Individual Details

Clifford Godfred Hawkinson

(11 Nov 1906 - 25 Jul 1945)

Clifford wasn't quite 2 1/2 years old when his mother, Christine, died of complications following child birth in March of 1909. His older siblings ranged in age from Gilbert who had just turned 5 to Al who was 16. Looking for help with his large family Charles hired Hulda Dahlberg to help. Charles and Hulda were married in August of that same year but the marriage didn't last and much of Clifford's upbringing was left to his older siblings. His daughter Dorothy recalls his sister Belle telling her that her dad was the gentlest man with the kindest heart and that she raised him, because he was only two when their mother died.
From his 1944 Montana driver license we learn that Clifford was about 5' 8" and weighed 150 pounds. He has light colored hair and blue eyes.
Shortly after his marriage to Minnie Carlson in 1917, Al and Minnie left the Harris area for Montana where they homesteaded in the Snow Creek area, followed in 1920 by Carl who also also homestread and married Lucille Kinney in 1924. Clifford was 20 in October 1929 when the stock market crashed marking the beginning of the Depression.
We know he was in Montana prior to December 1934 when he was married to an attractive young widow, Edna Spracklin. Edna had married Oliver Spracklin in Jordan in 1930. Their son, Chet, was born the following year. Three years later, in 1934, Oliver met a horrible death when he was caught in a conveyor belt and crushed while working a new job at the Fort Peck Dam.
From newspaper accounts and pictures we know the young couple left Montana a year or two later for Harris, returning a few years later for Garfield county.

North Branch Review, 12 Aug 1926, Harris news
Clifford Hawkinson and Herbert and Constance Stark spent Saturday evening at Forest Heights, Minn.

The Jordan Tribune, 10 Jan 1935, p5
Double Matrimonial Knot Cements Union of Couple
Thru a misunderstanding of the law governing the use of marriage certificates, and an oversight of a Miles City justice of the peace, Clifford Hawkinson and Edna Spracklin of Butte Creek, experienced the thrill of being united in marriage twice.
On December 19 the couple secured a license at the office of Clerk of Court Hetherington. They went to Miles City and sought out Justice of Peace Seth Martin who pronounced the words supposed to make them man and wife. The justice failed to notice that the license bore the stamp and official seal of Garfield county. Under law a license must be used in the county in which issued. On January 4, when the error was brought to his attention, Mr. Hawkinson secured another license and married his "wife" before the Rev. H. Meske [of the American Lutheran Church] who pronounced the rites that legalized the ceremony, Billy Searles acted as "best man" while Mrs. [Nellie] Searles stood up as "bridesmaid."

Caroline is born in Montana in December 1935.

North Branch Review, 2 Jul 1936, p6
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawkinson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkinson left Sunday evening for Butte Creek, Montana.

North Branch Review, 8 Jul 1937, Harris news, p3
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hawkinson and James visited at the Clifford Hawkinson home Sunday evening.

North Branch Review, 22 Jul 1937, p3
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawkinson and family, E. E. Collins and Harriet and Mrs. G. V. Hawkinson and James visited at the Chas. E. Swanson home at Goose Creek Sunday evening.

North Branch Review, 29 Jul 1937
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawkinson are the proud parents of a nine pound baby boy, born on Monday, July 19th.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkinson on Saturday morning, July 24, a baby girl. Congratulations!

North Branch Review, 6 Jul 1939
Mr. and Mrs. George Houghton of Milwaukee are visiting here with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawkinson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkinson and Karin Joy, Mr. and Mrs. George Houghton, Wm. Hawkinson, Mrs. Enoch Collins and Harriet, Alfred Fahrion and Albert Collins were entertained at the G. V. Hawkinson home Sunday.

North Branch Review, Oct 1939
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Hawkinson and James and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawkinson and family enjoyed a turkey dinner at the Harry Hawkinson home Friday evening.

North Branch Review, 7 Dec 1939, Harris news, p3
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Hawkinson and James, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Collins and Mrs. John Stark helped Caroline Hawkinson celebrate her birthday anniversary Sunday.

North Branch Review, 11 Jan 1940, Harris news
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawkinson of Jordan, Montana left Monday after spending the last two weeks with relatives here. Mr. Hawkinson also made a trip to Milwaukee and Janesville, Wis., where he purchased two new Chevrolet trucks which he is taking back to Montana.
Sunday visitors at the Enoch Collins home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkinson and Karin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swanson and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Hawkinson and James, and Caroline Hawkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawkinson are the proud parents of a baby girl born on Friday.
Miss Harriet Collins and Mrs. Geo. Houghton returned to Milwaukee, Wis., Tuesday afternoon, after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Collins. Alfred Fahrion returned with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkinson and Karin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawkinson, Mrs. Geo. Houghton, Mrs. E. E. Collins and Harriet, Alfred Fahrion, Chester Spracklin and Caroline Hawkinson were entertained at a New Year's supper Monday evening at the G. V. Hawkinson home. Specialities were broiled herring and Swedish potatoe sausage.

Clifford took his growing family back to Garfield county about ______ where he obtained work _______. Frances was born there in September 1944. The following summer Clifford drown at Snow Creek while on a family picnic.

Miles City Daily Star, 25Jul1945, p8
Jordan, July 26
Clifford Hawkinson, 40, drowned in the Snow Creek arm of Fort Peck lake last night during a swimming party.
His body was recovered by a nephew who witnessed the drowning. Efforts to revive him failed. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Survivors include his widow and five children.

Miles City Star, 27Jul1945, p3
Funeral services for the late Clifford G. Hawkinson of the Jordan community will be held on Saturday, tomorrow afternoon, from the Presbyterian church at Jordan, commencing at 2:00 o'clock. The Rev. William G. Johnson, minister of the congregation, will officiate at the final rites, and have charge of the committal service in the Jordan cemetery where burial will be made. The late Mr. Hawkinson met death by drowning Wednesday in Snow Creek, an arm of Fort
Peck Lake.


Birth11 Nov 1906Harris, Chisago, Minnesota
Marriage4 Jan 1935Jordan, Garfield, Montana - Edna Louise Hollenbeck
Death25 Jul 1945Snow Creek, Garfield, Montana
Christen, Lutheran
BurialJordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cem

