Individual Details

George Thomas

(15 Mar 1771 - 19 Oct 1799)

There is a marriage record in Halifax Co, William Thomas to Frances Crowder, 31 Jun 1794; George Thomas bondsman. When George's brother died, his will left everything to his brothers or nephews and no wife was mentioned. Could this William be the son of the Philip Thomas who died in Halifax before 1803? Multiple William Thomases or found, not so many Georges.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 10
p.460 17 Oct 1796 George Thomas to John Thomas. 10£ All right & title in land on N side of Dan River being part of that tract of Land that William Thomas Senr did possess, containing by survey 419 ½ acres. Begin on river at Mouth of the upper Gut, new line, Byrds old line where the Road crosses the sd line. Signed: Georg Thomas. No wit. 17 Oct 1796 ack by George Thomas
p.498 17 Oct 1796 William Thomas to John and George Thomas. For love and affection, doth relinquish all claim on parcel of land whereon William Thomas Senr Dec'd lived as he allows it was his Father will that the sd John & George should have this tract together with all houses, orchards, etc. Likewise all claim of him the sd William Thomas as to the the promises or any part therof. Signed: Will. Thomas
Wit: Peyn. Thomas, Jacob Thomas 17 Oct 1796, Ack by William Thomas
p.499 12 Mar 1795 Philip Thomas of Caswell Co NC & Nathaniel Thomas, Asa Thomas, Peyton Thomas, Jacob Thomas, all of Pittsy Co to John & George Thomas. For natural love and affection, and for duty we owe to the wish and Desire of our Father William Thomas, Late of this county, Deceased. In fee simple, every part and parcel of land whereof our Father William Thomas died possessed lying on Dan River in the Extreem corner of Pitts Co VA adj the Country line on the S, Dan River on the E, John Lewis & Jacob Thomas's Lines on the N, and Nathaniel Thomas's on the West. Signed: Ph. Thomas, Nathl. Thomas, Asa Thomas, Peyn. Thomas, Jacob Thomas
Wit: Joyce Thomas, John Lewis, Benjamin (X) Burton, Lewis Cox
20 Apr 1795 Asa Thomas ack.
20 Jul 1795 Ack by Peyton Thomas
18 Jul 1796 ack. by Philip Thomas & Jacob Thomas proved by oath of John Lewis
19 Sep 1796 Nathaniel Thomas ack.
17 Oct 1796 Ack by Jacob Thomas Ordered recorded.
p.500 17 Oct 1796 John Thomas to George Thomas. For 10£. All claim in land N side of Dan River, part of tract William Thomas died possessed of by survey 698 ½ acres. Begin Mouth of upper Gut, Charles Lewis's line, Nathaniel Thomas's line, Bird's line, to John Thomas's corner on the road & along his line. Signed: John Thomas.
Ack. 17 Oct 1796.

Caswell DB K, p.331
13 Jun 1798. Commissioners of town of Milton to George Thomas of Pittsylvania Co NC for £46 12s 6p. Two lots. #38 on Warehouse street. #44 on Bridge st. ½ Acre each. Wit: James Rainey, Abraham Stanfield, Asa Thomas.
Caswell Co NC Deeds:
DB L, p.144 1 Mar 1799 George Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to Asa Thomas of Milton ..1/2 acre lot #38 in Milton. Wit: Geo Samuel, Dr. Inge

Pittsylvania Wills, Volume 11, p.226: Last Will & Testament of George Thomas. To my brother John Thomas a piece of land North of my Tract from Charles Lewis's corner to Samuel Hopsons Corner which he purchased of my brother John. All the rest of my Lands to be equally divided between my Brothers Asa and Peyton Thomas. The rest of my estate after paying Debts also to Asa and Peyton Thomas. Asa and Peyton to be Executors. 15 Oct 1799. Signed: George [X] Thomas. Wit: Danl. S. Farley, Jno. X Beck, Sarah Thomas [widow of brother Nathaniel], Philip Cocks

The following John Lewis was often referred to in legal documents as John Lewis "Byrd" to differentiate him from all the other John Lewises. The fact that Asa & George Thomas were witnesses to this document in Pittsylvania Co may indicate prior ties between these families as far back as Goochland Co. John Lewis, the son of John "Byrd" Lewis eventually ended up as owner of the lands of George, left jointly to Asa and Peyton.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.312 Charles Lewis, Jonathan Read, William Williams & Samuel Hopson are bound unto John Lewis Junr and Robt Lewis, executors of John Lewis byrd Senr, dec'd. $10,000. 6 Jan 1795. John Lewis dec'd by his LW&T, dated 6 Oct 1790, devised to his children: John Lewis, Charles Lewis, Robert Lewis, Jane Read, Mary Williams & Elizabeth Hopson & appointed his two sons John & Robert Lewis, his Executors. Have this day made division of part of the said estate. The undersigned will stand to the division. 6 Jan 1795. Chs Lewis, Jona Read, Wm William, Saml Hopson. Wit: Asa Thomas, George Thomas
15 Jun 1801 presented by John Lewis in Court & proved by Asa Thomas. Ordered recorded [George was deceased by the time this document was present in court.]

