Individual Details

Maj. Thomas Proctor

(22 Apr 1766 - Jun 1841)

[I have seen that this Thomas Proctor was born in Bedford Co VA. This does not seem possible. I also believe he was older than this year indicates, or born maybe as early as 1760.] The Bible record I found that I believe may be his family, gave his birth as 22 Apr 1766 - and he was most likely born in Spotsylvania Co, VA.

The Blakey family books give Thomas Proctor & Sally Haden, sons Hezekiah, Benjamin, & John - but they were not his sons. Sally had no sons. Also some of the children ascribed to Thomas's son Thomas E. Proctor, in the Blakey Books are listed as the elder Thomas' children in his Will. I believe his brother Hezekiah to actually be older than Thomas, Benjamin to be a close contemporary. This is based on tax rolls, census, court records, wills, marriages, etc. in Logan County. George D. Blakey who was a Haden cousin, in his writings states that Thomas, Hezekiah, Benjamin and John were brothers - but there is doubt that John was a brother. A Bible record found also supports these relationships but indicates John was considerably older than the John documented in Logan Co. It should be noted that the family pedigree as given in the now defunct Ancestral File is taken in part from the Blakey Books; they both seem to have included one too many Thomas Proctor generations for the time period involved.

From KY MARRIAGE RECORDS, from the Register of the KY Historical Society, GPC, 1986: Lincoln Co from Formation of County:
1785 - 9,1 Proctor, Tomas & Popley [Polly], daughter of Robert Oneal
Robert Oneal's will from Fayette Co KY, 1820, states that his daughter Mary was deceased but had left two children, William and Nancy Proctor. Thomas Proctor recognized the same two children in his own will.

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] Thomas Proctor was on a tax list, Fayette Co KY, 1788. Hezekiah and John Proctor were on the same list. A Benjamin Proctor is on a tax list in Madison Co KY 1789 - but the Benjamin in Madison Co would have been an older man than the Benjamin in Logan Co and cannot be the same person.
Robert O'Neal was also on that 1788 tax list - likely his father-in-law. Deeds from Fayette Co - part of the Burnt Records, Vol. 4, p.1-4 - show that Thomas & Mary Marshall sold land to Robert O'Neal which was adjacent that of William Haden and on the same day the Marshalls sold land to William Haden which mentions a boundary on Thomas Proctor's line. Later deeds show that William Haden bought 43 acres from James Wren where Thomas Proctor was then living - Wren had bought the same 43 acres from Thomas & Mary Marshall.

1783-1792 Court Order Books for KY [Supreme Court of Dist of KY while still part of VA]:
p.217; Order Book D, 24 Jun 1789, p.176
Thomas Proctor named to serve on a jury.
p.217; Order Book D, 24 Jun 1789, p.179
George Buchanan v. Thomas Procter in case. Robert Collins of Bourbon Co bail for defendant. Writ of inquiry awarded in Clerk's office set aside. Defendant says he is not guilty. Jury trial ordered and defendant found guilty as complained and assessed damages of 21£ 10sh and costs.
[It is interesting that both Buchanan and Collins families will be neighbors in Logan Co.]

Sometime about the same time that Thomas Proctor moved to Logan Co, his first wife died and he married Sally Haden - the marriage was not recorded in Logan Co so possibly took place while the families were still in Fayette Co. A court house fire in that county would have destroyed any record there.

George D. Blakey in a newspaper article described Maj. Thomas Proctor as "a large, portly, fine looking gentleman". He believed he'd had no sons but only listed only two daughters of Sally Haden who was his kinsman - Thomas Proctor & Sally Haden had no sons but did have three daughters, and Thomas had one son and a daughter by his first wife, Polly O'Neal, the son having died prior to 1841 and who was duly noted in Thomas' will, and another son by his third wife, Rebecca Maxwell. He also had two daughters by Rebecca, only one of which was named by Blakey. Blakey's memory was not always quite correct.

Thomas Proctor gave a deposition during a court case of Jonathan Clark's heirs, which suggests he first came to Logan Co about 1797.
26 Apr 1823. Thomas Proctor's deposition taken at the home of Benjamin Temple. Stated he had been a resident for about 26 years. He was acquainted with the survey at the head of the Black Lick fork of the Gasper River where Benjamin Temple now lives. It has always been known as Jonathan Clarks 2000 acres Military Survey. He was with Jonathan Clark and William Clark as well as he recollects about Nov 1802 when they had gone around the survey. Burwell Jackson surveyed the land.

