Individual Details


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Arthur died as a minor, probably in mid 1658. His personal effects were to be divided among his brothers and sisters and his Lands to his eldest brother byt opinion of the Court Oct 1658. Stepfather Peter Plummer took possession of the estate 10 Sep 1659. At that time the Court had decided that he had departed this life as a minor; he had not received his possessions that were to be delivered at full age but they were in the hands of his mother; therefore they belonged to Peter Plumer who had married the relict of Mr. Lawrence.

VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.15/p.155 18 Oct 1658
Edw. ffitzbarrald appeals to next Quarter Court Nov. 4th from suit agt him concerning the est. of Arthur Lawrence dec'd. Ordered to give bond.
Ordered that Edward ffitzgarrell forthwth render and deliver unto ffrancis Redford for the use of Tho. Moody orphane nin breeding sheepe and one young ramme belonging to the sd Moody, wth costs als exec.
The opinion of the Cort is that the personall estate of Arthur Laurence orphane dec'd should Descend to be divided amongst his surviveing brothers and sisters and his Lands to his eldest brother onely.


FatherCapt WILLIAM LAWRENCE ( - 1654)
MotherMary [Lawrence] ( - )
SiblingANN LAWRENCE (1632 - )
SiblingWilliam LAWRENCE ( - )
SiblingJames LAWRENCE ( - )
SiblingSara LAWRENCE ( - )