Individual Details

Benjamin Proctor

(9 Nov 1779 - 29 Sep 1851)

In the Blakey Books, Benjamin is given as a son of Thomas BUT he serves as a Commissioner of an estate settlement in Aug 1813 so would have to be at least 21 by then. Also Thomas Proctor's will only mentions two sons - William, dec'd, and Thomas E. As Benjamin's will was not probated until 10 years after Thomas, he should have been mentioned in Thomas' will IF he was a son - but he was not. In the 1820 Census, Ben is age 26-45; in 1830 he is age 50-60, or born before 1780, which makes him at least a contemporary of Thomas, not his son.

The 1850 Census gives his age as 70, born 1780.
The Bible record found gives his birth as November, the rest missing; but the birth is recorded between his sisters Sally, 1777, and Lucy.
Exact dates of birth and death are found for Benjamin, Nancy Sloss & their children - there must have also been a later Bible for his family.

Benjamin Proctor received at least six Kentucky Land grants in Logan Co between May 1800 and 1821. The first of these was for 100 acres on the Muddy River, 21 May 1800. The second on 22 May 1800 was for 100 acres on the Whipperwill. The remaining grants were on either of these two watercourse - which actually appear to be the same as the tax records would list one and the other for the same tract of land.
The Logan Co Court Order Book 1,
p.136 Mar Ct 1802 Ben Proctor locates 200 a of land on the head of Muddy R beginning at Scotts south corner....
Although I could not find on today's maps that the Muddy and Whipporwill watercourses were the same - the tax records imply that was the case. There are several "Muddy Creeks" in Logan County today. The Muddy was probably a tributary of the Whippowill, or could have been renamed.

A marriage for this Ben Proctor is to Nancy Sloss, 3 Dec 1802, Logan Co. Wife is "Nancy" in Deed dated 8 May 1811 from Ben and Nancy to John Proctor. Also wife is Nancy in deed, Book I/J, p.77, 4 Apr 1821.
He married Susan Viers, 26 Jan 1835.

Logan Co DB B, p.149
James Johnston and Mary to Ben Proctor. For 50£ ...102 ½ a land on dry fork of Little Whipporwill Signed: James Johnston Mary Johnston (her mark)

Logan Co DB C, p.50
19 Jul 1809
William Woody and his wife Jane to James Haden for $500 ..150 a Witnesses: Thomas Proctor, Ben Proctor, John Bailey ... Recorded 10 Apr 1810

1810 Census. Logan Co
Ben Proctor. 2m under 10, 1m 26-45. 3f under 10, 1f 26-45.

Logan Co WB 1, p.173
Nov 1810
Benjamin Proctor and Thomas Proctor were buyers at the estate sale of William Morton, father of Rebecca Morton who was married to James H. Haden, James H. Haden was a brother of Thomas Proctor's wife Sally Haden.

Logan Co DB C, p.140
4 Aug 1810
Ben Proctor to Solomon Stanley for $1000 ... 330a ...Clear fork of Gaspers River ...Jonathan Blair's original survey
4 Aug 1810
Jonathan Blair late of Logan Co now living on limestone a branch of the Tennessee by his attorney John Sloss to Ben Proctor for $1300 ...330a
8 May 1811
Ben Proctor and Nancy his wife to John Proctor for $200 ...82a
Note: this is too early to be a gift to his son, John - he wasn't yet born. By 1814 John is taxed on 80, sometimes 82 acres as a separate tract from his 200 acres patented on Little Whipporwill

Logan Co, WB A, p.293-295
24 Aug 1813 Ben Proctor was one of the Commissioners to take the Inventory of George Aingell, deceased

Logan Co, WB A p.456-464
19 Jan 1815 Ben Proctor was one of the appraisers of the estate inventory of Robert Furbush, deceased.

Logan Co, WB A p.600-602
Nov Term, 1815. Ben Proctor was one of the appraisers of the estate inventory of Benjamin Travis, deceased.

Logan Co DB E, p. 305
23 Nov 1816
Patterson Bush and Mary L. his wife to Ben Proctor ..$570 ...117 acres
26 Jun 1817
Henry R. Balance to Ben Proctor ...$100 ...35 ½ acres

Logan Co DB F, p.65
11 Oct 1817
Ben Proctor to John Hughes ..$120 ...15 acres & 50 poles....Little Whipporwill. .....examined the wife of sd Ben separate and apart from her sd husband ..relinquished her right of dower
11 Oct 1817
John Proctor to John Hughes ...$96 ...13a and 87 poles ...Little Whipporwill ..between Ben & John Proctor ..

