Individual Details

Henry Hardin

(1712 - 1797)

Both Henry and his wife Judith are said to be DAR Revolutionary Patriots. Either his birthdate is estimated wrong or his marriage date; I doubt that he was 12 when he married! And actually, I believe his son Henry was the Rev War soldier.

He is stated to have been born in Prince William County, but that county did not exist until 1730.

The children here would seem to stretch the possibility that Judith was the mother of all, or children of two generations have been confused. If Judith was born abt 1711, she would have been 50 years old when the youngest daughters were born.
Mark Hardin left 200 acres on Kettle Creek to his son Henry Hardin. Kettle Creek lies in what is now Fauquier Co VA, but was then in Prince William.

Deed Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1740-41
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989
p.105 Election of Burgesses, 1741
p.106 & 107 Thos. Harrison, Candidate
Henry Harding, John Holtsclaw, Jacob Holtsclaw, Martin Harding - voters

Prince Wm Co Order Book 1756-7, p.273
23 May 1757 Henry Hardin & Judith his wife, deed of gift to John Ashby. Judith relinquished dower rights to land conveyed.
[Henry's brother Mark had married Elizabeth Ashby.]

Here's another deed that indicates John Ashby lived near the Hardins.
According to Fauquier Co. DB 5-353-355, May 1773, Kearns to Cunningham & Co.,
John Ashby's land was near these neighbors: Augustin Smith, John Rector,
Tilman Wever, and Martin Hardin. It was in the general vicinity of Licking
Run and the Marsh Run. (Source: 151 John K. Gott, Fauquier County,
Virginia Deeds 1759-1778 [Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc. 1988], p. 151)

VIRGINIA'S COLONIAL SOLDIERS; Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, 1988, Genealogy Publishing Co., 3rd Printing 1998.
p.351 Courts Martial Records Frederick Co
10 Oct 1761 Capt. Henry Spear's Company
Fined for missing one general muster: Henry Hardin, Jr.
Henry Hardin, Sr. Discharged In other places it was noted that discharges were made when the man in question reached age 60, but perhaps in this case, Henry had left the area for Halifax/Pittsylvania area.

There is one serious problem with Henry & Judith. The book SOME HARDIN, HARDING, AND RELATED FAMILIES states the following on p.3: ...Prof. Jones of the University of W.VA after diligent research concluded that the Henry Hardin who lived in Pittsylvania Co VA was not the son of Mark & Mary. This item had come from the papers of the collaborating author George Harding and no further explanation is given. The data I have found seems instead to reinforce this as being the same Henry Hardin as the man who lived in Pittsylvania Co.
Records from Pittsylvania Co indicate that the Hardins were at times in North Carolina, but that would not necessarily preclude them from being the Henry, son of Mark & Mary. They do show that Henry's wife was named Judith, in Pittsylvania Co.

Pittsylvania Co was not formed from Halifax until 1766:
Halifax Co DB 3, p.320
20 May 1762
Byrd Williams sold to Henry Hardin, 1000 acres.

PROPERTY LINES FROM AN OLD SURVEY BOOK: Halifax Co VA 1741-1901 by Roger C. Dodson shows this survey:
Henry Hardin, 20 May 1762, 1000a on Winns Creek.
This location is just above the North Carolina line in the southwest corner of present day Halifax Co; from Halifax DB 3, p.320 as above.

Found online; presumably Halifax Co VA
6:115. 6 Sep 1766
6:116. [No date] Henry Hardin to GOODLOE WARRIN of Orange Co NC 250 ac on a branch of Wins Creek. Wit: Ambrose Foster, JOHN WARRIN, Eliz Hardin.
[Henry did have a daughter Elizabeth who was still unmarried but old enough to witness a deed.]

