Individual Details
Maj Gen William Whitsitt IV
(Abt 1776 - 21 Mar 1842)
Tax records for Logan Co KY show William Whitsitt [III] with only one white male, himself, in 1796. In 1797, there were two white males over age 21. Son James had remained in Tennessee; son Samuel was deceased. This was likely young William turning 21 this year. The tax records are missing for 1798, but by 1799 William Jr. is listed on his own but owning no land.
1810 Census, Logan Co KY. Wm Whitsitt Jr. listed next to Senr with just himself, age 26-45. 5 slaves. His three little daughters apparently not counted. 5 slaves.
Said to have been Major General in the War of 1812 in the "Annals of the Whitsetts", but I am not sure of this identification. Certainly others from Logan Co did serve, but it appears there may have been more than one William Whitsitt/Whitsett in Kentucky that was in the War.
Found online at
Samuel McIntosh was a private in Capt. Daniel Garrard's Co of the 2nd Regt [Jennings] of the Ky Volunteers from 1 Sep 1812 to 1 Apr 1813. Samuel McIntosh served as a private in Capt. William Whitsitt's Company, 10th Regt [Barbour's] Ky Volunteers from 17 Aug 1813 to 16 Nov 1813. Online information reveals that Barbour lived and recruited in Henderson Co KY.
A Database on Sierra shows two William Whitsitt entries:
I was able to certify that William Whitsitt of Logan Co is the man who served as a Captain under Barbour:
I found on Google Books, The Battle of the Thames: In Which Kentuckians Defeated the British, French & Indians, Oct 5, 1813 by Col. Bennett Henderson Young., John P. Morton & Co., Louisville KY, 1903; p.40-41
"The tenth regiment, commanded by Col. Philip Barbour, of Henderson, was composed of the companies of Captain William Whitsett, of Logan....
The Appendix lists the roster of the 10th Regiment, Whitsett's Company. Familiar Logan Co names include: William Whitsett, Capt. Robert Caldwell, 1st Lt., John B. Curd, 2nd Sgt. and Privates, James, John & Morgan Barnett, John Bibb, Samuel Caldwell, Samuel Dunscomb, John L. Ewing, John McFall, Oane Posey, Major Price, Philip Slaughter, Leonard West, etc.
The 9th & 10th Regiments compsed the Fifth Brigade, commanded by Gen. Samuel Caldwell, of Logan Co. - they were part of the Second Division.
This Law was quite likely a result of some payment from the War of 1812. House of Representatives, 18th Congress, 2nd Session. Bill 354 presented to the Senate, 28 Feb 1825.
An Act for the relief of Reuben Ewing and others.
Be in enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Agent of the Treasury be empowered and directed to cause that the judgment recovered in the State of Centucky, against Reuben Ewing, and others, the security of William Whitsett, late Regimental Paymaster, be endorsed satisfied, on the payment of sixty dollars, the interest on this sum and the costs of suit.
Passed the House of Representatives.
1820 Census. William Whitsitt [Whitsite] was listed only with his three daughters. He was age 26-45. Two of them were under 10 [prob one in the wrong column since Nancy & Sally were age about 10-16], one 16-26 [Eleanor about age 20]
Logan Co Court Order Book 7, 1818-1822 LDS Microfilm #64562
Dec Term 1820
p. 288 On motion of William Whitsett, William Comfort & Eleanor his wife, Nancy H. Whitsett & Sally P. Whitsett, they the said Eleanor & all being children of sd William Whitsett & Grandchildren of William Haden dec'd. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that motion has been duly served on all the heirs of sd William dec'd that are of age and on the Guardians of those of ____ age, ordered that James Wilson, William Kerchival and Chatham Ewing being first sworn do make Division of the Land & Negroes of sd estate among the different legatees and that they make report thereof to the court.
Apr 1822
p.396 On motion of Wm Whitsitt ordered that George Barnett, George McCutcheon, Edward Collins, Hezekiah Proctor, Charles Morehead, or any 3 of them be appointed to settle with the administrator of Wm Haden dec'd & that they make report.
Court Order Book 8, 1822-1828 LDS Microfilm #0364563
Dec Term 1822
p.6 On the motion of Wm Whitsitt Guardian on behalf of his children Ordered that Charles Morehead, John Roberts, John Curd, George H. Morton and William Morton, or any three of them be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to make division of the land and Negroes of William Haden dec'd that has not been divided among the Different Heirs. That they make report.
