Individual Details

Thomas Poor Jr.

(Abt 1715 - 1 Feb 1788)

Thomas Poor Sr. of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover County VA, deeded to Thomas Poor Jr. land on the North side of the James River [200 acres] in Goochland, 1744. Goochland DB 4, p.434. This was a deed of gift and also named Thomas Junr's wife as Elizabeth.
John Moseley Senr also made a deed of gift of 3 slaves to the young couple. No doubt this is about the time of their marriage. 16 Oct 1744. Abraham was a witness to both Deeds.
Probably served in the Revolution along with his brother Abraham.

Deeds of gift from John Moseley Senr and Thomas Poor Senr to Thomas Junr and his wife (& dau of John Moseley) dated 16 Oct 1744 would seem to indicate that this is about the time of their marriage. A depostion by Susanna Poor suggests they were married some four years prior to this.
Marriage date often seen as 23 Dec 1756 is actually the first child baptized by Rev. Douglas (Lucy) so that is an "implied" marriage record and other records seem to indicate they were married much earlier.
[Wonder if this Thomas Poore was married twice - the children's ages span many years? Some seem to have been born prior to 1744. However there is not a firm date for the marriage and the births all fall within childbearing years for Elizabeth.]

Goochland DB 5
p.162 19 Aug 1746 John Bibey of Albemarle to Thomas Poore of Hanover ..64£ …200 acres in Goochland on Castle branch. John Curds line on North side Castle branch …Nicholas Perkins line …James Mayos line …Philip Walkers line . North side of branch, down the branch Signed: John X Biby. Witness: Peter Massie, James Mayo, Thomas Poor. Bibe ack 19 Aug 1746. Jane his wife relinquished right of Dower.
p.164 Bibey's bond for same.

St. James Parish Vestry Book, 1744-1850, by William Lindsay Hopkins, self-published, 1987
22 Oct 1759. John Page Sr. and Abraham Poor were appointed to procession lands the Thomas Poor and William Swift had done in 1755.

Thomas Poor and William Britt served on juries for the purpose of confiscation [escheating] lands from British subjects in 1779. It could be this Thomas Poor [husband of Elizabeth Moseley] and William Britt, father of the William Britt who married Thomas's daughter Sarah. It is not possible to tell, but I suspect the young William Britt and the younger Thomas Poors who were then living in Goochland were too young to have had this sort of responsibility.
Goochland DB 12
p.297 Inquest taken 28 Sep 1779 by William Harrison, Escheator for Goochland Co and William H. Miller, Thomas Poor, David Jarratt, Archelaus Jarret, Edward Smith, George Richardson, Samuel Richardson, William Johnson, John Ware, William Holman, William Britt, Charles Price, jurors. Whether the lands in possession of Thomas Randolph , known by name of Dungeness Tract of Goochland whereon Joseph Wilkerson is overseer escheats to the Commonwealth of Virgina. 3000 acres. The jurors heard the evidence & own their oaths it is of their opinion that the Reversion of the said tract Escheats. [can't read all …. British Subjects]
Oct 18 1779 Proceedings were presented in Court and ordered recorded
p.298 Inquest by William Harrison, Escheator:
Wm Holman, Thos. Poor, Archl. Jarratt, John Hopkins, Wm Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, William Britt, Edward Smith, George Richardson, Saml Richardson, Charles Rice, Wm. H. Miller, jurors
Property of Lewis Braswell Martin, esq. who is a British Subject, escheats & forfeits. 2350 acres of land. Bounded by lines of Charles Lewis, James River, lines of Samuel Martin, tract of land where William Harrison now lives, all which the said Martin holds in Goochland Co. Also 88 slaves [named] 16 horses, mares & colts, stock of horned cattle, stock of sheep and hogs all the plantation utensils & the crops on the lands
….which is forfeited to the Commonwealth agreeable to an act of Assembly, an act concerning Escheats & forfeitures from British subjects…
27 Sep 1799
Recorded 18 Oct 1779
p.299 Inquest 27 Sep 1779 by William Harrison, Escheator
Tract known as the Lewis Elam Tract. 275 acres. Bounded by lines of Stephen Sampson, Stephen Davis, Huchin & others. Being the property of said Lewis Elam …British Subject, escheats to the Commonwealth of Virginia
Jury: William Holman, John Hopkins, William Miller, Thomas Poor, William Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, William Britt, George Richardson, Charles Rice, Samuel Richardson, Edward Smith, Archelaus Jarrett
Can't read "recorded"section
Inquest. 28 Oct 1779 William Harrison, Escheator. And Jury.
George Keppin and Company late merchant of Glasgow, subject of Great Britain.
Real & personal Estate. 254 acres. Bounded by John Perkins, Stephen Sampson, Robt Cardin, John Thurston, Ansil George, Gervis Ealam, Jennings Pullam. Land mortgaged by James George to the said George Kippin & Co which mortgage has been foreclosed.
Jury: Robert Lewis, Henry Mullins, George Richardson, Edmond Duke, John Ware, John Perkins, Wm. H. Miller, Thos Poor, William Johnson, Charles Rice, John Martin, William Britt.
15 Nov 1779 Recorded.

