Individual Details


(Abt 1710 - 13 Oct 1789)

John Hardin moved about 1740 to Frederick Co VA. Built the first stone courthouse in Frederick Co. He was the sheriff and a presiding Justice. Served as Capt. of Frederick Co militia in the French & Indian War. He was still in Frederick Co as late as 1763, but found on Patterson Creek in Hampshire Co 1764 and 1769. In 1769 he went as a pioneer to Georges Creek (now Fayette Co PA); Capt and Major in the border campaigns of the Revolution. John was a Justice in Monongalia Co, PA. Built boats for the Monongahela & Ohio Rivers, including military expeditions. He is found on a Nelson Co KY tithable list in 1785.

Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys, Vol III, 1710-1780. Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties. Peggy Shomo Joyner.
18 Oct 1740, Warrant. 15 Nov 1740, Survey by Joseph Berry, Prince William Co, for William Reding, 695 acres in Hamilton Parish on Licking Run adjacent Joshua Butler, John Harding, Mark Hardin, John Holtzclaw, Sutton, Wainwright, John Ross, Mr. Burrell.

Northern Neck Grants E, p.337 Grant to John Harding of Prince William Co in said County joining on the lines of Mark Harding and Daniel Fegin at the head of Windwrights branch of Town Run of Cedar Run of the Occoquan River. Survey by Mr. John Warner. Windwrights Run being branch of Elk Run; Fegins line. 111 acres. 16 Oct 1741.
Note: In 1723, a John Windwright was an assignee of Mark Hardin of King George Co for a tract of 295 acres on a branch of Elk Run called Muddy Hole Br, property which appeared to adjoing a 642 acre grant of Mark Hardin's.

Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys Vol. III 1710-1780
Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties. Peggy Shomo Joyner
Prince William County
p.124 William Reding. 18 Oct 1740 - 15 Nov 1740. 695 acres Hamilton Parish on Licking Run adj Joshua Butler, John Harding, Mark Hardin, John Holtzclaw, Sutton, Wainwright [also appears as Winwright], John Ross, Mr. Burrell. Surv: Joseph Berry

John was already paying taxes in Fauquier Co by the time this grant was received, formerly located in Prince William Co.

This property obviously adjacent to that of his father. A Northern Neck Grant to Alexander Clement on 30 Jul 1724, describes his land as being on the North side of Elk Run, line of Mark Harding, Danl. Feagins line, following the manders of the creek. There is also a Northern Neck Grant to John Windwright, dated 7 Mar 1722/23 as assignee of Mark Harding of King George Co, for 295 acres on a branch of Elk Run called Muddy Hole Branch - which was the same location as the 642 acres that Mark Hardin later divided among his sons by his will. Possibly Muddy Hole became Windwrights branch.

John may have purchased his land in Frederick Co from an individual rather than receiving it as a grant as no grant is found in the area of Frederick Co which was formed from Orange & Augusta Counties in 1738; but here's mention of his property.
Northern Neck Grants H, p.201; 10 Nov 1752. Christopher Beeler of Frederick Co, according to a survey made by Mr. George Washington. Begin near said Beelers house, in the barrens, corner to Mr. John Hardin, thence with his line. 67 acres in Frederick Co.

VIRGINIA'S COLONIAL SOLDIERS; Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, 1988, Genealogy Publishing Co., 3rd Printing 1998.
p.15 County Militia Rosters. Frederick Co
9 May 1754 John Hardin, Capt of Foot in room of Thomas Rutherford.
p.165 Miscellany
3 Jun 1757 Capt. John Hardin and his company from Frederick County were in the service of the country 8 days. Due 20.8.0
Courts Martial Records Frederick Co
p.346 3 Sept 1755 Capt John Hardin present at the Court Martial held this date
p.347 28 Oct 1758 several men of the Company of Capt John Hardin were charged various fines for missing muster, etc. Robert Allen was discharged as being aged over 60 years.