Logan Co Deed Book I/J, p.6, reveals that William Whitsitt was perhaps in financial difficulty and that could have been his reasoning for pushing for the settlement of his father-in-law's estate. Indenture recorded on 15 Jan 1821 mortgage to John Barnett for $3000 the following; 50 acres surveyed to Elisha Hadden; 200 acres patented to Whitsitt as asignee of Thomas Foster; 50 acres patented to Humphrey Posey; 200 acres patented to John Norris; slaves Ben, Rachel & her child Elvira, horses (including a stud horse), oxen, cattle, sheep, household furniture for guarantee of the following debts: $450 to Samuel Gray; $135 to Paul Dismukes, $1530 to the Bank, $50 to Samuel B. Marshall.
p.262, dated 23 Jun 1821, there is a mortgage to William Haden for $1000 guaranteed by several lots and tracts of land in Butler Co as well as the above property.
p.310, on 25 Jun 1821, William Whitsitt sold 200 acres and his saw mill to William Comfort for $2000.
p.348, 30 Aug 1821, a new mortgage to John Barnett for $2000, incorporating all property of 15 Jan 1821 plus the lands in Butler Co.
p.400, 18 Nov 1821, is a mortgage for bills to C. Breathitt & Co and $500 owing John H. Posey personally and $500 for Posey endorsing a note at the Bank - this time he puts up one third part of the slaves allotted to his children in right of his wife Milly, daughter of William Haden, dec'd, and one third of whatever slaves will be theirs upon the death of the widow of William Haden. C. H. Blakey was one of the witnesses.
Deed Book K, p.413 18 Feb 1822 William Whitsitt sold 10 acres to Stokely Knox for $100
p.31 20 Nov 1821 William Whitsitt sold to John & Cardwell Breathitt for $1000, 1000 acres on the head spring of the Muddy River in the Barrens. Part of Alexander Parks military warrant #735 except for 100 acres sold to John Barnett & 10 acres sold to Stokely Knox & not yet conveyed. (see above).
Logan Co Deed Book L, p.244f 5 Jan 1822 [Actually 1821]. The heirs of Wm Haden decd, settled with Samuel Haden who had land laid off by his father & surveyed, but title had not been made. Samuel had also received personal property and negroes. He gives up further claims to the estate & pays the heirs $500 for all property and the 271 acres of land adjoing William Haden Jr & Clark's Military Survey on the Black Lick fork of the Gasper River. Signees are: James Haden, Thomas Procter for himself and as guardian of the children of his former wife Sally Haden decd, William Whitsitt for himself and as guardian of the children of his late wife Milly Haden dec'd, William Haden, Lowry Bishop as guardian of Benjamin R. Haden a grandson, Joseph Haden, Joseph Haden as guardian for John & William sons of John Haden decd, William Porter, Nancy J. Porter, John Wilson, Polly Wilson, Sally Haden, guardian for Sally Haden her daughter. Nancy J. Porter & Polly Wilson relinquished their Dower in Butler Co on Jan 30. [Although this deed was dated 1822, the Dower release was 1821, which I believe is the correct year based on other events.] Acknowledged by Spencer Curd, Logan Co clerk on 3 Mar 1823.
NOTE: William Whitsitt's Milly is referred to as his LATE wife, while Thomas Procter's Sally is his FORMER wife - Thomas has remarried, William has not.
Deed Book L, p.372 15 Mar 1823 The 5 tracts of land Wm Whitsitt owned in Butler Co were sold for his debts. John & Cardwell Breathitt were the highest bidders for $800.
p.381 15 Mar 1823 Tract of land Wm Whitsitt - 50 acres surveyed in the name of Elisha Hadden, exposed to sale. Also 200 acres patented to Whitsitt as assignee of Thomas Foster and a slave. George Blakey was high bidder; he was to convey to Thomas Blakey.
NOTE: at this point, Whitsitt must be about broke!
The Tax rolls from Logan Co indicate that in 1821, Whitsitt paid tax on several tracts of land and 7 slaves. In 1822, no property, no slaves listed but record seems in error for several other reasons. In 1823 he had no real property but had 4 slaves. In 1824 he is there with only himself listed as over age 21. In the following years he is omitted occasionally, sometimes appears with a few horses, but never owns real property again except that in 1835 suddenly 50 acres on the Gasper River appears. This property wasn't there in 1834, nor after 1835 - it would almost seem to be the 50 acres that had once been surveyed for Elisha Hadden.
