Individual Details

Rev. James Whitsitt

(31 Jan 1771 - 12 Apr 1849)

The Baptist preacher who influenced James was Joseph Anthony (apparently not related to Joseph Anthony whose daughters married two of the Blakey brothers) He was in fact married to a Haden descendant.
Did not go back with rest of family to Logan County, KY but remained in Davidson County,TN Was preacher at the Mill Creek Baptist Church - probably oldest Baptist church in Tennessee

29 Sept 1843. James testified for his sister Margaret Blakey to apply for her widow's pension. James Whitsitt was a citizen of Davidson Co, Tennessee. He was personally acquainted with George and Margarett Blakey at the time of their marriage which took place 10 Jan 1787 in Henry County, Virginia. They moved from Virginia to Davidson Co TN in 1790 and from there to Logan Co KY in 1796 where they lived together as man and wife until his death on 8 Sept 1842. They were legally bound in marriage long before the 1st of January 1794. On account of extreme old age, he has not seen them for some seventeen years and knows that George Blakey is dead and Margaret still living from the report of respectable persons. Signed: James Whitsitt.
Isaiah Ferris, JP, certified that he had known James Whitsit for many years and knew him to be a highly respectable citizen and a man of the strictest integrity.

The Concord Church minutes have the date of the Rev. James death, although his grave is unmarked at what is now Mill Creek Baptist Church, Nashville TN
A plaque posted at the cemetery says he was b. 31 Jan 1771, d. 12 Apr 1841 [error - it was more likely 1847 or 1849 as stated in the Whitsitt book, he certainly was still living in 1843]
There are some names posted on the plaque too late to have children of the Rev. James & wife Jane. They are also not given in lists of children of their sons.
James Meness Whitsitt II, b. 1840, d. 1868 [Cannot be Rev. James son of the same name. However, Rev. James's son Reuben had a son James, shown in the 1850 & 1860 censuses as born in 1840.]
Hamilton Whitsitt, b. 1849, d. 1868 [Reuben also had a son who was Hamilton in the 1850 census, but shown as Reuben in 1860 - his father had died in 1853 and his mother may have changed his name.]
Mary Whitsitt, b. 24 Jun 1928, d. 27 Jun 1928
There are also said to be 4 infants of Rev. James & Jane Whitsitt.


Birth31 Jan 1771Amherst County, Virginia
Marriage13 Dec 1792Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee - Jane Cardwell Menees
Death12 Apr 1849Davidson County, Tennessee


SpouseJane Cardwell Menees (1776 - 1840)
ChildJames Meness Whitsitt ( - )
ChildWilliam D. Whitsitt ( - )
ChildSamuel Dawson Whitsitt MD ( - )
ChildReuben Ewing Whitsitt (1813 - 1853)
FatherWilliam Whitsitt III (1731 - 1811)
MotherEleanor "Ellen" Menees (1746 - 1818)
SiblingElizabeth Dawson Whitsitt (1765 - 1834)
SiblingMargaret "Peggy" Whitsitt (1767 - 1859)
SiblingJane Whitsitt (1769 - )
SiblingFrances Whitsitt (1770 - 1795)
SiblingSamuel Whitsitt (1772 - 1792)
SiblingNancy Whitsitt (1774 - )
SiblingMaj Gen William Whitsitt IV (1776 - 1842)
SiblingSusan Whitsitt ( - )
SiblingEleanor "Ellen" Whitsitt (1780 - 1816)
SiblingSarah "Sally" Whitsitt (1783 - 1829)