Surveys were often completed sometime before the patents were granted and sometimes assigned to someone else and no patent issued.
19 Nov 1762 John Donelson surveyed 318 acres for Henry Hardin on the Dry Fork of White Oak Cr [runs into Banister River]. Neighbors were William Kennan, Charles Clay, Benjamin Mosby, John Pyner
22 Mar 1764 John Donelson surveyed 344 acres for Henry Hardin on branches of the Sandy Creek [also runs into the Banister River in central, eastern Pittsylvania county, but east of his earlier survy] This tract was bordered by John Donelson, and Charles Chaney and the land of Mark Hardin
22 Mar 1769 John Donelson surveyed 411a for Mark Hardin on Sweetings Fork of Sandy Creek next to Richard Kerby, Theo. Lacy, Wm Kennan & John Donelson. [current maps show the name as being Sweden Fork now]

Oath of Allegiance, Pittsylvania Co, 1777
List of George Carter: Henry Harding, Martin Harding
List of William Short: Henry Hardin, Mark Hardin, Martin Hardin, Wm Hartin

26 Oct 1779 Virginia Land Patent Book A, p.27.
Henry Harden received 364 acres in Pittsylvania Co on the draughts of Sweeting Fork & Sandy Creek; Thos. Hardys corner, Certain's [Sartain] line.
and on the same date from Book A, p.44
363 acres on branches of Sandy Creek, begin Mark Hardens corner in Sweeting's line, Shepherd's line, John Cerby's [Kirby] line

Rockingham Co in NC is just across the state line from the western half of Pittsylvania Co VA
Mrs. S. F. Webster, "Rockingham County, North Carolina, Deed Abstracts 1785-1800", Madison, NC, 1973.
1786 Mar 10 Deed Bk(A-144)
Watson Gentry, to Henry Hardin for £100, 50 ac adj. Sarah Jones, Isham Rice, Benjamin Cook. Witness: Benjamin Cook, Mark Hardin.

Was the Mark Hardin of Surry Co NC who patented land in Pittsylvania Co Henry's brother who had married Elizabeth Ashby, or was he Henry's son Mark? Henry seems to have arrived first based on his 1000 acres in Halifax and his survey in Pittsylvania Co both in 1762. Mark's survey not done until 1769, but it is obviously his first patent of 7 Dec 1774.

A list of Tithables in Pittsylvania Co, done by Theophilus Lacy, 10 Jun 1767:
Theop. Lacy: Mark Hardin, overseer. Negroes, Dove, Abraham, Rachell & Bess

Mark Hardin actually had two patents in Pittsylvania Co
7 Dec 1774. PB 42, p.867 400 acres, branches of Sweetings Fork, adj Theophilus Lacy, Kennan's corner, his own line. Matches his survey of 1769.
26 Oct 1779. PB A, p.30 378 acres, branch of Shocco Crk, top of Banister's mountain, Claybrooks corner, his line, John's Run a branch of Shocco Crk.
This tract is not far from the one on Sweeting's Fork

Pittsyslvania DB 4
p.287 15 Feb 1776 Mark Hardin of Surry Co in NC to William Price of Pittsy. Hardin obtained a patent for a tract in Pitty Co. 40£. Begin Theopholous Lacy's corner. Kennons corner, along his line. No acerage stated. Signed: Mark Hardin
Wit: John Taliaferro, Henry Hardin, Richard Taliaferro
25 Apr 1776 Proved by two witnesses. 22 Aug 1776, proved by oath of the other witness

Pittsylvania Co DB 5
p.128 23 Feb 1779. Issac Sartain to John Pyner. 400£. Tract 112 acres, South side dry fork of white oak Creek. Signed: Isaac (X) Sartain
Wit: John Wright, Henry Hardin, William Price
16 Mar 1779 Isaac ack & Elizabeth his wife relinq dower

Pittsylvania Co DB 6
p.58 17 Oct 1780 Henry Kirby to Theoderick Carter of _____ County. 500£. Branches of Sweetings fork of Sandy Creek. 60 and ½ acres Signed: Henry (X) Kirby. Wit: Henry Hardin, John Wright, Joseph Jackson
17 Oct 1800 proved by witnesses
p.80 3 Feb 1780 Henry Hardin to Thomas Chambers. 50£ 182 acres on draughts of Sandy Creek E line of sd Hardins line, crossing branch of Sandy Creek Signed: Henry Hardin Wit: John Pryor, William (X) Ca???? Peter Bailey. 21 Mar 1780 proved by wit. 19 Dec 1780 further proved
p.188 31 May 1781 Henry Kirby to Theo Carter, both of Pittsy. 1000£Tract on waters of Sandy Creek. 61 acres. Lines of William Price, John Wright & the said Theo. Carter. Signed: Henry (X) Kirby Wit: John Wright, Henry Harden, John Wright Junior, Martin Harden 16 Oct 1781 Ack by Kirby
p.198 31 May 1781 Theo Carter of Halifax Co to Henry Hardin. 5000£.Branches of Banister River 230 acres. Lines of Thos Hardy, Jesse Carter, Zachariah Waller, Abram Commall, Henry Harden and the sd Theo Carter. Signed: Theo Carter Wit: John Wright, John Wright Junior, Martin Hardin, Henry Kerby 16 Oct 1781 Ack.
p.301 16 Apr 1782 Henry Hardin to John Wright. 30£. Head branch of Sandy Creek, 134 acres. Signed: Henry Hardin
Ack 16 Apr 1782

