Individual Details
Wilhelm Oliver "Willie" Hawkinson
(14 Apr 1894 - 27 Aug 1948)
BIRTH-DEATH-MILITARY: Headstone inscription of Wilhelm O. Hawkinson;1894-1948;
Oak Grove Cemetery, Harris, Chisago County, MN;; Photographed in 1995 by Art
MILITARY: VICTORY, Chisago County, Minnesota in the World War; Published March
1920 by the Chisago County War History Committee; p96; Photocopy in possession
of Art Hawkinson; Book is owned by Karin Barker, Harris MN.
DEATH: Obituary of W. O. Hawkinson, North Branch Review; 1948; North Branch
Review, 2 Sep1948;; Minnesota History Center, St. Paul MN; Photocopy in
possession of Art Hawkinson, Hudson WI.
RESIDENCE-BIRTH-SIBLINGS:1920 MN Census Soundex; 1920; Vol. 11, E.D. 22 Sheet
4; line 52; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison WI; ;;
BIRTH-SIBLINGS-RESIDENCES:1920 U.S. Census, Chisago Co MN; 1920; E.D. 22 Sheet
4, Village of Harris; Line 52-57; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison
WI; NOTE: Willie, age 24, is head of household, also in household are Carl E.,
age 22, Mamie E., age 19, Harry G., age 17, Gilbert V., age 15, and Clifford
G., age 13.
[Bio by Nancy Hawkinson]
Willie entered service on February 24, 1918 at Center City at a Private, Co. G,
350th Inf., 88th Div. He transferred to Co. D, 325th Inf., 82nd Div.; and was
sent overseas on April 25th; went into action October 1st at Verdun. He was
wounded at Verdun, both arms and eyes, and was under medical care from October
20th to December 27th, 1918. According to Belle, as a result of these injuries
he lost an eye and had a metal plate in the back of his head. He wore a glass
eye. He was mustered out March 1, 1919 at Camp Dodge.
Willie was a member of Harris American Legion Post No. 139 which was
organized in 1919, joining at the first meeting after the initial one.
Willie's sister Belle said Willie attended school through the 7th grade
and then had to quit because of his health. He developed diabetes in later
years. Willie was a farmer,
a member of the Modern Woodman, the American Legion, the VFW, the D.A.V. and
the 40+8 club.
Willie is listed as the head of the household in the 1920 census of the Village
of Harris. He states he owns his home with a mortgage, he is age 24, and is
employed as a farmer. Living in the household with him are:
Carl E., brother, age 22, single, a farm laborer on the home farm
Mamie E., sister, age 19, single, housekeeper on the home farm
Harry G., brother, age 17, single, farm laborer on the home farm
Gilbert V., brother, age 15, single, a farm laborer on the home farm
Clifford G., brother, age 13, attends school
North Branch Review, 18 May 1917, p3, c3, Harris news
Tracy Story and Willie Hawkinson spent Sunday evening at her home west of town.
NBR, 6 Mar 1919, Harris News
Willie Hawkinson returned home, Monday morning after serving his country for more than a year. He was in the thickest of the fight and considers himself lucky to get out of it alive, altho he lost an eye and was otherwise wounded. In return he got 7 Huns, for which great bravery is his.
NBR, 13 Mar 1919, Harris news
A welcome home party was given for Will Hawkinson Saturday night in Jarchow Hall. Nearly everyone from town and out of town were there. Dancing and card playing was enjoyed by all and at midnight a delicious lunch was served. A sum of $50 was given him as a token of esteem.
NBR, 21 Aug 1919, Harris news
The auction Saturday at the C. O. Hawkinson farm west of town, was well attended. Willie Hawkinson purchased the threshing rig and will start in threshing as quickly as possible.
NBR, 4 Sep 1919, Harris news, c1
The Hawkinson Brothers' threshing rig had the misfortune to burn a pair of stacks for Swan Johnson last week. No other damage was done. They are now threshing down toward Peaceful Valley.
NBR, 25 Sep 1919, Harris news
Carl and Willie Hawkinson purchased Gilbert Kosts' Ford last week.
