Individual Details
Philip Thomas
(16 Aug 1757 - Bef Jun 1837)
CASWELL COUNTY NC 1777-1877 HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS OF MINUTES OF CASWELL COURT,Katharine Kerr Kendall, 1976. Minutes of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
17 Jan 1785 Philip THOMAS to keep and repair road N side of Dan to Virginia line at the Island ford.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 5
p.542 List of Surveys made in Fall 1779 & Spring 1780
Mar 7 Philip Thomas, 47 acres
The marriage date to Judith Bolton of 13 Jun 1781, is likely the Bond date.
Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists, 1783. Phillip Thomas is listed with 42 acres from Wm Thomas.
Caswell Co NC Deeds:
DB B, p.120 14 Dec 1783 Wm Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to Phillip Thomas of Caswell, his son, 54 acres on Country Line Crk whereon he lives except the mill and 1 acre adjoining adj Ben Merritt on the VA line on SW side of Creek. Wit: Thos Jeffreys, James Sanders
Philip sold this tract to his brother Jacob in 1795.
I previously had a number of records posted to this Philip that were not his. There was another Philip Thomas, perhaps close to the same age, but more likely some older, that lived in Halifax Co. at this time. The Halifax Philip Thomas died circa 1803. I do not know his relationship to the family of William Thomas, but I suspect there was one.
This deed is a bit ambiguous. It says to Philip Thomas of Halifax, but when it is sold, Philip Thomas of Caswell sells the land and he signs "Ph. Thomas" which is how the Philip Thomas, son of William & Joyce Thomas, signed his named on other records. I have included it with both Phillips, but I believe it must be this one.
27 Feb 1787 Halifax DB 14, p.80 George Connally of Caswell to Philip Thomas of Halifax for £25. 167 acres East side Country Line Creek in Halifax. Being on country line of VA, a corner of Wm. Moor's. adj Wm. Moore, John Lewis ?Bird?, & the Country Line. Wit: N. Hobson, H. Haralson, James Moore, John Connally, John Coleman, William Powell, Edward [Edmund] King. Rec. 20 Apr 1787.
Here is the sale:
6 Apr 1795 Halifax DB 15, p.628. Philip Thomas of Caswell NC to Jacob Thomas of Pittsylvania for £73 about 167 ½acres in Halifax on branches of the Country Line Creek, bounded by the Country line a little below the Mill. Signed: Ph Thomas. Wit: Lewis Cox, George Thomas, Asa Thomas. Rec. 27 Jun 1796.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 10
p.179 25 Dec 1788 Philip Thomas of Caswell Co NC to Robert Williams of Pittsy. 10£. 47 acres on waters of Sandy Creek. Begin William Durretts Corner, on sd Robert Williams's line that was formerly Jno. Payne's line, Lewis line, Byrd's Order.. Signed: Ph. Thomas Wit: Jno Hord, Polley Williams, Susanna Williams, Thomas (+) Davis, Mary Clay
15 Jun 1795 Ack. by Philip Thomas
[This land was patented 1 Feb 1781 [Grant Book D, p.489] 47 acres in Pittsylvania on br of Sandy Creek adj Derret, Payne, Williams, etc. ]
p.501 26 Nov 1795 Jacob Thomas to Philip Thomas of Caswell NC. 200£. tract on both sides of Strawberry Crk. 400 acres. Pointers in line of Richard Chamberlayns patent, part of his Order of Council., new dividing line. Signed: Jacob Thomas Wit: John Lewis, Benjamin (X) Burton, George Thomas 17 Oct 1796 Ack. by Jacob Thomas
Caswell Co NC, WB B, p.286
July Court 1789 Joab Robertson, an orphan 8 years old on 20 Oct 1788; bound to Philip Thomas.
