Individual Details

Asa Thomas

(13 Dec 1762 - 11 Apr 1813)

Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists. In 1784, Asa Thomas is listed as having received 200 acres from William Owen - see deed, DB 7, p.251.

Virginia Land Patents online:
Thomas, Asa 25 Jun 1785
43 A in Pittsylvania Co as assignee of John Owen. Surveyed 8 Mar 1782. on branch of Sandy Creek of Dan River ...Ayres corner, his line ...William Owen's line ...pine in John Owen's former line. Grant Book S, p.19

Pittsylvania Co DB 7
p.251 12 Apr 1784 William Owen to Asa Thomas both of Pittsy. 50£. 200 acres. Begin red oak in John Lewises line, Glaspy's line. Signed: William (W) Owen. Wit: Benjamin Thrasher, Peyton Thomas, John Thomas.19 Apr 1784 Ack by Owen

20 Oct 1788 Asa Thomas entered 40 acres on North side Dan R begin at a W.O. in the country line a 600 acre warrant issued to Charles Burton 26 Jun 1783 #17441 Same entry also on 1 Jun 1791.

Caswell Co NC, WB B, April Court 1789
p.268 Bill of Sale. William Hall and wife, executors to estate of Thomas Robertson, to Asa and Peyton Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA, Negro woman Nell. Wit: Daniel Merritt, Jacob Pearson, Will Yeates.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 9
p.257 Will of William Durrett of Pittsy. Lend to wife Molley everything after debts are paid. At her death my land to be divided bet three sons Francis Durrett, Wish Durritt, Tandy Durrett. Estate to be divided equally amongst my children Leah Harriss, Caty Durrett, Roday Durrett, Francis Durrett, Patty Durrett, Wish Durrett, Tandy Durrett, Elizabeth Durrett & Molley Durrett. 50 acres I sold to Gabriel Richards 13 years ago & never made deed but now bequeath to him. Durrett Richards & Asa Thomas and wife Molley to be Executors. 13 Sep 1792 Signed: William Durrett Wit: Noel Waddill Junr, Allen Waddill, Charles Waddill
16 Jul 1792 Exhibited by Durrett Richards & Molley Durrett. Proved by two of witnesses. William Thomas & Noel Waddell Jr securities.
p.365 15 Apr 1793 Joseph Flippen to John Johnson. 30£. parcel on draft of the Sandy Creek. Weatherfords old Order line being Anna Daniel's line; new line on Joseph Flippen, up a branch on the same Joseph Flippen to the head, sd John Johnson's line. 100 acres. Signed: Joseph Flippen Wit: Grief Barksdale, Robert Walters, Asa Thomas 15 Apr 1793 Ack by Flippen
p.471 17 May 1793 William Robertson of Prince George Co to Samuel Harris of Pittsy. 4sh. Tract on branch of Fall Crk adj lines of William Ball. 229 acres. Part of survey of 1025 granted Wm Robertson by Patent dated 10 Jun 1784. Signed: William Robertson.
Wit: Joel Clark, P. Wilson Jr, Jno Wilson, William (X) Ramsay, Asa Thomas, Peyton Thomas16 Sep 1793 – proved by one of the wit. 16 Dec 1793 – proved by two other witnesses
p.475 17 May 1793 William Robertson of Prince George Co to John Wilson of Pittsy for 73£. Tract of 258 acres on branches of Fall Creek. Bounding on the said Wilson's lines. Part of survey of 1025 acres. Signed: William Robertson. Wit: Joel Clark, P. Wilson Jr, John Wilson, William (X) Ramsay, Asa Thomas, Peyton Thomas. Certified same as above.
p.476 17 May 1793 William “Robinson” of Prince George in Blanford to Phillemon Payne of Pittsy. 60£. Tract on branches of Falls Crk. 200 acres. Begin on Wilson's line, Smith's line, William Balls line,
Part of susrvey of 1025 acres. Signed; William Robertson. Wit: Asa Thomas, Joel Clark, P. Wilson JR, John Wilson, William (X) Ramsay, Peyton Thomas.
Proved as above.
p.500 3 Feb 1794 Thomas & Robert Atkinson of Dinwiddie to Nathaniel Thomas. 97.10. Tract on Cane Crk. 130 acres. Begin Nathaniel Thomas's pointers; Thrashers branch, Nathaniel Thomas line. Signed: Thomas Atkinson, Robert Atkinson. Wit: Asa Thomas, William Wright, Wm Thomas Senr17 Feb 1794 Proved by wit.
p.501 17 Jan 1794 Thomas & Robert Atkinson of Dinwiddie to Wm Wright. John Winters corner, the Widow Gowings line. 200 acres. Signed: Thomas Atkinson, Robert Atkinson
Wit: Gideon Patteson, James Sanders. James S. (X) Wright, Asa Thomas, Wm Thomas Senr, John (W) Winters, Benjamin (X) Ratcliff. 17 Feb 1794 proved by 3 of wit.
p.530 17 May 1793 William Robinson [sic] of Prince George Co to William Ball. 20£. Tract on branches of Falls Crk. 100 acres. Part of survey of 1025 acres 10 Jun 1784. Signed: William Robertson. Wit: Joel Clark, P. Wilson Jr. Jno Wilson, William (X) Ramsay, Asa Thomas, Peyton Thomas. Proved by oaths 16 Dec 1793 and 21 Apr 1794.
p.542 19 Apr 1794 John Johnson & wife Anne to Asa Thomas. 14£. 56 ¾ acres. Head of Sandy Crk. Road on Wm Dix's line, pine on Anne Daniel's line. Dividing line bet sd Johnson & the Excr of John Watkins dec'd, up the road to the beginning. Signed: John (X) Johnson, Anne (X) Johnson Wit: William Payne Jr., Peyton Thomas, William Walters, Richard Rannolds, W. Wilkinson. 21 Apr 1794 Ack. by Johnson