The 1799 and 1800 tax lists for Logan Co, which serve as something of a census, indicate that Thomas Proctor was in Logan Co. and the only Proctor there. He was listed the first time in 1799 with 6 horses, but had no land until 1800 when he had 200 acres on the Gasper River, originally entered by Patrick McCutcheon

"Logan County KY Marriages 1790-1865" gives two marriages for a Thomas Proctor: One to Rebecca Maxwell, Oct 17, 1808 and one to Polly Collins, Aug 20, 1810. Major Thomas Proctor remarried after Sally died to Rebecca Maxwell and a very different Thomas married Polly Collins.
In the division of the Negroes of Wm Haden, 4 Jan 1821, Sally Haden is spoken of as "his former wife Sally, Dec'd" as though he had a present wife. Later research shows that Rebecca Maxwell was indeed the third wife of Maj. Thomas.
The Thomas who married Polly Collins, is referred to in some of the Logan Co records as a Thomas "Jr" undoubtedly indicating the fact he was a younger man of the same name - there is no indication that he was a son, but he may have been a nephew or cousin. There exists the remote possibility he could have been Maj. Thomas's son by a wife even earlier that Polly O'Neal. If so, he was totally omitted from Maj. Thomas's will - and it would be a little odd for him to have two sons named Thomas (although that does happen on occasion).

Court Order Book A1 1, and 2 Logan County, KY LDS Microfilm #0364561
Book A1 - some of the orders in this book are repeated in both Books 1 and 2.
p. 228 July Court 1801
James Haden, Thomas Proctor, Hugh McCutcheon and Zachariah Cross mark road... Logan Courthouse to the County Line on the most ordered way to Warren Court house
p.248 17 Aug 1801
Ordered that Wm. Haden, Wm. Means & Wm. Small, Thomas Proctor or any three of them appointed appraisers of the estate of James Billingsley dec'd ....any three of them first duly sworn to appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves if any of James Billingsley, Dec'd agreably to Law and make return there of to the next Court
p.281 Jan 1802 Thomas Proctor allowed 200 acres of land [The 1801 tax list shows 200 acres on the Gasper River, entered by Patrick McCutcheon, the deed follows below - and Thomas will continue to be taxed on this property to which he added additional acreage]
p.284 Jan 1802 George McNeeley & James McNeeley, Thomas Proctor, & John McCutcheon, Cornelius McDaniel, James Haden, Zachariah Cross appeared and agreed to let the road pass through their land respectively that was ____ from Logan CourtHouse to the Warren line. William Morris, Andrew Boyd appeared and objected to the road going through his land leading from Logan CourtHouse to the Warren Line
Court Order Book 1
p. 119 17 Jan 1802 Thomas Proctor locates 200 acres of land in Logan County beginning at a post oak running southwardly thence angling for quantity.
Court Order Book 2
August Count 1801
p.115 Ordered that William Hadden, William Mears, William Small, Thomas Proctor or any three of them being first duly sworn to appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves if any of James Billingsley Deceased agreeably to Law and return thereof to the next Court.
p.122 John McCutcheon allowed 200 acres ...Black lick fork of Gaspers River ...Beginning ...Clarks line ....North east to Proctors Corner
p.124 James Haden, Thomas Proctor, Zachariah Cross, Hugh McCutcheon, William Anderson ....Road from Logan Courthouse to Warren County Line ..direction of Warren Courthouse
January Court 1802
p.195 Thomas Proctor allowed 200 acres. 17 Jan 1802
p.202 George McNeely and James McNeely, Thomas Proctor and John McCutcheon, Cornelius McDaniel, James Haden, Zachariah Cross appeared in Court and agreed to let the Road pass through their Land Respectively that was reviewed from Logan Courthouse to Warren line.
August Court 1802 Jonathan Humphrey to Thomas Proctor ...deed ordered to be recorded. Witness: Daniel Donalson, William Stone, Edward Neal.

Logan Co DB A-1, p.476
10 Mar 1801
Patrick McCutchen & Hannah his wife of Williamson County TN and Thomas Proctor of Logan County KY....300£ ...200 a. ...lying on black lick fork of Gasper River.....line of Edmund Clark's Military Survey.... Witnesses: Wm Haden, James Haden, James Elms
18 Aug 1802 Subscribed to and admitted to record
8 Jul 1802
Jonathan Humphry to John Gabriel...part of Headright....100 a. ...of 200 a. on head waters of the Gasper. Witnesses: Thomas Proctor, Daniel Donaldson, William Stone, Edward (X) Null [Nall]
28 Jul 1802
Jonathan Umphrey [Humphrey] of Brackinridge [Breckinridge] County to Thomas Proctor for 115£ ,,,100 a. ....on head waters of Gasper River. Witnesses: Daniel Donaldson, John Gabriel, William Stone, Edward (X) Null Recorded: August County Court 1802.

