Individual Details


(12 May 1666 - 1753)

Henning's Statutes. Laws of Virginia, May 1723
Vol 4,p.142 An Act for vesting the Fee-Simple Estate of certain entailed Lands in William Meriwether, gentleman, and for vesting five Negro Slaves, therein mentioned, in Sarah Brechin, and the heirs of her body.

5 Nov 1731. Sarah Breckin of St Paul Parish in Hanover for sum of 64#'s sell to my son John Poindexter of the same, all right & title of Dower in the sd plantation land and premises whereon my son now resides, 400 acres of land, also claim to three Negro women called Sara, Nan and Bess and their increase, the said Negroes being entailed by an Act of Assembly of this Colony, upon the sale of 200 acres of land, part of the tract to Mr. Wm Merrywether.
;Signed: Sarah Breckin. wit: Jos Beckley, Barttelot Anderson.
5 Nov 1731. Sarah Breckin acknowledged the deed and it was admitted to record.

Found in Chancery Court, Louisa Co, VA, between Sarah's heirs. True Copy.
David Crawford, late of the Parish of St. Peter's in the County of New Kent, was in his lifetime seized in fee simple, for and in one neck of land, lying and being in the Parish of St. Paul's in the County of Hanover, containing about five hundred acres, and so being seized, by his certain poll, bearing the date of May 21, 1691, for the natural love and affection which he bore his daughter, Sarah, did give the said land unto his daughter and the heirs of her body, as by said deed more fully may appear, and the said Sarah entered and by vitue of said deed was seized, and intermarried with one Thomas Poindexter, deceased, and by him had issue, John Poindexter, and has since intermarried with one James Breechin, likewise deceased ..."
5 Nov 1731, by her Deed Poll do sell unto the said John Poindexter her son the neck of land & all interest, property, claim... John Poindexter is now seized in consideration of five young Negro Men Slaves & five young Negro Women Slaves hath sold the same to William Meriwether of the County of Hanover, Gentleman. The said John Poindexter is likewise seized in fee simple of 850 acres with appurtenances being upon Elk Creek in Hanover Co which he proposes to settle with the said ten salves in lieu of the said entailed lands & hath applied to this General Assembly for an Act to be passed for that purpose & to confirm the said Sale. Enacted by the present Assembly - survey of 414 acres hereby vested upon the said William Meriwether. John Poindexter & his heirs to be vested in 850 acres - if in default of such issue, to the use of the heirs of the said David Crafford forever. ...shall hold the said Negroes and their increase. If the issue of the body of the said Sarah Brechin shall be extinct, then the Negroes living will be vested in heirs of David Crafford. Shall not liable to be taken for any debts of said Sarah Brechin. Those claiming under the said David Crafford, Sarah Brechin & William Meriwether.

Louisa Co VA Will Book 1, p.27, 27 Mar 1753. Will of Sarah Brechin mentions all nine children including the four by her second husband James Brechin. Son-in-law John Snead is executor.

Louisa Co WB 1, p.26
My transcript - found in the Chancery Court Case, Louisa Co, 1767.
Last Will & Testament of Sarah Brechin Signed 10th June 1752; Proved 23 March 1753. Better copy than the one existing in the Louisa County, Virginia, Will Book 1 (1745-1761), left-hand page of folio 27.
In the name of God Amen I Sarah Brechin of the County of Louisa being Sick and weak in body but of perfect Sence and Memory Blessed be the Almighty God for it, and Considering the Unsartenty of Life and that it is Appointed once for all to Dy. I do Constitute and ordain this my Last Will and Testament Revoaking and Disanuling all and every other will and Wills Whatsoever heretofore made by me, and I Do Declare this only to be my Last will and Testament in Manner and Form following. Imprims first and princapally I Give my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that Gave it me hoping assuredly Throug the meritorious Death and possession of my Blessed redeamer Jesus Christ to Receive free pardon and Remission of all my Sins, Secondly I commit my boddy to the Ground to buried in a Cristian Desent manner According to Directions of my frinds, and as to what estate it hath pleased the almighty God to bless me with be the same Raiel or personal, or in what nature; or Quality Soever - I Give and bequeath in Manner and form Following Item I give and Bequeath my five Negroes By name Lender, Dinah, Duke, Mikie, and Moll to be equilly Devided between my Nine Children that is say John Poindexter, Thomas Poindexter, William Brechin, James Brechin, Susana Snead, Elisabeth Shrosberry, Sarah Rice, Ann Reatherford and Jean Ireland to them and their heirs or assigns forever Item further give and bequeath to my aforesaid Nine Children all my hole and Sole Right and Title to all the negros that I have any property in which Was of my fathers Estate Descending to me as a Coheir to them and their heirs and assigns forever, that is to say, My will and Desire is that my Loving Daughter Susanna Snead Shall have one young Negro to herself before the Division made and after that all the rest to be Equally Divided amongst them all Item I give to my Son William Brechin my bed and furniture Item my Will and Desire is that all my wairing Cloths shall be Equly Divided amongst my five Daughters. Lastly I Do apoint my Son Thomas Poindexter and my Son in Law John Snead Hole and Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament In Witness hereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Tenth Day of June in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand Seven Hundred and fifty two.
Signed: Sarah (her S mark) Brechin
Charles (his C mark) Parrot
Jon (his mark -the symbol seen for J) hsc
Samuel hsc

At a Court held for Louisa County on Tuesday the 23 day of March 1753. This Will was their proved in open Court by the Oath of Charles Parrot, one of the Witnesses thereto, & by the Court admitted to record and is Recorded. Teste Jas. Littlepage, Clk

In 1765 a James Smith testified in Chancery Court that he was one of the witnesses - however he testified to several bequests that didn't exist in the will.


Birth12 May 1666New Kent County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1695New Kent County, Virginia - THOMAS POINDEXTER
Marriage1711Rev. James Brechin
Death1753Louisa County, Virginia


SpouseTHOMAS POINDEXTER (1664 - 1707)
ChildJohn Poindexter (1696 - 1753)
ChildSusanna Poindexter (1696 - 1741)
ChildElizabeth Poindexter (1699 - 1753)
ChildSarah Poindexter (1702 - )
ChildTHOMAS POINDEXTER (1705 - 1796)
SpouseRev. James Brechin ( - 1722)
ChildWilliam Brechin ( - )
ChildJames Brechin ( - )
ChildAnn Brechin ( - )
ChildJean Brechin ( - )
FatherDAVID CRAWFORD ( - 1710)
MotherJANE [CRAWFORD] (1633 - 1710)
SiblingJudith Crawford (1658 - )
SiblingAngeline Crawford (1660 - 1762)
SiblingDavid Crawford II (1662 - 1762)
SiblingJohn Crawford (1664 - 1689)
SiblingElizabeth Crawford (1673 - 1753)