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 10
p.34 17 Jan 1794 William Wright to Thomas & Robert Atkinson of Dinwiddie Co. Sd Wright is indebted for the sum of 53 £. Parcel of 200 acres. Conveyed by sd Thomas & Robert Atkinson to Wm Wright by deed 17 Jan 1794. Mortgage. Signed: William Wright
Wit: Gideon Patteson, James Sanders, James (X) S. Wright, Wm Thomas, John (W) Winters, Asa Thomas, Benjamin (X) Ratcliff.
p.264 10 Dec 1794 Samuel Watkins Senr, heir at Law of John Watkins dec'd of Hallifax Co to William Russell. 75£. Tract of 192 acres. Begin Asa Thomas's corner on Dix's road, down the road, John Johnson's corner, along Billy Holloway's line, Fitzgerald line, on the old order line. Signed: Samuel Watkins. Wit: John Owen, Absolom Russell, Ephraim (X) Russell
20 Apr 1795 proved by two of wit. 21 Dec 1795 proved by 3rd witness
p.279 10 Feb 1796 Asa Thomas of Pittsy to John Rogers. 60£. Tract on waters of Sandy Creek 56 ¾ acres Begin pointers on the road, up the same, Dix's line, the Widdow Daniels' line, new dividing line. Signed: Asa Thomas. Ack 15 Feb 1796
p.291 16 Jan 1796 Asa Thomas of Caswell NC to Presley Carter. 81£. 243 acres in Pittsy on South branches of lower Sandy Creek of Dan. John Lewis's line, James Glaspey's line, Ayres's line. Signed: Asa Thomas. 15 Feb 1796 Ack.