Recorded in The Douglas Register, p.343:
Feb: 1 1788 - Tho: Poor in Goochland died a worthy good man.

Found in Blog archive, dated 3 Sep 2007
Source Documentation: Will of Thomas Poor, 1788. Goochland County, Deed Book 15, 1788-1791, Reel 6, pp 12-14. The Library of Virginia, Archives, Richmond, Virginia. - Image copies on file with Researcher.
Note: I have a copy of this Will and have altered several words in the following in correction....corrected words are underlined
In the Name of god amen I Thomas Poor of Goochland County being Weak of body but of sound mind do make and Ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following (Viz) that is to say first it is my will and Desire that my Just debts be paid and dischargd by my executors hereafter mentioned . . . .
Item My will and desire is that my whole estate now in my possession be kept Together in the possession of my loving Wife Elisabeth Poor untill my son William Poor arives to the Age of twenty one years . . .
Item I lend to my loving Wife Elizabeth Poor during her Natural life or Widowhood the following Negroes, Prince Jack Charles and hannah, also Two feather beds and furniture, one table, Desks, looking glass, six head of Cattle one horse and Mair
Item I give to my son William Poor one half of the Land whereon I now live being the upper part of my tract of Land the deviding line is as follows Begining on Colo John Hopkins line near the Schoolhouse then Runing Directly along the path that leads to Mr John Martins to the branch to him and heirs forever also one mair which my son William Calls his mair ---
Item I give to my two sons William Poor and Thomas Poor the following Negros (Viz) Nance pall and fanney to be equally devided between my two sons William and Thomas Poor - also a Negro Woman Named Hannah after my loving Wifes death or Marriage to be equally divided between my two sons William & Thomas Poor.~
Item I give to my son William Poor two tables after my Lovings Wifes decease
Item I give to my son Thomas Poor that horse is now lost and if the said horse is not found I give my son Thomas the Colt in stead of the said horse ~
Item I give my son Thomas one Desk after the deceace of my loving Wife
Elisabeth[sic] Poor.
Item I give to my son Thomas Poor the Land and plantation where I now live being the remainder of my land to and his heirs forever- - - -
Item I give to my Daughter Janney[sic - Jane] Lambert twenty pounds to be raised out of my estate
Item I give to my Daughter Leucy[sic - Lucy] Smith one Negro girl named Aggy.
Item I give to my Daughter Sarah Brill[sic - Britt] one Negro Girl named Janney
Item my will and Desire is that [word scratched out] after my Death and my loving Wifes that all my household and Kitchen furniture and all the Cash that shall arise from my estate and debts due, and all the stock of every denomination to be equally devided between my Children as follows (Viz) Ann Lee, Janney Lambert, Leucy Smith Sarah Brill, William and Thomas Poor to them and their heirs forever this being my Last will and testament I do hereby apoint[sic] my loving Wife Elisabeth Poor James Scruggs Samuel Cosby[crossed out & written next to this word] Causbyand Samuel Richardson to be my hole and sole Executors to this my last will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of October Seventeen hundred and Eighty four Signd Seald in the preasence of Thomas Poor[signed in his own hand] [Seal]
John Martin
David Powers
Sam Richardson
At a Court held for Goochland County Febrary[sic] the 18th 1788 This last will and testament of Thomas Poor deceased was presented in Court & proved by the oath of Samuel Richardson which was Continued for further proof and at a Court held for Goochland County the 17th day of March 1788 This Witness was further proved by the oath of Jno Martin to be the last will and Testament of Thomas Poor deceased which was Ordered to be recorded. and at a Court Continued and held for the said County of Goochland the 19th Day of march 1788 on the motion of James Scruggs one of the executors therein Named who made Oath according to Law and entered into and Acknowledged his bond with John Shelton and John Curd Gent his Securities in penalty of Two thousand pounds probat[image copy cut-off] thereof was granted him in due form with leave for the other executors to come in when they shall think fit
Teste G Payne CC
[Although several of the daughters of Thomas & Elizabeth were not named in his will - Mary, Elizabeth, Judith, Susanna, Mildred - all but Judith were named in the final settlement of his estate in 1798.]

