Individual Details


(2 Oct 1705 - 8 May 1796)

Bible record gives date of birth as 5 Jul 1705.

[Given the apporximate birth years of the children, I would think this marriage date as before 1723, as usually seen, is a bit too early. Circa 1728 would seem more realistic.]

Prince William Co VA
Deed Book Liber A 1731-1732
Deed Book Liber B 1732-1735
Abstracted by June Whitehurst Johnson, 1982
p.56 Bk B, p.202-203 7 Mar 1733 Thomas Poindexter of Hanover, house carpenter, to Lawrence McNemarr of Co of Westmoreland for 7820#'s of Tobo. 300a given to Thomas Poindexter by Rev. James Brechin, Clerk late of Cople Parish, West. Co. by his will dated 19 Oct 1721. On run called Pohick Run. Signed: Thomas Poindexter
20 Mar 1733. Poindexter acknowledged

p.56 Bk B, p.203-204 Thomas Poindexter of Hanover do stand indebted to Lawrence McNemarr of West. Co. in cum of 15,640#'s of tob 7 Mar 1733. Keep all convenants and agreements in indenture above. Signed: Thomas Poindexter

On 20 Jul 1738 a Thomas Poindexter purchased 400 acres in Hanover Co, and 400 acres adjoining. 27 Sep 1739 bought 1000 acres in Hanover Co. 16 Aug 1752 patented 400 acres in Louisa Co. (The earlier tracts in Hanover Co were likely in that part which became Louisa Co in 1742.)

Louisa Co DB A, p.94
6 Aug 1743 John Macgehee of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa to Thomas Poindexter. Plantation where sd Poindexter now lives together with 100 acres adjoining, corner of William Wilkins/Williams, Thomas Graves, John Macgehee, William Wilkins/Williams on south side of a hill. Ack 8 Aug 1743. Anne, wife, relinquished dower.

DB: A, Page: 261
Date: 28-Oct-1746 John Poindexter, David Cosby and Thomas Poindexter witnessed to deed John Winston of Hanover Co. to James Winston of Louisa Co

DB A, p.225
27 May 1746 John Snead of Hanover to Thomas Poindexter of Louisa. for 30#'s. Tract in Louisa joining a parcel taken up by John Poindexter on the southwest side of the Piney Mountain begin at Poindexters corner pine; along his line. Sd land granted to John Snead by patent dated 16 Jun 1745. 400 acres. Signed: John Snead. Wit: Chas Bickley, William Tait, George Thomson

p.265 28 Oct 1746. John Winston of Hanover to James Winston of Louisa. 75#'s. All that division of land that was him the said John Winston by his father the William Winston in his last will & testament. Land on north fork of Elk Creek and main of Sedgey Creek, by patent dated 17 Aug 1725. Signed: John Winston. wit: John Poindexter, David Cosby, Thomas Poindexter.

p.300 4 Mar 1747 Thomas Poindexter of St. Martin's and Sarah his wife to William Harris. For 43#'s. 100 acres which Poindexter bought of John Macgehee, corner of William Wilkins, Thomas Graves line, south side of the Great Rocky Creek, John Macgehee and William Wilkins line. signed: Thos. Poindexter, Sarah (x) Poindexter Wit: Capt Wm. Kembrow, Richard David, John Webb Sarah examined apart from her husband.

p.333 29 Jan 1748 Thomas Poindexter & Sarah his wife of Louisa to Simon Ramsey. 95#'s. 400 acres. at Thomas Poindexter's corner pine; Poindexter's corner. signed Thos. Poindexter Wit: Richd Haggard; Benj. Thomson?? Sarah examined separately.

Louisa Co VA DB A, p.347-348
27 Jun 1749 Edward & Elizabeth Lane of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co to Thomas Poindexter. For 70£, 400 acres in the fork of the Little River. Bounded: Benjamin Brown's corner White Oak in Dumas's line, along Brown's line; for of Rocky Branch; along Dumas's line. Signed: Edward Lane, Elizabeth Lane
Wit: William Pollard, George Thomason, Israel Snead.
Acknowledged by Edward Lane, Elizabeth released dower, in open court.