Founders Online at National Archives
From George Washington to Thomas Bryan Martin, 10 October 1755
To Thomas Bryan Martin
Winchester October 10th 1755.
Copy of a Letter to Colonel Martin.
Dear Sir,
Captain Harden1 arrived in about half an hour after you went away, and informs me, he has about Seventeen Men coming to Town.
This I thought proper to acquaint you of, that you may advise with his Lordship, whether with these Rangers in Town, the Twenty odd you spoke off, and those Captain Smith thinks he is sure of getting,2 it would not be necessary to attempt Something—I have sent off these two Men you saw for Intelligence,3 but have little hope of any Satisfactory account from one of them, who seems much addicted to Drinking. Pray make my Compliments to His Lordship, and believe me to be, Yours &c.
If you think these men and Officers may be depended upon; I do not know but it would be advisable, to send them up: it will at least be a Strong Reconnoitering Party.
1. A committee of the House of Burgesses reported on 3 June 1757 that “Capt. John Hardin and his Company of Militia, in Frederick County, were in the Service of the Country eight Days each” and were entitled to their pay (JHB, 1752–1755, 1756–1758, 483–85). John Hardin was a justice of the peace in Frederick County in 1755 and was sheriff in 1758.
2. This is almost certainly Jeremiah Smith of Frederick County, the same Captain Smith to whom GW refers in his orders to John Hardin and Thomas Lemen, 11 Oct. 1755, and in his letter to Henry Harrison, 23 April 1756.
3. GW is referring to Power Hazel and James Sands. See GW’s Memorandum, 10 Oct. 1755, n.2.
From George Washington to John Hardin and Thomas Lemen, 11 October 1755
To John Hardin and Thomas Lemen
[11 October 1755]
Orders Given to Captain Harden, commanding the Militia; and Lieutenant Lemon, commanding the Rangers, at Winchester, October 11th 1755.
As I have been informed that there are Indians lurking about the Plantation of Stephen Julian,1 it is my Orders, that you, with the men under your command, proceed there very ealy to-morrow morning, and Scour all the woods and suspicious places thereabouts, before you proceed to meet Captain Smith,2 and make a Report to me of what you shall observe. Given under my hand, October 11, 1755.
From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 11–14 October 1755
To Robert Dinwiddie
Winchester Saturday Octr the 11th 1755
...Sunday Noon
Last night at 8 o’clock, arrivd an express just spent with fatigue and fear, reporting that a Party of Indians were seen at the Plantation of one Isaac Julian’s abt 12 Miles off, and that the Inhabitants were flying in the most promiscuous manner from their dwellings—I immediately order’d the Town Guards to be strengthned, Perkins’s7 Lieut. to be in readiness with his Company, some Recruits (who had only arrivd abt half an hour before) to be Arm’d, and sent two men will acquainted with the woods to go up that road and lay wait, to see if they coud discover the Numbers & Motion of the Indian’s, that we might have timely notice of their approach.8
...Monday Morning
The Men I hired to bring Intelligence from the Branch, return’d last Night with Letter’s from Captn Ashby and the other Partys up there, by which we learn that the Indians are gone off.11 Scouts having been dispersd upon those Water’s for several days witht discovering tracts, or other Signs of the Enemy. I am also inform’d that it believ’d their numbers amounted to 150—that 70 or near it of our People are killd, and missing,12 and that several houses and Plantations are destroy’d, but not so great havock made as was at first represented—The Ranger’s, and a small party of Militia ordered up there by Lord Fairfax I am given to understand intend to March down on Wednesday next,13 who will be immediately followd by all the Inhabitants of those parts that had gather’d under their protection: I have therefore sent Preemptory Order’s to the Contrary, but what obedience will be paid to it—a little time will reveal. I have order’d those Men who were recruited for the Ranger’s to join their Respective Company’s, and th is also a party of 20 Militia marchd with them, under the Command of Captn Hardin.14
8.See GW to John Hardin and Thomas Lemen, 11 Oct. 1755. Hardin and Lemen were the two men sent
14. See GW to Thomas Lemen, 13 Oct., and to John Ashby, 14 Oct. 1755.