Logan Co DB A, p.129
15 Oct 1803
Thomas Proctor to Samuel McCutcheon...100 £ ....100 a. ...headwaters of Gasper. Witness: Robert Bell, John McCutcheon, Ben Proctor [probably the 100 acres he bought from Jonathan Humphrey - and one of the earliest records of Benjamin Proctor]

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 3. May Court 1804 Ordered that Wm Bailey, George McNeeley, Thos. Proctor & Wm. Woody appraise the estate of James Simpson Decd & report being first Sworn.
Logan Co WB A, p.72
Aug 1804 Inventory of James Simpson, dec'd. Appraisers: William Bailey, Thomas Proctor, Wm. Woodye.

Logan Co DB A, p.283
20 Oct 1804 (Seems to be a duplicate of the deed dated 15 Oct 1803)
Thomas Proctor to Samuel C. McCutcheon 100£ ... 100 a. .... head waters of Gasper ..... line of John Gabriel and Thomas Proctor ... part of Jonathan Umphrey [sic: Humphrey] headright. Witness: Samuel McCutcheon, John Day

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 3.
29 Jan 1806
p.306 William Marrs & Tho Proctor settle with the Exr of William Barnett Decd and make report
p.316 #2312 - Thomas Proctor, 400 acres

Thomas married Rebecca Maxwell in Logan Co 27 Oct 1808.

Logan Co DB C, p.50
19 Jul 1809
William Woody and his wife Jane to James Haden for $500 ..150 a Witnesses: Thomas Proctor, Ben Proctor, John Bailey ... Recorded 10 Apr 1810

1810, Logan Co Census. Thomas Proctor. 4m -10, 1m 26-45 [Thomas abt 40]; 1f under 10, 1f 26-45 [Rebecca Maxwell m. in 1808]. This census is obviously wrong - there should have been at least four little girls under 10, one boy under 10 - perhaps the boys/girls were reversed. 10 slaves.

Logan Co WB 1, p.173
Nov 1810
Benjamin Proctor and Thomas Proctor were buyers at the estate sale of William Morton, father of Rebecca Morton who was married to James H. Haden, James H. Haden was a brother of Thomas Proctor's wife Sally Haden.

Logan Co DB C, p.249
11 May 1811
David McNeely and Rebecca his wife of Franklin County TN to Samuel Summers of Bedford Co TN for $500 lying in Logan County ...100 a ...Clear Fork of Gasper River. Witness: Thomas Proctor, Samuel H. Haden, Daniel Hylton

Logan Co DB F, p.368
14 Mar 1818
Thomas Proctor to Edward Collins for $75, 15a on the Gasper ..Simpsons corner ...P. McCutchens line ...Thomas Proctor corner ... "And having examined the wife of sd Thos separate & apart from her husband She acknowledged that she relinquished her right of dower to the lands" [Wife not named]
14 Mar 1818
Thomas Proctor to Hezekiah Proctor ..$1685 parcel containing 337a on the Gasper Line of Clarks Military Survey ...corner to David McNeelys Survey ..Thomas Blairs line ...Simpsons corner ...P. McCutchens line ... "Having examined the wife of sd Thos. Separate and apart from her sd husband" [Wife not named.]
Note: The Logan tax lists shows that Thomas paid tax on this 337 acres in 1801. This appears to be the only piece of property Hezekiah ever purchased and it was likely soon passed on to his sons and son-in-law John White
14 Mar 1818
Edward Collins to Thomas Proctor for $400 ...parcel on the waters of the Gasper ...David McNeeleys beginning corner ...Andrew Blairs line ...Thomas Proctors line ...Thomas Proctors corner Witness: Joseph Griffin, William Patterson

Logan County Court Orders, Book 7
September Term, 21 Sep 1818
p.91 Motion of Betsy Harmon/Hammon ordered that Thos. Proctor, Hezekiah Proctor, Tho Maxwell and John Barnet or any three….appraise estate of John Harmon decd
Logan Co WB B, p.189
28 Dec 1818. John Ham, dec'd - inventory and appraisal: Thomas Procter, Thomas Maxwell, H. Procter. Exec: Elizabeth Ham. [this appears to be the same deceased person - just confusion regarding the surname, probably Hamm.]