Logan Co DB H, p.294
11 Dec 1818
Benjamin Proctor to John Kennady. $480. Parcel in Logan co. 42 acres. …corner to John Proctor & Alexr Montgomery …John Hughes line …John Proctor.
Rec. 11 Dec 1818 (no Dower release)

Logan Co DB G, p.83
15 Feb 1819
Ben Proctor and Nancy his wife to the Heirs of Rowland Hughes Decd. ..$25 ..part of a tract patented to sd Proctor ..10 3/4 acres

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 7
August Term, 16 Aug 1819
p.165 Application of Greenberry S______ & having given Charles Morehead Gdn to Polly Montgomery legal notice ordered that James Offutt, John Proctor, Samuel Wilson, Ben Proctor or any 3 divide the land belonging to the estate of Alexr Montgomery and make conveyance of land to the heirs.

Logan Co WB B, p.248-249
27 Aug 1819. Ben Proctor, John Proctor & James Offutt divided the land of Alexander Montgomery, deceased between Elizabeth Montgomery Simmons and Polly Montgomery.

From the will (15 Nov 1816, Logan Co KY) of Alexander Montgmery and other records - one of his daughters, Polly, married a James McConnell Morton, 6 Mar 1810 in Logan Co - but he seems to not be a member of the two Morton families (William Morton and William Jordan Morton were the two partriarchs) I have documented living in Logan Co. Both William Mortons left eleborate state settlements naming their heirs and although they were close to this age, none were named James. Another Montgomery daughter, Sarah, is said to have married to Cornelius McIntosh on 25 Apr 1805 - but the odd thing about this is that she is referred to as Sarah Montgomery in the will of 1816 as though she were still unmarried. Cornelius has no known relationship to the John McIntosh, father of Betsey who married a John Proctor.

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 7
Sep Term 1819
p.180 Ordered that Edward Collins be appointed Constable in this county whereupon he executed bond with Thomas Proctor & John Proctor his securities Conditions according to Law.

Logan Co WB B, p.282-290
24 Feb 1820. Ben Proctor was was one of the appraisers of the estate inventory of William Harding; sale recorded 17 Apr 1820.
28 Apr 1820. Ben Proctor was one of the appraisers of the estate inventory of James Perkins. Note: I cannot identify this James Perkins. William Perkins who was Don Haden's ancestor had no brothers named James and his children are all accounted for - William did have a son James who married in 1830 in Logan Co - obviously not this James. There were several Perkins children bound out who also are not known to be in the family of William Perkins and must have been the children of this James.

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 7
March Term, 20 Mar 1820
p.241 Motion of Harmon Davis letter of administration granted on estate of James Perkins decd. Bond with Thomas Neely $1000. On motion of adm.. of James Perkins dec ordered that Thomas Neely, John Hughes, Ben Proctor & William Blanchard or any three …appraise.
19 Jun 1820
p.252 Ben Proctor assigned to a road survey commission.

1820 Census. 3m under 10 [Thomas, John & William], 2m 10-16 [Benjamin & Charles], 1m 26-45 [Ben]; 1f under 10 [Nancy], 1f 10-16 [Mary], 1f 26-45 [Nancy]. 6 slaves.

1820 Tax list from Logan County, KY Census & Tax Lists, 1820 & 1830, by Don Simmons & Laura Willis, 1995:
Ben Proctor had 1 white male over 21, 3 slaves over 16, 6 slaves total, 9 horse - and the following tracts of land
290 acres on the Little Whipporwill, 50 acres, 15 acres - both of these presumably the same place
and a house and lot

Logan Co DB I/J, p.77
4 Apr 1821. Ben Proctor and Nancy his wife sold 130 acres to David Beard of Simpson Co for $600

Logan Co DB K, p.203
15 Oct 1821 Henry Hall sold 300 acres to Ben Proctor.

Logan Co DB L, p.478
10 Oct 1823. William Rolls sold land to Ben Proctor
13 Jun 1824 Montgomery sold land to Ben Proctor

Logan Co DB M
10 Oct 1823 Ben Proctor to William Rolls. parcel for $1. Wm Montgomery's stake; corner between Rolls and Willis Blanchard.

Logan Co WB C, p.203-205
4 Jul 1825. Ben Proctor was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Hughes, deceased. Administrators were Tilman Offutt, Harrison Davis & Polly Hughes
8 Jun 1825 Ben Proctor was one of the appraisers of the estate of William Simpson, deceased. James Simpson, administrator.

Logan Co DB O, p.338
19 Oct 1827. Corbly Hughes to Ben Proctor for $521, 165 acres on headwaters of Whipporwill. Recorded same day.
17 Dec 1827. Ben Proctor purchased a tract a a sheriff's sale.

