Individual Details


(Abt 1632 - )

The Poindexter Family book states that Ann Lawrence was born 1649, but this is not possible given that she was married and widowed by 1656. In a deposition in the Charles City Co Court Orders, June 1660, Ann stated her age as about 28 years, or born 1632.

There is a record of a female christened 1630 in Swindon, Wiltshire, England, daughter of William Larrence. Whether or not this could be Ann is unproved.

Ann was the widow of Thomas Moody:
Oct 1656, Charles City Co court records: "A probat of the nuncupative will of Tho. Moody dec'd this day proved in Court graunted to Francis Redford who married the extrx of the sd will". The marriage of Ann to Francis Redford had likely occurred between this court session and the prior session.

Her parents were Capt. William and Mary Lawrence:
In his will, William Lawrence left each of his children two sheep. In 1658, Francis Redford petitioned the Charles City court to have the sheep released to him according to the will. Edward Fitzgerald, Ann's stepfather, had the sheep and was ordered to deliver them.
VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.8/p.145 Order that Edw. Fitzgerald pay to Francis Redford in right of his wife 2 ewe lambs according to the will of Mr. William Lawrence
[date of previous page is 21 May 1658]

Charles City Court Order Book, 1655-65
pg. 16
C.O.B. pg. 156. Upon comp’lt and prossess of Edd. ffitzgarrald and his wife of same opprobrious words and languages uttered to them by Ann the wife of ffranciss Redford. Itt is ordered that the sd Ann shall on her bended knees acknowledge the sd offence before her mother the sd Mrs. ffitzgarrald, and begge forgiveness & for the same, and that the sayd Redford pay all Costs of suite als exec.
Court held 4 Oct 1658, recorded 27 Oct

Ann was likely married before Mar of 1655 to Thomas Moody. A deed of gift by Mary Lawrence to her children on that date infers that her daughter Ann was likely not living at home at that time. There was also a son born to Thomas Moody and Ann as the will of Francis Redford refers to his "grandson in law Sam Moody" [Usage of the term "in law" in that time period was what we would call a step relationship - a son by law, or stepson.]

p.71 & 72/p.236 fferdinando Aston aged about 34 yeares and Ann Redford ages about 28 yeares both examed and sworne
That they the depts were present w'th mr Richard Nicholas shortly before his decesse, and heard him deliv'r and declare a Nuncupative will in these or the like tearmes.
That he made his wife Susanna Nicholas whole ex'rix and gave to his Daughter Susanna Nicholas the elder of his two young mare w'th all her increase, six cowes to be chosen out of his penn w'th all their increase, 5000 lb tobb [to buy her servants] when she should come to full age or marriage, 2 feather bed w'th sixe pare of sheets and all furniture belonging to them. And all his land after the decesse of his wife.
Also he gave and bequeathed to mr. Antho: Wyatts youngest daughter [his the dec'dts God daughter] one young heyfer.
ffurther he requested and desired that Mr. Warham Horsemonden and mr. Francis Redford would be Overseers hereof and see the premisses performed, And further they cannot depose.
Signed: ffre: Aston, Ann (A) Redford
Jun 4, 1660
rec. Jul: 17 seq

It also appears that Ann remarried again, to Robert Morris, after the death of Francis:
1 Aug 1695
Marriage license granted during the past year: Robert Morris to Anne Redford, widow.
HENRICO CO VA ORPHANS' COURT BOOK 1766-1739; Pauline Pearce Warner
p.76 2 Sep 1695
It is ordered that Robert Morris who married the relict of Francis Redford late of this City dec'd who was Security for one of the orph. of John Salsbury in Custody of Samuel Moody do appear at the next Court and give new Security.


BirthAbt 1632
Marriage3 Nov 1652Thomas Moody
MarriageBet Jun 1694 and Sep 1695Robert Morris
MarriageBy Oct 1656Charles City County, Virginia - FRANCIS REDFORD


SpouseFRANCIS REDFORD (1615 - 1693)
ChildFrancis Redford (1667 - )
ChildJOHN REDFORD (1665 - 1752)
SpouseThomas Moody ( - )
ChildSamuel Moody (1655 - )
SpouseRobert Morris ( - )
FatherCapt WILLIAM LAWRENCE ( - 1654)
MotherMary [Lawrence] ( - )
SiblingWilliam LAWRENCE ( - )
SiblingJames LAWRENCE ( - )
SiblingArthur LAWRENCE ( - )
SiblingSara LAWRENCE ( - )
