Individual Details
( - 1 May 1735)
Highly Questionable data re Mark Hardin:
Martin Hardwyn and wife Madeleine du Sauchoy had a baby son, Marcus, baptized 26 Mar 1681 in Staten Island New York. Said to be named for his grandfather Marcus du Sauchoy, who was a sponsor. However, there is absolutely nothing definite to link this baby to the Mark Hardin who was in Northumberland Co VA in 1707.
From "Breckinridge County" article in Kentucky Genealogy & Bilogy, Volume 1, editor: T.W.Westerfield: Came to America after massacre of St. Bartholomew; forced to flee from France because of Huguenot principles. [Possibly more tradition than fact.]
According to information on the Spainhour home page his parentage usually given as Martin Hardewyn and Madeleine du Sauchoy is not proven but based on likelihood and circumstance. His baptismal date is for their son but no definite proof is found that this baby was the Mark Hardin later found in Virginia. Other contemporary researchers concur that there is not proof.
Various writings about the Hardins are full of fanciful accounts, many of which are totally inaccurate. Many are quoted in online databases. Various Williams and Martins and Johns have been placed in wrong families and wrong generations. One of these is The Hardin's in the Footsteps of the Boone Trail, by Faustina Kelly which appeared in the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, Vol 16, May 1918, p.27 . This manuscript errs not only in the details of the arrival of the Hardins in Viginia but lists William Hardin as a son of Mark Hardin, when he was actually a grandson and had wrong brothers for Martin Hardin of Fauquier Co - who is often called "Ruffled Shirt" Martin and was a son of Mark Hardin. Two daughters of Martin are omitted. The author has confabulated different John Hardins and placed Hardins in the wrong wars. A Joseph Hardin from Tennessee - not known to be part of this family has been added - or perhaps his information is so garbled as to not be recognizable.
The actual records of Mark Hardin follow.
Virginia Colonial Abstracts; Beverly Fleet; Vol of 3 Vol - originally 34 Vol. Reprint Genealogical Pub Co. Inc.; Baltimore; 1988
Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720 p.497f; from Order & Record books
Cumins, Alexr et als. Deed 7 Apr 1707 Alexander Cumming & Sarah hs wife, Henry Robinson & Mary his wife, Henry Bryan & Elizabeth his wife. All of Wicco parish sell to Mark Harding of same, for 5000# tobo, 50 acres.
Robert Burrell late of N. Co. dec'd sold on 6 Dec 1699 to Valentine Munslow & Paul Littlefield, a neck of land in sd par, adj land where Burrell lived, which Muslow sold 11 Feb 1678/9 to Paul Littlefield who assigned it on 19th of sd Feb to Jno Lyinum/Lenham/Lynum who with his wife Jane, the 9th Feb 1685/6 sold it to John Multon or Muttoone, late of N Co dec'd and the sd John died without will and no male heirs, the land descended to his daughters Sarah Cumings, Mary Robinson, and Elizabeth Bryan. The land adj that of Tho Berry & Patience his wife. Signed by 6 parties. Wit: Timothy Higgins, John Champion.
Harding, Mark of Wicco parish, carpenter. He re-records deed 20 Jun 1711 17.116
[Mark and his wife Mary sold this land on Nov 14, 1720 and she released her dower rights.]
Mark Harden. His runaway servant ret'd by Wm Barnes of Maryland 2 Sep 1715 6.135
LDS Microfilm #972822-4 "Hardin Family History" Manuscript copy - no author's name found. Miscellaneous records includes deed of sale to Mark Harding above with more detail:
Copy of Deed: 7 Apr 1707. Alexander Cumins & Sarah his wife, Henry Robinson & Mary his wife, Henry Bryan and Elizabeth his wife, all of Wicocomoco Parish, Northumberland to Mark Harding of the said Parish. Robert Burrell by deed, 6 Dec 1669 sold to Valentine Munslow & Paul Littlefield a neck of land in sd parich, bounded on each side with a creek, extending to the foot of a hill, said Burrell’s line. Valentin Munslow by deed 5 Feb 1678/9 sold to the said land to Paul Littlefield who assigned the same on 19 Feb to John Lyricum who with his wife Jane on 9 Feb 1685/6 sold the same to John Mutton. John Mutton died without will and it descended to his daughters. For 5000# tobo the daughters sell to Mark Harding. 50 acres
Signed: by Alexander & Sarah Cummins, Henry & Mary Robinson, Henry & Elizabeth Bryan
16 Jul 1707
Ack in Northumberland Co Court by all. 7 Apr 1707
Apparently the above brought to Richmond Co: Note: This original deed & livery of Seizing were presented to the Court by Mark Harding, the record being burnt. Upon his motion the same is admitted to record. Signed Tho. Hobson.
