Individual Details

Charles E. Swanson

(13 Nov 1880 - 2 Apr 1960)

BIRTH-DEATH-MARRIAGE-BIOGRAPHICAL: Swanson Family information was provided by
Bernice Swanson Melin to Dorothy Krinke in a phone conversation, July 1995.

RESIDENCE-BIRTH: 1920 MN Census Soundex; 1920; Vol. 11 E.D. 20 Sheet 3; line 8; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison WI; Charles E. and Ruth Swanson family; Information copied by Nancy Hawkinson 1995.

Minnesota Death Index: Charles E. Swanson, Cert #1960-MN-002778
DOB: 11/13/1880
POB: unknown
Mother Maiden Name: unknown
DOD: 04/02/1960
County of Death: Chisago

In the 1920 census he states he lives on East Goose Lake Road [Hogsback] in Chisago county, is age 39, born Minnesota, married to Ruth, age 23, born Minnesota. They have two children, Gilbert W., age 5 and Bernice, age 2.

Gilbert told us that they first lived on the south end of the Hogback and that after they sold that place they moved to the farm where Gilbert still lives in 1996. Charlie was born on the "home place"-- the Gust Swanson place.

Gilbert also told a story about Charlie. He was sitting with his dad in Harris when a "fancy" couple came along in a horse and buggy and asked "Where is Sunset?" Charlie knew they really wanted directions to Sunrise which is east
of Harris, but proceeded to give them directions to go west-- toward the sunset.

Gilbert said that after their parents' deaths (Charles Oliver in 1918 and Christine in 1909), the Hawkinson children spent a lot of time with Charlie and Ruth and their family.

NBR, 19 Aug 1926, Harris items
Chas. Swanson's threshing rig was serving the farmers in the Harris area this week.

The Rush City newspaper, 8 Apr 1960, p1
Chas. Swanson Dies Saturday
Funeral services for Charles E. Swanson of Rush Point were held Tuesday, April 5th, at the Olson Funeral Chapel, Rush City, with the Rev. A. P. Almen of Spring Lake officiating. Interment was at the Fish Lake Lutheran Cemetery at Stark.
Charles E. Swanson died at the Rush City Hospital April 2, 1960, having attained the age of 79 years, 4 months, and 20 days.
He was born Nov. 13, 1880 to Nils and Anna Swenson of Fish Lake Township. He was baptized and confirmed in the Fish Lake Lutheran Church and spent most of his life in and near the community of his birth.
He married April 1914 tl Ruth Lind. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, three children, Gilbert, at home; Mrs. Harry Melin of Robbinsdale and Charles of Spooner, Wis.; a sister, Mrs. Augusta Swanson of Minneapolis; five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Two sisters and one brother preceded him in death.
Pallbearers were: Theodore Olson, Alex Norlund, Gilbert Norlund, Emil Munson, Vernon Johnson and Clifford Melin.
Two songs were sung by John Hulgren, accompanied by Mrs. C. A. Zimmerman.


Birth13 Nov 1880
Marriage4 Apr 1914Ruth N. Lind
Death2 Apr 1960Chisago County, Minnesota
BurialStark, Minnesota, Fish Lake Luth.


SpouseRuth N. Lind (1896 - )
ChildGilbert William Swanson (1914 - 2001)
ChildBernice D'Mae Swanson (1917 - 2006)
ChildCharles W. Swanson (1929 - 1980)
FatherNils P. (Nels Swenson) Svensson ( - )
MotherAnna Greta Johnson (1840 - )
SiblingChristine A. Swenson ( - )
SiblingGustaf Swenson (1875 - 1950)
SiblingAugusta Swenson (1878 - 1966)
SiblingEmma Swenson (1883 - 1950)