Individual Details

Capt Nicholas Meriwether II

(26 Oct 1667 - 1744)

The Anderson book states that the emigrant Meriwether, Nicholas [father of Capt Nicholas], was married to an Elizabeth, possibly Elizabeth Woodhouse, daughter of Capt Henry Woodhouse of Bermuda [this has been disproved]. Nicholas had a brother Francis. There was also a Joan Meriwether, either a sister or wife of Francis that died 3 Sep 1677. The Hanover Record of 1728, p.22, 23, 26 is said to state on 22 Apr 1655, Nicholas Meriwether was clerk of Surry County. He was administrator of the estate of Thos. Woodhouse in 1665. He made oath on 7 May 1663 that he was 37 years old [born in 1631]. This first Nicholas died 17 Dec 1678 and his wife survived him. The following patents are no doubt his:

CAVALIERS & PIONEERS; Vol II, p.13 25 Apr 1667 651 acres in Surry Co; 175 acres he bought of Wm Seward on the Indian Spring; 240 acres on West side of Cyprus Swamp; 236 acres on East side of main Blackwater Swamp.
p.98 William Wilton patented 300 acres on North side of Rappahannock about 10 miles above Nansemond Towne and adj Nicholas Merriwether. 3 Oct 1671
p.331 Henry Hartwell patented 2 acres in James City on 20 Apr 1689. On the bank of the river facing the bastions of old ruined turf fort. 1/2 acre was granted to William May on 20 May 1661; he bequeathed it to Mr. Nicholas Merryweather, who sold it to Mr. Wm. White on 6 Feb 1677 who had died without heirs & escheated.

The following records are of Nicholas, the II, whose wife was Elizabeth Crawford:
He is said to have been born 26 Oct 1667, then Anderson offers the disclaimer that other authorities give the year as 1647, making his father only 17 years older than he.
The date of birth of Capt Nicholas is said to be from an old Bible transcript. The Meriwether Society has determined that he had to have been born prior to 1667.

From Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, edited by Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Vol IV, Lewis Hostorical Publishing, New York, 1915, p.313
Nicholas (2) Meriwether was born in Surry county, Virginia, October 26, 1667, died in Goochland county, Virginia (now Albemarle county) in 1744, his will being probated November 20, of that year. He moved to James City county while yet under age, married there at age twenty-one, resided at St. Peter's parish, New Kent county, in 1693, moving to St. James parish in Goochland county in 1738. He was vestryman, burgess, justice, coroner, sheriff and clerk of court, holding all these offices in New Kent county. He was, if not the largest land owner in Virginia, among the largest owners, providing for his children liberally during his lifetime and devising a large amount by will. Out of this large estate was carved the small estates, "Castle Hill", "Turkey HIll", "Plachalorem", "Kinlock", "Belvoir", "Music Hall", "Clover Fields", and "Cicmont", owned and held in all but instance by his descendants. Nicholas (2) Meriwether married Elizabeth Crafford (also given as Crawford), daughter of Davod Crafford, gentleman of "Assaquin", St. Paul's parish, New Kent county, Virginia, who survived him and was named in his will as one of the executors of his estate. They had nine children, four of whom were sons, David being the youngest son and fifth child. [this last statement may be incorrect - David also appears in other records as the eldest son]

On 19 Mar 1699, Nicholas Meriwether was chosen vestryman at St. Peter's Parish (New Kent Co] in the place of Mr. John Roper, dec'd and the oath of alligiance was administered. There is a record of the Parish paying to Capt Nicho. Meriwether 40 #'s of tobacco for his account of Sheriff's fees in November of 1700. At the same parish meeting, it's noted that he is to be the collector of the tobacco levy. At the Vestry on 13 Aug 1700, Meriwether was absent - this is the meeting that they agreed to build a new brick church. William Hughes agreed to do the carpentry work on the Church to be built near the house of Thomas Jackson.
The Vestry was held at the house of Capt Nicho. Meriwether in June of 1701. Nicholas Meriwether was also a Justice of the Peace for New Kent Co as evidence by an entry in the Parish Register in 1701 - Charles Willford and Sarah his wife made oath before Meriweather of the dates of birth of their children. At the Vestry meeting in April of 1702, Majr. Nicholas Meriwether has been elected one of Church Wardens for the next year. He has also sold nails to the Parish (for the new year) and will be sending them at the first opportunity to Robert Pasley's Landing so Thomas Jackson can deliver them to the workmen.
Meriwether was re-elected as Church Warden for 1703; he was also one of the supervisors of the building on the new Church. In March of 1704, he was directed to send for glass, lead sodder, and casments for the Chapel.
At the meeting of 3 April 1704 the division of the Parish was discussed since there were two churches and one chapel; it was requested that Majr Meriwether as Warden suplicate his Excellence to grant that the lower parish continue under the name of St. Peter's. At the June 1704 Vestry, Meriwether was not one of those elected as a vestryman of the new, now divided, Parish - and the August meeting lists Meriwether as being in trust for St. Paul's Parish - so he obviously no longer lived within the boundaries of St. Peter's. His name is on a document certifiying the settlement of accounts between the Parishs of St. Paul's & St. Peter's.
Children Anne, Nicholas, and Elizabeth were all baptized at St. Peter's, Elizabeth in 1703. Jane's baptism likely took place in the new Parish of St. Paul.
The last entry in the Vestry minutes that might be his is for a Mr. Meriwther - an account paid on 30 Sep 1723; however, there's an entry in September of 1719 for payment to Mr. William Meriwether - 155 #'s for Convcy. added, whatever that might have been. An entry in the Register states "Jno. Simons a Carpenter belonging to Mr. W. Meriweather died September 1721" so perhaps William was in the building trades. This William also had a son William, born 13 Sep 1720.