Copy of Deed: 14 Nov 1720 between Mark Harding & Mary his wife in County of Richmond in Virginia. John Pope of Northumberland witnesseth that the said Mark and Mary his wife for the consideration of a Negro man or boy to be paid by the said Pope to Harding & doth by these presents sell and release to him the said Jno. Pope a parcel of land of 50 acres in Parish of Wicocomoco in Northumberland Co. Between two creeks, line of Robert Burrell, now the dividing line between this land and Thomas Berry & Patien his wife; Clement Lattimore his land; foot of a hill; land formerly granted to Valentine Munslow and Paul Littlefield. and their heirs from the said Robert Burrel and the said Muslow conveyed his part to John Lynum which Lynum and wife conveyed unto John Mutton, he dying intestate the land descended to his daughters Sarah May & Elizabeth. Sarah intermarried with Alexander Cummins, Mary to Henry Robinson, and Elizabeth to Henry Bryan with with said husbands conveyed to Mark Harding. Signed: Mark Hardin, Mary Hardin. Wit: George Dameron, John F. Marshall.
15 Feb 1720/1 Ack in Northumberland by Tho. Berry, atty of Mark Hardin and Mary his wife.
Know all men that I Mark Harding of county of Richmond am obligated to John Pope in the sum of $100. 14 Nov 1720. Signed: Mark Hardin
Wit: George Dameron, John F. Marshall
This bond for performance of covenants was acknowledged in Northumberland Court
I, Mark Harding of Richmon, VA do appoint my trusty friends Thomas Berry and George Murdock of Northumberland my lawfull attorney to appear in Northumberland Court and acknowledge a small tract of land to Jno Pope. 22 FEb 1720. Signed: Mark Harding
Wit: Richard Wood & Tho (X) Lane
15 Feb 1720/1 Power of attorney proved in Northumberland Court by Wood and Lane and recorded.
Northern Neck Grants 5, 1713-1719, #93, p.162
Mark Harding, 94 acres in Richmond Co, 3 Dec 1716
Mark Harding of Northumberland Co. Grant for 94 acres in Richmond Co surveyed by William Thornton near the great Marsh commonly called Rappahannock Marsh. Begin West side of a swamp in Wm. Russell's line ...James Haggard's line. Haggard's corner, Russell's corner, along Russell's line.
Northern Neck Grants 5, #153, p.271
Mark Harding, 122 1/2 acres, Hanover Parish, Richmond Co, 4 Jun 1716
Mark Harding of Northumberland. Warrant issued 3 Dec 1716 and surveyed by Capt. Edward Barrow [There is a descrepancy in the dates of issue of the warrant and the grant itself. One must be an error. The grant can only be issued after the warrant has been issued for the survey and the suvey completed.] Tract on the northward most Marsh, Jeffrey Johson's land, Charles Emmons corner.
Small survey sketches have survived for both these tracts. The Rappahannock River still is in the county of King George which was formed from Richmond. The first sketch does show the land bordering a wide stream.
Virginia Co Court Records
Order Book Abstracts of King George Co VA 1721-1723
Ruth & Sam Sparacio 1992
p.81 5 Apr 1723
James Canon brought before the court by Warrant under hands of Wm Thornton, Gent one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this County and arrested for Stealing a Wolfes Head out of a trap belonging to Mark Hardin in Spotsylvania Co. Upon examination of evidence doth order that he be discharged, paying fees, etc.
King George Co Virginia Orders 1721-1724
Mary Marshall Brewer, Colonial Roots, Lewes, Delaware, 2007
Saturday, 8 Feb 1723
p.147/156 Ordered that Mark Harding be surveyor of the highway from the Deep Run to the Marsh Run & that he forthwith make a bridge over the Deep Run & repair the sd road according to law.
Mar 4 1722/23, Mark Hardin received a Virginia patent of 642 acres in Stafford Co VA, now stating his residency as King George County. [King George formed from Richmond Co 1721.] The warrant was issued 3 Jul "last" [presumably 1722] and surveyed by Capt. Thomas Hooper on 15 Dec. The tract was on the Northwest branches of Elk Run, Muddy Hole branch, adjacent Joshua Butler. Northern Neck Grant Book A, p.12.
Another patent issued three days later to John Windwright of Stafford Co was for 295 acres as the assignee of Mark Harding of King George Co. The warrant had issued on 10 Dec and Hooper had also surveyed this tract. The land was on a branch of Elk Run called Muddy Hole branch. NN Grant Book A, p.16
VIRGINIA'S COLONIAL SOLDIERS; Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, 1988, Genealogy Publishing Co., 3rd Printing 1998.
p.20 County Militia Rosters King George County
6 Nov 1724 Mark Hardin, M. C. [military commission]
King George County Virginia Orders, 1724-1728
Mary Marshall Brewer, Colonial Roots, Lewes, Delaware, 2007
Friday 6 Nov 1724
p.1/223 Wm Russell, Joshua Butler Mark Harden, Wm Patishall, Abra Kenyan, Walter Anderson, Rowland Thorton, Jno Farguson & Robt Strother took the oaths by law appointed & signed the test in respect to their military commission.
