Individual Details

Rev. James Brechin

( - Abt Mar 1722)

James Brechin received Northern Neck grants in what was then Stafford County for quite a number of acres. One of these includes the description "falls of the Potomack" as mentioned in his Will - land given his sons William & James. He likely sold some of the land - sales would be in county deed books. I also found later grants, after his death, showing that this was indeed Rev. James because he is referred to as Parson Brechin. These grants may be found at the Library of Virginia website but the pages listed for the Northern Neck grants in some of the books don't match and you have to go to the chronological list of grants to find these, then download them to be able to read them.

6 Jan 1716/1717 352 acres to Mr. James Brechin of Westmoreland Co on the North run of the Pohick, and on the lower side of a small branch issuing out of the run, in Stafford Co. The warrant was issued 12 Nov 1713 and surveyed by Thomas Hooper, surveyor. No neighbors are given, only metes and bounds.
Northern Neck Grant Book 5, p.47 [shows p.29 on website], p.48 has the survey.

20 Dec 1716 795 acres to Mr. James Brechin of Westmoreland Co. Warrant issued 22 Mar 1714; surveyed by Thomas Hooper, surveyor. Land lying about two miles below the falls of Potomack river in Stafford County. Adjacent tract of land granted Thos. Going for 653 acres now in the possession of Mr. Joseph Chapman & Mr. Wm. Seal of Westmoreland. By the side of a sunken piece of ground.
NNGB 5, p.75 [shows p.44 on website]; survey on p.76

26 Dec 1716 568 acres to Mr. James Brechin of Westmoreland Co. Warrant issued 27 Sep 1714. Surveyed by Thomas Hooper. Being on a branch issuing out of the South side of Accotink run, called the Long Branch in Stafford Co. Again no neighbors noted.
NNGB 5, p.86 [shows p.50 on website]; survey on p.87

15 Nov 1717 425 acres to James Brechin of Westmoreland. Warrant obtained and surveyed made. In Stafford Co. Corner to another tract of said Brechin's land.
NNGB 5, p.412 [shows p.236 on website]; no survey found.

Now the following grants which are accessed easier and by the usual method pf searching on the name, mention James Brechin. The fact that he is mentioned after his death is likely because his land is described in the earlier surveys and grants. This happens often. Quite likely other references could be found if the grants of all the neighbors mentioned in these grants were examined. There is always additional data within a grant that does not appear in the abstract on the website.

James Robertson received a grant 27 Feb 1728/29 in Stafford Co for 800 acres between the land of Parson Brechine, Col. George Mason, and Robertson's own land, beginning on the northside of Wampokin Branch.
NNGB B, p.191

Capt. Simon Pearson had a grant dated 18 Feb 1729 in Stafford Co for 195 acres adjacent lands of Thomas Going, Parson Brechin, and Col. George Mason. The description also refers to the Potomac riverside.
NNGB C, p.28

John Wilkinson received a grant many years later, 26 Oct 1795, in what was by then Fairfax Co. He got 122 acres. He was described as John Wilkinson, devisee of Benjamin Wilkinson, deceased. The land had been surveyed fifty years earlier, 13 Dec 1745. It was adjacent to land granted Rev. James Brecken, 352 acres, grant dated 6 Jan 1716/17. Also a tract of 171 acres granted John Wheeler, and land granted Ward near Piney branch.
NNGB W, p.605-606

Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Five 1713-1715
John Frederick Dorman 1992

p.26 1 Apr 1714 Motion of Rev. James Brechin, Clerk, it is ordered that Mr. William Dare be recorded as his attorney.

p.50 29 Jul 1714 James Brechin, Clerk brought suit agst Francis Spencer for slander to the damage of 500# sterling. Defendant pled not guilty. Jury called and found for the plaintiff 20sh damage. The fine that assest by law in cases of like nature.
William Potter gave evidence and attended four days. Brechin to pay him 160# tobo with costs
Frances Potter, wife of William, etc. to be paid the same
Samuel Wilson summoned as evidence, three days - James Brechin pay him 120#'s tobo with costs
John Paince, etc. four days, 160#'s with costs
Thomas Beach, etc. two days, 80#'s with costs
Robert Martin, servant to James Brechin, Clerk, summoned two days Francis [?] to pay 80#'s for his servant's attendance with costs

p.65 25 Nov 1714 Motion of Rev. James Brechin, ordered defeasance from John Champ to him be recorded.

Part Six 1717-1717

p.25 1 Jun 1716 Rev. James Brechin, Clk. Discharge from Francis Atwell Junr to him for a quantity of tobacco be entered on record.

p.38 1 Jun 1716 Alexr. Parker brought suite agst James Brechin, Clerk for 4624# tobo due by account and the Sheriff returned cepi corpus, Samuel Rust security. The defendant failed to appear, conditional order passed agst security for the debt

p.48 30 Aug 1716 Harmon Youell & James Brechin, Clerk, came into Court & mutually agreed & requested that members therof adjudge and direct with tobaccos James should disburs and pay to Youell to end what difference might arise between them by means of the Court's judgement in a difference between John Dixon & Harman Youell who had purchased Dixon from James as a servant. Court orders Brechin pay Youell 500#'s tobo for the decision of all further differences.

Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Seven 1717-1718
John Frederick Dorman 1992

p.25 29 Aug 1717 Judgment granted Youell Watkins agst John Awbrey & Thos. Sorrell, executors of John Ersin for 1390# tobo due by Erwin's assumption and by testimony of Rev. James Brechin, Clerk, proved to be by him allowed Erwin on acct of the plaintiff's demand. Ordered the executors pay the same out of testator's estate with costs.

p.35 26 Sep 1717 Commanded Henry Ashton, Sheriff to summon James Brechin, Clerk for debt of 1800# tobo answerable to Robert Vaulx. Sheriff returned cepi corpus. The defendant failed to appear and no bail returned, conditional order passed against the sheriff.

p.79 31 Jul 1718 Judgment granted Robert Vaulx agst James Brechin, Clerk for 2# payable in a store of 400# tobo, due on balance of a bill past by the defendant to Charles Chilton. Order to pay the same with costs.

p.88 25 Sep 1718 Joseph Taylor vs. Barbara Appleyard 920# tobacco. Conditional order vs. James Brechin, security

Part Eight 1718-1721

p.6 27 Nov 1718 [more about case of Barbara Appleyard.] The defendant failed to appear, order passed agst security for the sum. It is ordered James Brechin pay to Joseph Taylor 920# of tobo with costs

p.57 30 Mar 1720 LW&T of John Bushrod presented in court by Hannah Bushrod his executrx & proved by John Awbrey, Eliza. Morell and James Brechin. Certificate granted her for probate and ordered to return an inventory.

p.62 29 Jun 1720 Betty, a Negro slave to Rev. James Brechin, Clerk adj to be nine years of age.

Westmoreland Co VA Orders 1721-1724
F. Edward Wright 2007
p.39 3 Mar 1721/2 [I found at least 15 suits for debts agst Sarah Brechin as Extx of James Brechin Clk. Dec'd.]

p.43 28 Mar 1722 LW&T of Rev. James Brechin clk dec presented in Court Febry last by Sarah his relict and one of his extrs who made oath thereto. Proved by oaths of two of witnesses and admitted to record; probate referr'd. Sarah Brechin, George Turbervile & Thomas Sorrell, exrs in the will nominated in open court refuse to undertake the burthen. On motion of John Poindexter [greatest creditor to sd dec'd estate] - certificate is granted for Letters of Administration. Youell Watkins, John Awbrey, Own Brinnon & Thomas Nickolls assmed securities. Youll Watkins, Francis Attwell, Wm Chandler & John Awbrey or any three to appraise sd estate in money and make report.

p.70 Aug 30 1722
John Poindexter admin with the will annext of James Brechin clk dec'd vs Wm Walker. 20.19.6

p.109 25 Apr 1723 Francis Awbrey said that James Brechin did in his lifetime agree to let him have the use of a servant man named Saml. Main, which Brechin had hired to the said Awbrey for a certain time until such as the sd Brechin should pay Awbrey 9# sterling. It is the opinion of the Court that Awbrey retain & keep the servant, until Brechins admin pay him or so long as the said servant hath to serve.

p.119 31 Jul 1723 John Poindexter enters Geo Eskridge his atty in all causes for or against him that shall be depending in this county

p.132 29 Aug 1723
Thomas Barnes vs. Jno Poundexter admr James Brechin clk dec'd Case for 2938 ½ # tobo. Writ of enquiry of damages at the next Court

p.135 29 Aug 1723 [at least 13 suits brought against Jno Poinexter or Sarah Brechin for debts agst estate of Rev. James]

p.166 25 Mar 1724 Case brought by John Poindexter, admr with Will annexed of James Brechin Clerk dec'd agt William Walker, mariner. It is ordered that Youell Watkins before the next court settle & adjust all accounts bet plft & defendt relating to the said suit and make report of their proceedings to the next court
[Note: their disagreements had been ongoing since 25 Apr 1722]

Wills of Westmoreland Co VA 1654-1800
Augusta B. Fothergill
Appeals Press; 1925
Francis Spencer of Cople Parish, gentleman. 3 Dec 1715; Jul 1720
100 £ sterling & 10,000 #'s tobo to my bro. John's daughter Frances Spencer. to Rev. James Breechin 2 suits of clothes; friend Daniel McCarty residue of estate after 1 negro Sam to George Eskridge, Jr.

Rev James Breechin Will dated 19 October 1721; proved 6 April 1722.
My late wife Ann; sons William and James land at falls of Potomac; to Mr. John Rele 50 acres; to Dennis Lynsey 100 acres of land; to Thomas Poindexter 300 acres of land; dau Anna and Jane land; to James and Anna Sorrell 1 hogshead tobacco each; Kinsman Thomas Sorrel a mourning ring; wife and Capt. George Turbrville exrs., the latter to have a mourning ring; wife Sarah personal estate.

