Individual Details


( - Aft May 1735)

To date there is no proof that Mary Hogue was the wife of Mark Hardin, although that name is widely circulated - in fact there is adequate proof that was certainly not her surname. There are about three different ladies said to be the wife of Mark Hardin.

William & Barbara Hoge are usually offered as parents, although William's will never named a daughter Mary. The Hoges lived near the Opequon Cemetery, for which Hoge provided land in the early 1730's. This doesn't seem to place his family in the right place for Mark Hardin to meet his daughter. Land Records of King George Co indicate that Mark's wife was Mary as early as 1726 and as late as 1733, when Mark's wife releases dower rights. Mark Hardin was first in Northumberland, some of which became Westmoreland, then King George was formed from part of Westmoreland, and Prince William where Mark's final records are found was formed from King George. He seems to have lived basically in the same area throughout his adult life.

Opequon Cemetery for which William Hoge gave land in the early 1730's is now in Winchester, Frederick Co. Frederick Co was formed from Orange and Augusta. Hoge is thought to have arrived about 1729, from Chester Co, PA. His will of April 1729 (at which time Mark Hardin was living in King George Co and his wife Mary releases dower in several deeds) names no daughter Mary.


MarriageAbt 1709MARK HARDIN
DeathAft May 1735Prince William County, Virginia


SpouseMARK HARDIN ( - 1735)
ChildMaj. JOHN HARDIN (1710 - 1789)
ChildHenry Hardin (1712 - 1797)
ChildMartin "Ruffled Shirt" Hardin (1716 - 1779)
ChildMark Hardin (1718 - )
ChildMartha Hardin (1722 - )
ChildAbigail Hardin (1724 - )
ChildMary Hardin (1726 - 1752)
ChildANNE "Nancy" HARDIN (1728 - 1777)
ChildElizabeth Hardin (1730 - )
ChildAlis Hardin (1732 - 1777)
Father[???] WILLIAM HOGE ( - )
Mother[???] BARBARA HUME ( - )