Individual Details

Mary [Lawrence]

( - )

Mary was married at least four times as evidenced by this quote from VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE, vol. 41, p.191. "Mrs. Mary Lawrence ...was granted probate of the will of another husband, Capt John Freme, on 17 Dec 1655; she obtained the administration of another husband, Edward Fitzgerrald, on 3 Feb 1659, and as early thereafter as 10 Sep 1659, a succeeding husband, Peter Plumer, was permitted by the court to take possession of the estate of Mrs. Lawrence-Freme-Fitzgerrald-Plumer's deceased son, Arthur Lawrence." She also outlived Plumer.

Mary & William may have traveled back to London on at least one occasion:
Undated, 1649. Chancery Case of Roger Preston v. Thomas Lyon and John Spencer, executors of the will of John Hollam, executor of the will of Mary Preston, re the estate of Roger Preston, father of the plaintiff. Deponents include Marie Laurence, aged 39, wife of William Laurence, planter of Virginia, who declared that she and her husband came to England from Virginia, with Roger Preston in 1638 after the death of Roger Preston the elder. (Public Records Office, London: C6/42/94, C24/727/114)

John Freeme was first married to an Anne and patented the following land:
CAVALIERS, Vol. I, p.145
1 Sep 1643. 1198 acres in Charles City Co. Near Flowerdew Hundred Crk adj Cheney Boyce. Transport of 24 persons including John Freeme, Anne his wife. PB 1, p.896.
On 26 Apr 1656, William Justice who had married a daughter of Freeme, probably Rebecca, tried to patent this land in the right of the daughter as heir. He did not name the same 24 persons for transport as John Freeme had named. He did list Rebecca Frame, William Lawrence, Mary Lawrence twice, Anne Lawrence, Arthur Lawrence, and Sara Lawrence as well as Peeter Plumer. He seemed to be using friends and neighbors. [CAVALIERS, Vol 1, p.329. PB 4, p.26
John Freme had already given 300 acres of this tract to his stepsons, Arthur, William & James Lawrence. [3 Nov 1654] Mary would also have been entitled to dower lands from this tract.

VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. X, Charles City County Court Orders 1655-1658; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.38;p.50 Wm Justice hath proved right by testimony of Capt. Thomas Stegge and Mrs. Mary ffitzgarrett to 1200 acres of land for the charge of Importation of:
....Rebecca fframe, Wm Lawrence, Mary Lawrence twice, Ann Lawrence, Arthur Lawrence, Sara Lawrence, Peter Plum'er
[There was no date but on p.48 was the date 26 Apr 1656. Mary "ffitzgarett" is actually Mary Fitzgerald and she was also one of the Mary Lawrence's counted for import. This would have been some years after the arrival of the Lawrence family and after the death of William Lawrence. Peter Plummer would become another husband of Mary's.]

Charles City Court Order Book, 1655-65
pg. 16
C.O.B. pg. 156. Upon comp’lt and prossess of Edd. ffitzgarrald and his wife of same opprobrious words and languages uttered to them by Ann the wife of ffranciss Redford. Itt is ordered that the sd Ann shall on her bended knees acknowledge the sd offence before her mother the sd Mrs. ffitzgarrald, and begge forgiveness & for the same, and that the sayd Redford pay all Costs of suite als exec.
Court held 4 Oct 1658, recorded 27 Oct

VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.28/p.172 3 Feb 1658/59 Com. of Admr. to Mary ffitzgarrald widdo of the estate of her late husband Edward ffitzgerrald dec'd.

She may have had two more marriages - to Robert Rose and then William Ledford
1677. Charles City County, Virginia Order Book 1676-1679, p4.
Nich. Wyatt testified in the action of Rich. Wathan plt. and Mrs. Rose deft declaared it abuse by mrs Rose's servantman Wm Ledford. There were signs of blows but no evidence. Booth under peach bond. Jury find for plt. damage at 20 lbs. tob..
Bond of Mary Rose to pay unto the King 10,000 lbs. tob. upon demand. 26 March 1677. Terms being that if Wm. Lefored the servant shall conduct himself peaceably and Rich. Wathen be free of molestation anywher, the bond shall be void.
pg 172
Richard Wathne testified that Wm. Ledford at instigation of his mistress on 25 March last did violently assault the petr. and also did kick the petr's wife. No provocation by the plt... On complaint to Capt. Nich. Wyatt, Justice the sd. Ledford was bound to the peace, his mistress giving security, yet Ledford did continue his abuse and promised more.

1677. Charles City County, Virginia Order Book 1676-1679

p. 202
Deed of Mary Rose of wayonoke Par. in Charles City co., widow because of her impending marriage for love and motherly affection gives to son James Laurence of sd. par. & county 2000 lbs. tob. & csk. to be his demand within 2 months after her decease to Mary Lawurence wife of the above James one suit of her own clothes from head to foot; to daughter Sarah Bishop wife of Jno. Bishop of the aforesaid county the remainder of the sd. Mary Rose's clothes. To granchildren Henry Bishop, Sarah Bishop and Elizabeth Bishop bequests. If son James Laurence should die before me, the the aforsd. 2000 obs. tob. to be equally divided among John Bishop's children. All gifts to be delived to divisees within 2 months of sd. Mary Rose's demise without hindrance of her intended husband Wm. Leedford or anyone. 17 July 1677 witn: Henry Harman, Ann Lizer, Proved by Hen. Harman 13 Sept. 1677.

1677. Charles City County, Virginia Order Book 1676-1679, pg. 28
pg. 242.
Upon the pet. of Jno. Bishop [son-in-law of Mary] for the cattle given by deed of Mary Rose to her granchildren, the children of sd. Bishop, Mr. Wm. Duke, Mr. Thos. Blayton & Mr. Nich. Wyatt are to take the record and accordingly set a part sd. cattle for the deed and report. No attachment be served agst. sd. estate until the deed of gift is secured.
pg. 288
Ord. that Mr. Thos. Blayton & Mr. Rich. [s/b Nich.] Wyatt do set apart the estate of orphans of ? [Sarah] Lawrence & Jno. Bishop upon the 24th of this month according to order.
[believed to be 24 September 1677 since the deed of gift was proven 13 September 1677]

Charles City county, Virginia Order Book 1676 - 1679, pg. 64
Court held at Westover 5 Aug. 1678
Ordered that the estate of the children of Jno. Bishop be set apart [out of the estate of William Ledford]. Mr. Thos. Blayton and Capt. Nich. Wyatt se it done according to a deed of gift from Mary Rose to the children. Jno. Bishop states there are not cattle enough left to comply with the deed. Ordered that the cattle of the deed be valued and enough other effects set aside from the estate of Wm Ludford to make up the difference. (see p. 242).
Rich. Wathen agst. Mary Rose referred to next court.


SpouseCapt WILLIAM LAWRENCE ( - 1654)
ChildANN LAWRENCE (1632 - )
ChildWilliam LAWRENCE ( - )
ChildJames LAWRENCE ( - )
ChildArthur LAWRENCE ( - )
ChildSara LAWRENCE ( - )