Logan Co Court Order Book 7
p.180 Sep Term 1819 Ordered that Edward Collins be appointed Constable in this county whereupon he executed bond with Thomas Proctor & John Proctor his securities Conditions according to Law.
Seldom was Thomas Proctor mentioned with a John Proctor - he had no son of that name - and at this time the only John Proctor in Logan Co lived near Benjamin on the Little Whipporwill.

1820 Census. Logan Co.
Thomas Proctor, 2m under 10 [Thomas E.], 1m 16-26 [William], 1m +45 [Thomas]. 3f under 10 [Elizabeth, Josephine& probably Sally although she was older, she was not married and should have been still at home], 1f 10-16 [Aurora], 1f 26-45 [Rebecca Maxwell]
All on the same page in 1820: Hezekiah, George, Charles & Thomas Proctor.

1820 Tax list from Logan County, KY Census & Tax Lists, 1820 & 1830, by Don Simmons & Laura Willis, 1995:
Thomas Proctor: 1 white male over 21, 6 horses, 150 acres on Black Lick (for of Gasper). No slaves noted.

Logan Co Deed Book H, p.424; 9 Feb 1820. Andrew Blair formerly of Logan Co sells to Thomas Proctor of Robertson Co, TN, 300 acres on the waters of the clear fork of the Gasper River. [I wondered if Thomas had moved to Tennessee for a few years, but this appears to be a different person - but it cannot be ruled out that he had residences in two places. Robertson is just over the state line from Logan; some in the disputed Walker line area.]

Logan Co Court Orders, Book 7
p. 260 17 Jul 1820 Ordered that Benjamin Perkins Capt, James Johnson, Hutchinson Stanley & William Roberson be appointed Patrollers in the boundage Capt Proctor & part of Capt Darby as far as the Logan Cty. Line.

More records of Thomas Proctor in Tennessee...
Logan Co Deed Book I/J p.211 28 May 1821 28 May 1821 Thos. Proctor of Robinson County TN to Thomas Maxwell for $450. Tract in Logan part of two different surveys. One patent in name of James McCutcheon; the other to Henry Small. 226 acres. Witness: John Peake, Archd Felts.
Signed: Thos. Proctor [no wife mentioned]
p.285 14 Nov 1820 Thomas Proctor of Robertson Co TN sold to Joel Maxey 224 acres on the waters of Gasper river for $550. On waters of Gasper River …with John Barnett's line …Burgess Ball's line …James McCutcheons old survey. Signed: Thos. Proctor. Witness: Jas. L. Proctor, Charles Proctor. (no wife mentioned) Acknowledged by Thos. Proctor 6 Aug 1821.
& on p.198 14 Nov 1820 Thomas Proctor of Robertson Co TN to Charles Proctor for $1000, 348 acres on the waters of Gasper. ….James McCutcheon Survey …corner Joel Maxey …Burgis
Balls line. Signed Thos. Proctor. Witness: Jas. L. Proctor, John White. Acknowledged by Thos. Proctor 6 Aug 1821.
None of the deeds of Thomas Proctor of Robertson Co TN were signed by a spouse, the sales don't seem to match the purchases. Yet several of the parties name were acquaintances of Maj. Thomas. and in the 1820 census, Springfield, Robertson Co TN is a Thomas Proctor: 2 males under 10, 1 male 26-45, 1m over 45; 2f under 10, 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45, 13 slaves. Thomas Proctor of Logan Co had been enumerated in 1820 right there in Logan. The makeup of the two households is similar - in Logan Co he counted no slaves. There remains the possibility he had residences in both places for a few years - the slaves perhaps in Tennessee. Or we have two Thomas Proctors.

Logan Co DB K, p.142
18 Jun 1821
Isaac Conger by Marmaduke B. Morton comr. Appointed by decree of Circuit Court at May Term 1821 ..suit in chancery. Mahala Perkins, William Perkins, James A. Perkins, John Perkins, Urias Perkins, Patsy Perkins, and Samuel ?V Perkins, infant heirs of James Perkins deceased by their next friend Harrison Davis are complainants & Conger defendant. …parcel entered in name of Richard Neely and one in name of James Martin said land in Logan Co on head waters of Black lick fork of Gasper …..Bond ….to Thomas Proctor by said Conger dated 16 Jan 1810 which bond was assigned to James Perkins dec'd by sd Thomas Proctor on 8 Oct 1816. Signed: Isaac Conger by Marmaduke B. Morton. Recorded 17 Aug 1821.
[These Perkins children were indentured out to various families in the court records. No relationship known to brothers William, Grief, Isaac O. Perkins, who were living in Logan Co at this time.]