Deed Book M, p.448 10 Apr 1824 William Whitsitt sold to John Breathitt, lots #6, 36, and 44 in the Town of Russellville, being the homes of John Breathitt, C. Breathitt, and Mrs. Roberts. The deed mentions a contract for sale of these premises in March of 1808.
Court records show motion from William Whitsett on behalf of Wm Comfort and wife Eleanor, Nancy H Whitsett, Sally P. Whitsett as children of William and grandchildren of William Haden Sen'r Dec'd. (Nancy is Ann)
Logan County Court Records, Book 8 (1822-1828) LDS #0364563 p.33 7 Apr 1823
"On motion of Wm Whitsitt ordered that Peter Morton, Charles Morehead, Benjamin Roberts, Arthur Slaughter & John Barnett or any three of them be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to divide among Eleanor C. Whitsitt Comfort, Nancy H. Blakey, & Sally P. Whitsitt the heirs of said William Whitsitt, the negroes which have descended to them as grandchildren and legal heirs of Wm Haden Dec'd and Wm Whitsitt Sr Decd and that they make report"
I found a deed of gift explaining about the Negroes of Wm Whitsitt Sr. The girls were not specifically left slaves in his will. Logan Co DB C, p.350. 22 Jun 1811. I William Whitsitt Senr ...consideration of $1 to Eleanor C. Whitsitt, Nancy H. Whitsitt, and Sally P. Whitsitt ...following Negroes ....Rachel about 25 and her children Pennina and Melvina. Wit: John Cross, George Scurlock. These are not the daughters of William Senior - it was William Junr. Obviously transcribed wrong in Annals of a Scotch-Irish Family".
I have been through the 1830 Census for Logan Co and William Whitsitt was not counted.
Logan Co DB R: [William Whitsitt was sherriff of Logan Co.] p.379 4 Feb 1833 Joseph B. Bigger, Deputy for William Whitsitt Sheriff of Logan Co to Richard W. Courts of Russellville. On 8 Jan 1833 execution of fi fa in favor of Philander W. Barclay against Wm. L. Sands, another in favor of Forsythe & Co., another in favor of Crockett & Park. Lots 82, 83, 88 & 89 in Robert Lathan's addition sold. Richard W. Court being the highest bidder. Rec. 30 Mar 1833.
Logan Co DB S: p.141 8 Oct 1833 Wm Whitsitt to Thomas Blakey, both of Logan Co. Deed of Mortgage. Crop of corn & tobacco, Cow & calf, Steer. Shirley Brown $25.83; Walter Jones $12; Jas. C. Slaughter $2; Wm First $13.41. James W. Blakey $37. Same $22.65. Sum of $168.00
p.142 30 Sep 1833 Wm Whitsitt to Geo. Blakey. Deed of Mortgage. 3 mares, one dark bay or brown sold by ___ Proctor to Jas. W. Blakey & by sd Blakey to sd Whitsitt, one a chestnut sorrel raised by Proctor as a pet colt, one other a sorrel with large hump on her back; 1 small steer, one gun, saddle & bridle. Sum of $117.50. $30 to be paid before the 1st of Jan 1834, balance before 1 Oct 1835. Rec. 16 Nov 1833
Logan Co DB T; p.57 29 Jul 1833 C. Breathitt to James S. Proctor. $60. 50 acres on waters of the Gasper. S. side of river, Posey's line, up the river, his line. As per deed from Humphry Posey to William Whitsitt on 7 Sep 1816. From Samuel Owens Sheriff to C. Breathitt on 9 Feb 1832. Signed: Cardwell Breathitt
[this 50 acres was mortgaged by Whisitt in 1821]
12 May 1832 Equity box 34, Case #868 William W. Whitsett alias William Crawford under age 21 by next friend Henry T. Loving vs. heirs of Stokeley Knox who died intestate. Knox was indebted to Whitsett/Crawford for $100 with interest from 1 Jan 1827 and for the value of a horse - $60 - sold to Knox for which he had not been paid. Administrator of the estate of Knox was James Neeley and he is the defendant. The heirs are widow Margery Knox and James Knox, David Knox, Reuben Knox, Leonard Knox, John A. Holly [siblings of Stokeley Knox] There is no personal property out of which the debt can be paid but Knox had a tract of land in Logan Co on the Muddy River. The judge decreed a sale of the land or enough of it to pay the debt and the costs of the suit, reserving to the widow her dower land.