Pittsylvania Deed Book 11
p.45 23 Nov 1796 Charles Boothe to George Cook. Tract on waters of Birches Creek 50 acres. Dixes line, Cooks line, Asa Thomas's line Signed: Charles (x) Buth Wit: Joseph Flippin, Mathew Fitzgerald, Loyd Simpson, William Stamps, Zachariah Butt. Proved by three wit on 17 Apr 1797.
p.85 13 Mar 1797 Abraham Harwick and Caty his wife to David Marys 150£ Tract on Waters of Sandy Creek 300 acres. Pine in James Smiths line, being John Barrens corner, with sd Smiths & Joseph Flippens line, John Wallers line, with Wallers line with sd Waller & Wm Stamps and James Seal Wit: Joseph Flippen, Asa Thomas, John (x) Johnson, William Stamps, Billey Holloway. 19 Jun 1797 Proved by three of witnesses.

The following John Lewis was often referred to in legal documents as John Lewis "Byrd" to differentiate him from all the other John Lewises. The fact that Asa & George Thomas were witnesses to this document in Pittsylvania Co may indicate prior ties between these families as far back as Goochland Co.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.312 Charles Lewis, Jonathan Read, William Williams & Samuel Hopson are bound unto John Lewis Junr and Robt Lewis, executors of John Lewis byrd Senr, dec'd. $10,000. 6 Jan 1795. John Lewis dec'd by his LW&T, dated 6 Oct 1790, devised to his children: John Lewis, Charles Lewis, Robert Lewis, Jane Read, Mary Williams & Elizabeth Hopson & appointed his two sons John & Robert Lewis, his Executors. Have this day made division of part of the said estate. The undersigned will stand to the division. 6 Jan 1795. Chs Lewis, Jona Read, Wm William, Saml Hopson. Wit: Asa Thomas, George Thomas
15 Jun 1801 presented by John Lewis in Court & proved by Asa Thomas. Ordered recorded

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.455 25 Jun 1805 Peyton Thomas appoints Asa Thomas of Caswell Co, NC his true and lawfull Attorney to receive from any person all sums of money, debts & demands now due.
Signed: Peyn Thomas. Wit: Ichabod Thomas, Phi. Thomas [names cut off at bottom of the page - could be ??? Thomas] p.456 15 Jul 1805. Pwer of attorney from Peyton Thomas to Asa Thomas presented & proved by one of the witnesses. 21 Oct, further proved by two other witnesses.
p.513 16 Jan 1806 Durrett Richards & Asa Thomas, Executors of John Thomas to John Lewis. 201£, 6sh paid by John Lewis. On the 4th day of this present month agreeable to the Last Will & Testament of said John Thomas, sold at Publick auction to John Lewis a certain tract in Pittsylvania Co. Begin pointers in Wm Thomas's line, red oak on Nathaniel Thomas's line and along the same, Byrd's line, John Thomas's corner pointers on the road, along his line 281 acres. Signed: D. Richards, Asa Thomas Wit: John Walters, Jesse Harper, Jacob Johns, Thos. Gatewood, Allen Waddill, Daniel Everitt, James Woodey, Thomas Vaughan, John Akin
20 Jan 1806, presented in court and proved by three of the witnesses.

PittsylvaniaCo VA
Accounts current, inventories, etc. No. 4, 1805-1812
Film #7646033, img 605
Begins 1805, Nov. 4. Accounting of Expenses of Nathaniel P. Thomas includes amount to Asa Thomas, Guardian. Payments to John Epperson.
"At the request of Asa Thomas we have exaimed the above acct and find the necessary vouchers produced."
19 Oct 1807 Lawson H. Carter, Jno Terry
Same presented for William Thomas