15 Feb 1782 Theoderick Carter of Antrim Parish, Halifax Co sold 740 acres in Pittsylvania Co on Sweetings fork of Sandy Crk adj lands of Thomas Chambers, Robert Williams, Richard Kerby, and himself, to Thomas Burgess, Senr of Camden Parish, Pittsylvania Co for 1000£.
Wit: John Kirby, William Price, James Lawless, William Burgess, Henry Kerby, Martin Hardin, Thomas Burgess, John Wright

Pittsylvania Land Tax Lists
1782 Tax List:
Mark Hardin, taxed on 200 acres
Henry Hardin, Sr., taxed on 520 acres
Henry Hardin, Jr. taxed on 188 acres
In 1783, Henry Harden Jr. transferred 188 acres to John Baine.
In 1784, Henry Jr transferred 182 acres to James Burks and Henry Sr. transferred 234 acres to "Morton Hardan".

Pittsylvania Co DB 7
p.161 18 Nov 1783 Henry Hardin to James Birk. 60£. 102 acres. Begin Thomas Hardins corner. Signed: Henry Hardin
Wit: Jonas Lawson, Thomas Hardy, Joshua Welch
18 Nov 1783 Proved by witnesses
[There may have been an error - probably should have been Thomas HARDY's corner]p.267 17 May 1784 Mark Harden to Thomas Adams. 40£. 150 acres on Johns Run and Shocko Creek. Begin white oak in the line of the patent, crossing Johns Run and the road, up the mountain to the back line of the patent, Dennys fence. Signed: Mark Harden Wit: Jno. Dabin, Moses (X) Childriss, William Corbin. 17 May 1784 Ack. by Harden.
p.402 21 Feb 1785 Mark Harden of Pittsylvaina to Jeremiah White. 100£. Tract on branches of Shoco Creek and Johns run of Sandy Creek. 275 acres. Begin top of Banister Mountain, crossing Johns Run. Signed: Mark Harden. Wit: Wm White, Simon Adams, George Wright. 21 Feb 1785 Ack by Mark Harden. Hannah his wife was examined & relinquished her right of dower.
[Notice that this Mark Hardin is married to a Hannah. The Hardin databases show Mark Hardin, son of Henry & Judith Lynch as married to a Mary and then a Martha, no Hannah. Mark Hardin, brother to Henry, divorced Elizabeth Ashby and disappeared from the records in Virginia - did he remarry? and move near his brother?]
p.524 1 May 1785 Mark Harden to Davis Holder. 10£. 40 acres. Part of tract sold to sd Mark Hardin by patent. Head of Johns Run. Clabrooks corner, top of Banister Mtn, corner of Dennys. Signed: Mark Hardin. Wit: George Wright, William Corbin, Ambros Corbin, John Holder, John Denny.
17 Oct 1785. Ack by Harden.
This Mark is said to have moved about 1786 to Randolph C NC where he died about 1797 and is buried at the Sandy Creek Church. there is a will in Randolph - mentions "wife" several times but not by name. His children were daughters, Anne, Setha, Susannah, Winifred, Letty and Mary; son - Mark. Wife & Samuel York & Eli York were executors. dated 28 Jul 1695 - probated May Term 1797. Son Mark married Sarah York.

Pittsylvania Co DB 8, p.105
19 Sep 1787. Henry Harden to Daniel Bradley for 95£. Tract on branches of Banister River, North side of the Mountain. 230 acres. Bounded by Thomas Hardy, Jesse Carter, Zachariah Waller, Henry Hudson Jr & Theo Carter. Signed: Henry Hardin
15 Oct 1787. Ack by Hardin.
[There was no dower release, nor wife named. See DB 6, p.198 for puchase of this tract.]
The Pittsylvania tax list changes for the year 1784, shows Henry Hardan Sr to Mortin Hardan, 235 acres - obviously the deed listed next.

