Individual Details

John Veale

( - Bef Mar 1733)

p.161 Nov 1723 Wm Chandler & Deliverance his wife nearest friends to Jno Veale, son of Jno Veale decd vs. Andrew Russell & Penelopie his wife admx of Francis Spencer dec'd. Covenant broken. 10,000# tobo.

p.61 Bk B, p.252-255 19 Mar 1733 Bond Veal of Pr. Wm. Planter to Richard Blackburn of same, carpenter. 130a Hamilton Parish on Little Cr, north side of South Br in Burbidges line. Part of 275a given by John Veal of Westmoreland Co in his will dated 21 Nov 1718 to John Veale & Morris Veal in these words: I give all my land in Stafford unto my sons John Veal and Morris Veal to be equally divided between them and if both dye without heir then to next heir at law…. Land descended to Bond Veal. Deed of lease & release. Signed: Bond Veale
19 Jun 1734. Ack by Bond Veal
Note: a Jno. Veal was a witness to a deed dated 19 Mar 1732. A deed dated 16 Oct 1733 mentions land where John Diskin lives sold to him by Morris Veale by deeds of lease & release on 9 Sep 1730 - 201 acres N side of Little Cr in Burbridges line. Another deed dated 19 Mar 1733 to Maurice Veale from John Waugh - Veale of Pr Wm, planter. It would seem the land had descended to Bond Veale fairly recently. Although, the Morris Veale named could have been the uncle who lived until 1750.


DeathBef Mar 1733


FatherJohn Veale (1688 - 1718)
MotherDeliverance [Veale] ( - )
SiblingMorris Veale ( - 1733)
SiblingBond Veale ( - )
SiblingSusanna "Susan" Veale ( - )
SiblingSARAH (?Bond) VEALE (1707 - )
SiblingDorothy Veale ( - 1728)