5 Apr 1834 Deposition of William Whitsett taken at Russellville as evidence in a suit pending in which William Whitsett alias William Crawford is complainant and the Admin. & Heirs of Stokely Knox are defendants. The deponent is of lawful age. [the answers to the questions indicate that this is William Whitsett's deposition, not that of the former William Crawford] Whitsett stated that Knox had told of the purchase of a white horse belonging to Crawford/Whitsett at the price of $60 or $65. Knox had so stated not long before he was killed and Knox had not paid for the horse. Whitsett also identified a note and stated he had transferred or assigned the note to the complainant. There was a scrap of paper, "I Stokely Knox bind…to pay to Mr. Whitsett $100 which may be discharged in property [livestock] on or before 1 Jan 1827. Signed 1 Jan 1815. Signed: Stokley Knox." And "Pay the within note to Wm. W. Crawford, Wm. Whitsett" - this last probably the back side of the scrap.
Apr 1834 April Term. Judge's decree in Equity Case of William Whitsett alias William Crawford vs. heirs of Stokeley Knox. He notes claimant has now reached full age. Land to be sold to pay debts reserving the widow's dower. See 12 May 1832.
11 Jul 1834 Discrepancy in name in this deed, but court records show it is Crawford, not Comfort.
DB T, p.252 James Knox, David Knox, Ruben Knox, Leonard Knox & John A. Halley and unk heirs of Stokely Knox dec'd by Wm J. Morton, commissioner. In the case of William Whitsett alias William Comfort against the heirs. For $1. Said Whitsett alias Crawford obtained decree of Logan Circuit Court at April Term 1834 against the heirs for $205 and costs. Sale of lands of Stokely Knox, reserving the widow of sd Knox her dower. 30 Jun 1834 did sell & Whitsett became purchaser being highest bidder $232.11. Tract on which said Stokely Knox dec'd was seized. Near head of Muddy River adj lands of William C. Dawson, William Cole & the late Governor Breathett. 110 acres. Reserving the widow's lands including the mansion house. Signed: James Knox, David Knox, Ruben Knox, Leonard Knox, John A. Hally. Ack. by Commissioner. Rec. 24 Jul 1834
Logan Co DB U; p.40 2 Dec 1833 Sheriff's Sale: George D. Blakey, Deputy Sherriff for William Whitsett sold to Elizabeth Frazier.
p.135 23 Nov 1835 Wm Whitsett & Wilkins Watson. $47.02 with interest, .One wagon subject to the claim of Levi Graham, 4 pr of geese, one small sorrel mare called the little poney subject to the claim of Thos. R. Wallace, one yoke of oxen, one other yoke of oxen subject to claim of L. J. Page, stock of cattle & hogs, one bed & furniture. If sd Whitsett shall pay sd Watson on or before 1 Dec 1836, obligation is void. Signed: Wm Whitsett. Deed of mortgage Rec. 11 Dec 1835.
p.231 15 Feb 1836 Wm Whitsett to James Blakey. Sold one sorrel mare called Rose & her cost for $100. If Whitsett shall pay the $100 on or before 1 Jan 1838, this obligation void. Signed: Wm Whitsett. Rec. 4 Mar 1836.
p.394 13 Jun 1836 William Whitsett to James W. Blakey. All his present crop of corn for $200. If Whitaker [Whitsitt?] shall pay before 1 Jan 1837, this obligation void. Wit: Wm Haden
Ack. by Whitsett. 3 Aug 1836
Logan Co DB V; p.160 1 Mar 1837 Wm Whitsitt to Geo D. Blakey. Mares, etc. Mortgage made to Jas W. Blakey. $90. Pay before 15 of Oct next. Signed: Wm Whitsitt. Rec. 11 May 1837.
p.428 Whereas I have given my Note to A. N. Posey to pay Saml D. Sublett seventy five Dollars on ?acpt of Cox & Posey and in and order to secure the payment of sd note I have this Day Sold and Delivered unto sd A. N. Posey one Mare now in my possession and Bridle & saddle. But it is Clearly understood by the contracting parties that if the sd Whitsitt will and truly pay to the sd Sublett the afsd Seventy fibe Dollars on or before the first Day of Decr 1838 then this obligation to the void Also to remain full force in law. Given under my hand the 25 Novr 1837 Wm. Whitsitt
Note in margin: See Book W, p.278
Rec. 23 Dec 1837. William Whitsitt to Anderson N. Posey
It is said that in 1837 he moved to Canton, MS with daughter Eleanor and William Comfort. Actually, William Whitsitt still appears on the 1839 Tax records of Logan Co KY; only information is as a voter, white, over 21; no property. However, there is an older man, age 60-70, in the household of the widow Eleanor Comfort in Madison Co, MS in the 1840 Census, presumably this is William.