Anderson lists these grants:
26 Jun 1727 - grant of 13, 762 acres
1730 added 4,090 acres to the first
1735 a third grant of 1,020 acres.

The Anderson book also gives Nicholas credit for serving as Vestryman for St. Peter's & St. Paul's Parishes in New Kent County, Major and the Colonel fo the New Kent Tropps from 1707-1733. Sheriff of New Kent in 1702. Burgess for Hanover Co when taken from New Kent.

Nicholas Meriwether served on the House of Burgesses at some time between 1730's - 1740's.

Louisa Co DB A
p.33 7 Jan1742/3   Nicholas Meriwether of St. James Parish, Goochland for natural love and affection to my loving grandson John Meriwether, son of William Meriwether. 200 acres part of greater tract in Louisa Co, patent dated 9 Jul 1730.  Begin Nicholas Merriwethers corner in the old line.  metes &bounds.  Signed:  Nicholas Merriwether.  Wit: Pet Jefferson, Thos. Merriwether, Robt Lewis, James C. Dalton 
Proved 14 Jan 1742 by Thos. Meriwether and Robert Lewis

Last Will & Testament recorded in Goochland Co VA DB 4, p.437 Dated 12 Dec 1743; proved in Court Nov 1744. Wife Elizabeth and son-in-law Robert Lewis were executors.
The Anderson book gives his date of death as Dec 12, 1744, which must surely be an error - he died between the writing of his will in December of 1743 and when it was presented in Nov 1744.