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.21 6 Jan 1806 Asa Thomas of Town of Milton NC for 100£ paid by Joyce Thomas sell to the said Joyce Thomas one Negro girl named Janey aged thirteen the 17th of Feb last. Signed: Asa Thomas. Wit: William Moore. Bill of Sale presented in Court & ack 21 Apr 1806
p.46 17 Sep 1805 William Wright Senr to Thomas Gatewood & Company of Milton NC. $624. 150 acres in Pittsylvania on waters of Cane Creek. John Winters line. Signed: Wm Wright, Susanna Wright. Wit: Daniel Coleman, Chas. Payne, Nathl Wilson, Wm. Sims, Asa Thomas.
p.85 21 Oct 1805 John Gwin to Peyton Lumpkin. 300£ Tracts both sides Sandy River. 88 acres - John Stones corner, S side of Sandy River. 2nd tract, 140 acres. Begin S side Sandy River, metes & bounds. Signed: John Gwin, Miley (x) Gwin Wit: Jas. Carter, Jno Wilson, Thomas Sutherland, Wm Beavers, Abraham McDonald, Littleberry Gwin, Asa Thomas. Milly examined at home 28 Nov 1806. Proved by oath of one wit 16 Dec 1805. 16 Jun 1806 again proved by two more witnesses
p.145 14 Dec 1805 [Deed of Mortgage] Asa Thomas of Milton, Caswell Co NC to Thomas Bouldin of the second part and Richard Jones of Pittsylvania Co VA of the 3rd part. Asa Thomas is indebeted to Thomas Bouldin in the sum of 270£. As Thomas does sell to Richard Jones 12 of an undivided tract in Pittsylvania Co devised to the said Asa Thomas by the Will of George Thomas, dec'd. Begin North bank of Dan River at the mouth of upper gut, up said river to pointers on the County line, thence along the said line…. Along John Thomas's line. 208 acres. The sd Richd Jones shall after the 31 Mar 1806 shall think proper or the said Asa shall request, sell for the best price that can be gotten after giving ten days publick notice. Money from such sale satisfy & pay Thomas Bouldin. Signed: Asa Thomas, Thos. Bouldin, Richard Jones
Wit: John Lewis, William Lewis, Williams, John C. Collier
21 Apr 1806 proved by one of witnesses. 21 Jul 1806, further proved.
p.229 18 Dec 1804 John Ball Senr of Halifax Co to John Lewis. Ball is indebted to Lewis. Ball sells to james Dix, tract on North side of Sandy Creek of Dan River. Begin at Sandy Creek at the mouth of Mineral Spring branch, north to Archabald Walters line, along his line to John Lewis's line. Along Lewis' line 130 aces. Signed: John Ball, John Lewis, James Dix. Wit: Jno Stamps Jr., Alexr Carter, Thomas H. Read, Thomas Gatewood, Asa Thomas. 15 Jul 1805 proved by one of witnesses.
p.303 19 Sep 1806 [Satisfaction of above mortgage deed, but he sells the land to Bouldin, see next.] To all whom these presents may concern. Asa Thomas of Town of Milton, Caswell Co NC, did on 14 Deb 1805, convey unto Thomas Bouldin & Richard Jones, Trustee, by deed a tract of land. Debt to Bouldin from Asa Thomas for sum of 270£. Payable 31 Mar 1806. The said Asa Thomas hath this day fully satisfied the said Thomas Bouldin. 19 Sep 1806. Thos. Bouldin, Richd Jones. Wit: James Holder, John C. Collier, William Eddings. Francis Dabney to Tho. Bouldin only. 20 Apr 1807, ack by Bouldin & Jones & ordered recorded.
p.304 19 Sep 1806 Asa Thomas of Milton, Caswell Co, NC to Thomas Bouldin of the said town county & state. For 350£. ½ of tract of undivided land in Pittsylvania Co on Dan River, being his undivided part of that tract devised to him the said Asa Thomas & Peyton Thomas by George Thomas's will. Begin on bank of Dan River at mouth of the upper gut, pointers in Country line, along the line, Charles Lewis's line, Elizabeth Hopsons line, 417 ½ acres. Signed: Asa Thomas Wit: Richd Jones, John C. Collier, James Holder, John Lewis, Francis Dabney. 20 Apr 1807, ack by Asa Thomas
p.305 20 Apr 1807 [Thomas did not keep the land Asa inherited from his brother George, but sold it for 15£ profit to John Lewis] Thomas Bouldin of Milton, Caswell Co, NC to John Lewis. For 365£. one half of an undivided tract, see deed above. Signed: Tho. Bouldin. 20 Apr 1807, Ack by Bouldin.
p.494 17 Dec 1807 John Lewis to Charles Lewis of Caswell Co, NC. 200£ 13sh. Land in Pittsylvania on the north of the said Charles Lewis. Begin pointers in William Thomas's line, running with the said line, Nathaniel Thomas's line and along the same. 142 and 1/8 acres one half of tract sold by John Thomas's Executors to the said John Lewis. Signed: John Lewis.
Wit: Wm. L. Williams, Asa Thomas, Geo. Dabney, Francis Dabney, Francis Epperson, John Walters 15 Feb 1808. Proved by three of the witnesses.
p.516 21 Nov 1707 John Ball Senr of Halifax to John Lewis and Francis Dabney of Pittsylvania Co and George Dabney of Caswell Co NC. John Ball is indebted to John Lewis for 273 £ 9sh 7p. Tract on north side of Sandy Creek of Dan River. Bank of sd Creek where Lesis's line crosses it , Bohannons line, Wolf Hill Creek, said Creek emptys into the Dan and meanders to the mouth of Sandy Creek. Signed: John Ball Sr., George Dabney, Francis Dabney. Wit: Thos. Gatewood, Thomas Stewart, Creed Tanner, Asa Thomas. 21 Dec 1807. Deed of Trust from John Ball Senr to Francis Dabney & George Dabney to secure payment of debt due John Lewis was ack by Francis Dabney. 15 Feb 1808 again proved by oaths of three of the witnesses.

