Individual Details

Benjamin Hardin

(Abt 1739 - 1 Dec 1816)

A Benjamin Hardin was issued a Virginia land patent in Augusta Co on 13 Jun 1755, [VA PB 32, p.584-585] - Benjamin, son of Major John would have been only a teenager and the land was only 44 acres at the head of the Falling Spring draft, a branch of Jacksons River. This area today is in Allegheny Co VA, nearly to the West Virginia border. There's no indication this is the same Benjamin, but then he did definitely head to the West. Another notable fact is that when Benjamin's father, John Hardin, made out his will, he left 44 acres in Hampshire Co VA to a grandson - Henry the son of John.

VIRGINIA'S COLONIAL SOLDIERS; Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, 1988, Genealogy Publishing Co., 3rd Printing 1998.
p.144 Dunmore's War 1774. Payrolls at Pittsburgh
Listed with Capt. Zachquil Morgan: John Hardin, Mark Hardin, Benjamin Hardin

Benjamin may have had an earlier marriage and a son Jephtha. There is a Jephtha who moved to Illinois, became a lawyer, and is recorded in histories there as a half-brother of Congressman Ben Hardin. Benjamin Hardin Sr. made a deed of gift to Jephtha Hardin in Washington Co KY in 1803, but did not mention Jeptha in his will. Jeptha was a lawyer in Gallatin Co ILL in the 1840's. A deed of 1848 listed John J. Hardin, Harriet Barger, Mary Jane Hardin & Sarah Hardin, widow, as heirs of Jeptha Hardin.

Mystery Hardens - possibly not kin. There is a Virginia warrant for land for Jephthah Harden. The preemption warrant in Monongalia Co was #1624 and issued 18 Oct 1781, the same day as three warrants were issued for daughters of Benjamin. The warrant had been assigned by John Finch, witnessed by Benjamin Haden - it was for 1000 acres but had been divided in two parts between Martin Hardin and Jephthah Hardin with each receiving 500 acres. The location for both was "adjacent his [Finch's] settlement of 1772".
There is no indication either eventually received patents for their warrants. It is not absolutely possible to tell what Martin this might have been. Benjamin's uncle Martin doesn't seem to have been interested in land in this area; his son of the same name would have been in his mid-teens in 1772, but he did later go to Kentucky to settle and certainly would have been old enough to receive the warrant in 1781.

DAR Lineage shows this Benjamin has having been a Revolutionary Soldier.

On 5 Mar 1780, Benjamin Hardin, for 400£, was issued a Preemption Warrant for 1000 acres in Monongalia, on the Little Kanhaway to include his improvement of 1772. I've seen that Benajmin was living in what is now Fayette Co PA by 1772, but that's apparently wrong based on the warrant. If he was located on the Little Kanawha River, that lies within the bounds of present day West Virginia.

On 18 Oct 1781, three Preemption Warrants were issued for three of Benjamin's daughters. He paid 120£ for No.1626, 300 acres, for Sarah Hardin; 120£ for No.1627, 300 acres for Rosanna Hardin, and 160£ No. 1628, for Mary Hardin for 400 acres. The were all in Monongalia Co and were assignment from James Walker who had been assignee of William Salsbury. The original warrant to Salsbury was described as being adjacent the settlement of James Walker on the right hand fork of Peppen [Pepper?] Crk known as Stone Cole Lick, 1773.
Two other daughters of Benjamin's, Lydia and Katey [Catherine] received land grants in Kentucky. Cassandra, the remaining daughter, received 200 acres from her grandfather John Hardin's will - this might explain why she was the only daughter of Benjamin's mentioned in that will as she had received no land as her sisters had.

Benjamin's brother John Jr. and Mark Hardin [also perhaps his brother] received Preemption Warrants about the same time. John Jr's was for 3000 acres in Monongalia at Hardin's Cove on the waters of the Tygart Valley River for settlements made in 1770, 1771, 1773 - he did receive patents for 3000 acres in this area and this where "Miller" John established his mills. The warrant to Mark was for 400 acres in Monongalia but described a location on the Little Kanhaway adjacent land claimed by Robert Thornton, to include Mark's settlemnt of 1772.

There is a Warrant, No. 2586 for Benjamin Hardin, dated 14 Feb 1780, for 1200 acres, part of which he assigned over to his brother William. Assignment was 400 acres on Hardin's Creek, a branch of the Ohio, including Hardin's Settlement, crossing creek above the station. The patent was issued to William Haden, 21 Jun 1786, Patent Book 1, p.320.

