Individual Details
William Whitsitt III
(20 Aug 1731 - 14 Jul 1811)
Birthplace in Ireland is unverified.
Lived in Albemarle County VA, then Amherst County, then Henry County. After the Revolution, left Henry Co and went to Tennessee - entered land patent in 1795. The Whitsitt Annals state that they left for Tennessee in Oct. 1790. Listed in Tax List in Logan Co KY in 1795 with 8 blacks, 2 horses, 4 head of cattle.
There is also a survey in Albemarle Co, Survey Books, Vol.1, p.258, dated 29 Mar 1754. Assistant Surveyor William Cabell, Jr. surveyed 60 acres on the South Branch of the North Fork of Davis Creek. No patent has been found for the 60 acres. This is thought to be the young William Whiteside, as in 1763, this area now in Amherst Co, he purchased 200 acres from John & Elizabeth Wade. Amherst was formed out of Albemarle in 1761.
The following deeds are said to be in an Amherst Deed books [found online in a database and not verified by me - Deed Book not given]
5 Sep 1763, p. 129 John Wade to William Whitsitt, 200 acres, North fork of Davis' creek, branch of Rockfish. Line of William Trotter. Half of tract bought from William Wright. p.130, Elizabeth Wade, wife of John, released dower.
4 Jun 1770, p.84 Wm Whitesides to Wm Martin, 200 acres, N fork Davis Creek, branch of Rockfish; line of Wm Trotter, half of tract bought of Wm Wright. Signed Whitesides, clerk inserted name of Whitsett. Elliner, wife. Witnesses: Jo. Megann, Martin Dawson, Jas. McNee? [could this be Manees?]
1 Nov 1779, p.197 Benj. Maness & wife Ann, of Pittsylvania Co, to Wm Whitsitt of Amherst, 300 acres. Lines include those of Whitsitt. [Benjamin probably his brother-in-law. I wonder if one of these was one of the 300 acre tracts sold before the Whitsitts moved to Henry Co., see later]
DAR has accepted membership for the following patriots:
William Whiteside, b. 20 Aug 1731, Ireland, died 14 Jul 1811, Nashville. His service is stated to be under Capt. Charles Gatliff's Rangers, in the campaigns in Kentucky. A payroll list shows William Whiteside in 1780. The children through which ladies applied were children of the William Whitsitt who lived in Logan Co KY and died in Nashville. This does seem to be this man.
William Whiteside Jr. of Rutherford NC, b. 1747 in NC and died, 1815 in Monroe Co, Illinois. His service is listed as Civil Service. He would be the son of the man who left his will in Tryon Co NC, 1777.
William Whiteside Sr, b. 1710, Ireland, d. 1778 Tryon Co NC - Any future applicants must prove service for this man.
The is also a William Whiteside, who served in the Westmoreland Co Militia, Pennsylvania and even this man shows up in some databases as having married Ellen Menees. However his wife was Hadessa Crawford according to the DAR.
Still another William Whiteside, from New York has a line that has been closed without further proof - he served under a Col. Van Woert. I even found a database that had William married to a lady whose surname was "Wirt" and she was suggested as a first wife of William Whitsitt who died in Nashville. There are indications there was a William Wirt Whitsett, child of Ralph and Sarah Wilson Whitsett, but he is the William that married Esther/Hadessa Crawford.
The Virginia Genalogist, Vol. 29, 1985, p.128-129
"British Mercantile Claims 1775-1803"
Claims of Spiers, Bowman & Company, p.45 [no date, previous claims by George Kippen & Company, dated 19 Feb 1802]
Wm Witsett, Amherst 30.16.6 1/2 by specialty and account. He removed to Bedford County about two years ago and thence to Cumberland River on that part which is since included in the State of Tennessee. He has always been reputed solvent.
The following were likely sold in anticipation of the move to Henry Co.
Amherst Deeds
1 Oct 1781, p.317 William Whitsett to Charles Stewart, 100 acres. Lines of Daniel Gaines, Joseph Crews, James McNees [Manees?] Witnesses: Benonni Stone, Benj. Rucker, Isaac Rucker.