Caswell DB F, p.304-5 31 Aug 1789 John Tarpley of Charlotte Co VA to Philip Thomas of Caswell ...100 acres, a tract Charles Burton [Boulton] purchased of Andrew Haddock adj Burton, James Sanders, Boulton. [DB A, p. 652 1 Jun 1782 Chas Boulton to John Tarpley - 100 acres purchased from Andrew Haddock ...also signed by Elizabeth Boulton]
Sold to his brother Jacob in 1795. Philip's first wife was Judith Boulton, daughter of Charles Boulton, but at that time, 1781, from Caswell Co, NC. Her mother was Elizabeth. Likely this land had once belonged to Philip's in-laws.
Pittsylvania DB G, p.171-2 15 Jan 1791 Wm Thomas Senr of Pittsylvania Co VA to Philip Thomas of Caswell & Asa Thomas of Pittsylvania Co, his sons, one mill and millseat on Country Line Crk in Caswell with 1 acre included in deed from William to Philip; 1 acre N side; 1 A on S side bought of John Campbell. Wit: Will Thomas Jr, John Thomas, George Thomas
Pittsylvania DB H, p.438 6 Apr 1795 Phillip Thomas of Caswell to Jacob Thomas of Pittsylvania, two tracts: on 50 acres upper side Country Line Crk including 1/2 acre on lower side part of mill tract adj Benj Merritt on the VA line; the other 100 acres adj James Sanders, Chas Boulton. Wit: Lewis Cox, John Thomas.
The first of the two tracts is apparently the original deed of gift from William to his son Philip, 14 Dec 1783. The second tract was bought 31 Aug 1789 from John Tarpley.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 11
p.254 17 Oct 1797 Benjamin Burnett to Abraham Martin Senr of Charles County. 60£ 100a West of Calls fork. Being at Chamberlaines line, my upper line crosses the Creek, on Chamberlains Order line Signed: Benjamin Burnett Wit: Ph. Thomas, Abriham Williams, James Mastain 16 Apr 1798 ack by Burnett
Nov 1803 Pittsy CR 11, p.18 Suit by Edward Atkins for Anna his infant daughter vs. Philip Thomas for Ichabod his infant son, ordered to be tried at next Quarterly Court.
Aug 1804 Pittsy CR 11, p.216 Suit of Edward Atkins for Anna dismissed at defendant's [Philip Thomas] cost and he is ordered to pay Edward Popejoy and William Parrish for witnesses.
Pittsylvania Co DB 14
p.455 25 Jun 1805 Peyton Thomas appoints Asa Thomas of Caswell Co, NC his true and lawfull Attorney to receive from any person all sums of money, debts & demands now due.
Signed: Peyn Thomas. Wit: Ichabod Thomas, Phi. Thomas [names cut off at bottom of the page - could be ??? Thomas] p.456 15 Jul 1805. Pwer of attorney from Peyton Thomas to Asa Thomas presented & proved by one of the witnesses. 21 Oct, further proved by two other witnesses.
19 Dec 1810 Pittsy DB 17, p.226 Francis, Edward & Thomas Burnett to Philip Thomas. $300 Land on Strawberry Crk in Pittsy Co ...begin in Wm Beck's line. Adj Cantrill, Ryan, Maple Swamp Branch, the Order Line, Ball's Fork.
[No acreage given. Is this when Philip moved to Strawberry Creek?]
17 May 1811 Pittsy DB 17, p.285 William Beck & Nancy his wife to Philip Thomas. $100. 78 Acres East side Ball's fork of Strawberry Creek. Begin at corner stake in Ryan's line. Adj Joshua Cantril, Wm Beck, Maple Swamp Branch, Benj Burnett, ?rein line?
[Obviously adjacent to property bought from Ryan.]
18 Jan 1813 Pittsy DB 18, p.164 Edward Burnett & wife to Philip Thomas. $100. 71 Acres on Strawberry Cr. Begin at chesnut in the Order line. Adj Wm Beck, the Maple Swamp Branch, & the Order Line.
[The Order Line probably refers to William Byrd's land patented to Byrd by an Order of the Council]
17 Jan 1814 Pittsy CR 16, p. 165 Philip Thomas granted letters of admin on Estate of Asa Thomas, dec'd. Ichabod Thomas his security in the penalty of $5000.
