Individual Details


(Abt 1707 - )

Please note that this is not the usual set of "accepted" parents for Sarah Veale. My own interpretation and opinion of the records follows.

Sarah, wife of Thomas Poindexter [1705-1795] may have been Sarah Bond Veale or Bondaville according to some. There are various stabs at spelling Sarah's surname, possibly derived from the fact she named a son Bondville or Bond Veale Poindexter. Her parents have been said to be Bond Veale and Elizabeth Gosling [of Westmoreland & Prince William Cos. VA] but this has not been proved, and in fact the evidence I have seen concerning Bond Veale would indicate he was more of an age to be a brother or cousin to Sarah rather than her father. I have never seen a date or primary source for the supposed marriage of a Bond Veale and Elizabeth Gosling. [I've never seen any authority for her birth year and it is likely an estimate placing her age near her husband's.] and all references seem to be second hand. It is certain Bond Veale of Westmoreland/Prince William was not yet 18 when his father wrote his will in 1718. I also suspect her name was simply Sarah Veale. Although a Veale website, very well done, leaves no place for her, I have located a definite possibility as a sister to Bond Veale, not noted by their collaborative research.

Note: At Ancestry in the database "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900", there is a marriage of Bond Veal to Elizabeth Gosling. However this collection of records published by Generations Network in 2004 was "extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie." In other words, these records came from many sources which would be considered unreliable without backup sources - there is nothing primary about this publication.

I received the following message by email but it cannot be verified and, in fact, I have strong indications it is a much different Sarah Veale in question:

"In the Thomas Brauch Library, Leesburg, Loudoun County, Virginia, Charles Sweet located an old paper titled: "The Illegitimates of Loudoun County, Virginia (this is a polite name of this paper). Prior I had a conversation with Jimmy Veal of Valdosta, Georgia; he had indicated that Carnaby Veal had cohabited with another mans wife. At this time I believed this to be Bond Veale and not Carnaby Veal. This is the only writing that has been found placing her name as SARAH "SARA" BOND VILLE.
SALLY REID'S sister cohabits with BOND le VILLE out of wedlock, the child was named SARAH "SARA" BOND VILLE. SALLY REID removed to Ohio leaving the child SARAH VILLE to be raised by SARAH REID, her sister and her husband [SIR] JAMES WAUGH until she reached maturity. "

First of all, I discovered that the Library is the Thomas Balch Library, not Brauch. Loudoun Co was formed many years after the birth of Sarah Veale, wife of Thomas Poindexter - and Ohio did not yet exist. Mr. Sweet who found this paper is deceased and cannot be consulted. An inquiry to the Library revealed no manuscript of any such title, but there was a book, Apprentices, Poor Children and Bastards, Loudoun County, VA by Louisa Skinner Hutchison; Willow Bend Books, 2000.
On p.152 was the following which would of course refer to a Sarah Veale of a much later time: "Sarah Veale - female b. 9 Dec 1784. Reuben Reed, adjudged father to pay 8 pounds per yr for 7 yrs for support of child."
Given the fact that the Reed name also appears, I believe there has been a subsequent serious misinterpretation even if Mr. Sweet found a paper concerning this court proceeding that Ms. Hutchison used for her book. A record in the mid 1780's could indeed refer to Ohio - a record circa 1705-1710 would not.

Thomas Poindexter was living in Hanover Co at this time but had deeds recorded in Prince William at the same time as Bond Veale in Prince William. Thomas was a stepson of the Rev. James Brechin who had lived in Westmoreland Co.

Prince William Co VA
Deed Book Liber A 1731-1732
Deed Book Liber B 1732-1735
Abstracted by June Whitehurst Johnson, 1982
p.56 Bk B, p.202-203 7 Mar 1733 Thomas Poindexter of Hanover, house carpenter, to Lawrence McNemarr of Co of Westmoreland for 7820#'s of Tobo. 300a given to Thomas Poindexter by Rev. James Brechin, Clerk late of Cople Parish, West. Co. by hiw will dated 19 Oct 1721. On run called Pohick Run. Signed: Thomas Poindexter
20 Mar 1733. Poindexter acknowledged

p.56 Bk B, p.203-204 Thomas Poindexter of Hanover do stand indebted to Lawrence McNemarr of West. Co. in cum of 15,640#'s of tob 7 Mar 1733. Keep all convenants and agreements in indenture above. Signed: Thomas Poindexter

To date, this is the earliest record I've found for Bond Veal:
p.61 Bk B, p.252-255 19 Mar 1733 Bond Veal of Pr. Wm. Planter to Richard Blackburn of same, carpenter. 130a Hamilton Parish on Little Cr, north side of South Br in Burbidges line. Part of 275a given by John Veal of Westmoreland Co in his will dated 21 Nov 1718 to John Veale & Morris Veal in these words: I give all my land in Stafford unto my sons John Veal and Morris Veal to be equally divided between them and if both dye without heir then to next heir at law…. Land descended to Bond Veal. Deed of lease & release. Signed: Bond Veale
19 Jun 1734. Ack by Bond Veal

