Individual Details
Thomas Poor
(By 1685 - Bef 1754)
Haden/Poor(Cave) Internet Home Page gave his birth as about 1700
Another Poor researcher gave me the christening date of 30 Oct 1682, but that seems early and there is no proof
In 1770, Thomas (Junior) deposed about his mother's young siblings, Moses and Barbara Estes, coming to live with his father in 1721. His sister, Elisabeth Harris, deposed at the same time, stating her age to be about 60 and confirming the time frame. They had to be old enough to have been aware - and she would have been born about 1710. Certainly Thomas was born before 1700, and somewhere between 1680 and 1685 becomes more reasonable.
Thomas and Susannah lived within St. Martin's Parish, Hanover County VA.
[There is a great deal of confusion about the various Thomas Poors among Poor researchers. I would say this entire lineage as shown is doubtful at best.]
CAVALIERS, Vol II, p.107 A Tho. Poore was one of importations for which Thomas Smith received a patent in N'ampton Co 2 May 1706. If he WAS this Thomas Poore, the 1682 christening would be reasonable. There is no other Thomas Poore imported or receiving a land patent from 1695-1732. But perhaps this Thomas was not here at all that early.
Goochland Co VA Colonial Wills, 1736-1742; Benjamin B. Weisiger III. 1984.
Deed 18 Jun 1739. John Cobbs of St. James Parish, Goochland, to Thomas Poor Sr. of St. Martins Parish, Hanover Co for 50£, 400 acres as by patent 21 Nov 1734, on "north side of James River, bounded by Jonas Lawson".
This tract had a history of several owners. I found the patent with this property description in VA patent book, 15, p.372. It was first granted 16 Jun 1727, when it still lay in Henrico Co, to Thomas Tindall who then sold it to Dudley Digges. It was described as 400 acres, the "north side of the James River, bounded by Jonas Lawson". Tindall & Digges failed to cultivate or make improvements; Abraham Nicholas made request for the grant but then relinquished it to John Nash of Henrico Co on 21 Nov 1734. I believe Nash likely sold it to John Cobbs.
Cobbs did have other land in the area - his grant dated 25 May 1734, also for 400 acres, description was on the east branches of the Byrd, adj Thomas Massie, Dec'd, William Walton, and William Swift, and is record in Book 15, p.227.
That this land is all in the same area is a grant to Arthur Hopkins [who was also a neighbor to Anthony Haden on the Little Byrd]. Dated 21 Nov 1734, Hopkins received 200 acres on the upper side of the Little Byrd, "north side of the James River adjacent Jonas Lawson", Robert Gorsley, George Payne & Thomas Murrell, Book 15, p.358
The gift to Thomas Jr. could have been half of the above tract:
Goochland DB 4, p.434 9 Oct 1744 Thomas Poor, Senr of Hanover County for love & natural affection to his loving son Thomas Poor Junr and Elizabeth his wife of Goochland. 200 acres on North side of James ...borders his own land. Susannah, his wife, was examined and relinquished her right of Dower.
Goochland DB 5, p.162 19 Aug 1746 John Bibey of Albemarle sold to Thomas Poore of Hanover, 200 acres in Goochland; John Curd's line on North side Castle Branch; Nicholas Perkins line... Thomas Poor [Junr] was one of the witnesses.
The following record proves the name of Thomas Poor's wife as well as that of two of their children.
Amelia Co, VA chancery Court.
Amelia File Box 1784: P to W; Amelia File Box 1785, May Court
Moses Estis father, Abraham Estes, died Nov. 21, 1720; leaving his estate. to wife Barbara to dispose of. The sd. Barbara's will was made Nov. 25, 1720, in writing, She had given several parts of said husband's estate to several of her children and remainder to be placed in the hands of Elisha Estis and Thomas Poor and wife Susanna, for the benefit of the sd. Moses and his sister Barbara Estes. If either should die, then the same to be divided amongst Sylvester, Thomas, Elisha, Robert, Richard, John and Moses Estis, Mary Watkins, Susanna Poor and Sarah Estis. sd. Elisha Estis undertook the Executorship.
16 April 1770. Depositions from two of the children of Thomas & Susanna (Estes) Poor, Thomas and Elisabeth Harris, stated that it had been 49 years (about 1721) since Moses & Barbara had come to live with their father. Moses was about 10, Barbara about 8. Barbara Estis died when she was about 16.
Several friendly requests to Elisha had been made by Moses for the division of the sd. Barbara's estate.
29 Jun 1770. Answer of Elisha Estes that money left for Moses, sd. Moses being sickly, was used to take care of expenses for him and for Barbara - for board and maintenance and doctors. He stated he had made accounting for the expenditures.
The depositions of Thomas Poor and Elisabeth Harris did confirm that the children were sickly and that their father had to hire Elisabeth Yeates to attend Barbara for about three years. Moses had also attended school. Thomas Poor remembered that at some time there was a settlement and Moses Estis was present and seemed satisfied.
Spouse | Susannah Estes (1688 - 1754) |
Child | Elisabeth Poor (1710 - ) |
Child | Thomas Poor Jr. (1715 - 1788) |
Child | Abraham Poor (1725 - 1791) |
Child | Robert Poor (1730 - 1803) |
1. David George Kyle (Material left to him by a cousin), Internet Home Page: Haden/Poor (Cave) (, Ancestor Report, Generation 8.
2. David George Kyle (Material left to him by a cousin), Internet Home Page: Haden/Poor (Cave) (, Ancestor Report, Generation 9.