“Hampshire County VA Deed Book 1, pp. 145-146” – Frederick Findings, Volume 5, No. 1, Winter 1992, p. 47; Sage, Clara McCormack, and Jones, Laura Sage, Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia, p. 52.
8 November 1762. Benjamin Rutherford to John Hardin, both of Frederick County, for Five Shillings and One Pepper Corn on Lady Day next if same lawfully demanded, one year lease of Eighty Three Acres Granted to Said Rutherford (by) Rt Hon’ble Thomas Lord Fairfax … XXI Day of January One Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty Two on Drains of Patterson Creek in Hampshire County Beginning at a forked white Oak on Low Grounds, Corner to lands of James McCracken deced So 28o Wt Forty Poles to White Oak & Red Oak, So 43o Et One Hundred Poles to three White Oaks growing together by a Branch, No 50o Et Forty Poles to Three Pines & White Oak on Hill Side, No 4o Wt One Hundred & Twenty five Poles to Two Pines on Tip of a Hill, No 65 Wt Ninety Two Poles to Three White Oaks by Creek So 11 Et Eight Two Poles to Beginning.
Witnessed by: None Ben. Rutherford
At a Court held for Hampshire County 9 November 1762 acknowledged by Benjamin Rutherford and Ordered to be Recorded.
9 November 1762. Benjamin Rutherford to John Hardin, both of Frederick County, for payment of Forty Pounds and Quit Rents hereafter to grow due and payable, release of said Eighty Three Acres.
Witnessed by: None Ben. Rutherford
At a Court held for Hampshire County 9 November 1762 acknowledged by Benjamin Rutherford and Ordered to be Recorded Gabriel Jones, Cl. Cur.

Hampshire County (West) Virginia Deed Book 2, pp. 51-52” – Frederick Findings, Volume 7, #2, Summer, 1994, pp. 93-94; Sage, Clara McCormack, and Jones, Laura Sage, Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia, p. 36.
2 March 1768. Benjamin Rutherford, Robert Worthington & Margaret McCreachen, all of Frederick County, to John Hardin, Hampshire County, for Five Shillings and Rent of One Pepper Corn on Lady Day next if demanded, lease for the term of one year lot No 17 on Patterson Creek, Beginning at Two White oaks and Gum in small Branch, Corner to Lott 16, So 40 Et 240 Poles to Three White oak Saplins on Hill, No 30 Et 188 Poles to double White Oak by Run, No 60 Wt 40 Poles crossing Creek 240 Poles to Spanish oak on Steep Hill Side, So 23 Wt 104 Poles to Beginning, containing Two Hundred & One acres. Also Lot No 18 on Pattersons Creek, Beginning at Three Sycamores standing on creek Side in Line of Lott 17, No 60 Wt 200 Poles to Spanish Oak on Steep Hill Side, No 25 Et 240 Poles to Pine at Head of Botom S56 Et 200 Poles to black Walnut and Elm in Creek up several Meanders thereof So 23.5 Wt 260 Poles to Beginning Containing Three Hundred and Six acres, said Tracts being granted from Proprietor to said Benjamin Rutherford, Robert Worthington & Jane McCracken and Margaret Mc Cracken 21st and 22d October 1766.
Signed: Ben Rutherford RWorthington Margaret McCracken
Witnessed by: Ja Keith, Enoch Innis, Richd Hougland
At a courrt held for Hampshire County 8th March 1768. This Deed of Lease was acknowledged by the said Benjamin, Robert & Margaret, and ordered to be recorded. Gabriel Jones, Cl. Cur.
3 March 1768. Benjamin Rutherford and wife Elizabeth, Robert Worthington and wife Ann & Margaret McCrachen, Frederick County, to John Hardin, for ___ [blank] and Quit Rents hereafter to grow due and payable to the Lord of the Fee, release of said two tracts of land.
Signed: Ben Rutherford, Elizabeth Rutherford, R Worthington, Ann Worthington, Margaret McCrackin
Witnessed by: Ja Keith, Enoch Innis, Job Pearsall
At a Court held for Hampshire County 8th October 1768. This Deed of Release was acknowledged by the said Benjamin, Robert, Ann & Margaret, the said Ann being first privately examined as the Law directs, and on the Part of said Elizabeth, proved by the oaths of James Keith, Richard Hougland & Job Pearsall, Witnesses thereto, and Ordered to be recorded And it was also ordered that a Commission should issue for taking the Acknowledgment & privy Examination of the said Elizabeth. Gabriel Jones, Cl. Cur.”[ii]
Benjamin Rutherford was married to Elizabeth McCracken, Robert Worthington was married to Ann McCracken, Margaret McCracken died unmarried, and there was another daughter, Jane, who was supposed to sign the above deed but since she did not, the deed was re-recorded later:
6 Feb 1769. Jane McCracken, Margaret McCracken, Benjamin Rutherford (w. Elizabeth), Robert Worthington (w. Ann) of Frederick Co., Va., to John Harden of Hampshire Co. 306 acres Patterson’s Creek; rec. 14 Mar 1769.
The McCracken girls were daughters of James McCracken, who was killed by Indians in the Patterson Creek area in 1756