Logan Co Deed Book L, p.244f 5 Jan 1822 [Actually 1821]. The heirs of Wm Haden decd, settled with Samuel who had land laid off by his father & surveyed, but title had not been made. Samuel had also received personal property and negroes. He gives up further claims to the estate & pays the heirs $500 for all property and the 271 acres of land adjoing William Haden Jr & Clark's Military Survey on the Black Lick fork of the Gasper River. Signees are: James Haden, Thomas Procter for himself and as guardian of the children of his former wife Sally Haden decd, William Whitsitt for himself and as guardian of the children of his late wife Milly Haden dec'd, William Haden, Lowry Bishop as guardian of Benjamin R. Haden a grandson, Joseph Haden, Joseph Haden as guardian for John & William sons of John Haden decd, William Porter, Nancy J. Porter, John Wilson, Polly Wilson, Sally Haden, guardian for Sally Haden her daughter. Nancy J. Porter & Polly Wilson relinquished their Dower in Butler Co on Jan 30. [Although this deed was dated 1822, the Dower release was 1821, which I believe is the correct year based on other events.] Acknowledged by Spencer Curd, Logan Co clerk on 3 Mar 1823.
NOTE: William Whitsitt's Milly is referred to as his LATE wife, while Thomas Procter's Sally is his FORMER wife - Thomas Proctor had remarried, William Whitsitt had not.

Deed Book L, p.346 12 Oct 1822 Deed from Thomas Proctor and Rebecca his wife of the county of Logan sell a parcel of land to the Shakers.
Thomas Proctor and Rebecca his wife of the county of Logan & State of Ky of the one part & George Rankin & John McComb Trustees for and in behalf of the United Society called Shakers of the county & state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth: That the Said Thomas Proctor and Rebecca his wife for and in consideration of the sum of $250 to them in hand paid ..behalf of said Society …parcel of land lying & being in the Co of Logan aforesaid on the waters of the clear fork of Gasper River …corner of David McNeeley 200 acres survey.. near William Bennitt's waggin crossing the great road leading from Russellville to Bowling Green ..line of Andrew Blair's 200 acres …
NOTE: Rebecca Maxwell does sign this deed with Thomas and they were certainly from Logan Co KY. 17 Mar 1823

Deed Book M, p.311 Thomas Proctor sold 250 acres on Gasper River to Davis/David Hardin for $3000. Describes line of Andrew Blair. [See deed of 9 Feb 1820] Nephew James S. Proctor was a witness. Ack. by Proctor on 2 Jun 1824.
[This deed not signed by a spouse.]

Logan Co WB B, p.343
4 Jan 1821. Division of slaves of William Haden. Named as a daughter, Sally Haden Procter, deceased, who married Thomas Procter.

Logan Co DB M, p.311
17 Mar 1823. Thomas Proctor to Davis/David Hardin for $3000. 250 acres on Gasper. John McCutsheon's, line of Andrew Blair, south side Russellville road, near Wm. Bennett/Barnett house. Wit: S. G. W. Hyte, Jas S. Proctor. Signed Thos. Proctor. Rec. 2 Jun 1824.

Beginning in 1822, the Logan Co tax lists for Thomas Proctor show varying tracts of land he paid tax on in Simpson Co on Drakes Creek - the first of these was for 640 acres, entered by Frank Johnston. Deeds are lost for this time period in Simpson Co so transactions there cannot be traced. By 1824, Thomas had several smaller tracts said to be on the Red River (and sometimes one is still listed on Drakes Creek. Drakes Creek is in a different location, so these don't seem to be part of the larger tract, unless there was a Creek that went by a different name.)

14 Oct 1823. Date of survey for Kentucky land patent issued to Thomas Proctor on the Red River in Simpson Co for 40 acres. Book P.