Pittsylvania Co DB 9, p.116
8 Jun 1783 Henry Hardin of Wilkes Co NC to Martin Hardin of Pittsylvania. For natural love and affection to his son Martin and for 5 shillings. 229 acres in Pittsylvania Co. Along Wrights line to Carters, Farriss' line, Morris' line. Signed: Henry Hardin.
Wit: James Lawless, John Taliaferro, Wm Hardin.
15 Oct 1787. Ack by Hardin.

Will of Henry Hardin, 25 May 1796; probate 16 Oct 1797
I, Henry Hardin, of Pittsylvania County, Va., being sick and weak but of
perfect mind and memory, do constitute and ordain this to be my last will
and testament.
First, I give my land and plantation whereon I now live, containing 232
acres to my grandson Jimmie Hardin (son of Avarillah Wright) to him and his
heirs forever.
Item -- I lend to my wife Judith Hardin the one-half of all my movable
estate, be it of whatever nature, kind or quality, during her life and at
her death I give the same to my grandson Jimmie Hardin (son of Avarillah
Wright), and as to my children, to wit: Mary Talifero, Mark Hardin, William
Hardin, Elizabeth Wilson, Judith Burgess, Martin Hardin, Henry Hardin,
Avarillah Wright and Sarah Burkhalter, I give to each of them two shillings
and six pence, to them and their heirs forever.
Item -- I give to my grandson Henry Hardin (son of William Hardin) my patent
land, lying on the waters of New River, to him and his heirs forever and
lastly I do appoint my sons Martin Hardin and Jimmie Hardin executors to
this my last will and testament, hoping they will see the same duly
performed as my trust is in them reposed as witness my hand and seal, the
25th May, 1796.
(Signed) Henry Hardin
Charles Carter,
John Wright,
William Burgess

Pittsylvania Co DB 13
p.168 1 Oct 1802 Martin Hardin & Mary his wife to Washington Thompson. 130£. 229 acres on waters of Sandy Creek.Signed: Martin (x) Hardin, Mary (x) Hardin. Wit: Joseph Carter, William Beavers, Christopher Robertson Jr, Evins W. Echols, William Lynch.
p.170 Mary not able to travel. Examined by W. Beavers, Joseph Carter 1 Oct 1802. Proved & ordered recorded 20 Dec 1802

Pittsylvania Co DB 14
p.266 14 Sep 1804 James Hardin and Polly his wife and Judah Hardin, widow of Henry Hardin Dec'd of Pittsy to Joseph Carter of the same. $400. Branches of Banister River, 230 acres. Signed: James Hardin, Polley (x) Hardin, Judah (x) Hardin. Wit: Welcome Wm Allen, Peter J. Bailey, Hardin Burgess [should this have been Burgess Hardin?]. 17 Sep 1804, Ack.
This appears to be the tract sold by Henry Hardin to Daniel Bradley in 1787 when no dower release was noted. James is apparently the grandson named in Henry's will.


Marriage1732Virginia - Judith Lynch
Military1776Signed Oath of Allegiance; Pittsylvania Co VA, Revolutionary War
Death1797Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseJudith Lynch (1712 - 1804)
ChildMark Hardin (1735 - 1817)
ChildMary Hardin (1737 - 1796)
ChildWilliam Everett Hardin (1741 - 1810)
ChildElizabeth Hardin (1748 - 1845)
ChildJudith Hardin (1750 - )
ChildMartin Hardin (1755 - 1848)
ChildHenry Hardin (1757 - )
ChildAvarilla Hardin (1760 - 1830)
ChildSarah Hardin (1761 - 1845)
FatherMARK HARDIN ( - 1735)
MotherMARY ?HOGUE ( - 1735)
SiblingMaj. JOHN HARDIN (1710 - 1789)
SiblingMartin "Ruffled Shirt" Hardin (1716 - 1779)
SiblingMark Hardin (1718 - )
SiblingMartha Hardin (1722 - )
SiblingAbigail Hardin (1724 - )
SiblingMary Hardin (1726 - 1752)
SiblingANNE "Nancy" HARDIN (1728 - 1777)
SiblingElizabeth Hardin (1730 - )
SiblingAlis Hardin (1732 - 1777)