Hampshire Co DB, p. 228-229 (img 605)
9 Mar 1771 Deeds of Lease and Release.
John Hardin to Thomas Fairley of York Co, PA. Sum of 5 sh, lease of a tract on drains of Patterson Creek in Hampshire County. Adjoins Land of James McCracken, dec'd, 83 acres. Also 23 acres part of Lot #17 and Lot #18. Also 106 acres, a farm first granted to Benjamin Rutherford, 21st day Jan 1762.
Wit: John Foreman, Wm Foreman, Nathaniel Parker, John Jones
14 May 1771. Acknowledged by John Hardin
12 Mar 1771 John Hardin of Cumberland Co, Pennsylvaney to Thomas Fairley of York Co, Pennsylvaney for 70 pounds. Sells the above. Same Witnesses. Receipt of Thomas Fairley
14 May 1771. Acknowledged by John Hardin

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] - John Hardin listed in Rent Roll of Frederick Co in 1759 and 1764. John Hardin found in the Rent Roll, Landholders & Pattentees in 1773, Fauquier Co

In Feb of 1772, John gave to his son William Hardin of Bedford Co PA for and in consideration of natural love and affection, the tract of land he now lives on and all other estate on this side of Laurel Hill. This land was Surveyed on 22 May 1770 (Order #3084) but patented to Charles Griffen 9 May 1788.
[I have been unable to find the above patent to Charles Griffen - not in the Virginia patents]

It is somewhat difficult to tell just which John Hardin was the recipient of a number of patents. This John was present in the general area, as was his son John, who was the miller, b. 1733. John, the miller, was apparently the only one of the Johns who never went to Kentucky. John, the miller had two sons named John - one was illigitimate, called "Jack", born 1752; the other son John born ten years later. Then Major John's brother Martin also had a son John, born 1753 - who was the John slaughtered by the Indians in 1792.

Three of John's sons served together in Dunmore's War in 1774:
VIRGINIA'S COLONIAL SOLDIERS; Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, 1988, Genealogy Publishing Co., 3rd Printing 1998.
p.144 Dunmore's War 1774. Payrolls at Pittsburgh
Listed with Capt. Zachquil Morga: John Hardin, Mark Hardin, Benjamin Hardin

There was a patent issued in the year 1773 and two in 1778 on Patterson's Creek to John Hardin, Sr. They can only be this John since he gave the first two of these tracts to a grandson in his will.
19 Feb 1773. John Hardin Senr of the Province of Pennsylvania, 100 acres in Hampshire Co VA [now WV] on Mackrackens Still Run, a drain of Patterson Crk. [Patterson drains into the North Branch of the Potomac River] Surveyed 12 May 1763. Northern Neck Grant Book P, p.194
7 Jan 1778. John Hardin Senr of Monongalia Co [probably now living in the area of what would be Fayette Co PA]. 44 acres in Hampshire Co on the East side of Patterson's Creek, Bryan Bruins Corner, Benjamin Rutherford. Surveyed by John Moffett. Northern Neck Grant Book Q, p.253
24 Aug 1778. John Hardin Senr of Monogalia Co. 211 acres in Hampshire Co on the headwaters of Bird's Run a drain of the North branch of the Potomack River, Aaron McCarty's line, Bird's corner. John Moffett also surveyed this land. Northern Neck Grant Book Q, p.329

Hampshire County is the oldest county of West Virginia. It was formed in 1753 from parts of Frederick and Augusta and was part of Virginia until the Civil War.
That Maj. John was indeed located in Monogalia near his son, Miller John and Hardin's cove, waters of the Tyger Valley River is reinforced by the following.
It's possible that a Settlement Warrant issued to Martin Hardin as assignee of John Harden, on 6 Sep 1787, had been signed over before Maj. John left the area for Kentucky - it's described as being 341 acres, Monongalia, on the dividing ridge between Raccoon & Sandy Crk, both sides of the road that leads to the Tyger Valley River, to include his settlement of 1771. The date of 1771, is the same time that John Hardin Jr. [Miller John] was receiving warrants in Hardin's Cove for his settlements so it could be either.
The following also much refer to the father, not the son.
Grant Book 19, p.397 Granted to William A. [Augustine] Smith on 28 Apr 1789, in Monongalia Co, Sandy Crk waters of Tyger Valley R adj lands of Maj. John Harden and Thomas Powell