Note: a Jno. Veal was a witness to a deed dated 19 Mar 1732. A deed dated 16 Oct 1733 mentions land where John Diskin lives sold to him by Morris Veale by deeds of lease & release on 9 Sep 1730 - 201 acres N side of Little Cr in Burbridges line. Another deed dated 19 Mar 1733 was to Maurice Veale from John Waugh - Veale was of Pr Wm, planter. It would seem the land had descended to Bond Veale fairly recently. Although, the Morris Veale named could have been Bond's uncle of the same name who lived until 1750, there was not another living John Veal known to be in the area 1732. A later deed in 1748, to follow, definitely shows that John & Morris Veal, brothers who inherited the above tract of land from their father, had died, leaving the property to a third brother who was Bond Veal. The elder John Veal did mention "all my children" in his will, not specifically naming them. Another factor to note is that none of John Veal's sons were yet eighteen when he wrote his will in 1718, and the one daughter he named was unmarried - some of the children could have been quite young. I have not found earlier records for Bond Veal; he could have been one of the younger children.

Prince William Co VA Deed Book Liber D 1738-1740
June Whitehurst Johnson, 1984

p.3/p.26-28 23 Oct 1738 John Harl of Truro Parish, Pr Wm planter and Mary his wife, late widow & relict of John Wright of Stafford dec'd to Benjamin Grayson of Hamilton Parish. 33a upper side of Powels Run now in tenure of Bond Veale being Mary Harl's right of dower in 1000a which her late husband purchased of Col. Henry Lee and now in possession of Francis Wright, son and heir of sd. John Wright.
23 Oct 1738 possession of lands was taken by John Harl & Mary and delivered unto Benjamin Grayson

p.15/p.188-89 25 Jun 1738 Thomas Penson Sr of Truro Parish to Bond Veale of Hamilton Parish. 150a in Truro Parish. Standing above house of Bond Veale in line of James Waugh and Wm. Waugh to Jonnny Moore ….for term of natural lives of Rebecca Penson, Rachel Penson and Isaac Penson. Signed: Thomas (T) Penson, Bond Veale
Wit: Thomas Davies, Judith (x) Davies
24 Jul 1739 Thomas Penson ack.

p.35/p.422-424 23 Jun 1740 Thomas Penson of Truro Parish, Pr Wm, planter, to Nimrod Hot of Hamilton, Pr Wm 150a and water grist mill on Popes Head Run called Pensons Mill. Moiety of 300a leased by Penson of James Waugh of Stafford; the other moiety leased by Penson to Bond Veale . signed: Thos. Penson Sr, Nimrod Hot
[Rachel Penson, wife]
Note: a Thomas Penson was married to Sarah Veale, daughter of Bond Veale's uncle Morris [making her Bond's first cousin]

Deed Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1740-41
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989
Includes partial Index from Missing DB C [1735-1738 and F [1742-1743]
Additions to DB A
Deed Book E 28 Jul 1740-15 Jan 1741
p.109 Partial Index, Missing DB C
Veal, Bond to Henry Elly L & R 21 Apr 1736
p.102 Election of Burgesses, 1741: Polls for Willm. Fairfax, Esqr. Candidate
Bond Veale, Martin Hardin, Morris Veale [Bond's uncle]
p.105 Election of Burgesses, 1741 Valente Peyton, Candidate
Bond Veale, Henry Harding