Louisa Co VA Deed Book A-452 31 Jan 1751 Robert Harris of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co gave a 400 acres plantation where Robert was then living to his son Tyree Harris. Tract in Fredericksville Parich, Thomas Poindexter's corner, head of Rocky branch; John Street's line, John Matlock's line by main branch of Hiccory Bear Creek, Thomas Thompson's corner, John Wollum's [William?] line ...tract granted to John Blair 17 Mary 1736 and sold to Benjamin Harris & Sarah his wife to Sd. Robert Harris on 25 Ju 1745.

p.500 7 Feb 1753 Saml Ragland of St Martins Parish to Thomas Poindexter of same. 103 #'s. 840/850 acres, lower side Chamberlaynes Creek and the branches thereof in Fredericksville Parish. Begin Francis Smithsons corner; on Chamberlaynes Creek; Robert Davis's corner, his line; Meriwether line; John Raglands corner Signed: Saml Ragland.
p.504 27 Mar 1753 Thomas Poindexter of Fredericksville Parish to Saml. Ragland of St. Martins. 103#'s. Land on lower side Chamberlayne's Creek. 841 acres, part of greater quantity granted John Ragland by patent 29 Apr 1752. Signed: Thomas Poindexter

Louisa Co DB A,
p.521 28 Aug 1753. Edward Lane, planter, to Thomas Poindexter, planter. Fore pounds current money. Land on branch of Little river,commonly called Rockey Branch. 100 acres. Begin John Woolums's corner, Thomas Thompsons line; Temperance Yanceys line; Thomas Poindexter's line; Woolum's line to the beginning. Signed Edward Lane.
Wit: John Snead, William Thomason, James Johnson. 28 Aug 1753, Ack. By Edward Lane.

Louisa Co VA DB B
p.69 25 Mar 1755 Thomas Poindexter the elder of Fredricksville Parish, Louisa to Vincent Tulloh of same. For natural love to his son-in-law and 5 sh. Tract of land where Thomas Poindexter now lives. Bounded by Richard Bullocks, Edward Bullocks & John Streets, their corner; north fork of Rocky Branch; new line; Edward Bullocks line; 100 acres. Signed: Thomas Poindexter. Wit: J. Norris, Benjamin Goodman, John Poindexter 26 Aug 1755 ack. By Poindexter.

7 June 1755 Thomas Poindexter the Elder, William Brechen & James Brechin of the County of Louis, John Rutherford and Anne his wife of the County of Hanover in consideration of 20#'s sell to John Snead of Hanover Co our right and title to five Negros, Lender, Dinah, Duke, Milly & Mary, lately bequeathed by the las will of Sarah Brechin, late of Louis Co, to be divided among us and rest of her children. Signed: Thos. Poindeter, William Breckin, James Brechin, John Rotherford, anne (A) Rotherford
Wit: Samuel Shrewbury, Daniel (X) Comrad

Louisa DB B, p.325
27 Aug 1759 Thomas Poindexter & Sarah his wife of Fredericksville, Louisa Co to John Bullock. 25 #'s for 81 acres. Signed: Thomas Poindexter, Sarah (X) Poindexter. Rec. 28 Aug 1759. Sarah released dower.
Louisa DB B, p.326
1 Aug 1759 Thomas & Sarah Poindexter to James Terry, 200 acres on S fork Rocky Branch. Part of track where Thomas now lives. Rec. 28 Aug 1759; Sarah released dower.

Louisa DB C 1/2
John Brickley & Anthony Thomson are bound to Samuel Ragland, James Overton & Thomas Poindexter of Louisa, Gentlemen, sitting Justices of the Peace, in the sum of 100#'s. They have let the Bridge across the Northanna River called Carrs Bridge to John Brickley to be built by him for 37p 10sh. To be completed 1 Oct next. To be kept in good repair for seven years
11 Aug 1764 ..Acknowledged by Brickley & Thomson in open court.

One of the Thomas Poindexters in Louisa Co was a Justice of the Peace - either this man or his nephew:
Louisa DB D
p.145 William Garrett, Thomas Poindexter & Nathaniel Garland, gentleman Justices of Louisa Co to examine Martha, wife of Benjamin Lewis to release dower 23 Nov 10th year of reign. Return 17 Nov 1773.