Benjamin must have decided to live near his cousins John, Mark & Martin rather than his brother William, as he located his remaining 800 acres elsewhere.
1 Jun 1782
Land patent to Benjamin Harden on KY Warrant #2586, dated 14 Feb 1780 and surveyed 1 Sep 1781. 800 acres, Jefferson Co KY on the South Fork of Soverns Run of Cartwright Creek a mile above the forks. Patent Book G, p.50. Listed in the Kentucky Grants in Book 1, p.71 William Hardin also patented 400 acres on that day as an assignee of Benjamin. That tract was on Hardin's Creek, a branch of Ohio and included Hardin's Settlement - no doubt this is Benjamin's brother, Capt. William Hardin.
Benjamin Hardin also patented land for two more of his daughters on 1 Jun 1782. Kattey Harden [Katy/Catherine] received 200 acres in Jefferson Co, also on Soverns Run of Cartwright Crk [Soverns appears today to be called Servants Run; this location in present day Washington Co]. Her sister Lydia received 200 acres, Soverns Run but her description states that it was on the northwest corner of Benjamin Hardin's 800 acre survey. These are also in Patent Book G, Katy's on p. 45, Lydia's on p.19.

Benjamin was recorded in the Nelson Co tithable list in 1788. Washington Co not formed out of Nelson until 1792.

20 Jan 1792
Patent to Benjamin Hardin on Kentucky Warrant #86, dated 20 Oct 1781 and surveyed 14 Feb 1789. 1000 acres in Nelson Co on the West side of Tuels Creek, adjacent William Mays 2000 acres survey. Patent Book 24, p.513. Kentucky grant 14, p.391.
[this land lay in present day Breckinridge, near his brother William's settlement, Hardinsburg - I don't know that he ever lived on this property]

1810 Census. Washington Co KY
Benjamin Hardin 1m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1f -10, 1f over 45.
A younger Benjamin Hardin was also in Washington Co as well as one in Nelson Co. - they were both 26-45. Ben, son of Benjamin is known to have lived in Bardstown, Nelson Co. There was also a nephew, son of Mark Hardin, living in the area, named Benjamin and only a few years older.

Benjamin Hardin's will, dated 1 Dec 1816, was proved 13 Jan 1817 in Washington Co KY, Will Book 3, p.54. It named his wife Sarah, Sons Warren, Martin & Benjamin. Daughters Lydia, Sarah, Rosanna, and Mary Barnett. Granddaughter Cassandra Hardin. Executors were his wife and son Warren.

I found this post in the Arichives on Rootsweb:

From: Candy
Subject: [HARDIN-L] Wills of Benjamin and Sarah Hardin
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 13:56:27 -0700 (PDT)

Following are the wills of Benjamin Hardin and Sarah Hardin, husband and
wife, typed as originally transcribed by an unknown typist. Benjamin is the
son of Major John Hardin and Catherine Marr.

Washington Co., Ky. Will book 1, Page 54;
1 Dec 1816 - 13 Jan. 1818; Will of Benjamin Hardin son of Major John Hardin
and Catherine Marr. Benjamin marr. 1st cousin Sarah Hardin dau. Of Martin
Hardin and Lydia Waters.

In the name of God, Amen, I Benjamin Hardin of Washington Co., Ky., being
weak of body but of sound mind doth make, constitute and ordain this my last
Will and Testament:
FIRST. I give my soul to God who gave it to me and my body to the dust from
whence it came and to be decently buried by Executors wherefour touching
such worldly goods as has been please God to bless me with.
FIRST. I give unto my beloved wife Sarah Hardin all my land lying on
Soverin?s run laying below the road leading from Springfield to Greensburgh
which includes my plantation I now live on during her natural life, at her
death to my son Warren Hardin and also during her natural life, I give the
Negros, towit, Nase, Harrah, Harriett, Synthia and Mine and after her death,
Cynthia and Mine and their increases to my son Warren. I also give unto my
beloved wife one small Negro girl of the name of Mary to dispose of as she
may think proper. I also give her my personal estate consisting of horses,
cattle, sheep and hogs, farming utensils, house hold and kitchen furniture
and my books to Will and dispose of as she pleases.
ITEM. The first I give unto my daughters, Lydia, Sarah, and Rosannah 5
shillings forever.
I give unto my daughter Mary Barnet a Negro woman of the name of Betsey and
all her increase forever.
I give unto my son Martin 5 shilling.
I likewise give unto my son Benjamin 5 shilling forever.
I give unto my son Warren a Negro woman of the name of Charity and her
children, towit, Mary, Charlot and Ben forever.
I also give unto my grand daughter Cassandra Hardin a Negro woman of the
name of Lil and her children, towit, Alfred and Poliny.
I do will Hannah, Harriett and Nall free at my beloved wife?s death.
I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Sarah Hardin Executor and Warren Hardin
my Executor.
I acknowledged this my last Will and Testament this the first day of
December 1816 (1 Dec. 1816) Signed and witness the day and date above
Benjamin Hardin
Test; Hety Picket, John C. Pickett