1 Oct 1781, p.321 William Whitsitt to Joseph Crews, 500 acres. Branch of Rutledge; lines of Daniel Gaines, James McNees, Jno McDonalld, James McNees Jr., George Gilbert, Wyatt Powell, Jones' orphans, Joseph Mayo. Conveyed to Whitsitt in two deeds from Jas. McNees for 300 acres. These names also listed but I could not determine if they were witnesses: Isaac Rucker, Chas. Stewart, Jno Turner, Benonni Stone.
6 Oct 1783, p.436 Order to Henry County Justices of the Peace, Abraham Penn and Jno. Salmon, to examine Ellenor Whitsitt, wife of William Whitsitt for dower release, deed of 1 Oct 1781, to Joseph Crews for 500 acres.
Name evolved from Whiteside to Whitsitt during his lifetime. By the time he lived in Henry County, he had settled on Whitsitt.
William's brother-in-law James Menees Jr is thought to have moved to North Carolina and served in the service there during the Revolution. Apparently this is what led these men to Tennessee. James also eventually ended up in Logan Co, KY.
#10882 14 Feb 1785 Warrant 611, Location 638. Jas. McNees assignee of Wm Holderness & Jas Perkins, 640 acres on N side of Cumberland River; border; begins about 1.5 miles above mouth of Stone R, up and down the river; West as the law direct includes a spring and tree marked BMN. Transferred to William Whitsell [Whitsett] by me 7 Dec 1792. Signed: Jas. McNees. [Vol. 6, p.1090]
[I don't know how this warrant could have been in the hands of William Holderness but this seems to be the land settled by William Whitsitt near Nashville. James McNees was Whitsitt's brother-in-law.]
Henry Co VA DB 3, p.150
27 Jul 1785 Bond. Joseph Anthony received authority to solemnize marriages. Signed: Joseph Anthony, James Anthony, William Whitsitts.
This deed links all the families together - Blakey, Breathitt, Stockton, Whitsitt, before any of them left Henry Co Virginia for Kentucky.
Henry Co DB 4, p. 117
27 Apr 1790 Abraham Penn, William Whitsitt & Elenor his wife of Henry Co to Benjamin Jones of Prince Williams for 225£, land both sides Little Beaver Creek, also Red Bank Creek. 550 acres. Lines of George Blakey, William Brethart, Robert Stockton, Thomas Cooper & James Anthony. Signed: Abraham Penn, William Whitsitt, Elenor Whitsitt.
p.114 23 Sep 1790 Elanor Whisitt, wife William, relinquished dower of deed to Benjamin Jones.
Davidson Co TN Deed Book 8, p.417
Deed from North Carolina to William Whitsett, assignee of James Perkins, #1513. For and in consideration of the bravery of James Perkins, a private in the Continental line, we have granted to William Whitsett, assignee of James Perkins, a tract of land containing 640 acres, north side of Cumberland River, in Neely's bend. 10 Apr 1792. Signed: Alexander Martin, Governor
Surveyed by John Donelson, in consequence of Warrant 611, located 14 Feb 1792.
The Whitsitts first settled in Davidson Co TN, near Nashville. The son James, the Reverend, remained there. But by 1795, William was in Logan Co, KY.
Logan Co Court Records posted on
Court held 27 Oct 1795
William Whitsett was paid for making hinges for the jail. [The Whitsitts had a Blacksmith shop] He had obviously settled in Logan County by 1795.
Logan County Court Orders Book A1 1793-1799 LDS #0364561 William Whitsitt allowed 200 acres of land. May 1801. In July of 1801 both William Whitsitt, and William Whitsitt Junior allowed 200 acres of land each.
From Google Books: Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, Vol. 1, 1791-1808, by Sherida K. Eddlemon.
Davidson Co, TN, April session, 1802. Tracts of land being sold for nonpayment of taxes for the year 1801.
William Whitsett, 430 acres.
