Individual Details

Elizabeth Crawford

(Abt 1673 - 1753)

The Comstock book gives a year of birth as 1656. An alternate birth year for Elizabeth is seen as 1669 - this actually seems more reasonable.
Louisa Co, VA. Court Record dated 9 Aug 1753. Mrs. Elizabeth Meriwether deposed and stated she was aged about 78, indicating a birth year of 1675. IF her children were born when estimated she likely some older.

There is a deed, dated 9 May 1693, when Nicholas Meriwether II of New Kent County, Gentleman, sold 651 acres called Indian Spring to his brother-in-law Francis Clements of Surry Co. Wife Elizabeth relinquished her right of dower and signed her "X". One of the witnesses was David Crafford, either her father or brother.

Named as my loving wife Elizabeth Meriwether in Will of Nicholas in December of 1743. He gave her 100£ sterling money as well as 14 slaves, livestock, household goods to be used for the remainder of her life. Her property to be equally divided among the 7 grandson & 3 granddaughters that bore the Meriwether surname after her death.

Elizabeth's will was written about nine years before it was proved in court. A deposition in Louisa Co Court, 10 Aug 1765, mentions that Sarah Brechin was left very poor after the death of her second husband and chose to live with her sister, Elizabeth Meriwether. Sarah's will was proved 23 March 1753 - perhaps her last illness and death encouraged Elizabeth to make her will.

Elizabeth's will of 2 Mar 1753, left her home place in Louisa Co VA, 2000 acres, to grandson Robert Lewis Jr. The remaining property was divided between her son-in-law Robert Lewis, daughter Ann Cosby & grandson Richard, son of William Meriwether. Louisa WB 1.

Will of Elizabeth (Crawford) Meriwether
Dated 2 March 1753; Recorded: 11 May 1762 in Louisa County, Virginia

In the name of God amen, I, Elizabeth Meriwether of the parish of Fredricksville and County of Louisa in the Colony of Virginia—Knowing the uncertainty of this Life do make & ordain this my last will & Testament in manner & form following:
I do give my soul to Almighty god who gave it me hoping though the ———ments of my beloved saviour Jesus Christ to obtain pardon & remission for all my sins & my body to be Decently Interred at the direction of my Executor hereafter named but not with any Pomp of Show & as for my worldly estate which it hath pleased Almight God to bless me with I give it as followeth after all my just Debts be paid.
Item: I do give and bequeath unto my grandson Robert Lewis, son of Col. Robert Lewis, the plantation whereon I now live together with the three Hundred Acres of Land I Bought of Mrs. Jane Chapman to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I do give and bequeth unto my grandson Robert Lewis, son of Col. Robert Lewis, six hundred acres of Land I took up myself joining the land I bought of Mrs. Jane Chapman to him & his hers forever.
Item: I do give & bequeth unto my Grandson Robert Lewis, son of Col. Robert Lewis, Four Hundred acres of Land I bought of James Lasley to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I do give & bequeth unto my Grandson Robert Lewis, son of Col. Robert Lewis, six cows & calves & six sows & pigs to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I do give & bequeath all the rest of my Estate to be Equally Divided between my Daughter Ann Cosby, my son in law Col. Robert Lewis & my grandson Richard Meriwether son of my son William Meriwether to them & their heirs Forever.
Lastly, I do constitute, appoint & ordain Col. Robert Lewis, Execut. of this my last will & Testament as witness my hand & seal this 2nd day of March 1753.
Elizabeth Meriwether (Seal)
Signed, sealed in presence of us
Henry Tate
James Lasley
Mary (X) Lasley
John Daniel

At a court held for Louisa County on the 11th Day of May 1762 This will was this day proved in open court by the oaths of James Lasley, Mary Lasley and John Daniel, witnesses thereto & by the court admitted to Record & is Recorded.
Teste: James Littlepage, Clerk

Summary Notes
Original transcript found on pages 60-61 of The Meriwethers and their Connections, Nelson Heath Meriwether, 1964.
Will dated 2 March 1753
Witnesses: Henry Tate, James Lasley, Mary Lasley,
Will Recorded: 11 May 1762 in Louisa County, Virginia
Executor: Col. Robert Lewis
Named in the will:
Col. Robert Lewis, son in law & executor of will
Robert Lewis, Grandson, son of Col. Robert Lewis
Ann Cosby, daughter
William Meriwether, son
Richard Meriwether, grandson, son of William
Mrs, Jane Chaman, from whom Anne purchased land
James Lasley, from whom Anne purchased land
Mrs. Jane Chapman might be Anne's granddaughter, Jane Johnson, who married Richard Chapman.


BirthAbt 1673Virginia
Death1753Cloverfield, Louisa County, Virginia
MarriageCapt Nicholas Meriwether II


SpouseCapt Nicholas Meriwether II (1667 - 1744)
ChildThomas Meriwether ( - )
ChildWilliam Meriwether (1688 - 1751)
ChildDavid Meriwether (1689 - 1744)
ChildAnne Meriwether (1694 - 1784)
ChildNicholas Meriwether III (1699 - 1743)
ChildElizabeth Meriwether (1703 - )
ChildJane meriwether (1705 - 1753)
ChildSarah Meriwether ( - 1733)
ChildMary Meriwether ( - 1745)
FatherDAVID CRAWFORD ( - 1710)
MotherJANE [CRAWFORD] (1633 - 1710)
SiblingJudith Crawford (1658 - )
SiblingAngeline Crawford (1660 - 1762)
SiblingDavid Crawford II (1662 - 1762)
SiblingJohn Crawford (1664 - 1689)
SiblingSARAH CRAWFORD (1666 - 1753)