These deeds concern Bond's father, his brother Morris, and Humphey Pope who was their brother-in-law, married to their sister Amy. The second deed explains how part of the tract descended to Bond Veale:
Prince William DB L
p.98-102 7 Oct 1748 William Cunditt of Paraish of Dettingen, Prince William Co to James Muse of the same. For 600# of tobacco paid yearly during Cunditt's life and 40 acres of land where the said Cunditt will want to house for himself during his life and if required his Board at the said Muse's house. At the time of Cunditt's going to housekeeping he is to have a cow and calf, sow & pigs, one Iron pot. To James Muse all that track of land of 140 acres being part of Humphrey Pope's dec'd, Grandfather to me the said William Cunditt which was divided between the said Pope, John Veale and Maurice Veale - a tract of 800 acres. 266 2/3 acres were alloted for said Humphry Pope his part being in the Parish of Dittingen. Bounded as follows: dividing line of Mason, parallel to King's back line and the dividing lines of Pope and John & Maurice Veale thence to line dividing from Mr. Linton's land to Burbidge's line near the White Marsh thence to lind dividing from the land of John Veale. Signed: William Cunditt
Wit: Thos. Arrington, George [x] Elmore, James [x] Johnson
24 Oct 1748. William cunditt acknowledged this deed
and then
p.110-115 25 & 26 Nov 1748. Henry Elley and Esther his wife of Orange County to William Butler of Prince William. Sum of 45 £ sold to William Butler, 150 acres on branches of the Little Creek in Prince William Co, being part of a great dividend of land of 1600 acres taken up by Mr. William Harrison, 16 May 1679 which was afterwards regranted to the said Harrison & Lewis Markham by Deed from the Proprietors. Lewis Markham sold his moiety or half part to John Redman who sold the same equally to Humphry Pope, John Veal & Morrice Veale and was equally divided between them by Capt. Thomas Hooper, the 5th day of Nov 1718, the middle part falling to John Veale who left the land by his LW&T dated 21 Nov 1718, to be equally divided betwen his two sons John and Morrice who dying both without heirs it fell to Bond Veale he being the heir at Law to his brothers John & Morrice who sold the same to the said Henry Elley by Deeds of Lease and Release on 21 Apr 1736. Parcel bounded, North side of South branch of Little Creek to Colo. Masons line and opposite land sold by Bond Veale to Richard Blackburn, thence along Mason's line, lower side of a small branch, along Pope's line, Scarlet Hancock's line, Blackburns, lower side of County road, down the road, to the Little Creek, to said Blackburn, finally up the Creek and the South fork thereof. Signed: Henry Elley
Wit: Thos. Young, John Linton, Wm Baylis
28 Nov 1748 Henry Elley acknowledge Lease & Release with receipt endorsed to William Butler.

Order Book Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1752-1753
Ruth & Sam Sparacio 1988
p.13 24 Jun 1752 James Nisbett Gent against Carnaby Veale, Dismissed
John Pagan, Mercht agst Bond Veale, Continued for Plt. - this case was lost 24 oct 1752. Bond Veale ordered to pay 538 ½ tobo and costs

Here is where I found a place for Sarah Veale, wife of Thomas Poindexter.
First is the background data from Westmoreland. John Veale's widow married again after his death, perhaps twice. There is evidence of a daughter Dorothy, who died before she came of age - unnamed in John Veale's Will. There also seems to be a missing named heir which leaves a spot open for Sarah, wife of Thomas Poindexter.

Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Seven 1717-1718
John Frederick Dorman 1992

Will of John Veel, being weak in body, dated 21 Nov [year not entered]. All my land in Stafford unto my sons John Veel and Morris Veel to be equally divided between them. If they both dye without heir of their bodyes, then to descend to the next heir att law.
Unto my daughter Susan a peaceing mare and my son John a peaceing mare.
Unto all my well beloved children each 2000#'s of tobacco a peice.
My well beloved wife executor and my brother Umphrey Pope and Caudry Vaughan trustees to oversee and manage my afaires for my wife.
My three sons are to be at age at eighteen if my wife marries after my decease and, if not, they are not to be att age till the yeares of one and twenty.
Signed: John Veel
Wit: John Jones, William (x) Redman, Jacob Simmones
25 Feb 1718/19 Presented to Court by Deliverance, his executrix. Proved by John Jones and Jacob Simmons.
[Sons were all under age 18 in February of 1719. None of the daughters appear to have yet been married. The widow did remarry.]

p. 82 9 Mar 1718/19 Inventory of John Veale. Total Value 81.5.1
Jno. Wright, Jno. Lewis, Corderory Vaughn Ret. 29 Jul 1719

Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Eight
John Frederick Dorman 1994
p.8 25 Feb 1718/9 LW&T of John Veale presented by Deliverance, his relict & executrix and proved by John Jones & Jacob Simmons, witnesses. Certificate granted for probate: Owen Brinnon & John Paine security. John John, John Wright, Corderoy Vaughan & William Chandler to appraise in money.

Probably Deliverance remarried to Joseph Taylor who died, too.
Westmoreland Co VA Orders 1721-1724
F. Edward Wright 2007
p.24 25 Oct 1721 The Sheriff summon Deliverance Veale to the next court and produce the will of Joseph Taylor said to be ___ custody or show cause for not producing same.

