Individual Details
Samuel Moody
(Abt 1655 - )
VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.15/p.155 18 Oct 1658
Edw. ffitzbarrald appeals to next Quarter Court Nov. 4th from suit agt him concerning the est. of Arthur Lawrence dec'd. Ordered to give bond.
Ordered that Edward ffitzgarrell forthwth render and deliver unto ffrancis Redford for the use of Tho. Moody orphane nine breeding sheepe and one young ramme belonging to the sd Moody, wth costs als exec.
Francis Redford recognized Samuel in his will. Samuel also had a son named Samuel as the will names "my grandson in law Samuel Moody Junr". [The term "in law" at that time meaning a step relationship]
This relationship has been interpreted in error by some and Ann & Francis Poindexter are said to have had a daughter who married Samuel Moody, which is incorrect. The only known children of Ann & Francis are the two sons, John and Francis, who were named in his will.
Father | Thomas Moody ( - ) |
Mother | ANN LAWRENCE (1632 - ) |
1. Mary Courtright Pettitt and Robert J. Pettitt, Thomas M. Pettitt's Family (Self Published. Highland CA: c1996. Out of print but available on LDS Microfilm #1750818, Item 13.), Redford, p. B-103.