 tracts: (1) 75A in the fork of the Northeast & Burncoat Swamp, being part of a tract of 125A granted by patent to Lewis Powell 30 Mar 1754, incl. the Island between the E & W runs of Burncoat Swamp & the NE bridge where the sd. Alberson's new field now is & c., beg. at a stake in the run of Burncoat Swamp the upper line of the patent, joining LEWIS BARFIELD'S line; (2) 200A on BS of the Northeast Swamp incl. the bridge near the mouth of Burncoat Swamp & part of the great road, beg. at a white oak the 1st station of 200A patented by George Smith on the open line of his old survey of 125A joining William Kornegay & his own, being the contents of a patent granted to William Hubberd 11July 1788. Wit: Thomas Wright, Shadk. Wooten. Apr. Ct. 1804.

(p 117)
p. 552 D.(Durham) Grady of Wayne Co. to Alexander Grady Junr. of Duplin Co., 4 Oct 1806, for $750, 222A in the fork of the Northeast & Burncoat, beg. at a gum on the edge of the Northeast Swamp at the mouth of Burncoat , sd. to be William Alberson's line, to LEWIS BARFIELD'S corner, to a stake on the run of Burncoat to a white oak near the road leading from BARFIELD'S to Kornegay's Bridge on the Northeast, to the head of Saw Pit Branch, granted to Frederick Grady for 175A, to Frederick Grady's old corner of a 175A survey. Wit: Henry Grady, F. Grady, Elisha Grady. Apr. Ct. 1809.

(p. 164)
p. 376 Alexander Graddy (Senr.) of Duplin Co. to Frederick Grady (Neuse) of Duplin Co., 10 Dec 1810, for $250, 154A on the ES of the Northeast of Cape Fear & on the NS of Burncoat, beg. at a black gum in the edge of Burncoat James Grady's corner, just below the mouth of Long Branch, on the ES of the Long Branch opposite Outlaw's old ford, to a black gum in the run of the Tarkiln Branch, joining Frederick Grady Senr.'s line & LEWIS BARFIELD'S corner on the edge of Burncoat. Wit: Wm. Grady, Alex grady Jr., Henry Grady. July Ct. 1811.

(p. 156)
p. 315 LEWIS (B) BARFIELD (SENR.) to ANN BARFIELD his dau., both of Duplin Co., 15 Mar 1811, for "natural love & affection" 195A on Burncoat Swamp, joing Burwell Williams & others, beg. on the NS of Burncoat in Fredk. Grady's line, joining Burwell Williams & others, beg. on the NS of Burncoat in Fredk. Grady's line, joining Beverly's survey, Debrewhl's branch, Christopher Lawson, James Grady, Frederick Grady (Sadler), Fredk. Grady Senr., being part of 4 surveys. Wit: Owen O'Daniel, LEWIS BARFIELD JR. Apr. Ct. 1811.

p. 319 LEWIS (B) BARFIELD (SENR.) to LEWIS BARFIELD JUNR., both of Duplin Co., 15 Mar 1811, for $200 , 200A on the ES of the Northeast of Cape Fear & on Lawhorn Branch, joining Fredk. Smith & LEWIS BARFIELD JUNR.'S lines, beg. at a pine BARFIELD'S corner of a survey patented by George Smith, joining Thomas Worley & by John Williams' line. Wit: Owen O'Daniels, ANNA BARFIELD. Apr. Ct. 1811

p. 320 LEWIS (B) BARIELD (SENR.) to his dau. POLLY BARFIELD, both of Duplin Co., 15 Mar 1811, for "good will & natural love & affection" 150A on Burncoat Swamp, joining WRIGHT BARFIELD & Burwell Williams, beg. at a short strawed pine on the NS of Burncoat on Fredk. Grady's line near the main road, along the main road aross Burncoat to the forks of the road, along a row of marked trees to the back line of Beverly survey, along the back line to a large pine Burwell Williams' corner & WRIGHT BARFIELD'S line & with his line to the run of Burncoat & up the run to Alexander Grady Junr.'s line, along his line to a white oak near the main road, to Fredk. Grady Senr.'s line to the beg., being part of 3 survey's incl. the cleared land between the main road & WRIGHT BARFIELD'S line. Wit: Owen O'Daniel, LEWIS BARFIELD JR. Apr. Ct. 1811

(p. 177)
p. 477 D. (Daniel) Glisson, Shff. of Duplin Co. to Frederick Smith (Senr.), (co. not given), for 100 pds. 300A on the ES of the Northeast River & below the mouth of Panther Swamp in 2 tracts to wit: (1) 200A beg. at a water oak in the mouth of a branch called the Live Branch, adj. Walker's line, it being part of a 400A survey granted to Robert Walker in 1740; (2) 100A beg. at a red oak on the line of the afsd. mentioned survey, granted to Samuel Ratliff in 1750 known by the name of Ratliff's Venture. The Court awarded 73 pds. 10 pence, plus 1 pd. 2 shill. & 9 pence for cost & charges to Archelaus Branch for debt in suit against Frederick Smith, Bentley Weston & LEWIS BARFIELD. The Shff. levied on sd. 300A belonging to afsd. Smith, which sd. Smith purchased at public auction 20 July 1812. Wit: Loften Quinn, Phill Southerland Jr. Oct. Ct. 1812.


BirthBef 1734
MarriageAbt 1758Lucretia?
MilitaryAbt 1776
Census1783Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Census (family)1786Hubbard's District, Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Lucretia?
Census1790Wilmington District, Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Census (family)1800Duplin, North Carolina, United States - Lucretia?
Census1806Duplin, North Carolina, United States
Census1810Duplin, North Carolina, United States
DeathBef 1814Duplin, North Carolina, United States


SpouseLucretia? ( - )
ChildLewis Barfield Jr. (1776 - 1827)
ChildWright Barfield (1758 - )
ChildAnn Barfield ( - )
ChildMary "Polly" Barfield (1791 - )
ChildBarfield ( - 1814)
FatherRichard Barfield (1696 - 1755)
MotherUNK ( - )
SiblingHenry Barfield (1722 - 1790)
SiblingRichard Barfield (1722 - )
SiblingAnn Barfield (1727 - )
SiblingSolomon Barfield (1729 - )
SiblingCatherine Barfield (1729 - 1801)
SiblingElizabeth "Lebeth or Tebeth" Barfield (1735 - 1754)
SiblingJesse Barfield (1737 - 1780)
SiblingMary "Mollie" Barfield (1740 - 1791)

