Individual Details


(1615 - Bef 1 Dec 1693)

Burke's" American Families w/ British Ancestry" shows Francis Redford, immigrant in 1635, son of Robert Redford of White Church, Devon, England who married Alice Leich. There is currently no known connection.

I found a recent book in the Haggard Library, Plano, TX, Descendants of Francis Redford, Emigrant to America, 1635, by Frances June Redford Reid, published 1990, Stanton, TX. She quotes Burke's Landed Gentry, pg. 2876
John Radford - Rockbore, Devonshire, England
his son
John Radford, Chudleigh, Devonshire England (m. Mary Bennett Jr.)
his son
Robert Radford, White Church 9b. late 16th C, m. Alice Leigh)
his son
Francis Radford - founder of the Redfords/Radfords in America (b. 1615 England)

There is a baptism at West Horsley, St. Mary, Surrey, England - but no proof that this child lived or came to the Colony of Virginia.
Francis Redford, son of Robert Redford, baptised 27 Jan 1615.

Reid says that Origianl Lists of Persons of Quality to America, p.115, by Hotten, states that Francis "Ratford" sailed from Gravesend, England, 27 Jul 1635 on the ship "Primrose". He was age 20 - no other persons of that surname were listed. Capt. Douglass was the Master.
"Theis under-written names are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in the Primrose Capten Douglass Mr p Certificate under ye Ministers hand of Gravesend, being examined by him touching their Conformitie to the Church Discipline of England. The Men have taken the oaths of Allegeance & Supremacie."
The passenger list can be found in several places online. It seems quite likely this is the same Francis Radford.

Early Virginia records mention three Radfords, William, Richard, and John. William & Richard were claimed for transport but were never mentioned again. John's records include the following:
CAVALIERS, Vol. I, p.21
30 May 1635. John Slaughter, 200 acres Wrights Crk, adj Thomas Wright. Crk called Brownes bay upon Westernmost br. of Elizabeth River. Renewed in the name of John Radford. PB 1, p.169
CAVALIERS, Vol. 1, p.123
11 Aug 1640. John Radford. 200 acres Lower Norfolk Co. on Western br of Eliz. R, adj patent lands assigned by John Slaughter & Thomas Browne. Renewed in name of Richard Starnell on 1647 and 150 acres added.
It is not known if this John is any relation to Francis Redford.

Francis is believed to have first settled in Charles City County.
VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. III, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661, Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988.
Court held at Westov'r, 3 Aug 1659
p.191 Ordered that the sherriff seize and case to be Legalley valued such cattell of ffrancis Redford as shall satisfie the debt for which the sd Redford is imprisoned at suite of Wm Gillard and all costs thereof appending, and thereupon release the person of the sd prisoner.
VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. X, Charles City County Court Orders 1655-1658; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.37/p.48. ffrancis Redford sworne constable for Weynoke parish. Joseph Harwood sworne Deptie constable.
[no date but the previous page includes an entry with the date 26 Apr 1656]

p.55/p.69 A probat of the nuncupative will of Tho Moody dec'd this day proved in Co'rt graunted to ffrancis Redford who married the extrx of the sd will

Francis apparently took timber from land that was not his:
p.72/p.91 ffrancis Redford is by Judg'mt of this Cort com'itted to the custody of the sherrif untill he shall made legall answer upon oath to the Channcery comp'lt of mrs. Sara Hoe concerning a parcell of Land and appertenances, and certeine timber in controversie
p.76/p.96 Upon complt and suite of mrs. Sara Hoe that ffrancis Redford hath trespassed on a parcell of Demised Land contrary to Lease It is ordered that the sd Redford satisfie and pay all costs and charges expended or occasioned in any suite or suites about the premisses
[Date of next entry is 24 Apr 1657]
p.77/p.98 To the worp'll Com'res of Charles Citty Coun at the Co'rt at Westov'r the 3d of Apr 1657. The humble petition of Sara Hoe
That whereas yo'r petn'r hath beene much wronged by ffrancis Redford by his conveying away timber off of the land yo'r petn'r desireth yo'r worp's to graunt him reliefe in chanucery that y'r petn'r being able to make it appr by sufficient evidence
And for that the Injuries recd by the petn'r may be more plainly made appr yo'r petn'r proceeding in chauncery humbly craveth that the sd ffrancis Redford may take his oath to these Interrogatories foll'g in a distinct manner to every particular
1. Whether or no that the sd ffrancis Redford did not carry away or cause to be carried away or transported timber of yo'r petn'rs land.
2. What sorts or quantity of timber he hath carried or caused to be carried away
Upon the appereance of yo'r petn'rs Damage he humbly craveth yo'r worp's to graunt him reliefe according to Lawe
And yo'r petn'r shall ever pray &c.
Rec. Apr 25 seq [1657]

VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.8/p.145 Order that Edw. Fitzgerald pay to Francis Redford in right of his wife 2 ewe lambs according to the will of Mr. William Lawrence
[date of previous page is 21 May 1658]

Francis also had difficulties with one William Gillard:
VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XI, Charles City County Court Orders 1658-1661; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.32/p.178 This bill bindeth me ffrancis Radford my heirs or ass's to pay or cause to be pd unto Willm Gillard or my appointm't the just quantity of three hundred and fiftie pound of good merchtable tobbo and cask Due to be pd on the 10th day of November next att my now dwelling ffor performance I have sett my hand this 15th Day of July Ano 1657 Signed: ffrancis Redford
Teste James Powell
ffebr the 1st 1658
James Powell aged 62 or thereabout Deposed that this above menconed was the bill of ffra: Redford made for three hundred and fiftie pound of tobbo.&c. according to the contents of the said bill. War. Horsmonden
rec. apr 25, 1659.
p.43/p.191 Ordered that the sherr' seize and cause to be Legally valued such cattell of ffrancis Redford as shall satisfie the debt for wc'h the sd Redford is Imprisoned at suite of Wm Gillard and all costs thereof appending, and thereupon release the person of sd prisoner.

VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, Vol. XII, Charles City County Court Orders 1661-1664; Beverley Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961.
p.39/p.360 Jury for Tho: Marston plt & John Griffith deft, included Mr. ffr. Redford. They found for the deft, a hundred pounds of tobbo damage agst the plt.
Rec. ffebr 7 seq'r [1661/2]
p.50/p.376 The Co'rt upon sight of Wm Still serv't to ffrancis Redford adjudged his age to be sixteene yeares.

20 Oct 1665 Robert Evans in Weynock, Charles City Co. received patent for 41 acres on North side of James River beginning at a stake parting Francis Radford & Robt Evans.
PB 5, p.461
And another to Robert Evans of 60 acres. Part of this description says in runs N by W to Kittawan.
On the same day and next page, William and James Lawrence patented 95 acres in Charles City Co at the lower end of Weynock, next to land formerly of Wm Clayes on North side of James. Part of description is running N by W to Kittawan Crk.
[This series of patents places Francis Redford and his wife Ann Lawrence in the same neighborhood.]

Message Board Post:
p. 447 Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1677-1705
"John Pledge of Henrico co., to John Cannon and to heirs, lawfully begotten, of body of his wife Esther Cannon, 50 acres, on Four Mile Creek, next to John Cressy, John Pledge and Francis Redford. 27 June 1687.
Wit: John Hartford, Edmund Leptrot
Signed: John Pledge recorded 1 August 1687

Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 30, #2, p.
Court held at Varina, Henrico Co on 1 Aug 1683, p. 121 (p.63 in original County Record Book, #2, 1678-1693)
Mr. Francis Redford & his Wfe being sumoned by Rich'd Gower in his suit against Robert Sharp and having Attended one day (as witnesses) the sd Redford hath therefore Order granted agst Gower for 80#'s of tobacco, according to law with Costs Also Exec.

Vol 2, p.324 26 Apr 1688 Samuel Moody, 82 acres in Chas. City Co in Wynoak Parish, N side of James River. Begin at edge of Wynoak Marsh, along line of Robt. Evans, dec'd to S edge of Swamp made by Kitawan Creek. Due him as son & Heir of Thomas Moody, sd Samuel in 1663, being an infant, by Guardian Francis Redford, among other inhabitants of Synoak, had an order dated at James City on 16 Sep 1663, enabling them to patent their several parcels whereof they were possessed.