DB N, p.324
22 Oct 1825 Davis/David Harding & Thomas Proctor to Elijah M. Covington of Warren Co. Harding of Simpson Co, Proctor of Logan. 250 acres. $2500. Waters of Gasper, John McCutcheon's corner, line of Andrew Blair, south side Russellvile road, near Wm Bennetts house. Ack. by Thomas Proctor, David Harding & Elizabeth W. Harding, his wife (p.326)
p.326 I, Davis Hardin as a joint grantor. Thomas Proctor on 17 Mar 1823, conveyed to me the 250 acres which I faile to have recorded. I release Thomas Proctor from any obligations. Signed: D. Hardin

Logan Co WB C, p.131
Order issued at Oct Term of Court, 1824. Commissioners met at the home of William Haden for the purposes of settling with Haden, Administrator of William Haden, dec'd (his father).
There was a bond on Thomas Proctor, due 1 Jan 1825.
Credit of $30 was given to Thomas Proctor on his note for several invalid Negroes that belonged to the estate of Wm Haden, dec'd.
Cash was paid to heirs of Sally Proctor
Settlement signed by Saml McCutcheon and Arthur Slaughter, commissioners, 3 Dec 1824; Recorded 3 Jan 1826.

DB O, p.126
11 Aug 1826. Martin Adams to Thomas Proctor for $500. Lot in Robert Lathams addition. supposed to contain (unreadable) acres. Deed made to Henry Frizzell by Richard Bibb in DB K, p.13

Logan Co WB D, p.15
23 Sep 1827
Sale of estate of William W. Ewing. Buyers included Thomas Proctor and James Proctor. Approved by the court and ordered recorded.

DB P, p.102
10 Nov 1827 Thomas Proctor Senr to Elijah M. Covington of Warren for $140. Tract in Logan, bounded on corner by land conveyed by David Hardin & Thomas Proctor Senr to Covington on 22 Oct 1825, John White's line at the Morgantown road. 14 acres.
15 Jul 1827 Hugh C. Donaghe & Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Proctor. $2700 notes on the Bank of Kentucky. 287 acres on waters of Gasper, Elijah Mansfield's corner, his line, corner to Maxwell, corner to John Buchanan, corner to John Shelton, William Watkins.

Logan Co WB D,
p.14-18. William Ewing, appraisal and sale, dated May 1827, filed 3 Sep 1827. Exec: Thomas Proctor.
15 May 1827. Inventory of William Ewing, dec'd. Commr: Spencer Curd, M. B. Morton. Executor: Thomas Proctor. [William W. Ewing was Proctor's son-in-law]
Logan Co Court Orders
p.346 Dec 1827 Thomas Proctor administrator of Wm. W. Ewing....surrendered his administration on motion of James W. Ewing who posted bond - $1000 with John Breathitt

4 Jun 1827 Deed Book O, p.343 The heirs of William Haden sold to Thomas Proctor Jr 150 acres which had been transacted with William before his death but title not made. Commissioners were Edward Collins, Wm. J. Morton and Ben Proctor, who signed the names of each of the heirs. Living children were William, Samuel, Nancy & William Porter, John & Polly Wilson & Sally Haden.
Grandchildren were the children of James: Jefferson, Nancy & Josiah Newman, William M., Emily, Eliza H. & Nathaniel H. Felts, Harriot, Mary and James;
the son of Benjamin, another Benjamin;
children of Emily Haden Whitsitt: Eleanor & William Comfort, Ann & Thomas Blakey, Sally Whitsitt;
children of John: John and William;
children of Sally Haden Proctor: husband of Mary, dec'd, Clarke Porter, Aurora & William Hoy, Sally Ewing young widow of William W. Ewing;
children of Joseph: George and Rainy
This deed proves that only three daughters were born to Sally Haden. Other children named in the will of Thomas that were not included here were Nancy & William who were the children of first wife Polly O'Neal and his children by Rebecca Maxwell. Thomas Jr. was evidently not a son of Maj. Thomas - perhaps a nephew or cousin, called "Jr" as the younger Thomas creating records in Logan Co at this time.

Logan County Court Order, Book 8
May Term 1829
p.438 The Baptist Church at Bethany this day filed a certificate.......Ordered that Thomas Proctor and Dudley Robinson be appointed trustees to said Bethany Church in the place of Edward Collins and John Proctor....

1830 Census, Logan Co KY, p.73
Thomas Proctor with 2m age 10-15, 1m 50-60 [himself], 1f 5-10, 2f 10-15, 1f 30-40, and 1f 50-60. He was enumerated next to Thomas Maxwell.
p.74 Thomas Proctor [noted in the margin next to his name is "Little" for Little Thomas Proctor] 1m -5, 2m 5-10, 1m 15-20, 1m 40-50 [This is very likely the Thomas Junior who married to Polly Collins age 47] 1f -5, 2f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 1f 20-30, and 1f 30-40 [Polly]

1830 Tax list from Logan County, KY Census & Tax Lists, 1820 & 1830, by Don Simmons & Laura Willis, 1995:
Thomas Proctor: 1 white male over 21, 6 slaves over 16, 6 slaves total, 9 horses, 257 acres on Red River in Simpson Co. 105 acres on Gasper River, 300 acres on Black Lick, 304 acres on Gasper, 175 acres on Gasper

25 Apr 1831 - Survey for 200 acres, Kentucky land grant, on the Gasper River for Thomas Proctor. Listed in Kentucky Land Grants, Book A-2.