Note that on both these days when Deliverance was in Court in Westmoreland Co, so was Sarah Crawford Brechin, widow of the Rev. James Brechin and mother of Thomas Poindexter. In fact, Brechin had served as Court Clerk for Westmoreland prior to his death. Both widows dealing with problems left by their dead husbands.
p.31 28 Feb 1721/2 Deliverance Veale produced will of Joseph Taylor
Sarah Brechin one of exrs of LW&T of James Brechin clerk, dec'd produced his Will and made oath thereto, proved by oaths of John Wright & Wm Martyn, two of the witnesses. Admitted to record. The exrs did not produce security, Probate referred till the same is procured.
p.39 3 Mar 1721/2 At least 15 suits for debts agst Sarah Brechin as Extx of James Brechin Clk. Dec'd.
Suit agst Deliverance Veale, extrx of Joseph Taylor

By July of 1722, Deliverance had married William Chandler:
p.61 26 Jul 1722 LW&T of Joseph Taylor presented Feb Court last by Deliverance Veale one of the Extrs and proved by oaths of Jno Wright, Owen Brinnon & John Howell. Jno Awbrey, the other exr in the Will. Sd Deliverance Chandler of late Veale & in the Will afresd called Deliverance Taylor made oath & the will was admitted to record & certificate granted. Francis Awbrey & Wm Paine, securities for Jno Awbrey. Wm Beale & Paul Earl for sd Chandler.
Rebecca Payn wife of William Payne summoned on behalf of Deliverance Chandler of late Veale. Attended 6 days Wm Chandler, husband of Deliverance to pay 240# tobo to wm. Payn
Dinah Youel, wife of Harman Youell on behalf of John Awbrey, 10 days. Awbrey to pay Harman Youell 400# tobo
John Dixon summoned for Aubrey, seven days. 580# tobo [wonder if this should be 280?]
Owen Brinnon summoned for Aubrey. 7 days. 280#'s tobo

This Susanna is surely the Susan who was left a pacing mare in the will of John Veale:
p.101 27 Feb 1722/3 Sheriff summon Wm Chandler & Deliverance executrix of John Veal dec'd to answer petition of Jacob Vandiver & Susanna his wife, one of the orphants of sd Veal at the next court.

And here is the document showing there were other heirs, other than Susan/Susanna, and sons John, Morris, and Bond. It names another daughter Dorothy, now dead. But the allotment allows for still one more heir. The Will had provided for 2000# of tobacco for each of the heirs.
p.132 29 Aug 1723
Judgment granted Jacob Vandiver & Susanna his wife, one of dau of John Veale dec'd agst William Chandler & Deliverance his wife exrx of the LW&T of Veal for 400# tobacco being a proportionable part of the estate left by the said Veal to his dau Dorothy who departed this life in her infancy for which part Jacob had petitioned and it is ordered Chandler pay the same.
If Susanna's share of Dorothy's 2000£ was 400£, then there were four other heirs, siblings of Dorothy - she had three known brothers, John, Morris & Bond. 2000 divided by 400 equals FIVE shares. Could the missing heir be Sarah Veal, wife of Thomas Poindexter????

I found no other payments to John Veale's heirs from the Chandlers except this one which is obviously a different situation. The Chandlers must have paid them the 400£ without the requirement of a lawsuit, or the others never bothered to sue.
p.161 Nov 1723 Wm Chandler & Deliverance his wife nearest friends to Jno Veale, son of Jno Veale decd vs. Andrew Russell & Penelopie his wife admx of Francis Spencer dec'd. Covenant broken. 10,000# tobacco.
[The son John was certainly living in 1723, although he was deceased before 1733 when Bond was selling his inherited property. Would be interesting to know more about what was involved in this case.]

It is also true that John Veale who married Deliverance had a brother Morris - Morris had both a daughter and a granddaughter named Sarah. So the given name was used in the Veale family.

There is one more possibility for the missing sibling of Dorothy Veale, deceased. I found mention of a James Veale in Westmoreland that I cannot place anywhere in the family. If the missing heir was a brother, he could have been that brother. If he had been younger than Bond, he would not have inherited under the laws of primogeniture. Deceased John & Morris Veale's property would have all descended to their next eldest brother, so he could not have been in line. I have only these two items and they are so early, I think it probably removes James from consideration as the missing heir. Either this James Veale died or removed from the area, but he cannot be completely eliminated. The other fact is that the will of John Veale 1718/1719 said "my three sons" - which would have been John, Morris & Bond.
Westmoreland Co VA Orders 1721-1724
F. Edward Wright 2007
p.51 25 Apr 1722 James Veale proved LW&T of William Newton dec'd
p.70 Aug 30 1722 Stephen Bayley vs. James Veale. Debt.


BirthAbt 1707Virginia


SpouseTHOMAS POINDEXTER (1705 - 1796)
ChildWilliam Poindexter (1729 - 1797)
Child? John Poindexter ( - 1772)
ChildFrances Poindexter ( - 1807)
Child[Capt] THOMAS POINDEXTER (1733 - 1807)
ChildBond Veale Poindexter (1735 - 1812)
ChildElizabeth Poindexter (1747 - 1785)
FatherJohn Veale (1688 - 1718)
MotherDeliverance [Veale] ( - )
SiblingJohn Veale ( - 1733)
SiblingMorris Veale ( - 1733)
SiblingBond Veale ( - )
SiblingSusanna "Susan" Veale ( - )
SiblingDorothy Veale ( - 1728)
