Individual Details
( - Bef 1654)
VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. X, Charles City County Court Orders 1655-1658; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.40/p.52 Whereas M'r Wm Lawrence dec'd by his last will gave and bequeathed to each of his children two ewe lambs to be Del'rd as soone as his stock of sheepe could produce them, for accomplish'mt whereof, and in addition whereunto Mary his wife, late the relict of Capt John ffreme dec'd, in her widdowhood, gave and Confirmed by her deed on record to the sd children all the sd stock of sheepe extent, w'ch the Co'rt, on her explanation of her intent therein conceiving confirming and declaring to be, not only a compleate performance, but also an inlargem't and advancem't of the sd bequest by the sd will, Doth therefore cleare and acquitt her and her present husband Edward ffitzgarrott their heires and exrs and admrs of and from any furture claimes to be made of the sd legacie, it being Comprehended and included in her guift.
[the nearest date, on the following page is Jun 1656]
In his will, William Lawrence left each of his children two sheep. In 1658, Francis Redford petitioned the Charles City court to have the sheep released to him according to the will. Edward Fitzgerald, Ann's stepfather, had the sheep and was ordered to deliver them.
It is said to have been a nuncupative will, entered in the Charles County Court Order Book, p.236
By 1654, Mary Lawrence, widow, was married to militia Captain John Freme. There is a deed of gift from Freme to Mary's three Lawrence sons.
Spouse | Mary [Lawrence] ( - ) |
Child | ANN LAWRENCE (1632 - ) |
Child | William LAWRENCE ( - ) |
Child | James LAWRENCE ( - ) |
Child | Arthur LAWRENCE ( - ) |
Child | Sara LAWRENCE ( - ) |
1. Mary Courtright Pettitt and Robert J. Pettitt, Thomas M. Pettitt's Family (Self Published. Highland CA: c1996. Out of print but available on LDS Microfilm #1750818, Item 13.), LAWRENCE, p. B-129-140.