Saturday 7 Nov 1724
p.2/224 Mark Hardin sworne as member of grand jury
Friday, 6 Aug 1725
p.46/263 Order'd that Mark Harding be surveyor of the highways from Deep Run to the Marsh Run and that he forthwith repair the same according to law.
Saturday, 7 Aug 1725
p.52/268 Judgment is granted unto Henry Harding agt. Alexander Bell for the sum of ___ lbs of tobacoo which is order'd to be paid with cost Note: a Henry Harding appears in the records of King George and later in Prince William - this cannot be Mark's son Henry as he was not old enough to create these records. Was Henry a brother to Mark?
Friday, 1 Jul 1726
p.103/321 Mark Hardin ackn his lease, release & bond for performance of covenants unto Richard Buckner, William Strother & Thomas Turner & Charles Seale by virtue of a power of atty from Mary Hardin w/o the sd Mark Hardin relinquished the sd Mary's right of dower & thirds in & to the sd lands in the sd deeds conveyed which sd power was proved in court by the oaths of William Hackney & Timothy Reading evidences thereto which at the motion of the sd Buckner, Strother & Turner are admitted to record.
Friday, 2 Sep 1726
p.108/327 Ordered that Charles Morgan be surveyor of the highways in the room of Mark Hardin.
Friday 7 Oct 1726
p.111/330 Charles Morgan, Timothy Reading, John Bradford & Mark Hardin or any three of them are appointed to appraise in money the estate of Jeffery Johnson dec'd that shall come to their view being first sworn before some justice of the peace for this co. make report to the next court
Friday 3 Feb 1726/7
p.130/349 John Marr, Mark Hardin, Wm Hackney & Charles Morgan or any three of them are appointed to appraise in money the estate of Waugh Darnell dec'd that shall come to their view being first sworne & make report thereof to the next court
2 Sep 1727
p.159/378 David Darnell, one of executors appointed in the will of Morgan Darnell dec'd took the oath & Eliza Darnell, widow relinquish'd her executorship & prayed that she might have her thirds which was granted her. Mark Hardin, John Bradford, William Hackney & Charles Morgan, or any three, to meet at the house of Morgan Darnell dec'd & make division & set a part one third for his widow ..make report to the next court
p.162/381 Mark Hardin, Charles Morgan & William Hackney return'd their division of the estate of Morgan Darnell dec'd which is admitted to record
King George County Virginia Orders, 1728-1731
Mary Marshall Brewer, Colonial Roots, Lewes, Delaware, 2007
8 Mar 1728
p.33/441 Action of trespass & assault between David Stern, plt. & Thomas Davis, def. ...Mark Hardin was sworne a jury to try the issue and found for the defendant. Said suit dismissed with costs.
p.34/442 Action of slander between William Dooling, plt. & George Head, ef. ..Mark Hardin sworne a jury and found for the plaintive.
6 Jun 1729
p.48/455 Special imparlance is granted unto Mark Hardin in the suit brought agt him by James Warren [imparlance - time to converse with opponent to amicably settle dispute, or usually just time to answer the allegations]
King George County Virginia Orders, 1731-1734
Mary Marshall Brewer, Colonial Roots, Lewes, Delaware, 2007
1 Nov 1734
p.140 King George Co debits: Henry Harding for 5 young wolves heads cert by Jon Champe
The formation of these counties mentioned above:
Northumberland formed in 1645.
Westmoreland Co formed 1653 from Northumberland.
Stafford formed 1664 from Westmoreland.
Richmond formed 1692 from old Rappahannock which was abolished. "Old" Rappahnnock was adjacent Westmoreland and Northumberland.
King George Co formed 1721 from Richmond & Westmoreland
Prince William formed 1730 from King George Co and Stafford Co.
Fauquier formed 1759 from Prince William Co.
Another Northern Neck patent was issued to Mark Harding on 31 Jul 1724 in King George Co. The warrant had issued 13 Mar last [presumably earlier in 1724] and was surveyed by John Savage on 20 Apr. This tract was 232 acres on the East side of a Run called Dutchman's; and joined the land of Alexander Beach, Joshua Butler, and Benjamin Berryman, and Harding's own land. NN Grant A, p.56
The day before, on 30 Jul 1724, Alexander Clemment had received a patent in Stafford Co for 354 on the North side of Elk Run, adjoining the line of Mark Harding, Danl Feagins line, and the meanders of Elk Run. NN Grant A, p.55
[One of the streams within the present boundaries of Fauquier Co has been called Horsepen Run, Marrs Run, and Dutchman's Run - it drains into Marsh Run, then the Rappahannock. This area is in the Southern tip of the county. Elk Run, however, is a bit further East, draining in the other direction toward the Occaquan River.]