The first grant that I believe to be John Hardin's in Kentucky was for Warrant No. 1026, taken out on the 15th of Oct 1779, the same day his son William took out several grants. These were at that time Virginia land grants, as Kentucky was a county of Virginia. John's land was surveyed 2 Dec 1782. It was 400 acres it what was then Jefferson Co and on a branch of the south fork of Hardin's Creek, below Hardin's Station on the West side of the branch. [Hardin's Station is now Hardinsburg, Breckinridge Co KY - laid out as the town of Hardinsburg in 1800.]
The patent is dated 2 Dec 1785, Book Z, p.469, and is also recorded in the Kentucky Grants, Book 4, p.563.

Major John Hardin is on the DAR honor roll both as a soldier and as civilian patriot in that he rendered valuable service.
Major Hardin had boat yards at the south of Georges Creek (Monogahela) and at Redstone. This is indicated by the quoted references below:

1. Georges Creek, April 12, 1782. Major John Hardin to Col. Davies about building boats for Gen. George Rogers Clark. Va. Cal. St Papers, Vol III, pg 128 [Calendar of Virginia State Papers]
"Maj: John Hardin to Col: Davies
April 12th
George's Creek
He has no boats suitable for navigating the Ohio River, nor any that will be of use to Genl: Clarke; but has consulted a master Carpenter, who, if provisions and money are supplied, will build such as are needed"

2. Major John Hardin to Col Davies from"Redstone" May 20, 1782, in regard to boats for transportation of troops and provisions when wagons should arrive from the east. Va. Cal. St. Papers, Vol III, pg 169
"Major John Hardin to Col: Davies. May 20th. Red Stone. In regard to the boats at Fort Pitt, being amply sufficient to transport the provisions down the Ohio, when the waggons then beyond Martinsburg, should arrive with them. Capt Cragg had carried up artillerty from the Falls of Ohio, in them, and of course they would serve for this purpose...."

3. Martin Carney to William Davies, Redstone Old Fort, July 5, 1782, refers to a flat boat built by Major John Hardin and says that but for Major Hardin furnishing him with provisions he could not well have subsisted. Va. Cal. St. Papers, Vol. III, pg 206 -III. Hist. Col. Vol XIX, Geo. Rog. Clark Papers, pg 69.
"Capt Martin Carney to Colo. Wm Davies. July 5th, Redstone Old Fort.
About the 16th of June he re'd his of the 2d May giving account of the 'dangerous situation that the Kentucky Country was in" by the incursions of the Enemy, but he could not have made more haste than he did, had his own life been at stake. The Guard pomised him by Col: Joseph Nevill of Hampshire Co. to go down the river, never came nor has he heard one word from him Since. Since his arrival at Redstone Fort he has been employed in drying and repacking the Stores damaged by the bad conduct of the Waggoners, in his absence. Major John Harden has built a flat bottomed Boat in which to proceed down the river, but neither Major Walls or Lieut. Clarke or himself have a penny of money, a pound of provisions, or a man to 'pull an oar' and it will be impossible to move until the water rises. He will leave for the Falls of Ohio at the earliest opportunity, but cannot risk the stores without further orders, having now to keep constant guard over them in person. Hopes assistance will soon be sent him. The Credit of the State worth nothing in that County, and but for Col. Hardins' furnishing him with provisions, he could not have subsisted. He had sent to Pittsyburg to Genl: Irwin for assistance, but Col: Wall just from that place failed to get the aid needed to forward the articles down the River.