Mar 1802 - Benjamin Proctor is allowed 200 acres of land "by William Whitsitt's BlackSmith Shop"
George D. Blakey relates a story about Big Isaac Whitsitt who came from Virginia as a slave of William Whitsitt; Isaac was the blacksmith. He was emancipated by the family: Deed Book G, p.52 Know all men by these presents that whereas we George Blakey, Reuben Ewing, James Whitsitt, Betsy Breathitt (Widow) the Heirs and Representatives of William Whitsitt, Senr. Now deceased who was by the last will & testament of said William Deceased entitled to the ownership of a certain Negro man by the name of Isaac By occupation a Black Smith formerly the property of Said William Deceased. Now we the said George, Reubin, James & Betsy by these presents and this Indenture Set at liberty, emancipate and release Said Isaac from all obligation of servitude to us or our heirs, etc. as freely and completely as if the sd Isaac had been born free. In Witness whereof we have hereto Set our hands and seals this 25th day of November 1818. Signed: Reuben Ewing, Jas. Whitsitt by his atty in fact J. Breathitt, George Blakey, Eliza. Breathitt. Witness: W. Y. C. Ewing, James Wand Jr.
p.194 Inventory & apprsaisement of goods of Isaac Whitsitt dec'd 11 Jun 1825
Set of old Blacksmith tools
And Irons
Rifle Gun
Spinning Wheel
Total: 273.37
Appraise the Goods and Chattels of Isaac Whitsitt dec'd (a free man of color)
p.195 Sale of Isaac Whitsitt on 18 Jun 1825
Ephriam L. McLean bought the Blacksmith tools
Hancy the Widow, most of the goods
Alex. Morton, several purchases
May 1802 - the court "ordered that the hands in the Town of Russellville assist Wm Whitsitt in cleaning out the road for which he is appointed overseer"
Logan Co KY Order Book 4, p.120, Oct 1807. William W. Whitaker and William Whitsett are to arrange for building an office for the clerk by fixing the ground, planning the office & obtaining funds by helping set the next levy. Samuel Caldwell was paid $75 for rent due him for supplying the clerk's office 1799-1800.
1810 Logan Co KY Census. Wm. Whittsitt Senr. 1m age 10-16, 1m over age 45
2f under 10, 1f 10-26, 1f over age 45. 9 slaves.
The daughters of his son William received the following slaves just prior to his death.
Logan Co DB C, p.350. 22 Jun 1811. I William Whitsitt Senr ...consideration of $1 to Eleanor C. Whitsitt, Nancy H. Whitsitt, and Sally P. Whitsitt ...following Negroes ....Rachel about 25 and her children Pennina and Melvina. Wit: John Cross, George Scurlock.
Logan Co WB A, p.192-194
Will dated 15 Mar 1805; probated 19 Aug 1811 in Logan County KY. Bequests to son William - 300£ as he has already been given his share of property, grandsons William W. Blakey son of George & Peggy Blakey - 100£ or a young Negro, William D. Whitsitt son of James - a Negro girl, Clary, and William W. Ewing son of Reubin & Ellen Ewing - 100£ or a young Negro. Daughter Sally Porter already received her share. Ellon, wife, remainder of estate for her support. At her death to be divided equally among four of my children: James Whitsett, Betsey Breathitt, Peggy Blakey and Ellon Ewing [These children possibly dec'd - Frances, Jane, Samuel, Nancy, Susan.]
Exec: Ellinor Whitsett, Reuben Ewing, William Whitsett
Signed William Whitsett Wit: Unbin Ewing, Chatham Ewing.
Codicil on the same date. If I give to my wife Ellinor over and above what she needs for her support, it is for her to dispose of in any manner she think proper.
Codicil: 23 May 1811. Revoke that part making William Whitsett Junr an executor and requent my son James Whitsitt to take upon the execution of my will in his place. Wm. Whitsett
Test: William Breathitt, Sally D. Porter, Elizabeth Breathit
Note: The abstract of this will in "Abstracts of Wills & Settlements, Logan County, KY 1795-1838" states his name was William I. Whitsett. This is an error - the Will begins, 'I William Whitsitt Senr" - no commas but obviously means 'I, William Whitsitt, Senr".