Brechin is said buried next to his (first) wife Anna in Westmoreland County, VA, the date of death 28 Mar 1722 - he had requested to be buried next to her in the Will.
Westmoreland Co. Willbook & Deeds 7-1720-1723 Reel 5
Probate March 28, 1722 Pages 346-348
Will of James Brechin Westmoreland Co. Va. 19 Oct. 1721
In the Name of God Amen I James Brechin of the parish of Cople in the County of Westmoreland----being weak of body do make this my last Will and Testement in manor and form following revoking all former Wills and Testements by me made dated in Virginia the 19th Day of Oct. In the eight year of his Majesty King George's Reign Anona Dom 1721 Impe: I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me hoping by his infinite mercy and by My dear Savour Jesus Christ his intercession and by the works of his passion I shall at the last day be reunited to my body and glorified and I will that my body have a Christian and descent burial by my late wife Anna on the plantation where I formerly lived
ITEM: I will that all my just debts be fully paid as soon as may be. And as for my goods with which it hath pleased my good God to Bless me beyond any want of mine. I give and bequeath them together with my lands as follows (viz)
ITEM: I give and bequeath to my two sons William Brechen and James Brechen and to there heirs James, my lot of land at the Falls of Potomack to be equally divided between them.
ITEM: I give and bequeath to Mr. John Rele and his heirs for ever, 50 acres of land lying on the left hand of my old pattent ajoining to the land that I took up.
ITEM: I give and bequeath to Dennis Lynsey and to his heirs forever 100 acres of land ajourning the above 50 bequeathed to John Rele
ITEM: I give and bequeath to Thomas Poindexter and to his heirs forever 300 acres of land ajourning to that bequeathed to Dennis Lynsey
ITEM: I give and bequeath all the rest of my land where the said Anna and Griffin Liveth to my said sons William and James and daughters Anna and Jane and their heirs forever equally to be divided amongst them all
ITEM: I give and bequeath to James Sorrell and Anna Sorrell each a ------ of Tobacco
ITEM: I give and bequeath all my personal estate (except Negro Robin if he should be accounted such) to my loving wife Sarah during her natural life and then my will is the same be equally divided amongst all my children above named, I give and bequeath to my esteamed friend Capt. George Turbervile a Mourning Ring of a quince value and to my kinsman Thomas Sorrell one other of the like value.
Lastly, I nominate and appoint my loving wife Sarah, Capt. George Turbervile and Thomas Sorrell to be full whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testement. In Testemony where and that this is my last Will and Testement I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first within on the other side written.
James Brechin (seal ) sealed and acknowledged in the presence of J. Wright, John Rele, William Martin witnesses
At a Court held for the said county the 28th day of March 1722. The last Will and Testement of James Brechin deceased was presented at court by Sarah one of his executors who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of John Wright and William Martin two of the Witnesses thereto consent to serve and for that the said Sarah and George Turbervile, gentl. and Thomas Sorrell the other executor in the said Will nominated, in open Court refused to under take the burthen of the estate therof, Upon motion of John Poindexter the Greatest Crediter to the said Testators estate and his performing what is usual in such cases, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of _____ on the estate with Will Axnnexed in due form.

Found online is a persistent relationship between the Rev. Brechin and the Sorrell family. Sorrell research has placed as the wife of a John Sorrell, one Ann Brechin. John is known to have had a son Thomas. The Thomas Sorrell [I don't know who made the transcription and read the name as "Snell" above - a bit of online sleuthing shows that the name Sorrell is found in Westmoreland in this time period, but I could find no one named Snell. Abstracts of this will show Sorrell.] of the above will, was a grown man, likely married, considered responsible enough by Brechin to serve as an advisor to his wife. If Thomas was a grandson, a mature man in 1721, it would make Brechin considerably older than Sarah Crawford and he would have to have had two families and two daughters named Ann. Databases online estimate Ann, wife of John Sorrell as born 1640's-1650's - if so, and she was the daughter of the Rev. James Brechin, Brechin would have been something like 90-100 years old when he wrote his will. Since the man was actively purchasing land, having several children, obviously in the prime of his middle years, just prior to his death, this makes no sense whatever. IF the wife of John Sorrell was an Ann Brechin who was also the mother of Thomas, she wasn't the daughter of the Rev. James Brechin. Apparently the will of James Brechin was interpreted by some to indicate that the William and James named in his will were sons of an earlier marriage, and the Sorrells named were children of a deceased daughter named Ann. Since Sarah's later will [which Sorrell researchers may not have found since by then Sarah was in Lousia County] makes plain that William and James were her sons, Ann and Jean/Joan her daughters; and given the bequests the Sorrells received, the will was undoubtedly misunderstood. I doubt that there was any proof of the surname of the wife of John Sorrell other than this mis-connection.


DeathAbt Mar 1722Westmoreland County, Virginia


SpouseSARAH CRAWFORD (1666 - 1753)
ChildWilliam Brechin ( - )
ChildJames Brechin ( - )
ChildAnn Brechin ( - )
ChildJean Brechin ( - )