North Branch Review, 29 Jan 1920
Personal Property Tax List
Village of Harris
Accessed Value of PP Accessed Value of Moneys Amount of Tax
Wm. Hawkinson 179 $ 8.18
Carl Hawkinson 50 2.29
P. M. Hawkinson 471 21.52
North Branch Review, 25 Nov 1920, p3, Harris
Wm. Hawkinson was a business caller in Minneapolis Saturday.
North Branch Review, 14 Apr 1921, Harris, p3, c1
Willie Hawkinson was taken ill last week with stomach trouble and was taken to a hospital in the city last Friday.
North Branch Review, 28 Apr 1921, Harris, p3, c2
Wm. Hawkinson, who has been in a hospital in St. Paul the past few weeks, is home again, much improved in health.
NBR, 12 Aug 1926, Harris News
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkinson of Minneapolis spent Sunday with Willie Hawkinson.
NBR, 25 Jan 1928, Harris Items
Willie Hokanson spent a few days last week in the Twin Cities.
NBR, 25 Jan 1928
Sylvia Hawkinson and Wil Hawkinson were installed at the joint installation meeting of the Harris R.N.A. and M.W.A. on Saturday evening last. Sylvia was intalled as one of the Graces (Goddess of Liberty) and Will as Sentry of the MWA. After the installations a delicious lunch was served to about a hundred and thirty. The rest of the evenig was spent in dancing and the Harris Orchestra furnished the music.
North Branch Review, 27 Apr 1933, Harris, p3
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oberg, Mr. Bill Ogren, Mrs. Doris Knoll and Mr. Aaron Lundquist of Rush City, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ledin and children, Gordon Ahlman of Pine Lake, Harry and Clifford Hawkinson and others helped Willie Hawkinson celebrate his birthday at the Godfrey Anderson home Saturday evening.
North Branch Review, 28 Dec 1933, Harris, p2
William Hawkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ledin and children, Merle Larson, Gordon Ahlman of Pine Lake spent Christmas Eve at the Godfrey Anderson home.
OBITUARY: North Branch Review, 2Sep1948, p1.
Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday of this week from the Harris
Lutheran Church for Wilhelm Oliver Hawkinson who passed away on Friday, August
27th, following a short illness.
Rev. D.J. Edward, pastor of the church, officiated at the funeral service
with Mr. Hilding Peterson and Mrs. Arthur Yungquist furnishing special singing.
Pallbearers were Joe Hammargran, Harry Martinson, Carl Nelson, Carl Carlson,
Bill Mindrup and Richard Ogren. Interment was in Oak Hill cemetery under the
auspices of Harris Post No. 139, American Legion.
Wilhelm Oliver Hawkinson was born April 14, 1894 at Harris. He spent his
entire life in the Harris community except for the time spent in the service
during the first World War.
He entered the service in February, 1918 and served with Company D, 325th
Infantry. He was wounded in the battle of the Argonne and was hospitalized in
France. On his return to this country he remained in the hospital here until
his return to Harris in February 1919.
He is survived by four brothers, two sisters and a half sister, 18 nieces
and nephews, other relatives and a host of friends. A brother Clifford
preceeded him in death in 1945. The brothers and sisters who survive are:
Alfred Hawkinson of Jordan, Montana; Carl Hawkinson of Rosebud, Montana; Harry
Hawkinson of Rush City; Gilbert Hawkinson of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Geo. H.
Houghton of Milwaukee; Mrs. Enoch Collins of Harris and Mrs. Hakseth of Siren,
Bill was a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the 40
& 8.
Oak Grove Cemetery, Harris, Chisago County, MN;; Photographed in 1995 by Art
MILITARY: VICTORY, Chisago County, Minnesota in the World War; Published March
1920 by the Chisago County War History Committee; p96; Photocopy in possession
of Art Hawkinson; Book is owned by Karin Barker, Harris MN.