4. Major John Hardin to Col. William Davies- Monongahalia, July 28, 1782. Reporting the news brought to Fort Pitt by a runner who has escaped that Col. Crawford, put to death in the Sandusky Expedition. Va. Cal. St. Papers, Vol III, pg 235
"Major John Hardin to Col: Wm. Davies. 1782. July 28th. Monnogahalia
Perhaps you have not had the account of our worthy Friends, Colo. Crafford (Crawford), Colo. Wm. Harrison & Wm. Crafford nefue to Colo. Wm Crafford & many others who fell into the hands of the Indians on the late Expendition against the Sant:Duskey Towns, so full as I am able to inform you. The 5th Inst: I was at Fort Pitt when John Knight Sugen's mate to 7th Virginia Regt came in & said he and Colo. Crafford was taken together by the daliways (Delaware) To a camp whear there was nine more prisoners on Friday & the Tuesday following they were all put to Death but himself. he said they were all march'd into Town, Nine was Tomahoked & himslef & Col. was to be Burnt to the Stake. Colo. Crafford he saw Tyed & Burning nearly two houres & behaved like a hero. The Trator Simon Girty was standing by. The Colo. Cryed out to him no mercy, only shoot me, which his Reply was, "Crafford I have no gun" with a laugh, "how can you expect any other -- this is Retalation for the moravins (moravians) that was murdered last Spring" the Colo. made no reply, nor was heard to make any noys the whold time of his Tautor - after about two hours he fell on his face. one of the waraurs (warriors) jumpt in & Scalped him & throughed up hot coles & ashes on him & then the Colo. got up & walked; & then the Doctor sd: he was taken away & told he was to be burnt there, but was to be taken to the Shaynee (Shawnee) Towns where there was about Thirty Daliways (Delaware) lived to give them some satifaction for the murder of the meravins, and on his way he made his Escape, was 21 cays coming in to Fort Pitt & his subsistance the shole time was green goos bearys, nettle tops & green may apples.
One Slover has made his Escape about twelve days since the Doctor & gives an account of all the Prisoners that was taken, was put to death. That Colo. Harrison was Burnt & afterwards quartered & stuck up on poles. Wm. Crafford was also burnt, & himself was the last that was Bro't to the Stake to be Burnt - there came on a suding heavy Rain which prevented them Burning him that day & that night he made his escape & got into Wealon (Wheeling) in 7 days - I have not seen Slover myself, but I saw his accounts in Wrighting from good authority.
This is Convincing that unexpearinc'd men ought not to have their own way in war, that good men must suffer on their account. the murder Committed on the meravins is Every day Retalated for - Sixteen days ago Twenty-five Persons Kil'd & taken by the whole part of Indians - they consisted of about two Hundred. They took & destroyed a great many horses & Cattle & housel goods - there seems to be a great spirit in general amon'st the people for another Campaign, which I am in hopes will have the desire Efect -
I am Sir, with great Esteem your friend & very Humbl. Servant"

The difficulty in tracking the Hardin patents in Kentucky is that at least two Johns are involved - this man and his grandson, Col. John Hardin. Col. John is believed to have come to Kentucky a few years later, about 1786, along with his brothers Mark & Martin, settling East of Hardin's Station in what is now Washington Co. KY There are streams named "Hardin's Creek" in both locations.

Major John Hardin said to have moved to Nelson Co KY about 1786; however I think this was a location that today is Hardin Co. Nelson Co. was formed out of Jefferson Co in 1784. In 1792, Hardin & Washington Counties were then formed out of Nelson. Breckinridge Co did not become a county until 1799, formed out of Hardin Co.

30 May 1780 Treasury Warrant No 5166 to John Hardin was for 4000 acres for which he paid 1600£.
Surveyed 12 Nov 1785 for John Hardin. 400 acres in Nelson Co on the Lost Run in the Barrens, waters of Rough Creek about 10 miles east from Hardins Settlement. Date of grant, 18 Aug 1788. PB 17, p.661; KY Grant 6, p.462 and 16, p.54
There was another 400 acres on the same Warrant for John himself. This tract was surveyed 16 Jun 1784 and on the Boiling Springs fork of Tuel's Creek, a branch of Rough Creek of the Green River, adjacent William Hardin's 1100 acres, his line, crossing Boiling Springs; Pope's line, Pope & Hardin's lines.
William Hardin also received land from the same warrant as assignee of John Harden - his land was in at least four tracts, one for 1000 acres, two for 400 each, and one for 200. This was half the grant.
One of the 400 acres tracts was surveyed for John on 28 Apr 1784. It was on the heads of the east branches of Clover Creek adj his 500 acre Survey on the upper side of Pope's preemption, Duvalls line. The others were assigned prior to the surveys
400 acres were assigned to Christopher Bush. One tract of 100 acres was surveyed 22 Dec 1782 on a branch of the Limestone, near Hardin's Station. Another tract of 100 acres was surveyed on 29 Nov 1784 and was on Clover Creek between Hardin's Station & the Clover Lick adj. Duvalls 1000 acres; Bushes mill seat. Another 200 survey for Christopher Bush was adjacent William and Benjamin Hardin.
200 acres surveyed for John Hardin on 25 Jun 1788 was assigned ot John Floyd on 8 Jul 1788. It was in the Barrens, 6 miles west of Otter Creek, 8 miles southwest of the big clay lick.