Logan Co DB P, p.50
20 Oct 1827 Thomas S. Slaughter and William Bell to Ben Proctor for $100. 1/2 of Lot 103, Latham's addition.

WB D, p.172
Will of William Aingell, dated 5 Mar 1823. Ann, wife. Sons William Henry, George Pope, Presley Furbush, John Ripley. Executors were William Mallory, William Furbush, Ben Proctor. Probate: 2 Mar 1829.
p. 201-204 1 Jun 1829. Appraisal & sale, William Aingell. Executor: Ben Proctor

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 8
p.392 Oct Term 1828 Ben Proctor and John Proctor are Commissioners to divide lands of Alexander Montgomery, dec’d.
p.428 April Term 1829 428 George Pope Aingell & Presley Fairbush Aingell, infant orphans of Wm Aingell dec’d both over fourteen choose Ben Proctor as guardian.
p.430 On motion of Ben Proctor, executor of Wm Aingell the widow of said Decedent her dower..

Logan Co DB Q, p. 150
16 Oct 1829 Ben Proctor to James E. Guilliam for $195. Rogers line, Cushin Berry's, Colberts, Rosses's. No acreage stated. Wit: Dudley Robinson, R. W. Robinson

1830 Census, Logan Co KY, p. 48
Benjamin Proctor: 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 2m 20-30, 1m 50-60. 2f under 5, 1f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 1f age 40-50. 14 slaves.

1830 Tax list from Logan County, KY Census & Tax Lists, 1820 & 1830, by Don Simmons & Laura Willis, 1995:
Ben Proctor: 1 white male over 21, 5 slaves over 16, 13 slaves total, 13 horses, town lot, and the following tracts of land all on Little Whipporwill: 290 acres, 100 acres, 50 acres, 14 acres, 19 acres, 16 acres, and 24 acres.

Logan Co DB R, p.16
March 1831. Heirs of Alexander Montgomery to Ben Proctor. Settlement of suit of Ben Proctor against the heirs. 150 acres sold to Alexander Montgomery by Zachairah Asker on 13 Oct 1799. Another tract of 50 granted Alexander Montgomery by patent, 11 Jun 1799.
Heirs were: William Montgomery, Willis Blanchard, Betsey Blanchard, Hugh Montgomery, James Morton, Polly Morton, William Rolls, Naomye Rolls, Phillip Martin, Betsey Martin, Stephen Gupton, Polly Gupton. Recorded 5 Dec 1831.

Logan Co DB T, p.176 1 Jul 1834 Mark Harding of Shelby Co to Ben Proctor of Logan. $60. Tract of 100 acres on head waters of Little Whipporwill. Line of Alexander Montgomerys 50 acres survey, line of Benjamin Proctor, another line of sd Proctor, Benjamin Travis and with his line. Signed: Mark Hardin. Wit: Chas L. Procter, Wm Starling Sr, Jno J. Procter, Wm Starling Jr Proved by Wm Starling Sr & Jr. Rec. 4 Aug 1834.

In 1835, Benjamin married Susan Viers in Logan Co.

Logan Co DB U, p.114
Consideration of natural love and affection Ben Proctor bears towards dau Polly Dicky, wife of James G. Dicky and for $1 paid by Charles Proctor. To Proctor as trustee for my daughter Negro woman named Rhody about 25, a boy, her son Titus about 10, a girl her dau Angeline about 5 and another boy, her youngest child Bob about 1 year old. Use of James Dicky but not subject to his debts or control. If any children survive Polly, they pass to them. Not to be taken out of KY. 24 Nov 1835

p.246 18 Mar 1836 John Proctor to Ben Proctor. $500. Waters of Little Whipporwill, part of Alexander Montgomerys 200 acres survey. SE corner of original survey, line of McFaddins Military survey, line bet ??? and John Windsor. 117 acres. Signed: John S. Proctor, P. A. Proctor. 22 Mar 1836 – ack by John S. Proctor, Relinq by P. A. Proctor. Rec. 23 Mar 1836
[Benjamin's son John S. had Proctor married Polly Ann Watson on 25 Aug 1835]

Logan Co DB V; p.317 27 Sep 1837 Ben Proctor & Susan Proctor his wife to John P. Bush of Graves Co KY. $300 paid by William Bush, now dec'd, the father of John P. Bush. Tract in Logan Co on waters of Tarapin Crk. Corner to John Warden, Wardins line, Aaron Milstead's line, corner to Joseph Anderson & Aron Milstead. 100 acres. Signed: Ben Procter, Susan Procter
Ack & dower released on 17 Sep 1837. Rec. 6 Nov 1837.