DEATH: Obituary of W. O. Hawkinson, North Branch Review; 1948; North Branch
Review, 2 Sep1948;; Minnesota History Center, St. Paul MN; Photocopy in
possession of Art Hawkinson, Hudson WI.
RESIDENCE-BIRTH-SIBLINGS:1920 MN Census Soundex; 1920; Vol. 11, E.D. 22 Sheet
4; line 52; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison WI; ;;
BIRTH-SIBLINGS-RESIDENCES:1920 U.S. Census, Chisago Co MN; 1920; E.D. 22 Sheet
4, Village of Harris; Line 52-57; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison
WI; NOTE: Willie, age 24, is head of household, also in household are Carl E.,
age 22, Mamie E., age 19, Harry G., age 17, Gilbert V., age 15, and Clifford
G., age 13.
[Bio by Nancy Hawkinson]
Willie entered service on February 24, 1918 at Center City at a Private, Co. G,
350th Inf., 88th Div. He transferred to Co. D, 325th Inf., 82nd Div.; and was
sent overseas on April 25th; went into action October 1st at Verdun. He was
wounded at Verdun, both arms and eyes, and was under medical care from October
20th to December 27th, 1918. According to Belle, as a result of these injuries
he lost an eye and had a metal plate in the back of his head. He wore a glass
eye. He was mustered out March 1, 1919 at Camp Dodge.
Willie was a member of Harris American Legion Post No. 139 which was
organized in 1919, joining at the first meeting after the initial one.
Willie's sister Belle said Willie attended school through the 7th grade
and then had to quit because of his health. He developed diabetes in later
years. Willie was a farmer,
a member of the Modern Woodman, the American Legion, the VFW, the D.A.V. and
the 40+8 club.
Willie is listed as the head of the household in the 1920 census of the Village
of Harris. He states he owns his home with a mortgage, he is age 24, and is
employed as a farmer. Living in the household with him are:
Carl E., brother, age 22, single, a farm laborer on the home farm
Mamie E., sister, age 19, single, housekeeper on the home farm
Harry G., brother, age 17, single, farm laborer on the home farm
Gilbert V., brother, age 15, single, a farm laborer on the home farm
Clifford G., brother, age 13, attends school
North Branch Review, 18 May 1917, p3, c3, Harris news
Tracy Story and Willie Hawkinson spent Sunday evening at her home west of town.
NBR, 6 Mar 1919, Harris News
Willie Hawkinson returned home, Monday morning after serving his country for more than a year. He was in the thickest of the fight and considers himself lucky to get out of it alive, altho he lost an eye and was otherwise wounded. In return he got 7 Huns, for which great bravery is his.
NBR, 13 Mar 1919, Harris news
A welcome home party was given for Will Hawkinson Saturday night in Jarchow Hall. Nearly everyone from town and out of town were there. Dancing and card playing was enjoyed by all and at midnight a delicious lunch was served. A sum of $50 was given him as a token of esteem.
NBR, 21 Aug 1919, Harris news
The auction Saturday at the C. O. Hawkinson farm west of town, was well attended. Willie Hawkinson purchased the threshing rig and will start in threshing as quickly as possible.
NBR, 4 Sep 1919, Harris news, c1
The Hawkinson Brothers' threshing rig had the misfortune to burn a pair of stacks for Swan Johnson last week. No other damage was done. They are now threshing down toward Peaceful Valley.
NBR, 25 Sep 1919, Harris news
Carl and Willie Hawkinson purchased Gilbert Kosts' Ford last week.
North Branch Review, 29 Jan 1920
Personal Property Tax List
Village of Harris
Accessed Value of PP Accessed Value of Moneys Amount of Tax
Wm. Hawkinson 179 $ 8.18
Carl Hawkinson 50 2.29
P. M. Hawkinson 471 21.52
North Branch Review, 25 Nov 1920, p3, Harris
Wm. Hawkinson was a business caller in Minneapolis Saturday.
North Branch Review, 14 Apr 1921, Harris, p3, c1
Willie Hawkinson was taken ill last week with stomach trouble and was taken to a hospital in the city last Friday.