Tradition states that old John Hardin was shot by Indians on the Brandenburg Road about a mile from Hardinsburg KY. This date shown as his death date is likely the date of probate. There is a tithable list showing he was in the area of Hardinsburg in 1785, but author Francis H. Huron states that he was in 1787 living near his daughter Marian Thomas in Nelson Co. Some of the Thomas family did witness his will in Nelson Co on 4 Jun 1788. A FindAGrave memorial has chosen to place him in Hardin Cemetery #1, Hardinsburg, Breckinridge Co - I doubt he is actually buried there.

Will dated 4 Jun 1788; probated 13 Oct 1789. Bardstown, Nelson Co KY. Sons: John, Mark, William, Benjamin, 5 sh each. Daughters: Abigail Linch, Mary Thomas, Catharine Burnett, Elizabeth Martin, Susannah Walker, 5 sh each. Also mentions "Polly Hardin", probable granddaughter, daughter of a deceased unnamed son who received the tract that John was currently living on along with his goods and chattels, grandson Henry, son of John [John had remained in Virginia] to have 100 acres on Patterson Creek in Hampshire Co VA, and another 44 acres adjoining; granddaughter Katy Thomas, 200 acres near the Hardin Settlement on Lost Run, a branch of Rough Creek, and granddaughter Cassandra Hardin, 200 acres next to that given Katy Thomas. Exec. were William & Benjamin Hardin. Witnesses: Lewis Thomas, Philip Davis, Mary Thomas.
The will was presented in Court held for Nelson Co, Tuesday 13 Oct 1789 and proved by Lewis Thomas and Mary Thomas.

The mother of Polly Harden has long been debated. Her given name was Margaret in the will, but the surname has a strike-over on the first initial - I read it as Kirby tho most everyone else has thought the first letter was an "H". I believe this suggests further research. He says "Margaret Kirby that was" indicating Kirby could have been Margaret's maiden name. A probable son of John, Jesse, is not named in the will and was probably deceased - maybe he was the father of Polly, and perhaps also the father of Daniel Hardin. Daniel & Polly seem to have been raised by their uncle William Hardin; they were older than his children. Given that John gave Polly his household goods and home, I suspect she was living with him and caring for him in his old age.


BirthAbt 1710Northumberland County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1730Prince William County, Virginia - CATHERINE MARR
Military1754 - 1758Capt., Militia, Frederick Co VA, French and Indian War
Military1782Built boats for George Rogers Clark, Revolutionary War
Death13 Oct 1789Nelson County, Kentucky


SpouseCATHERINE MARR (1711 - 1783)
ChildCapt John "Miller John" Hardin (1733 - 1803)
ChildMark Hardin (1735 - 1792)
ChildMary "Polly" Hardin (1735 - 1805)
ChildBenjamin Hardin (1739 - 1816)
ChildCapt. WILLIAM HARDIN (1745 - 1821)
ChildJesse HARDIN ( - )
ChildAbigail Hardin (1753 - )
ChildCatherine Hardin ( - )
ChildElizabeth Hardin (1757 - )
ChildSusannah Hardin (1757 - )
FatherMARK HARDIN ( - 1735)
MotherMARY ?HOGUE ( - 1735)
SiblingHenry Hardin (1712 - 1797)
SiblingMartin "Ruffled Shirt" Hardin (1716 - 1779)
SiblingMark Hardin (1718 - )
SiblingMartha Hardin (1722 - )
SiblingAbigail Hardin (1724 - )
SiblingMary Hardin (1726 - 1752)
SiblingANNE "Nancy" HARDIN (1728 - 1777)
SiblingElizabeth Hardin (1730 - )
SiblingAlis Hardin (1732 - 1777)