Logan Co DB T, p.153 2 Oct 1831 George Tanner by Spencer Curd commissioner to Thomas Proctor. Whereas by decree of the Circuit Court in the case Thomas Proctor agt. George Tanner the sd commissioner was directed to make of the house & lot where George Tanner now lives in R. Lathams addition, being the same house & lot by sd Thos. Proctoer to sd George Tanner. Sold to highest bidder; Thomas Procter became the purchaser at $87.50. Rec. 16 Jul 1834
p.187 14 Jul 1834 Benjamin Frizell & Eliza his wife to Thomas Proctor. $200. Tract on waters of Gasper R. in line of Lees Military survey, running with his line. 200 acrs being same as land surveyed in name of Samuel Wilson & patented to him and devised by said Samuel Wilson to his daughter the said Eliza Frizell. Signed: B. B. Frizell, Eliza Frizell. Eliza relinquished dower. Rec. 13 Aug 1834.
p.225 16 Jul 1834 Thos. Proctor & Rebeca his wife to Wm. E. Warren. $100. Lot in plan of Robert Lathams Addition to Russellville. Same as conveyed to Proctor on 2 Oct 1831 by Spencer Curd, Commissioner. Re George Tanner. Rebecca released dower. Rec. 16 Aug 1834

The following deed of mortgage mentions Hezekiah and a land transaction to his son-in-law as well as land sold by Thomas Proctor.
Logan DB T, p.475
22 May 1835. John White to Burkett F. Ray, Jacob Yost & George Washing Hoy. Said Hoy of Simpson Co. $1. Tract of 103 acres on clear fork of Gasper where said White now lives & conveyed to him by Hezekiah Proctor (his father-in-law). One other parcel adj purchased by sd White from Thomas Procter & Thomas Bennett containing about 46 acres, and negros, Dilcy age about 50, Mimy about 30, Jenny about 25 years & her daughter Nelly about 8, and son Ben about 4 & her son Jack about 2, & her pucking child Henry about 5 months. For $1175.46. Signed: John White. Deed of Mortgage rec. 23 May 1835

Logan Co DB V; p.397 2 Aug 1837 Thomas Proctor to Thomas Blakey. $335. Convey to sd Thos Blakey, Wm Hoy & Wm L. Palmer shares in an undivided tract of land containing in the whole 100 acres being the tract whereon John Wise now lives & was conveyed to Wm Hoy & wife, Wm L Palmer & wife & Clarke Porter by Samuel Wilson, Comm. Appointed by the Circuit Court of Logan Co to execute deeds of conveyance to the different heirs of Wm Haden dec'd lying & situated in the co of Logan on the Black Lick Fork of Gaspers River. Said two shares of the aforesaid hundred acres. Signed 18 Dec 1837. Thos. Proctor. Wit: Wm Barnett, Robert E. Collins
Proved by oaths of witnesses. Rec. 25 Dec 1837
p.571 2 Apr 1838. Robert J. Roberts and Lewis T. Roberts infant heirs of Alfred Roberts dec'd by Richard M. Hannum Comm. To Thomas Proctor of Logan Co. $1. Decree of Logan Circuit court appt Hannum to convey the land. Tract on Gasper River. By a bluff near the river bank. Corner of lot #7. Meanders of the river. 109 acres..
Rec. 3 Apr 1838
p.594 22 Jun 1837 Thomas Proctor to Thomas E. Proctor both of Logan Co. Good will & affection for his son the said Thomas E. Proctor & $1. Tract in Logan on waters of Gasper River containing 287 acres. Near Eliza Mansfields corner, her line; corner to ?Maxwell’s? corner to John Buckanans corner to Asher Shelton. Signed Thomas Procter. Wit: Robert E. Collins, Thomas P. Anderson
20 Sep 1837 proven by witnesses. Rec. 25 Jun 1838