County Court Monday & Tuesday, 19th & 20th Aug 1811, the will and codicils produced in court by Ellenor Whitsitt, executrix and Reubin Ewing & James Whitsitt, executors therein named. Will proved by Urbin Ewing & Chatham Ewing. Codicil of 23 May 1811, proven by oaths of Wm Breathitt & Elizabeth Breathitt. Ordered recorded. Armistead Morehead, CLCC
p.195-197 Inventory dated 10 Sep 1811. Appraisers: Samuel Wilson, James Wilson, John Cross. Total value: $4360.58
p.224-255 Appraisal presented May 1812 Term.
Will Book B, p.36-37. Reuben Ewing, on of the executors of William Whitsitt dec'd made report. Total appraisment was $4360.58. Total of sale was $3149.11. He had paid thte following:
William Blakey, Legacy #1 - $350.
Negro woman Rachel given to W. W. Whitsett, gr-children $300.
Two Negro girls, Prudence & Milvina to same $300.
Balck horse to W. Whitsitt, Jr. - $50
Paid George Blakey, Legacy #2 - $573.66
Sale of Negro Joe by James Whitsitt to W. Breathitt & bond in the hand of James Whitsitt, one of the Executors - $700
William Breathitt a/c, Legacy #3 - $35
James Whitsitt a/c, Legacy #4 - $115
Reuben Ewing a/c, Legacy #5 - $99.50
Several items including taxes to Sherrif and P. Edwards, attorney fees, advertising, postage.
Amount of property in the hands of the widow as per a/c $1767.33 1/3.
Notes due from Wm Whitsitt, exr and Jno Breathitt.
Commissioners Spencer Curd, Richd M. Hannim, John Breathitt and Wm Curd were to settle with Reuben Ewing and they estimated $200 was a reasonable compensation to the executor. 15 Mar 1817. Settlement was returned and ordered recorded, 17 Mar 1817. Spencer Curd, CLCC
William died at the home of his son, the Rev. James Whitsitt, in Nashville. He is believed to be buried there in the family plot at Mill Creek Cemetery. There are no grave markers but a plaque has been posted indicating those family members believed to be there.
"William Whitsitt, b. Apr. 20, 1731 in Ireland, d. July 14, 1811, at home of son Rev. James Whitsitt"
The date when this plaque was placed is not known.
Birth | 20 Aug 1731 | Ireland | |||
Marriage | 30 May 1764 | Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - Eleanor "Ellen" Menees | |||
Death | 14 Jul 1811 | Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee |
Spouse | Eleanor "Ellen" Menees (1746 - 1818) |
Child | Elizabeth Dawson Whitsitt (1765 - 1834) |
Child | Margaret "Peggy" Whitsitt (1767 - 1859) |
Child | Jane Whitsitt (1769 - ) |
Child | Frances Whitsitt (1770 - 1795) |
Child | Rev. James Whitsitt (1771 - 1849) |
Child | Samuel Whitsitt (1772 - 1792) |
Child | Nancy Whitsitt (1774 - ) |
Child | Maj Gen William Whitsitt IV (1776 - 1842) |
Child | Susan Whitsitt ( - ) |
Child | Eleanor "Ellen" Whitsitt (1780 - 1816) |
Child | Sarah "Sally" Whitsitt (1783 - 1829) |
Father | William Whiteside II (1709 - 1798) |
Mother | Elizabeth Dawson ( - ) |
1. Edith Attkisson Rudder, My Father's Family (Leader Publishing Co. c.1947 LDS Microfiche #6010397).
2. William H. Whitsitt, Annals of a Scotch-Irish Family: The Whitsitts of Nashville, Tennessee. (Originally in The American Historical Magazine,, Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct 1904 Reprint 1995 by Friends of Mill Creek Baptist Church Graveyard).
3. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998), Family Group Record: William Whitsitt, Jr..
4. William H. Whitsitt, Annals of a Scotch-Irish Family: The Whitsitts of Nashville, Tennessee. (Originally in The American Historical Magazine,, Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct 1904 Reprint 1995 by Friends of Mill Creek Baptist Church Graveyard).