Goochland DB 15, p.55-58
Appraisement of Estate of Thos. Poor dec'd taken 5 Apr 1788
Slaves: Prince, Charles, Jack, Ned, Hannah, Patt, Nance, Fanney, Jenney, Aggy, George, Writter, Rewlin, Frank
Presented 19 May 1788. No total. Wm. H. Miller, John Martin, John Perkins

Goochland DB 17, p.282-284
Court Order dated 16 Oct 1797. Richard Lewis Jr, Archibald Bryce Sr., John & Archelas Perkins, or any three, were to settle the accounts of James Scruggs, Executor of Thos. Poor dec'd and divided the distributable surplus of the estate among his distributees.
Slaves were distributed to Lucy Smith, Sarah Britt, Thomas Poor and William Poor. Money distributed to Jno. Lee, Jno. Lambert and William Poor.
15 £ 10s was determined to be the proportion to each of the ten surviving children of Thomas Poor and was given to: Mary Thomas, Elizabeth Haden, Susannah Scruggs, Ann Lee, Mildred Cosby, Lucey Smith, Jane Lambert, Sarah Britt, William Poor, and Thomas Poor. [Daughter Judith who married Constant Perkins is not named, possibly deceased.]
8 Mar 1798. Signed: Archd Bryce Jr, John Perkins, Archs. Perkins.
Present at court on 17 Sep 1798 and ordered recorded.


BirthAbt 1715
MarriageAbt 1740Goochland County, Virginia - Elizabeth Moseley
Death1 Feb 1788Goochland County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Moseley (1725 - 1790)
ChildMary POOR (1740 - )
ChildElizabeth POOR (1742 - 1809)
ChildSusannah Poor (1744 - )
ChildAnn Poor (1746 - )
ChildMildred Poor ( - )
ChildLucy POOR (1756 - )
ChildJane "Janney" Poor ( - )
ChildJudith POOR (1759 - )
ChildSarah "Sally" Poor (1760 - 1816)
ChildWilliam POOR (1765 - )
ChildThomas POOR (1768 - 1830)
FatherThomas Poor (1685 - 1754)
MotherSusannah Estes (1688 - 1754)
SiblingElisabeth Poor (1710 - )
SiblingAbraham Poor (1725 - 1791)
SiblingRobert Poor (1730 - 1803)