p.437 LW&T of Nicholas Meriwether of Hanover Co.
Granddaughter Judeth Littlepage 459 acres in King Wm County against my son William Meriwethers plantation; also 11 slaves…to her and the heris of her body. If she dies without heirs it reverts to son Wm Meriwether the land & to sons Wm & David the slaves.
Granddaughter Judeth Littlepage two mullato boys at her marriage or age of 21. To the heirs of her body or to granson John Meriwether
Daughter Ann Johnson the land & plantation where she formerly lived on East side of the branch that parts it and the land of bought of Edward Hix ..630 acres. After her decease to my grandson William Johnson. If no heirs the land reverts to son William.
To my daughter Ann Johnson my plantation known by the name of Roundabout ..1300 acres
To my grandson Nicholas Lewis, son of Mr. Robert Lewis my plantation & land whereon I now live …patent 1020 acre with 119 acres part of tract bought of Thomas Graves adj the 1020 acres.
To above said grandson Nicholas Lewis one slave; cattle & hoggs after my wife's death.
To my grandson Richard Meriwether, son of son William 700 acres in Goochland part of 819 bought of Thomas Graves
To my son David my fork plantation where he now lives and 400 acres of land
To Mildred Meriwether, Daughter of Nicholas Meriwether deceased one Negro girl about her on age
To my loveing Wife Elizabeth Meriwether 100£ sterling money with what goods and plate I have in my house at the Death
To my Son in Law Mr. Robert Lewis 1500 acres of land where he now lives.
Lend to my loving Wife Elizabeth Meriwether, 14 slaves, household goods, cattle, hoggs, working horse, 4 choyce breeding mairs, during her natural life. At her death the 14 slaves & Increased to be eqully divided between my 7 grandsons and 3 granddaughters, vis: John, Thomas, Richard, Jane, Sarah, Mary Meriweather, sons & daughter of William Meriwether. Nicholas, Francis, James, William, Sons of David Meriwether. Also after the death of my said wife, livestock & household goods
To Mary Lewis Daughter of Mr. Robert Lewis, one Negro girl near her age
To Mildred Lewis Daughter of Mr. Robert Lewis, one Negro girl near her age
To Robert Lewis, son of Mr. Robert Lewis, Negro boy…
To Isabellar Lewis, Daughter of Mr. Robert Lewis, Negro girl….
To Nicholas Meriwether, son of my grandson Thomas Meriwether, Negro boy ….
The following marked out: To granddaughter Elizabeth Bray two Negro boys I bought of James Blackwell at her marriage or age 21
Oct 1743: I have delivered those two to Mr. Phillip Johnson, her husband.
To John Meriwether son to my son William 2000 acres of land laid next his brother Nicholas Meriwether deceased including where his Quarter is built
To grandson Nicholas Meriwether, son of my son David 2000 acres adj John Meriwether's line to include the plantation whereon he now lives
To grandson Frances Meriwether, son to son David all that land between Mr. Robert Lewis's line and Nicholas Meriwether, dec'd line …abt 1600 aces
To grandson James Meriwether, son of David …1150 acres on the Beaverdams where old Toby lives
To Grandson William, son of David 1270 acres between Mr. Robert Lewises line & Capt Thos Meriwethers line being the place where old Jack lived
To Grandson Thomas, son of William after my Wives death all Land below Nicholas Meriwethers line of my first Mountain Survey to Mr. Robert Lewis's line that he bought of Capt Christopher Clark
To grandson William, son of David 450 acres that his father had a Quarter on
Grandson Richard, son of William, my Quarter & land where Negro Jamy lives that I bought of Edward Hix with some added to it …abt 300 acres
To Catharine Holladay, dau of Capt William Holladay who now lives with Mr. Bick__ of King Wm Co 6sh when of age or married.
To Jane Lewis, daughter of Robert Lewis, 25 £ sterling
To 7 grandson & 3 granddaughters (Meriwethers as named earlier-children of Wm & David) all slaves not disposed of to be divided equally, also livestock When the first becomes of age, then all to be laid off. Slaves already delivered are to be counted part.
To Grandson, John, son of William two other slaves now in his possession & to be accounted in above division.
To son in Law Mr. Robert Lewis 50£ Sterling
Elizabeth Meriwether, wife & Robert Lewis, son-in-law are executrix & executor.
12 Dec 1743
Signed: Nicholas Meriwether.
Witness: Pet. Jefferson, Samuel Dalton, George Taylor, Chas. Lynch
Jefferson, Lynch, Dalton proved in Court November 1744

From "History of Albemarle County", by Rev. Edgar Woods, 1901, pages 270-271:
The progenitor of the Meriwethers was Nicholas, an emigrant from Wales, who died in 1678. He had three sons, Francis, who married Mary Bathurst, and from whom descended Governor George W. Smith, who perished in the burning of the Richmond theatre in 1811, David and Nicholas. Nicholas was the large landholder. Besides obtaining grants of extensive tracts in several of the counties of eastern Virginia, he entered in one body seventeen thousand, nine hundred and fifty-two acres on the east side of the South West Mountain in Albemarle. He also entered in 1735 one thousand and twenty acres on the Rivanna, extending from Moore's Creek to Meadow Creek. This was the place on which he lived, and which he devised to his grandson, Nicholas Lewis. He died in 1744, and it is said he and his grandson, Richard Meriwether, son of William, were buried on the east side of the Rivanna, most probably on the summit of the hill north of Mrs. Crockford's residence, on the parcel of land which Richard purchased from Thomas Graves. His wife was Elizabeth Crawford, and his children Jane, the wife of Robert Lewis, Thomas, Nicholas, William, David, Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Bray, Ann, the wife of Thomas Johnson, the colleague of Patrick Henry from Louisa in the House of Burgesses, and the grandfather of the eminent lawyer, Chapman Johnson, Sarah, the wife of William Littlepage, and Mary, the wife of John Aylett.


Birth26 Oct 1667
MarriageElizabeth Crawford


SpouseElizabeth Crawford (1673 - 1753)
ChildThomas Meriwether ( - )
ChildWilliam Meriwether (1688 - 1751)
ChildDavid Meriwether (1689 - 1744)
ChildAnne Meriwether (1694 - 1784)
ChildNicholas Meriwether III (1699 - 1743)
ChildElizabeth Meriwether (1703 - )
ChildJane meriwether (1705 - 1753)
ChildSarah Meriwether ( - 1733)
ChildMary Meriwether ( - 1745)
FatherNicholas Meriwether I (1631 - 1678)
MotherElizabeth [Meriwether] ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Meriwether (1661 - 1700)
SiblingFrancis Meriwether (1670 - )
SiblingJane Meriwether (1675 - 1746)
SiblingThomas Meriwether (1677 - 1708)
SiblingWilliam Meriwether (1678 - 1694)