Mark Hardin was apparently still buying land in King George Co near his earlier patents, although he had made purchases on Elk Run in Stafford Co. Looking up patents for Alexander Beach, Joshua Butler, and Benjamin Berryman named in Hardin's patent dated 31 Jul 1724, I discovered that they had patents in the area of the great Marsh. Beach's patent dated 15 Dec 1719 for 400 acres names the Marsh Run formerly known as Horsepen run but now called Marrs Run; his boundaries adjoined those of his own land, Charles Morgan, Morgan Darnelle, Edward Price, Alexander Scott, Mark Harding and William Russell. Butler's patent of 29 Jul 1715, mentioned the Marsh, Charles Emmons, Horsepen run, and William Russell. Berryman's patent of 5 Mar 1717, began near the Marsh on the upper side of Jeffrey Johnson.
Land Records of King George Co VA 1721-1743
Sue Ann Damron, Willow Bend Books, 1999
p.5 Bk 1: 31 Deed of L&R Alexander Beach, Hanover Parish, to Charles Morgan. 150a bounded by lands of Edward Price, Morgan Darnall, Alexander Scot, Mark Harden. 2 Nov 1721
p.35 Bk 1:309 Deed of L&R 27 Aug 1725 Alxdr Beach of Stafford to Timothy Reading of King George. 456a upon the road branch of the run issuing out of the side of Marsh Run. Bounded by Alexander Beach, Charles Morgan, Morgan Darnall, Edward Price,, Alxdr Scott, Mark Harding, & Wm Russell
p.46 Bk 1: 362 Deeds of Lease & Release 16 & 17 Jun 1726 Mark Hardin of Hanover Parish planter to Richard Buckner of Essex Co and Wm Strother & Thomas Turner, both of King George. 92a whereon the sd Mark Hardin dwells. Signed: Mark Hardin
Wit: Archibald McPherson, Wm Brent, Eliz. Stidston, Jean Bowers. Rec. 1 Jul 1726
Bk 1: 363 For Two Negro slaves & two white servants each to have five years to serve, for 92A where Mark Hardin now dwelleth. Mary, wife of Mark, relinq dower & thirds through attorney Charles Seale. Rec. 1 Jul 1726
Bk 1: 365 Bond 17 Jun 1726 Mark Hardin bound to Richard Buckner, William Strother & Thomas Turner in sum of 300# sterling. If agreements in indentures are observed, obligation to be void.
Bk1:366 P of A 17 Jun 1726. Mary Hardin, wife of Mark, authorizes Charles Seale to relinq her right of dower in land sold to Richard Buckner, Wm Strother & Thomas Turner. Wit: Timothy Reading, Wm Harkney. Rec. 1 Jul 1726
Bk 1: 366 Deed 17 Jun 1726 Richard Buckner, Wm Strother & Thomas Turner have purchased of Mark Hardin 92a. Mutially agree that they nor their heirs shall take any advantage of survivorship after the death of any of them. The heirs or assigns of either of them shall inherit & enjoy the right of property
p.48 Bk 1: 374 Deed of L&R 30 Jun 1726 Timothy Reading to Thomas Turner, 300a adj land whereon Mark Hardin dwells
p.52 Bk 1: 395 Surveys made by John Savage in King George Co from 1722 to Jun 1726 20 Apr 1724 for Mark Hardin, 230a join'g to Berrymans land, Beache's land, land of Joshua Butler, and the sd Hardin's land on a run called Dutchmans Run
p.67-8 Bk 1: 490 Deed of Lease - 2 May 1728 William Strother & Thomas Turner of Hanover Parish to John Williams of Sittenbourn Parish, lease two thirds of 92 acres. Being land whereon Mark Hardin now lives. The 92 acres being sold by Mark Hardin unto Richard Buckner, William Strother & Thomas Turner and equally to be divided between them. Rec. 3 May 1728
28 Apr 1730 Deed from King George Co Thomas Riphley sold 259 acres to William McBee. 2000#'s of tobacco. All that tract of land taken up by Grace Riphley alias Butler, now wife of said Thomas Riphley, in the time of her widowhood, 14 Jul 1727. Land bounded by William Russell, Joshua Butler & Joseph King. Head of a savannah of Elk Run, Mark Hardins land. Wit: John Wright, Charles Morgan. Ack. 1 May 1730.
Mark Hardin's boundaries and neighbors were also mentioned when William McBee sold this tract a few months later.
Notice that this deed mentions William Russell, who was adjacent Mark Hardin in Richmond Co in 1716 and Joshua Butler, who was named as adjacent to Mark Hardin's patent of 642 acres in Stafford. Apparently Russell also owned land in both places. or this is all near the same location.
Prince William Co VA
Deed Book Liber A 1731-1732
Deed Book Liber B 1732-1735
Abstracted by June Whitehurst Johnson, 1982
Book B, p.173-175 14 Oct 1733 James McDonnel of Hamilton Parish, Pr Wm Co to Mark Hardin of Same. Deed of lease and release. 300a East side South Branch of Kettle Run adj Capt Thomas Barber, line of Wm McBee. Ack 23 Nov 1733
15 Oct 1733 2nd deed - McDonnell bound to Mark Hardin in the sum of 100£. Martha, wife of James McDonnell.. Charles Morgan & Thomas Welsh wit both.