Logan County Court Orders, Book 10
22 Mar 1841
p.185 Thomas E. Proctor appointed with Ben Proctor [Thomas E. was his nephew, son of Maj. Thomas Proctor]

1850 Census. Logan Co KY, Dist 1, Hh 837
Benjamin Proctor, age 70, b. VA. Susan, age 53, b. Maryland.
Eucby, age 26, b. KY. Marinder C. age 21, b. KY [both females]

Will dated 4 Sep 1840 with several Codicils. Probated 27 Oct 1851.
To Susan, wife, 300 acres providing she lives it on it including the house, slaves, livestock, furnitue. To Benjamin Proctor, son, privilege of settling on 300 acres which he will receive at the death of wife Susan. To Polly Proctor Dickey, wife of James Dickey, dau, $5 beyond what she has already received. Balance to be divided among eight other children: Charles, Thomas, John S., Nancy Proctor Haden, wife of Joseph D. Haden, William, Eusebia N., Marinda and Sarah Proctor.
Codicil, 14 Mar 1844. Charles, son - 10 acres and the sawmill.
Codicil, 5 Jul 1844. John's portion in trust for John's wife and children; Charles to be trustee.
Codicil, 13 Oct 1846. Slave to Eusebia, daughter.
Codicil, 1 Aug 1851. Two slaves to wife to dispose of as she chooses.
Exec: Charles, Thomas & William Proctor, sons.
Wit: Gabriel Lewis, F. W. Lewis.

WB H, p.360
11 Jul 1854. Settlement. Exec. Thomas L. S. Proctor.

Children are all named in Will. I am not positive which ones belonged to which wife, but it seems probable all were by Nancy Sloss. George Blakey gives sons as Charles, William, Thomas. Son John S. left Logan Co early. James died as a young man. Don't know why he omitted Benjamin who died c 1856. Maybe he only listed the living sons, or the ones still in Kentucky - or just forgot some of them.

Listed as buried in the Procter Family Graveyard, Logan Co. - this graveyard was not indexed by the Genealogical Society in their very large cemetery book. None of the pictures of the stones as posted on FindAGrave can be read so I don't know if the contributor could actually make out the inscriptions, or added data from their own research.
Annie Procter, birth maybe 1841, death either missing or unreadable
James Procter, Son of Ben & Nancy Procter. 12 Jan 1816 - 22 Feb 1839
Thomas Procter, Son of William & Mary, b. 12 Aug 1853, no death date, or unreadable
Celester Procter, nothing else read
Ben Proctor, 9 Nov 1779, d. 23 Sep 1851 (Parents are given on FindAGrave as John Proctor and Lucy Henderson - but I believe that is incorrect. A John said to have been married to Lucy Henderson is shown on the House of Proctor website as having lived in Jessamine Co KY, but no such son as Benjamin is indicated.)
Nancy Procter, b. 27 Jun 1786, d. 3 Feb 1834, Logan Co KY


Birth9 Nov 1779Virginia
Marriage3 Dec 1802Logan County, Kentucky - Nancy Sloss
Marriage26 Jan 1835Logan County, Kentucky - Susan D. Viers
Death29 Sep 1851Logan County, Kentucky


SpouseSusan D. Viers (1796 - 1878)
SpouseNancy Sloss (1786 - 1834)
ChildMary "Polly" Proctor (1805 - )
ChildCharles Proctor (1806 - 1874)
ChildThomas L. S. Proctor (1808 - 1881)
ChildJohn S. Proctor (1811 - 1895)
ChildWilliam Proctor (1813 - 1874)
ChildJames Proctor (1816 - 1839)
ChildNancy Proctor (1818 - )
ChildEusebia Neville Proctor (1820 - )
ChildBenjamin Ellis Proctor (1823 - 1855)
ChildSarah E. Proctor (1825 - )
ChildMarinda C. Proctor (1828 - 1856)
FatherGeorge Proctor Jr. ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Proctor (1755 - )
SiblingWilliam Proctor (1756 - )
SiblingJohn Proctor (1758 - )
SiblingGeorge Proctor (1760 - )
SiblingHezekiah Proctor (1764 - 1831)
SiblingMaj. Thomas Proctor (1766 - 1841)
SiblingNancy Proctor (1768 - )
SiblingMary Proctor ( - )
SiblingAgness Proctor (1770 - )
SiblingCharles Proctor (1772 - )
SiblingSally Proctor (1777 - )
SiblingLucy Proctor ( - )