CASWELL COUNTY NC 1777-1877 HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS OF MINUTES OF CASWELL COURT, Katharine Kerr Kendall, 1976, Minutes of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
p.141 "Abstracts from Public & Private Laws of North Carolina relative to Caswell Co. Volumes at Supreme Court Library"
1796 - p.43 - Act to establish town and inspect tobacco and flour in Caswell County near mouth of Country Line Creek on land of Asa Thomas to be known as Milton. Commissioners to be Archibald Murphy, William Rainey, Thomas Jeffrey, Archibald Samuel, and James
"Minutes of Pleas & Quarter Sessions"
Oct 1798 Asa THOMAS to inspect tobacco at Milton
Jul 1806 Asa THOMAS to inspect tobacco at Milton
Apr 1813 Durette Richards to administer estate of Asa THOMAS

Caswell Co NC Deeds:
DB G, p.171-2 15 Jan 1791 Wm Thomas Senr of Pittsylvania Co VA to Philip Thomas of Caswell & Asa Thomas of Pittsylvania Co, his sons, one mill and millseat on Country Line Crk in Caswell with 1 acre included in deed from William to Philip; 1 acre N side; 1 A on S side bought of John Campbell. Wit: Will Thomas Jr, John Thomas, George Thomas
DB J, p.83 26 Oct 1795 Jacob Thomas of Pittsylvania Co to Asa Thomas of Caswell 1 acre (or 1/2 acres each side Country Line Crk) adj Mill laid off for William Thomas Senr.
DB K, p.155-6 16 Jun 1797 Asa Thomas to Thomas Jeffreys & James Sanders. Sale of mill plus 2 A on Country Line Cr, one A each side of creek. Negro woman Magga and sons Laban & James. Thomas Jeffreys to dispos of same by sale to satisfy James Sanders for deed of trust. Wit: James Sanders, Blueford Reed.
DB K, p.102-4 8 Jul 1797 Asa Thomas to Commissioners to lay out town of Milton. 3 lots & 4 springs for free use of water to inhabitants of Milton & to be reserved as Town Common. Wit: James Rainey, L. Lea, Robert Wilson
DB K, p.223 28 Mar 1798 Asa Thomas to Daniel Stewart Farley. 30 acres West side Country Line Crk adj town of Milton, Charles Boulton. Wit: Mathew Terry, Will Thomas.
DB K, p.283-4 13 Jun 1798 Asa Thomas to Thomas Jeffreys [as surety for John Campbell of Person Co] and Herndon Haralson of Person Co ...mill with 2 acres land on Country Line Crk near town of Milton, and 3 slaves.
Lots sold in Milton in DB K, L, M, N, & O were signed by the Commissioners of the town of Milton: James Rainey, Abraham Standfield, and Asa Thomas.
DB K, p.357 30 Dec 1798 Asa Thomas of Milton to Jesse Robertson of same, 2 acres on N side Milton. Wit: Thos. Gatewood, James Dix, John Stanfield.
DB L, p.85 11 May 1799 Asa Thomas of Milton to James Sanders
..slaves, Magga and her 4 children.
DB L, p.144 1 Mar 1799 George Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to Asa Thomas of Milton ..1/2 acres lot #38 in Milton. Wit: Geo Samuel Dr. Inge