Book B, p.176-179 2 Oct 1733 Mark Hardin of Hamilton Parish to James McDonell. 354 ½ on one of the Branches of the Marsh commonly known by name of Dutchman's Run as appears by separate deeds granted to Mark Hardin from the Proprietors Office. The first granted by Edward Jenning for 122 ½ a adj lands of Jeffery Johnson …to Charles Emmons's corner. The other tract granted by Robert Carter for 232 a bounds on lands of Alexander Beeches, line of Joshua Butler. Deeds of lease & release
Signed: Mark Hardin. Wit: Charles Morgan & Thomas Welsh
p.180 Mark Hardin bound to James McDonnell for 100£. Mary Hardin, wife of Mark. Wit. were the same
23 Nov 1733, Ack by Mark Hardin
About 40 years after the death of Mark Hardin - his relationship with James McDonell/McDaniel will prove the relationship to his son Henry, and a tract of land left to Henry in Mark's will. Here are two deeds from Deed Book R, Prince William County:
1 Feb 1771 Thomas Harrison Sr of Fauquier to Thomas Harrison Jr of Prince William. 100 #’s parcel of 200 acres in Prince William on South side of Kittle Run and branches thereof being land the Thomas Harrison Senr. bought of Henry Hardin , it being the lower part of 300 acres of land by Mark Hardin, father of Henry, purchased of one James McDaniel with all house, orchards, etc. Signed: Thos. Harrison. Ack. 4 Feb 1771.
17 & 18 Apr 1771 Thomas Harrison Junr and Ann his wife of Dittingen Parish, Price William to William Bales for 113#’s, part of tract taken up by one James McDaniel by deed, 16 Jun 1731 and conveyed from McDaniel to one Henry Harden by intail and from said Harden to Col. Thomas Harrison, the intail being first broke by a writ of ad quod damnum and from Col Harrison to his son Thomas Harrison Junr. Signed: Thomas Harrison, Junr. Wit: Danl Payne, William Carr, Rich’d Graham, John Gunyon. Ack. 6 May 1771.
Prince William Co VA
Deed Book Liber A 1731-1732
Deed Book Liber B 1732-1735
Abstracted by June Whitehurst Johnson, 1982
p.68 Bk B, p.328-331 12 Jul 1734 Thos. Furr of Hamilton Parish to Jno Lattimore. 200 acres part of tract granted Furr on branches of Elk Run. Lease & release. lands bounded by Hardin and Ralph Hews.
p.70 Bk.B, p.340-342 15 Mar 1734 Capt of John Williams of King George Co to William Stevens of Prince William. 552 acres in Hamilton Parish. corner to Mark Hardings land; near the main Road, near line of Gawney Beach; corner Charles Morgan; east side Beaver pen at head of Great Marsh, part of tract taken up by Williams, 1524 acres, 21 Nov 1729.
Lease & Release.
Bk. B, p.469 William Allen of Stafford, parish of Overwharton for love for 4 dau - Sarah, Elizabeth, Margaret & Dinah give tract patented by me, 14 Mar 1722/3, 313 acres on branch of Elk Run. Also right of land part of tract leased in the possession of Henry Harding & John Shewmake, 303 acres adj the aforesaid which land hath been equally divided by Mr. Jno Savage surveyor amongst my dau. 16 Sep 1735. Signed: William Allen
Wit: Henry (x) Houleslaugh [Is this a phonetic spelling of Holtzclaw?], Sarah (/x) Heffernon. 17 Sep 1735, ack by Allen.
p.91 Bk. B, p.494-497 28 Jul 1735 James McDonald of Hamilton Parish to Thomas Turner of Hanover Parish, King George Co. Two tracts. On branch known by name of Dutchman's Run. 354 ½ a granted to Mark Harding…..
Deed Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1740-41
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989
p.52. DB E, p.284-9 21 & 23 Mar 1740 Emanuel Combee & Margaret his wife to John Frogg. 200 acres, Hamilton Parish on branch of Marsh Run known as Horse Pen Branch. Corner to lands of Wm Russel, Joshua Butler & Joseph King; King’s line; head of savannah of Elk Run then NW to red oak in line of Mark Harding, then NW, crossing a savannah & small ridge, by line of marked trees & another savannah by Mark Hardin’gs path to three white oaks, Joshua Burler, line. Signed with marks of Emanuel & Margt. Combee. Wit: Thomas King, John Davis, Christopher (X) Marr. Deed of Lease & release proved by witnesses 22 Jun 1741
By now, sons of Mark - Martin & Henry - would be old enough to vote.
p.101-2 Poll for election of Burgesses for Prince William, 1741. William Fairfax, Esqr, Candidate. Includes Martin Hardin
p.105 Valente Peyton, candidate. includes Henry Harding
p.106 Thos. Harrison Candidate, includes Henry Harding ...John & Jacob Holtsclaw and on p.107, Martin Harding Note: The presence of the Holtsclaw family in Prince William County, reinforces the relationship between the Hardin-Holtzclaw families.