North Branch Review, 28 Apr 1921, Harris, p3, c2
Wm. Hawkinson, who has been in a hospital in St. Paul the past few weeks, is home again, much improved in health.
NBR, 12 Aug 1926, Harris News
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkinson of Minneapolis spent Sunday with Willie Hawkinson.
NBR, 25 Jan 1928, Harris Items
Willie Hokanson spent a few days last week in the Twin Cities.
NBR, 25 Jan 1928
Sylvia Hawkinson and Wil Hawkinson were installed at the joint installation meeting of the Harris R.N.A. and M.W.A. on Saturday evening last. Sylvia was intalled as one of the Graces (Goddess of Liberty) and Will as Sentry of the MWA. After the installations a delicious lunch was served to about a hundred and thirty. The rest of the evenig was spent in dancing and the Harris Orchestra furnished the music.
North Branch Review, 27 Apr 1933, Harris, p3
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oberg, Mr. Bill Ogren, Mrs. Doris Knoll and Mr. Aaron Lundquist of Rush City, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ledin and children, Gordon Ahlman of Pine Lake, Harry and Clifford Hawkinson and others helped Willie Hawkinson celebrate his birthday at the Godfrey Anderson home Saturday evening.
North Branch Review, 28 Dec 1933, Harris, p2
William Hawkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ledin and children, Merle Larson, Gordon Ahlman of Pine Lake spent Christmas Eve at the Godfrey Anderson home.
OBITUARY: North Branch Review, 2Sep1948, p1.
Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday of this week from the Harris
Lutheran Church for Wilhelm Oliver Hawkinson who passed away on Friday, August
27th, following a short illness.
Rev. D.J. Edward, pastor of the church, officiated at the funeral service
with Mr. Hilding Peterson and Mrs. Arthur Yungquist furnishing special singing.
Pallbearers were Joe Hammargran, Harry Martinson, Carl Nelson, Carl Carlson,
Bill Mindrup and Richard Ogren. Interment was in Oak Hill cemetery under the
auspices of Harris Post No. 139, American Legion.
Wilhelm Oliver Hawkinson was born April 14, 1894 at Harris. He spent his
entire life in the Harris community except for the time spent in the service
during the first World War.
He entered the service in February, 1918 and served with Company D, 325th
Infantry. He was wounded in the battle of the Argonne and was hospitalized in
France. On his return to this country he remained in the hospital here until
his return to Harris in February 1919.
He is survived by four brothers, two sisters and a half sister, 18 nieces
and nephews, other relatives and a host of friends. A brother Clifford
preceeded him in death in 1945. The brothers and sisters who survive are:
Alfred Hawkinson of Jordan, Montana; Carl Hawkinson of Rosebud, Montana; Harry
Hawkinson of Rush City; Gilbert Hawkinson of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Geo. H.
Houghton of Milwaukee; Mrs. Enoch Collins of Harris and Mrs. Hakseth of Siren,
Bill was a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the 40
& 8.
Birth | 14 Apr 1894 | Harris, Chisago, Minnesota | |||
Death | 27 Aug 1948 | Harris, Chisago, Minnesota | ![]() | ||
Burial | 31 Aug 1948 | Harris, Chisago, Minnesota, Oak Grove Cemetery | |||
Christen | , Lutheran |
Father | Charles Oliver Hawkinson ( - 1918) |
Mother | Christine A. Swenson ( - ) |
Sibling | Al (John Alfred) Hawkinson ( - 1964) |
Sibling | Carl Emil Hawkinson (1896 - 1973) |
Sibling | Isabelle Anna "Belle" Hawkinson ( - 1981) |
Sibling | Mamie Elvira Hawkinson ( - 1954) |
Sibling | Harry Goodwin Hawkinson (1902 - ) |
Sibling | Gilbert Valentine Hawkinson (1904 - 1984) |
Sibling | Clifford Godfred Hawkinson ( - ) |
Sibling | Baby Boy Hawkinson (1909 - ) |
1. Minnesota Dept. of Health, Death Certificate , 1048-MN-002640.