Weynocke Peninsula is not near the Henrico line but is North of the James River. Kittawan Creek runs out of this Peninsula; Flowerdew Hundred Creek is across the James. This land is not the same as that near the Roundabout in Henrico County.

p.61: 5 Aug 1659. 254 acres in Henrico Co on North side of James River, adj his own land; near the round about slash. For transport of 5 persons, one of whom was Jno. MILNER. The others were Rich. Gerrard, Nath. Pertue/Perlue, Wm Stile and Marke Carter. PB 6, p.241.
p.66 26 Oct 1669 Robert Bullington was a neighbor. He received a patent of 100 acres in Henrico Co, N side of James R, adj Mr. Jno. Farrer & Francis Radford. PB 6, p.260.
p.110: 1 Jul 1672 629 acres in Henrico Co, North side of James. 375 acres at the Roundabout Slash. Granted Capt. Wm Farrar & Thos. Liggon who assigned it to Francis Radford on 12 Oct 1665 and to include 254 acres granted Radford 5 Aug 1669. PB 6, p.409.
p.125 13 May 1673 93 acres on line of the Orphans of Garrett at the Roundabout on John Brown & his own land. For transport of 2 persons, one of which was again John MILNER, the other was again Richard Gerrard PB 6, p.451 [It would appear Francis Redford used their transport twice and got away with it.]
p.312 21 Oct 1687 775 acres on North side of great slash called the Roundabout, Robert Sharp's line; Tayler's corner; Redford's house. 630 acres patented 1 Jul 1672 which interfered with adjacent lands and now rectified and 145 acres due for Importation of 3 persons: Susan Dale, Geo. Walker & Richd. Franklin PB 7, p.590
p.319 21 Oct 1687 Thomas Taylor was another neighbor. He patented 1053 acres in Henrico Co at Harahadox on N side James River. by land now or late of John Cox, 4 Mile Creek, over Roundabout Swamp, to land now or late Francis Redford, Burton & Taylor's river land to Harahadox Creek, mouth, at the river. This 631 acres due Thomas Taylor [his uncle late dec'd & descended to sd Thomas]. And 422 acres lying part within & part contiguous due the nephew Thomas for transport of 9 persons. PB 7, p.633.
VA Patent Bk 9,p.287 7 Nov 1700 John Davis. 254A Henrico Co N side James R; adj Francis Radford, Roundabout Slash. Granted Redford 5 Aug 1669, on 1 Jul 1672 joined in patent for 629A and by him DESERTED. Now granted by order.

The Quit Rent Roll of 1704 shows that John Redford owned 775 acres - the amount in the patent of 21 Oct 1687. which did include the 254 acres above.

1 Dec 1693, Henrico Co Court Order: the justices of Charles City were to examine under oath Hon. William Byrd, Esq. in order to assist in proving the Last Will and Testament of Francis Radford, late of this county. On 5 Dec 1693, William Byrd made disposition that the will was that of Francis. Inventory was ordered on 5 March 1694 and returned 5 June 1694.

Francis Redford wrote his will 16 May 1682 and it was proved 1 Feb 1694 in Henrico Co VA. He gave bequests to: grandson in law [step-grandson] Samuel Moody Junr, a horse; personal effects to be divided between wife Anne and sons Francis and John [he stressed that if Francis should be found to be of insufficient capacity to manage his own affairs that Anne whould have his portion to care for him]. Land to be divided between sons after her decease provided Francis is capable. Both sons seemed to be minors at the writing of the will. Wife to be Executrix with Overseers, Lt. Col. John Harris, Robert Bullington, and Samuel Moody. Signed: Francis Redford
Wit: William Byrd, John Farrah, Abbett Gowen
The estate was divided in two parts on 1 Jun 1694 - Jno Redford's name can be read at the top of one column; the given name/initial on the other side is illegible, but is presumably for Francis. The estate was being divided at the request of Mrs. Redford and her son John Redford. Possibly John had reached his majority at this time.
William Randolph, Richard Cocke and William Soane were the commissioners who appraised and divided the property according to the will of Francis Redford.


DeathBef 1 Dec 1693Henrico County, Virginia
MarriageBy Oct 1656Charles City County, Virginia - ANN LAWRENCE


SpouseANN LAWRENCE (1632 - )
ChildFrancis Redford (1667 - )
ChildJOHN REDFORD (1665 - 1752)