Deed Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1745-1746 and 1748-1749
Deed Books F, G, H, & K are missing
This is DB I and L.
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989
p.5 DB I, p.22-26
21&22 Feb 1745 John Frogg to Thomas Turner. 200a - same description regarding Mark Harding land and path.
Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys Vol. III 1710-1780
Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties. Peggy Shomo Joyner
Stafford County
p.155 Danl. Feagin of Northumberland. 20 Jan 1723/24 - 20 Apr 1724. 411 acres NW branch Elk Run, adj. Mark Harding, John Windwright. Surv: John Savage
p.156 Alexander Flemins/Flemming 20 Jan 1723/24 - 21 Apr 1724 354 acres Elk Run adj Mark Harding, Danl. Feagin. Surv: John Savage
p.159 Mark Harding of King George Co. 2 wrts, 3 Jul & 10 Dec 1722. 642 acres. (1) W br Elk Run not to entrench on Brent town Grants (2) Muddy Hole br of Elk Run part of land suv by George Copedge. Survd: Thomas Hooper. Sold to John Winright 14 Dec 1722, day before survey for Harding.
p. 173 John Winwright, assignee of Mark Hardin. No wrt. Surv 10 Dec 1722 - 15 Dec 1722. 295a NW br of Elk Run. Surv: Thomas Hooper
Prince William County
p.95 Richard Buckner of Caroline Co. 12 Oct 1730 - 12 Apr 1731. 411 acres adj. Wm MacBee alias MacBoy, Joshua Butler, Mark Harding, Alexr. Clements, Dan'l Feagon [now Crump], Mr. Falkner, Jos. King. Surv: John Warner
p.124 William Reding. 18 Oct 1740 - 15 Nov 1740. 695 acres Hamilton Parish on Licking Run adj Joshua Butler, John Harding, Mark Hardin, John Holtzclaw, Sutton, Wainwright, John Ross, Mr. Burrell. Surv: Joseph Berry
The order of the births of the children of Mark & Mary is speculative and their birth years estimated.
Here are a few quotes from "Landmarks of Old Prince William County," by Fairfax Harrison, which concern Mark Hardin.
P. 201
**While Lee's [Thomas Lee] grant carried the Virginia frontier to the first hills, the immediately significant occupation of the territory was that covered by more than fifty small grants on the upper waters of Marsh Run, recorded between 1710 and 1719, when the proprietary office again was closed for three years. The incidental recitals of the land books testify that by 1715, few as they may have been, some of these grantees already called Elk Marsh home. Among such proven pioneeer residents were William Russell and Mark Hardin, as well as those who gave their names to streams; John Brown and William Allen, on Brown's Branch; John Marr and John Hooper on Marr's Branch; and Jeffrey Johnson on Johnson's Branch.**
P. 205
Author's note to above: His [Hardin's] grants of 1716 are [Northern Neck Grants] 5:93, 153. Others in 1723 (N.N., 4: 5, 56) 'on the west branches of Elk Run and on the head of Marr's (now Harper's) Run' included the future site of Hardin's Ordinary. [the 2nd Citation in the Northern Neck grants is incorrect - it's Book 5: p.271, not 153.]
P. 489:
Chapter - Old Roads and the Ordinaries: **Hardin's: After crossing Deep Run and so entering into old Prince William, Dalrymple passed Elk Run Church and, sixteen miles above 'Pickets' reached 'Hardings Ord.' [Note: Picketts Ordinary is known as the first public house on the Fredericksburg-Winchester road above Falmouth. It was originally in King George County, and a boundary change ca 1755, put it in lower Stafford.]
**In June 1716, Mark Hardin had the first of several land grants in the Elk Marsh settlement in what was then Richmond and later Fauquier. As we have shown, the recitals of other land grants indicate that he was living on Marsh Run in 1717 and so was one of the pioneer founders of Fauquier. In 1723 he appears further east 'on the branches of Elk Run.' [see note below] It was here that his son, Martin Hardin, established an ordinary on the 'Shenandoah Hunting Path' or Falmouth Road. The site as indicated by Dalrymple was 1-1/2 miles north of Elk Run Church; and, as all ordinaries were at crossroads, it seems probably that it was a Hardin's Ordinary that the original 'German Path,' leading to Germantown, left the Falmouth road; as did the earliest road leading to the Elk Marsh settlement. In 1741, Martin Hardin voted in Prince William, and on the organization of Fauquier in 1759, had license to keep ordinary 'at his house.' By a deed of 1774 Martin Hardin recited that he was then living in Augusta; and in 1802 his son, Mark Hardin, reciting his own residence in Washington County,Kentucky, conveyed Martin Hardin's lands on Elk Run to Joseph Blackwell. The subsequent records of the Blackwell family identify the site of Hardin's ordinary as that stage of the Winchester road where 'Blackwell's Coloured School' now stands as indicated on the Fauquier may of 1914.**
Booger, "Gleanings," p. 199: Fauquier Court Order Book, 1759. This is confirmed by a deed (Fauquier D.B. I:186) from William Eustace to 'Martin Hardin, Ordinary Keeper,' of certain lands on Elk run adjoining 'the said Hardin's.'