5 May 1814 Pittsy DB 21, p.322 Power of Attorney from Peyton Thomas to Philip Thomas.
The following deeds may be part of Administration of Asa's estate:
Pittsylvania DB R, p.146 13 Aug 1814 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to Durrett Richards of Caswell ..2 1/2 acres adj town of Milton to Country Line Crk. Wit: Thos Connally, Wm F. Parker, Jno Stanfield
DB R, p.161 13 Aug 1814 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to William Parker of Person Co ...6 acres in Caswell adj town of Milton to Country Line Crk adj Durrett Richards. Wit: Jno Stanfield, Thos Connally
DB R, p.202 13 Aug 1814 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania to Thomas Connally of Caswell for $40.26, 1 ½ A, lot #31, the warehouse lot in Milton and a lot adj Country Line Crk Wit: Jno Stanfield, Durrett Richards, Wm. L. Parker, Danl S. Farley.
DB S, p.281 13 Aug 1814 Philip Thomas of Piitsylvania Co to Virgil M. Rainey of Caswell for $20.01 - lot #38 in Milton. Wit: D. Richards, Charles Boulton, Jno Stanfield
DB R, p.184 10 Nov 1814 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to James Sanders Senr of Caswell ...lot #24 in Milton where Asa Thomas lived. Wit: Thos. Gatewood, Thomas Boulden, Stith Boulden
17 Feb 1816 Pittsy DB 19, p.380 Philip Thomas to son John W. Thomas. In consideration of a Negro I was to have given John W interest in tract of land in Pittsylvania Co purchased by myself & sd John W. Thomas from Richard M. Beavers.
Caswell DB S, p.120 13 Mar 1818 Philip Thomas, atty for Peyton Thomas to James Sanders Sr. In 1814 Thomas conveyed to Sanders lot #24 in Milton. Thomas relinquishes all rights to said lot whereon Asa Thomas lived. Wit: R. M. Sanders, Icabod Thomas.
Caswell DB S, p.281 13 Aug 1814 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to Virgil M. Rainey of Caswell, lot #38 in Milton. wit: D. Richards, Charles Boulton, Jno Stanfield
Caswell DB S, p.293 17 Mar 1818 Philip Thomas with P of A of Peyton Thomas to Icabod Thomas all of Pittsylvania Co for $500, all right & title to land & lots in Milton owned by Peyton Thomas. Wit: Jas. Williams, Jno Astin, James Beck
DB S, p.294-5 24 Mar 1818 Joyce Thomas to Icabod Thomas both of Pittsylvania Co for $1 and love & affection all right & title to lots in Milton & tract adj Milton which her son Asa Thomas owned at his death. Wit: Thomas Gossett, Ludwell Bookman.
[Thomas Gossett was present for Processioning of Joyce's property in 1817!]
DB T, p.108-9 15 Mar 1819 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co, atty for Peyton Thomas, to Philip J. Echols of Milton - whereas George Thomas by last Will devised property to brothers Asa Thomas & Peyton Thomas, for $100, lot #14 in Milton on Bridge St. Wit: James Williams, Isaac Stone, Icabod Thomas, Wm Hutchings
1820 Census, Pittsylvania Co. Phil Thomas listed as over 45 with a female also over 45. He is also listed as Phil Thomas Adm for Asa Thomas.
17 Jan 1826 Pittsy DB 28, p.58 Ichabod Thomas to Philip Thomas. £50. 117 acres on Strawberry Creek & Long branch. Begin at a W. O. on the Long branch. [Don't know when Ichabod received this land. Might have been inheritance from one of his uncles. Might have originally been a gift from Phillip.]
1 Dec 1827 Pittsy DB 29, p.403 Wm Beck & Nancy his wife to Philip Thomas for $50. 30 Acres in Pittsylvania Co on waters of Pudding Crk & Vauls Fork of Strawberry Crk. Begin at Moses Johnson's Corner. Adj Johnson, Gray, Thos. Boaz.