DB L, p.197 25 Jan 1800 Asa Thomas to James Sanders. 58 acres on VA line on Country Line Crk adj town of Milton, Daniel S. Farley, Jesse Robertson, Chas. Boulton. ...Branch between sd Thomas and Daniel Farley to Spring Lot #2 ...Jesse Robinson's line ...line of #13 and #12 and in that line to Daniel Farley's line ...Charles Boulton's line the Virginia Line. Excludes 1 acre for sd Asa Thomas's Mill and one lot for use of the Warehouse. Ack.
DB L, p.230-1 29 Oct 1799 Asa Thomas of Milton to John Lewis of Pittsylvania Co VA a mill and 2 acres land on Country Line Crk, 1 acres on East side, 1 acres on W side; also 191 acres in Halifax Co VA adj State Line. Wit: Daniel S. Farley, James Dix, William Moore, Wm Wilkerson.
DB M, p.279 27 Jul 1802 Asa Thomas to Thomas Jeffreys for $1500, 2 acres on Country Line Crk near Milton with grist mill and 2 saw mills. Ack.
DB N, p.24 Jun 1798 Commissioners of Milton to Asa Thomas, lot #17 in Milton. Wit: James Rainey, Abraham Stanfield.
DB N, p.45-7 5 May 1803 Asa Thomas, Randolph Buckley, & Durrett Richards. Durett Richards security for bond of Asa Thomas to Archibald Murphey for $1; Asa Thomas deeds to Randolph Buckley one lot in Milton, #24, and Negro boy Archibald age 12 to be sold at auction to satisfy Richards. Wit: Abraham Stanfield, Alexr Kent, John M. Dobbin.
....lot on which Asa Thomas now resides
DB N, p.268 12 Apr 1804 Asa Thomas of MIlton to James Dix ..lot #17, 1/2 acres in Milton. Wit: Edmond Swann, Thomas Boulton, Abraham B. Morton
DB O, p.262 24 May 1805 Asa Thomas of Milton to Archibald Murphey of Caswell & Herndon Harrelson of Person Co, lot #24 in Milton wheron Thomas lives to satisfy debt. Also Negro boy Archie.
DB O, p.138 23 Aug 1805 John Yancey to Asa Thomas for $30. Lot #30 in Milton. Wit: Thos. Gatewood, Alex. Murphey
DB O, p.255-6 26 Jan 1806 Durrett Richards & Asa Thomas of Caswell executors of John Thomas to James Dix, two 1/4 lots #10 & #11 in Milton sold at public auction.
DB Q, p. 122 2 Mar 1810 Thomas Jeffreys of Caswell to Asa Thomas, 8.1 acres on Country Line Crk adj Milton. Wit: Jno Stanfield, Thos. Boulden, Wm Moore
DB R, p.184 10 Nov 1814 Philip Thomas of Pittsylvania Co VA to James Sanders Senr of Caswell ...lot #24 in Milton where Asa Thomas lived. Wit: Thos. Gatewood, Thomas Boulden, Stith Boulden
DB S, p.52 16 Jun 1817 James Daniel & Joseph McDowell of Person Co to Carter Atkinson of same, for $200, lot #23 in Milton. 1/2 acres on Broad St adj Asa Thomas dec'd former lot, Archibald Samuel. Wit: Mumford Stanfield, James Rainey.
DB S, p.58 18 Feb 1817 William Rainey to James Daniel & Joseph McDowell for $120, lot #23 in Milton. 1/2 acres on Broad St adj Asa Thomas Dec'd, Archibald Samuel. Wit: James Rainey, J. W. Willson
DB S, p.120 13 Mar 1818 Philip Thomas, atty for Peyton Thomas to James Sanders Sr. In 1814 Thomas conveyed to Sanders lot #24 in Milton. Thomas relinquishes all rights to said lot whereon Asa Thomas lived. Wit: R. M. Sanders, Icabod Thomas.