Both Peyton and Asa mortgaged their inherited property - Peyton to Durett Richards and Asa to Thomas Bouldin. They ended up selling the lands to the mortgage holders, but both of them in turn sold to John Lewis.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.407 23 Mar 1805 Peyton Thomas to Durett Richards of Caswell Co NC. For 500£. Tract near the Island ford, one half of land wil'd by George Thomas, de'cd to Asa Thomas & Peyton Thomas. Bounded from Dan River by the state line to a corner of John Thomas and along his line between the land wil'd to him by George Thomas, Dec'd & the above mentioned line wil'd by George Thomas to Asa Thomas & myself, to Elizabeth Hopson's line, thence to Dan River & up the river to the State line. Divisions of land hath not been made between Asa Thomas & myself., any part which shall come to me & confirm to the said Durett. Signed: Peyn. Thomas Wit: John Stamps, Danl. S. Farley, Richard Johnson, Jno William Whitehurst, Thos. Connally 17 Jul 1805. proved by two of witnesses. 16 Sep Proved by another witness and recorded.
p.409 19 Jun 1805. Durett Richards of Caswell Co NC to John Lewis of Pittsylvania for 525£. Tract of land on Dan River, being one half of tract wil'd by George Thomas Dec'd to Asa Thomas and Peyton Thomas. Begin on river, thence along NC line to Charles Lewis corner, to theline of the land wil'd by George Thomas to John Thomas to Eliza Hopson's line to Dan River. 403 acres, one half of which was agreeable to a deed in Trust executed by Peyton to John Lewis & Durett Richards & John Stamps Junr as Trustee, sold without any division being made to the highest bidder, said Durett Richards. Signed: D.Richards. Wit: Francis Epperson, John Stamps, Epa. White, C S. White, Richard Johnston Junr, thos. Connally. 16 Sep 1805, proved by three of witnesses.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.304 19 Sep 1806 Asa Thomas of Milton, Caswell Co, NC to Thomas Bouldin of the said town county & state. For 350£. ½ of tract of undivided land in Pittsylvania Co on Dan River, being his undivided part of that tract devised to him the said Asa Thomas & Peyton Thomas by George Thomas's will. Begin on bank of Dan River at mouth of the upper gut, pointers in Country line, along the line, Charles Lewis's line, Elizabeth Hopsons line, 417 ½ acres. Signed: Asa Thomas Wit: Richd Jones, John C. Collier, James Holder, John Lewis, Francis Dabney. 20 Apr 1807, ack by Asa Thomas
p.305 20 Apr 1807 [Thomas did not keep the land Asa inherited from his brother George, but sold it for 15£ profit to John Lewis] Thomas Bouldin of Milton, Caswell Co, NC to John Lewis. For 365£. one half of an undivided tract, see description in deed above. Signed: Tho. Bouldin. 20 Apr 1807, Ack by Bouldin.

Caswell Co NC DB T, p.108
15 Mar 1819 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA atty for Peyton Thomas, to Philip J. Echols of Milton. Whereas George Thomas by last will devised property to his brothers Asa Thomas and Peyton Thomas. For $100, Lot #14 in Milton on Bridge St. Wit: James Williams, Isaac Stone, Icabod Thomas, Wm Hutchings.


Birth15 Mar 1771
Death19 Oct 1799


FatherWILLIAM Thomas (1719 - 1794)
MotherJOYCE Watkins (1730 - 1829)
SiblingPhilip Thomas (1757 - 1837)
SiblingNATHANIEL Thomas (1759 - 1799)
SiblingWilliam Thomas Jr. (1761 - 1799)
SiblingAsa Thomas (1762 - 1813)
SiblingPeyton Thomas (1765 - )
SiblingJacob Thomas (1767 - 1803)
SiblingJohn Watkins Thomas (1768 - 1801)
SiblingIchabod Thomas (1773 - 1777)