A second marriage, or a son born to Emily Haden has been proposed. There was a William C. Whitsett, born 1812, who lived in Barren Co KY and later moved to Fannin Co, Texas. There are various associations with others from Logan Co KY. I have included the information here, although I am not completely convinced of this relationship. Certainly Emily Haden had no living son, or he would have been named in the intestate settlement of her father's estate as the daughters were named. Either William had a brief 2nd marriage between about 1807 and 1815, or perhaps the young William was born outside the bonds of marriage. There are many deeds of William Whitsitt in Logan Co around 1820 that have no dower release of a wife and there was no wife evident in the 1820 census for him. William C. Whitsett did name a son Joseph Haden Whitsett - often cited as proof of relationship to Emily Haden. The truth of the matter is that the wife of William C. Whitsett, Elizabeth Lee Edmunds, had a sister that had married Haden T. Curd in 1830 and Haden as a given name occurs several times among her siblings. Researchers of William C. Whitsett say that a Goodspeed publication of 1889 about Mary Jane Whitsett, daughter of William who married James M. Collins, discusses the family in Fort Smith, and says that Gen. Wm Whitsitt was Dr. Whitsett's father. Here is that bio.
SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford,
Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed
Publishing Co., 1889.
page 1379
Constant P. Wilson, farmer of Upper Township, Sebastian Co., Ark., and native
of the county, was born in 1856, being a son of Thomas E. and Mary A.
(Dillard) Wilson, who were born in Kentucky and Virginia, July 6, 1804, and
April 27, 1822, respectively. The father removed from Kentucky to Fort Gibson,
and in 1832 located at Fort Smith, Ark., where he was engaged in surveying,
and acted as sutler for the soldiers. He owned a large farm of 1,200 acres,
and from fifteen to twenty slaves. The following are his children: Neosho L.
(deceased), Thomas E., Virginia T. (Baxter), John D., Constant P., Sallie P.
(Falconer), and Macha M. He has one step- daughter, Mrs. Marcus Boyd. Mr.
Wilson's death occurred September 11, 1880, his wife dying on the 11th of
January, seven years later. Her parents, John and Sallie P. (Moore) Dillard,
were born in Virginia, and in 1822 removed to Arkansas, where the father
engaged in merchandising, farming and stock dealing. He was one of the
prominent men of his section of the country, and represented his county in the
State Legislature. He died in 1846. His maternal grandparents, Benjamin and
Polly (Price) Moore, came from Virginia to Arkansas in 1821, and the
descendants of [p.1379] this noble couple are among the leading citizens of
Arkansas. Constant P. Wilson, whose name heads this sketch, has spent his
entire life in Sebastian County. He was married on the 30th of May, 1881, to
Miss Nellie Collins, who was born July 4, 1860. From 1877 to 1885 he was in the
saloon business at Fort Smith, but since that time has been manager of the
Wilson and Collins farms, comprising 1,600 acres of land, and is the most
extensive planter in Northwestern Arkansas. Throughout life Mr. Wilson has been
the architect of his own fortune, and is of a very energetic and determined
disposition. He is a member of the Episcopal Church, and in his political
views is a Democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Samuel J. Tilden.
Mrs. Wilson's father, James M. Collins, was born in Virginia in 1830, and died
on the 2d of March, 1887. He was reared and educated in Pennsylvania by his
grandfather, Christopher Riley, and after attaining man's estate went to Texas
and engaged in the stock business on a large scale. While in the “Lone Star
State” he became acquainted with and married Mary J. Whitsett, a daughter of
Dr. William C. and Elizabeth L. (Edmunds) Whitsett. Although not in the army,
Mr. Collins gave valuable assistance to the Confederate cause in furnishing
the army with provisions. In 1866 he came to Fort Smith, and engaged in the
mercantile business, and also purchased 1,200 acres of land in Sebastian
County, on which he located in 1869. Here he died March 2, 1887. His parents,
John and Elizabeth (Riley) Collins, were natives of Virginia. His wife's
parents were born in Kentucky August 7, 1812, and December 15, 1815, and died
January 9, 1882, and January 22, 1883, respectively, and her paternal great-
grandparents, Gen. William and Emily (Haden) Whitsett, were Virginians, the
former dying in 1841. Her maternal grandparents, William and Mary A. (Penn)
Edmunds, were Virginians, Mary A. being a descendant of William Penn, of
historical renown.