Logan Co DB X p.157 2 Jul 1840 Thomas Proctor to Burkett F. Ray. $135. All that parcel on waters of Gaspers R containing 200 acres. Post oak on line of Lees military survey & with his line. Land granted to Samuel Wilson assignee of Elizabeth Dean by patent dated 11 Oct 1808. Signed: Thos. Procter
Wit: W. C. Payne, W. Boliver, Wm Barnett
3 Sep 1840 proved by William Barnett. 7 Oct 1840 proved by W. Bolivar & rec.
[This 200 acres purchased 14 Jul 1834 from Benjamin Frizell & Eliza his wife recorded in Deed Book T.]
Logan Co DB X p.157 2 Jul 1840 Thomas Proctor to Burkett F. Ray. $2. All that parcel in Logan on Gasper R containing 324 acres. Line of Edmond Clarks military survey of 1000 acres; with said Clarks line; corner to the heirs of James S. Procter; then with the Shakers line, another line of the Shakers; corner to the Shakers; East side Butler road. Signed: Thos. Procter.
Wit: W. C. Payne, W. Boliver, Wm Barnett.
3 Sep 1840 proved by William Barnet. 7 Oct 1840 proved by W. Boliver and rec.
[I don't know how Thomas Proctor obtained this tract]

Logan Co DB X; p.349 2 Jul 1840 Thomas Proctor to Thomas L. S. Proctor. $1000. All that parcel on the water of Gasper River. 105 acres. Begin by a bluff near the river bank in a line of Lot #7. Meanders of the river; passing the mill house. Signed: Tho. Proctor
Teste: W. C. Payne, B. F. Ray.
1 Nov 1840 proved by oath of Wm. C. Payne. 5 Apr 1841 proved by B. F. Ray.

1840 Census. Logan Co KY
Thomas Proctor, age 70-80, lived alone. He had nine slaves.
The 1840 census, did indicate a young man, Thomas E. Proctor, living alone, age 20-30, or born 1810-1820.

Will in Logan County KY 3 Nov 1837. Probated 28 Jun 1841. No wife mentioned. to receive $1 plus what thay have already received are the heirs of William Proctor, dec'd son; Nancy Anderson, dau; heirs of Mary Porter, dec'd dau; Aurora Coy [sic-should be Hoy], dau; Sally Palmer, dau. Elizabeth Mitchel, dau to have 257 acres in Logan Co. Josephine, dau, 400 acres, slave, horse & saddle. Thomas E., son, to have 2 slaves, horse & saddle. Last three children seem to get special treatment in will - these last two daughters and Thomas E. are children of Rebecca Maxwell rather than Sally Haden. Remainder to be divided so as to make an equal inheritance for the last three children. The Haden descendants had earlier received property from their grandfather. Hiram Mitchell & Thomas E. Proctor, executors. Wit: William Barnett, Joseph Quigley

Logan County Court Orders, Book 10
28 Jun 1841
p.208 On the motion of the executors of Thomas Proctor Dec'd ordered that Wm McCutcheon, Lewis Cloud, Samuel S. Perkins & John McCutcheon or any three of them...appraise goods and chattels of decedent. Hiram Mitchell, Thomas E. Proctor - Executors.


Birth22 Apr 1766Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Marriage1 Sep 1785Lincoln County, Virginia - Mary "Polly" O'Neal
MarriageAbt 1798Sally Haden
Marriage27 Oct 1808Logan County, Kentucky - Rebecca Maxwell
DeathJun 1841Logan County, Kentucky


SpouseSally Haden (1774 - 1808)
ChildMary "Polly" Proctor (1802 - 1823)
ChildAurora DeGosma Proctor (1804 - 1860)
ChildSally J. Proctor (1806 - 1849)
SpouseRebecca Maxwell ( - 1841)
ChildElizabeth Proctor ( - )
ChildJosephine B. Proctor (1814 - )
ChildThomas E. Proctor (1810 - )
SpouseMary "Polly" O'Neal ( - )
ChildWilliam Proctor ( - 1841)
ChildNancy Proctor (1790 - )
FatherGeorge Proctor Jr. ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Proctor (1755 - )
SiblingWilliam Proctor (1756 - )
SiblingJohn Proctor (1758 - )
SiblingGeorge Proctor (1760 - )
SiblingHezekiah Proctor (1764 - 1831)
SiblingNancy Proctor (1768 - )
SiblingMary Proctor ( - )
SiblingAgness Proctor (1770 - )
SiblingCharles Proctor (1772 - )
SiblingSally Proctor (1777 - )
SiblingBenjamin Proctor (1779 - 1851)
SiblingLucy Proctor ( - )