14 August 1826 - 14 October 1833; Will of Sarah Hardin wife of Benj. Hardin
I Sarah Hardin, a native of Va. but a citizen of Ky. for a number of years
past do make, ordain and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby
revoking all others;
I give to Lucinda Caldwell, daughter of my grand daughter Cassandra
Caldwell, my negro girl Mary the daughter of a Negro woman called M___t to
her and her heirs forever, but should she die without children lawfully
begotten then I give said Negor and her increase to her sister Sarah Jane
I give to my son Ben the rest and residue of my property which is but
little; he is to have me buried near my beloved husband Ben Hardin deceased
in Washington Co., Ky.; to wall in our graves with stone and then a
suitable tombstone to cover the graves with an appropriate inscription
I appoint my son Ben Hardin my executor this 14 day of August 1826.
Sarah Hardin (X) her mark

The following notes are not part of this will, but were transcribed on the
copy I used. Author unknown.
Footnote; Ben Hardin did not put up the stones or the wall, but Ben Hardin
has a tall Obelisk.
Cassandra Hardin married William Hardin son of Capt. William Hardin and
Winifred Holtsclaw, daughter of Henry Holtsclaw and Nancy Ann Hardin.
Cassandra Hardin died shortly after birth of her daughter Cassandra Hardin
who married a Caldwell and left two daughters; Cassandra Caldwell and Mary
Jane Caldwell.
Children of Ben Hardin and wife Sarah Hardin his 1st cousin also:
1 - Kate Hardin marr. her 1st cousin Nestor Hardin
2 - Sarah Hardin marr. Robert Tobin
3 - Rosanna Hardin marr. James McElroy
4 - Cassandra Hardin marr. Wm. Hardin her cousin
5 - Martin L. Hardin marr. Juliet Calhoun
6 - Mary ?Polly? Hardin marr. Andrew Barnett
7 - Lyida Hardin marr. Thomas Tobin
8 - Ben Hardin marr. ______ Barbour; Famous Lawyer
9 - Warren Hardin marr. Elizabeth Calhoun (niece of Juliet)
Footnote: There is one record that says there was a daughter Betsy Hardin
to this family, I think she might have been Mary ?Polly?.

My note: I do not believe there was a Betsy [or Elizabeth] in this family. There is said to have been a Bible record which gave birth dates for all of the above, as well as a son James, born and died in 1782.

Benjamin and Sarah are believed buried in the Hardin Family Cemetery, near Springfield, Washington Co, KY.


BirthAbt 1739Prince William County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1765Stafford County, Virginia - Sarah Ellen Hardin
Military1774Payroll at Pittsburgh, Dunmore's War
Death1 Dec 1816Washington County, Kentucky


SpouseSarah Ellen Hardin (1743 - 1826)
ChildCatherine "Kate" Hardin (1766 - 1839)
ChildLydia Hardin (1768 - )
ChildSarah Hardin (1770 - )
ChildRosannah Hardin (1773 - )
ChildMary "Polly" Hardin (1775 - )
ChildCassandra Hardin (1778 - 1799)
ChildMartin L. Hardin (1780 - 1848)
ChildJames Hardin (1782 - 1782)
ChildBen Hardin (1784 - 1852)
ChildWarren Hardin (1786 - 1866)
FatherMaj. JOHN HARDIN (1710 - 1789)
MotherCATHERINE MARR (1711 - 1783)
SiblingCapt John "Miller John" Hardin (1733 - 1803)
SiblingMark Hardin (1735 - 1792)
SiblingMary "Polly" Hardin (1735 - 1805)
SiblingCapt. WILLIAM HARDIN (1745 - 1821)
SiblingJesse HARDIN ( - )
SiblingAbigail Hardin (1753 - )
SiblingCatherine Hardin ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Hardin (1757 - )
SiblingSusannah Hardin (1757 - )