Not only does this article make an incorrect claim about Emily Haden Whitsett [and William Whitsett was not a "General"], but there is absolutely no evidence that Mary Ann Penn was descended from William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. Most of these bios were written by the person named - in the case, Constant Wilson. They often contained inflated and inaccurate pedigrees.
But the evidence does not stop here. A descendant of William C. Whitsett has letters from one of the sons, William E., to his brother, Joseph Haden Whitsett, in which cousins are mentioned. The letters were written in September of 1900, and William E. describes in great detail his Confederate service. He mentions two of his cousins, Dr. John Comfort who was Capt of Co A, 5th MS Infantry and died at the Battle of Shiloh, and visiting his cousin Daniel B. Comfort of Kosciusko, MS in late 1863. Even this is not quite right. The truth is that Dr. John Comfort died in New Orleans in 1854 - he never fought in the Civil War. Another Comfort brother, Capt. David S. Comfort did command a Company of the Infantry and he did die of a fever, 1 Feb 1862 [the Battle of Shiloh was April 6th & 7th, 1862] I have copies of newspaper articles concerning both deaths. Daniel B. Comfort did indeed live in Kosciusko. These men were the sons of Eleanor Whitsitt and William Comfort - Eleanor was indeed the eldest daughter of William Whitsitt and Emily Haden of Logan Co, KY. This would seem to furnish proof that William C. Whitsett was indeed a brother to Eleanor - quite possibly a half-brother. However, the term "cousin" could be used for a more distant relationship than that of 1st cousin.
I have an email from a descendant of William C. Whitsett's son Joseph Haden "Hade" Whitsitt. Hade joined the Civil War quite late - October of 1864 - and was one of three remaining Confederate veterans in Texas when he died. She states that Uncle Hade lived until 1951 - he often mentioned his cousin Sim Whitsett and Quantrill's visit to Texas. Sim Whitsett did indeed ride with Quantrill and he probably is related quite far back to the Whitsitts that were also in Logan Co. I wonder if they simply decided they were cousins given that both had family from Kentucky and they share the surname.
Spouse | Emily "Milly" Haden (1781 - 1820) |
Child | Eleanor Cardwell Whitsitt (1800 - 1851) |
Child | Ann Haden "Nancy" Whitsitt (1803 - 1857) |
Child | Sarah P. "Sally" Whitsitt (1805 - 1870) |
Spouse | Jane Crawford ( - ) |
Child | William C. Whitsett MD (1812 - 1882) |
Father | William Whitsitt III (1731 - 1811) |
Mother | Eleanor "Ellen" Menees (1746 - 1818) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Dawson Whitsitt (1765 - 1834) |
Sibling | Margaret "Peggy" Whitsitt (1767 - 1859) |
Sibling | Jane Whitsitt (1769 - ) |
Sibling | Frances Whitsitt (1770 - 1795) |
Sibling | Rev. James Whitsitt (1771 - 1849) |
Sibling | Samuel Whitsitt (1772 - 1792) |
Sibling | Nancy Whitsitt (1774 - ) |
Sibling | Susan Whitsitt ( - ) |
Sibling | Eleanor "Ellen" Whitsitt (1780 - 1816) |
Sibling | Sarah "Sally" Whitsitt (1783 - 1829) |
1. Filmed at Courthouse in Russellville, Logan Co KY, Logan County KY Tax Lists 1792-1815 [1798 Missing]; 1816-1834 [1827 & 1832 Missing]; 1835-1839 (LDS Microfilm #0008122-4).
2. William H. Whitsitt, Annals of a Scotch-Irish Family: The Whitsitts of Nashville, Tennessee. (Originally in The American Historical Magazine,, Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct 1904 Reprint 1995 by Friends of Mill Creek Baptist Church Graveyard), Oct. 1904 p.380.
3. Logan County Genealogical Society,Inc., Logan County Kentucky Marriages 1790-1865 (c.1981; Additions and Corrections 1985), p.98 "Whitsitt, William to Milly Hardin".
4. William H. Whitsitt, Annals of a Scotch-Irish Family: The Whitsitts of Nashville, Tennessee. (Originally in The American Historical Magazine,, Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct 1904 Reprint 1995 by Friends of Mill Creek Baptist Church Graveyard), Oct 1904 p.382.
5. William H. Whitsitt, Annals of a Scotch-Irish Family: The Whitsitts of Nashville, Tennessee. (Originally in The American Historical Magazine,, Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct 1904 Reprint 1995 by Friends of Mill Creek Baptist Church Graveyard), Oct. 1904 p.382-383.