Louisa Co VA Deed Books E & F 1774-1790, Rosalie Edith Davis
p.17 DB E, p.148 Thomas Poindexter of Trinity Par Louisa Co to Bond Veal Poindexter his son for love & affection. 85 acres, John Wooliams corner near the Main Rd. James Terrys corner, Widow Nancy Yanceys fence. Signed: Thos. Poindexter, Sarah (x) Poindexter Wit: Wm Pettit, John Gibson, Richd Swift, David Hicks
12 May 1777 proved by two. 14 Jul 1777 proved by John Gibson.

The following records are likely those of this Thomas. By 1758, Thomas III was old enough to create these records, but he had apparently left Louisa Co as he married in Goochland Co in 1760. However there was also a nephew, Thomas in Louisa - son of John & Christian Poindexter.
"Extracts from Louisa Guardian Settlements Booklet", 1751-1766:
p.31 Humphrey Bickley, executor of the Will of Charles Bickley. Thomas Poindexter was a witness. Probate 28, Mar 1758.
p.32 Thomas Wyat, Bond for the Orphan's estate. William Plummer Thurston & Mary Thurston, orphans of John Thurston. Signed by Thomas Poindexter, 28 Mar 1758
p.137 Robert Fleming, Executor of Robert Fleming, dec'd., probate 14 Aug 1764. Signed by Thomas Poindexter..
The Comstock book states he was Justice of Louisa Co 1763-73. The Bond for Thomas Wyatt in 1758 indicates he may have been Justice a bit earlier.

Virginia Gazette, 8 Aug 1766, p.3, Col. 2
15 Jul 1766
Run away from the Subscriber, In Goochland County, the 29th June, a tall black Negro Man named Jack, about 35 years of Age, his Head is grey, his Beard thin, and his Teeth gook, speaks plain for an African born, but avoids looking in the face of them he s speaking to as much as possible. Had on a Cotton Jacket, a soarse Felt Hat, Osnabrigs Shirt, and Roll trowsers, all about half worn. He is apt to change his Name, and will probably change his Dress also, if he can get an Opportunity of stealing another. He is apt to break Prison, or make his Escape from a Costable.
Whoever secures the said Negro, so that he may be had again, shall have Twenty Shillings Reward, besides what the Law allows, paid by:
Thomas Poindexter
Note: this is likely this Thomas's record, even though the slave escaped in Goochland.

At this point, the Poindexter: A Norman Family book says Thomas Poindexter apparently never married. Says he was still living in 1765. This is of course, very wrong.

Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 7, #3, p.52
"Louisa County, Virginia, Chancery Suits. Judgments, August 1767
Sneed vs. Poindexter's Exor's.
Copy of deed in file: 5 Mar 1731, recorded Hanover Co 5 Nov 1731:
Sarah Bricken of St. Paul's Parish, Hanover, to son John Poindexter of same. Her dower right in the plantation where he now resides. 400 acres. Also claim to Negroes Sarah, Nan & Bess; said Negroes being entailed by the Court of Assembly, long since made upon the sale of 200 acres, part of the aforesaid to Mr. William Merriwether. Signed: Sarah Brechin
Wit: Jos. Bickley, Barttelot Anderson
Copy of deed in file: 29 Nov 1752. Sarah Brechin of Louisa Co VA to John Snead of Hanover. 1 Negro boy, Duek. 20#'s. signed: Sarah (S) Brechin
Sit: Thos. Poindexter, James Brechin, Ann (A) Reatherford
9 Aug 1753 Deposition of Mrs. Elizabeth Meriwether, aged about 78, mentioned son, William Meriwether
Copy of deed: 7 June 1755. Thomas Poindexter, the elder, William Brechin, James Brechin of Louisa Co, VA, John Rutherford & Ann his wife of Hanover, VA to John Snead of Hanover. 20#'s. Certain slaves devised in the will of Sarah Brechin of Louisa Co, dec'd to be divided between the rest of her children. Signed: Thos. Poindexter, William Brechin, James Brechin, John Rotherford, Anne (A) Rotherford
Wit: Samuel Shrewsburg, David Corneal
Undated Statement of John Snead & Susanna his wife, daughter of Sarah Brechin, dec'd. About 1752 said Sarah Brechin made her will naming her nine children, to wit: John Poindexter, Thomas Poindexter, William Brechin,James Brechin, Susanna Snead, Elizabeth Throsbery, Sarah Rice, Ann Rutherford, and Jane Ireland, and did bequeath slaves which she had of her father's estate.
19 Mar 1765. Deposition of James Brechin, aged about 50, taken in Amelia Co, VA
10 Aug 1765. Deposition of George Thomason, aged about 63, who was overseer for Capt. Poindexter, son of Sarah Breching. Said Capt. Poindexter offered to build a house for Sarah Brechin, along with 60 acres of land for her use. Said Sarah Brechin was left very poor after the death of her second husband. she chose to live with her sister, Elizabeth Meriwether.
Christian Poindexter was one of the defendants - no notes follow this statement. She was the wife of Sarah's deceased son, John Poindexter.
15 Mar 1675 Thos. Poindexter gave deposition and stated he was then age 60 years. Present were John Snead and Christian Poindexter. He said he had nothing to gain or lose in the suit between John Snead & Christian Poindexter, Thomas Poindexter, and Robt Anderson, Executors of John Poindexter, dec'd, Thomas Burrus, William Philips and James Michie..
2nd undated Deposition of Thos. Poindexter. He has heard his brother and mother say that there was 60 ared laid off to her. His mother had a house upon the said land and lived there some time. Part of the apple orchard that she made use of and son John made use of the other part. He heard that his said Mother had left him a Legacy in his will, that he told the said Snead that he couldn't be a witness except he received some satisfaction upon which the said Snead gave him three or four yards of Virginia Cloth for his said right to the Legacy left him in his said Mother's will and this deponent further sayeth not. Thomas Poindexter. Wit: James Overton, Sam Ragland.

Sarah Brechin died testate in Louisa Co, VA, 1753
[contributed to the publication by Mrs. Robert F. Woodson] by subscription; accessed 28 May 2011
The Virginia Genealogist
"British Mercantile Claims; 1775-1803" [These claims involved debts owed British merchants when British property was confiscated during the Revolution. Not until around 1800 were special agents assigned to investigate individual debts and determine the status. The records found in the Public Record Office, London.]
Vol. 15, p.201-202 1971
Thos. Poindexter, Louisa. £45.12.5 by bond, Fredericksburg Store. There were two persons of this name in Louisa before the war. One of them died about two years ago, a very old and a very poor man, and left no estate of any kind. He was never able to have paid this debt. An order of the Court of Louisa exempted him from the payment of county and public levies as early as 1768. [obviously this Thomas] The other Thomas Poindexter was always worth a very considerable estate and at the commencement of the war he had no less than fifty slaves in his possession, besides lands and other personal property. he moved to Kentucky in 1787 and died in Franklin County in 1797 and left property sufficient to pay his debts. It is impossible the supposed debt was due from him. John Poindexter, clerk of Louisa, is a relation of both Thomas Poindexters.


Birth2 Oct 1705New Kent County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1728SARAH (?Bond) VEALE
Death8 May 1796Fredericksville Parish, Louisa County, Virginia


SpouseSARAH (?Bond) VEALE (1707 - )
ChildWilliam Poindexter (1729 - 1797)
Child? John Poindexter ( - 1772)
ChildFrances Poindexter ( - 1807)
Child[Capt] THOMAS POINDEXTER (1733 - 1807)
ChildBond Veale Poindexter (1735 - 1812)
ChildElizabeth Poindexter (1747 - 1785)
FatherTHOMAS POINDEXTER (1664 - 1707)
MotherSARAH CRAWFORD (1666 - 1753)
SiblingJohn Poindexter (1696 - 1753)
SiblingSusanna Poindexter (1696 - 1741)
SiblingElizabeth Poindexter (1699 - 1753)
SiblingSarah Poindexter (1702 - )