Mark resided in Prince William County VA when he executed his Will Mar 16, 1735; probated 21 May 1735. Left land to eldest son John - 232a in Prince Wm, part of patent of 642a, and also sons Martin [210a, part of 642a], Mark [200a, part of 642 & slave Sambo] & Henry [200a part of 300a bought of James McDoneill, Kettle Run, but if Martin, Mark or Henry die without issue to daughters Ann & Alice Hardin; 100 acres to dau Elizabeth [remainder of 300a bought of McDoneill];
2sh to each besides their land: Martha, John, Martin, Mark, Henry & Martha McDonhill; after wife's death remainder to be divided among 5 daughters Abigail, Mary, Ann, Elizabeth, & Alice. Wife Mary and sons John and Martin, executors. Will indicates that only Martha and perhaps John were married. (Martha married McDonald, perhaps James McDonald.)
Wit: Thomas (x) Simon, Daniel (x) Shumate, Judith (x) Shumate, Elizabeth (E) Roylte
21 May 1735 Presented in court by Mary Hardin & John Hardin, executors named. Proved by oaths of Thomas Simon & Danl Shumate.
The 642 acres was in the Elk Run district probably now in Fauquier Co although it's possible some of it could have extended into Prince William Co. Kettle Run does lie in both Fauquier and Prince William Co, only a short distance away.
Will was dated 16 Mar 1734, and was probated 1 May 1735. It can be found in the 'Will Book C, 1734-1744 on pages 36 to 38, Mark Hardin of Prince William County, in the Colony of Virginia.' In the name of God, Amen, I Mark Hardin of Prince William County in the colony of Virginia being in health, of perfit sens and memory. Prais be to God for the same, I knowing the sertinty of Deth and the unsertenty of Life. I with all the better to settle what small worly Estate it hath Pleesed God of his Grate Goodness to bestow upon me, before my Deth Do make this my last will and Testament, Revoking and disannulling all other wills or testaments whatsoever by me heretofore made whether Esscript maniscript or codesil and do make and confirm this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following first and Principly I give and Bequeath my sould into the hands of that grate God who gave it me not doubting as surely trusting and believing to have a full and free Pardon and Remission of all my Sins through the Merits and death of My Dear Lord and only Savor Jesus Christ and as for my body, my will is that it be buried in a descent and Christian manner according to the descretion of my Executors hereinafter named.
Item 1.) I give, bequeath to my Eldest son John Hardin two hundred and thirty two acres of Land Situate lying and being in Prince William County to him and the Heirs Lawfully begotten of his Body. The said land being part of a Paten for Six Hundred and forty two Acres of land and beginning for the two hundred and thirty two acres of land at a white Oak standing in the first line mentioned in the said Paten on the southeast side of the said tract of land thenc running north west westerly along a Survey cawled by the name of Martin's Spring branch to a cornor hickory standing on the hed of the said Survey thenc more westerly to a cornor white oack thence south west to an White Oak then northe westerly to cornor five white Oaks thenc down the main branch of Mudy Hole extending down the said branch to cost Oak standing in the said branch blow the house where the said John Hardin at present lives thenc nothly up a valley to a cornor Stake being the extent of the said track of land thenc Esterly to a post and so to the white Oack where it first begun.
Item 2.) I give and Bequeath unto my Son Martin Two hundred and ten acres of Land Situate lying and being in the said County of Prince William aforesaid to him and his heirs lawfooly begoten of his Body the same being part of the aforesaid track or Paten and beginning at the above said Hickory and five white Oaks thenc running northerly to the extent of said Track and including all the southwesterly part of the Track.
Item 3.) I give and Bequeath unto my Son Mark Hardin two hundred aceres of Land it being the remainder part of the said track as above sd in the County of Prince William and also one Negro man cawled Sambo to him and his heirs lawfooly begoten of his Body.
Item 4.) I give and bequeath to my son Henry Hardin two hundred acres of Land situate lying being in Prince William County to him and his heirs lawfooly begoten of his body the said land being part of three hundred acres of land bought of James McDoneile the said land lying and being on the South side of Kittle Run the loer part of it and the Plantation to him the above said Henry Hardin.
Item 5.) It is my Will that If any of my three sons last named Martin, Mark, or Henry should die without heirs lawfully begotten that there Land shall fall to two of my Daughters, Ann and Alis Hardin and to there lawfule heirs.