[On 27 May 1811, Philip had bought 78 acres from the Becks on Ball's Fork of Strawberry Crk.]
1830 Census. Pittsylvania Co VA, p.323 Philip Thomas, age 80-90, 1f age 30-40
21 Apr 1831 Philip Thomas wrote his Will and bequested his son Philip. So the young Philip was born sometime between Sep 1830 and Apr of 1831. Sons Ichabod and John W. received $1 - had already received their inheritance. Grandson William A. Thomas [son of Ichabod] to receive $200 in two years. Slaves to Philip and wife Edy. All Lands & personal effects to Edy. Wit: Jabez Smith, Meady Meade, A. H. Mormon, Thos. S. Jones, James Johnson.
3 Sep 1836 Pittsy DB 39, p.185 Philip Thomas and Edy his wife to Morrison Meade for $210. 70 Acres on Strawberry Crk. [probably the 71 acres bought from Edward Burnett on 18 Jan 1813.]
19 Jun 1837 Will of Philip Thomas proved. Died at age 79.
19 Jun 1837 Pittsy CR 33, p.334 Commissioners to appraise estate of Philip Thomas were Isaac Stone, Stephen Price, John Emberson, Robert Hurt, and Robert Pritchett, or any three of them.
20 Nov 1837 Pittsy CR 34, p. 11 Inventory & Appraisal of Philip Thomas dec'd returned & recorded.
19 Mar 1838 Pittsy CR 34, p.96 Account of Sale of estate of Philip Thomas returned & ordered to be recorded.
Said to be buried Watkins Cemetery, Pittsylvania Co, VA. No picture of a grave marker. Parents also said to be buried there.
Spouse | Judith Boulton (1759 - 1820) |
Child | Ichabod Thomas (1783 - ) |
Child | John Watkins Thomas (1785 - 1831) |
Spouse | Edith "Eady" Meade ( - ) |
Child | Philip Thomas (1831 - 1880) |
Father | WILLIAM Thomas (1719 - 1794) |
Mother | JOYCE Watkins (1730 - 1829) |
Sibling | NATHANIEL Thomas (1759 - 1799) |
Sibling | William Thomas Jr. (1761 - 1799) |
Sibling | Asa Thomas (1762 - 1813) |
Sibling | Peyton Thomas (1765 - ) |
Sibling | Jacob Thomas (1767 - 1803) |
Sibling | John Watkins Thomas (1768 - 1801) |
Sibling | George Thomas (1771 - 1799) |
Sibling | Ichabod Thomas (1773 - 1777) |
1. Rootsweb or USGenWeb Online Sources
2. Data from Brenda Walters, descendant of Phillip Henry Thomas. Email, copies of records, Pedigree Chart, Family Group Sheets. Jan 2001..
3. Data from Brenda Walters, descendant of Phillip Henry Thomas. Email, copies of records, Pedigree Chart, Family Group Sheets. Jan 2001..
4. Katharine Kerr Kendall with Index by Mary Frances Kerr Donaldson, Caswell County North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1778-1868. (Easley, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1981) , p.152.
5. Data from Brenda Walters, descendant of Phillip Henry Thomas. Email, copies of records, Pedigree Chart, Family Group Sheets. Jan 2001..
6. George Thomas is a descendant of Price N. Thomas, brother of Virginia Thomas. Email correspondence, copy of letter of 1913, from L. Starling Thomas, to his grandfather.
7. Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Marriage Bonds. The Rawley Martin Chapter of DAR recorded all names and dates of the Marriage Records of Pittsylvania Co into a book titled "Marriage Bonds No. 1; 1767-1862". 16 Feb 1942 Microfilmed by LDS, #0033326..
8. Data from Brenda Walters, descendant of Phillip Henry Thomas. Email, copies of records, Pedigree Chart, Family Group Sheets. Jan 2001..
9. George Thomas is a descendant of Price N. Thomas, brother of Virginia Thomas. Email correspondence, copy of letter of 1913, from L. Starling Thomas, to his grandfather.