Caswell Co NC Will Book E, p.262
July Court 1806 Asa Thomas and Nathan Williams, Judges for election, certify that MDuke Williams got 675 votes and Thos. Lacey got 145. Election was held 14 and 15 Instant.

21 May 1810 Pittsylvania Co VA Court Record 14, p.288 Asa Thomas summoned to appear and give security for his guardianship of the orphans of Nathaniel Thomas, dec'd and failing to do so ..he is to deliver the Estate of the said orphans into the hands of James Hopkins & Philip Thomas on their giving Bond and Security and the said Asa Thomas to pay costs.
Feb 1818 Pittsy CR 19, p.13 Commissioners to settle account of Asa Thomas Guardian of Nath'l Thomas's Orphans with Phil. Thomas the Adm'r of sd Asa & Make report.
[Asa has died and apparently was never removed as Guardian. Philip has become their Guardian by default.]

The following is odd because no records exist indicating Asa was ever married or had issue. No wife ever signs dower to his many deeds.
1810 Census. Caswell NC
Asa Thomas: 2 males between 10-16, 1m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1 female over 45. 9 slaves
A number of other Thomas families were in Caswell at this time: Nancy Thomas, David Thomas, Daniel Thomas, Henry Thomas, Josiah Thomas, two John Thomases - most not part of this family.
Another record suggesting there was possibly another Asa Thomas in the area is service in the Rev War:
Roll of Capt. Clement Halls Caompany in the 2nd NC Battalion Commanded by Colo. John Patten. White Plains, Sept 9, 1778. Enlisted 29 Apr 1776 (This Asa would have been not yet 14 in 1776!.)

Caswell WB F, p.382
There is nothing in the following to indicate Asa was ever married or had children.
13 Apr 1813. Bond of Durrett Richards, appointed administrator of Asa Thomas, dec'd, 1000#'s. Thomas Jeffreys security.
July Court 1813. Sales of perishable estate of Asa Thomas sold by Durrett Richards, adm. on 4 and 12 May 1813.
WB G, p.136
Jan Court 1816. Acct current of Durett Richards, adm of Asa Thomas. Commisrs: Archd Samuel, Geo M. Willson, Thos. Gatewood, Warner Williams.
Apr Court 1816. Debts due on books of Asa Thomas dec'd with the State of NC. Durrett Richards, adm.


Birth13 Dec 1762Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Death11 Apr 1813Pittsylvania County, Virginia


FatherWILLIAM Thomas (1719 - 1794)
MotherJOYCE Watkins (1730 - 1829)
SiblingPhilip Thomas (1757 - 1837)
SiblingNATHANIEL Thomas (1759 - 1799)
SiblingWilliam Thomas Jr. (1761 - 1799)
SiblingPeyton Thomas (1765 - )
SiblingJacob Thomas (1767 - 1803)
SiblingJohn Watkins Thomas (1768 - 1801)
SiblingGeorge Thomas (1771 - 1799)
SiblingIchabod Thomas (1773 - 1777)