Item 6.) I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Hardin one hunfred Acres of land it being the upper part of three hundred acres of land bought of James McDoniell on the South side of Kittle Run in the County Of PrinceWilliam as aforesaid to her and her heirs lawfully begotten. Item
7.) My will is that all my sons and my Daughter Martha (to wit) John, Martin, Mark and Henry Hardin and Martha McDonhill shall have two shillings Star (ling) payd to Each of them ourt of my Estate and that to be there full part besides there land all ready given to my sons and no more. Item
8.) It is my will that after my decees my loving wife Mary Hardin shall choose her devedent of the land above given to sone Mark Hardin and to be therewith satisfied for her third part of all my Lands, that then she shall have the said land and Negro Sambo and all the improvements during her life and after decesas the said land and Negro Sambo and all the improvements to fall to my son Mark Hardin and his Heirs lawfooly begoten of his body. Item
9.) It is my will that after the decease, my whole Personall Estate shall not be brought to appraisment but to be at the derection of my loving wife Mary Hardin. It is my will that after my Deces of my loving Wife Mary Hardin that the above mentioned persinall Estate shall be Equally divided amung my five Daughters. Abgail, Mary, Ann, Elizabeth, Alis or their hiers lawfooly begoten of their bodies. Lastly my will is that my loving wife Mary Hardin and son John Hardin and my son Martin Hardin be my Executors to see that this my last Will fullfiled awarding so to the tru intent and meaning thereof and in testimony that this is my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand and sale this Sixteenth Day of March in the year of ouer Lord God One thousand seven hundred and thirty four. Signed: Mark Hardin
Witnesses: Thomas (X) Simon Daniell (X) Shumate Judith (I) Shumate Elizabeth (E) Roylte
Prince William Co VA Bond Book 1732-1847
May 21st 1735 (C-39)
Know all Men by these Presents that we Mary Hardin, John Hardin, Robert Jones & Thomas Conway are held and firmly bound unto Denis McCarty the first Justice in the Commission of Peace for Prince William County for and in behalf and to the sole use and behoof of the Justices of the said County and their successors in the sum of three hundred pounds to be paid to the said Denis McCarty his Executors Administrators and Assigns. To which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and every of us our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals dated this seventeenth day of June 1735.
The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bound Mary Hardin and John Hardin executors of the Last Will and Testament of Mark Hardin deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said Deceased, which have, or shall come to the Hands, Possession, or Knowledge of the said Mary Hardin and John Hardin or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for her and the same so made, do exhibit into the County Court of Prince William at such time as she shall be thereunto required by the said Court; and the same Goods, Chattels and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said Deceased, which at any time shall come to the hands, possession, or knowledge of the said Mary Hardin and John Hardin or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her do well and truly administer according to Law; And further do make a just and true account of her Actings and Doings therein, when thereto required by the said Court; and also shall well and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said Testament, as far as the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, will thereunto extend, and the Law shall charge:
Then this Obligation to be void and of none Effect, else to remain in full force and Virtue.
Sealed, and delivered, in presence of Thomas Robinson
Mary (X) Hardin SEAL
John Hardin SEAL
Robert Jones SEAL
Thomas Conway SEAL
I find it interesting that there was a Henry Harding, taking up grants in Stafford Co at the same time Mark Harding was doing so in Richmond Co. No relationship is known, but the two locations are not so far apart. Both Henry Harding and Mark Harding appear in the records of King George & Prince William Counties. And the name Henry is found in descendants of Mark. Henry Harding received two grants on Acquia [Aquia today] Creek, which still lies within the bounds of Stafford Co. The first was for 564 acres granted on 4 Feb 1714/15, Northern Neck Grant Book 5, #60, p.102. and the second was for 978 acres, same location and neighbors, possibly a re-granting of the first with additional acres, dated 20 May 1725, VA Patent Book A, p.155. A Northern Neck grant to Valentine Peyton on 15 Nov 1715 also mentions 480 acres surveyed for Henry Harding on the south side of Broad Run of the Onaquan [Occoquan] River. Elk Run is also a tributary of the Occoquan and this land likely located in what is now Prince William Co.
Spouse | MARY ?HOGUE ( - 1735) |
Child | Maj. JOHN HARDIN (1710 - 1789) |
Child | Henry Hardin (1712 - 1797) |
Child | Martin "Ruffled Shirt" Hardin (1716 - 1779) |
Child | Mark Hardin (1718 - ) |
Child | Martha Hardin (1722 - ) |
Child | Abigail Hardin (1724 - ) |
Child | Mary Hardin (1726 - 1752) |
Child | ANNE "Nancy" HARDIN (1728 - 1777) |
Child | Elizabeth Hardin (1730 - ) |
Child | Alis Hardin (1732 - 1777) |
1. Family Tree Maker CD-ROM, WFT- Volume 5, Pedigree 1550.