Individual Details
Zachariah Haden
(Bef 1738 - 1792)
Zachariah is said to have been born 1733. I doubt this given his marriage in 1763. I believe he was the youngest son, probably not born until later - but he was surely born before 1738 since he purchased land in Rowan Co in 1759 and would have had to be 21 at that time.
There is in the Rowan County, NC Deed Abstracts [Rowan DB 10 :181] Zachariah Haden of Goochland County, VA. He sold on 26 Oct 1784 to Richmond Pearson for 350£ land on sw side of Yadkin River adj McCulloh, William Giles, Phillip Williams, being 1/2 tract granted by Granville to William Giles containing 529 acres dated 8 Nov 1757, who sold it to Haden 24 May 1759. Wit: Obadiah Smith & Sarjint Hewes prvd by Obadiah Smith May Ct 1785.
DB 4: 67 8 Nov 1757 Granville to William Giles for 10 sh sterl, 529 A on s.w. side Yadkin River . Wit: W. Churton & Willis Ellis. Prvd Jan court 1759.
DB 4: 195 12 Oct 1759 William Giles & wf Mary to Philip Williams, labourer, for -L 10 proc, 529 A on s.w. side Yadkin River. Wit: Jas. Carter & David Houston. Prvd Oct Court 1759. [I wonder if reading the original deed would show that only 1/2 had been sold to Philip Williams?]
Abstracts of Land Entries: Rowan Co NC Dec 1778 - Feb 1795
Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987
#2487 21 Feb 1780 Obediah Smith enters 640a in Rowan, S side of Yadkin. Borders Philip Williams deeded land, now Zachariah Haiden's and John Arrowood's improvement
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co 1775-1789
Vol. III
Jo White Linn 1982
p.62 12 Feb 1780
Deeds Proved. Phillip Williams to Zach Haden prvd by John Braly
p.129 7 May 1785 Deeds Prvd
Zachariah Haiden to Richmd Pierson, moiety of 529A 6 Oct 1784 Prvd by Oediah Smith
Will of Edward Rice from Goochland Co Deed Book 10, p.67-68: Edward Rice mentions a parcel of land that adjoins Mr. Zachariah Haden's line, given to his son Edward, that he wants sold to meet his debts. 1 May 1769.
Goochland Co VA DB 10, p.236
18 Jul 1772 Edmund Hodges to Zachariah Haden. 320£. 665 A. Benjamin Crenshaws line on Lickinghole Crk, on Valentine Wood, William Rutherfords line, John Catons line, Archer Steatons line, Callam Bailey's line, Benjamin Crenshaw's line. Signed: Edmund (X) Hodges. Wid: Robert Birkmyre, Saml. Cosby, John Hodges, Alexr. Murray. Ack 20 Jul 1772 Wife relinquished.
7 Oct 1774
Zachariah Haden and Elizabeth his wife of Goochland to John Hopkins of said County. For 120£ a tract of land containing 250 acres "in the county of Goochland on the Great Byrd Creek, being formerly purchased by Anthony Haden, in two separate parcels, the one of Thomas Stone Containing two hundred Acres, and the other of Edward Rice Containing Fifty Acres Both granted to the said Anthony by Indentures of Bargain and sale Recorded in Goochland Court and by the said Anthony Devised to his son Zachariah Haden, the present Granter thereof" Begin at Spanish oak on Byrd Creek, on said Edward Rice, line of markt trees in said Hopkins line, on Obediah Daniel, corner red oak on Byrd Creek, down the Byrd according to its meanders. Signed: Zachariah Haden, Elizabeth Haden. Zachariah & Elizabeth ack. and she relinquished dower 17 Oct 1774.
Virginia Gazette, 24 May 1776; p.4, col. 1 [Colonial Williamsburg website]
For SALE and to be entered on at Christmas next,
SIX hundred and sixty five acres of land in Goochland county, on the waters of Lickinhole creek, about a mile from Rutherford's ordinary, exceeding food for ____ tobacco and grain of all kind; but as the soil on this water course is so well known, a farther description would be needless. There is a plantation thereon sufficient to work seven or eight hands to advantage, a convenient dwelling and other out houses, all lately built, and tolerable good orchards. My price is four hundred pounds, payable in negroes and horses. Any person inclinable to treat for the same will please to apply to me, on the premises. ZACHARIAH HADEN
25 Dec 1779. Zachariah Haden is Surety for marriage of William Bowman and Mary Causby. Wit: Ellison Clarke and Peter Clarke. William, 21 on Jul 30 1776 of Chesterfield County is son of Joseph Bowman.
Goochland DB 14
9 Oct 1786 Archer Payne & Martha his wife to Zachariah Haden, all of Goochland Co. Sum of 250£ paid by Zachariah Haden. Archer & Martha Payne have a right to dispose of this tract under the will of her deceased father, lying both sides of three chopt road and is the land on which William Groom and Sarah Thomas did dwell and is bounded by the lines of John Lawrence, Drury Hatcher, Wm. Towler, William Rutherford, John Slayden & William Isbell, according to well known and established boundaries, containing 260 acres.
Signed: Arch. Payne, Martha Payne
Wit: J. Winston, Robert Haden, Anne S. Payne
15 Apr 1787 Acknowledged in open court by Archer Payne and ordered recorded.
Goochland DB 15
Goochland County Court Dec 1787
Petition of Benj. Crenshaw, Zachariah Haden, Wm Isbill, John Henderson & Callam Bailey or any three are appointed to view way on which the said Crenshaw purposes to turn his road & report the same to the court. Signed: Wm Miller
We the subscribers in obedience to with have viewed the way Round Benj Chrenshaws fence to Mr. Woods mill and find that It be a made a better way than the old way it above two hundred yards further.
Feb. '88 Signed: Zachariah Haden, John Henderson, Callam Bailey
Court 18 Feb 1788 Report for turning the road round Benj Chrenshaws fence was returned and the road established agreeable thereto. Signed: Wm. Miller DC
Goochland DB 15, p.121
1 Jan 1788 Between Zachariah Haden and Robert Haden his son. In consideration of natural affection but more especially in consideration of the said Robert having undertaken to support and maintain the said Zacharish for and during his life as likewise provision for younger children agreeable to and is more particularly speciified in a bond executed from the said Robert to the said Zachariah of equal date. Sold to the said Robert all his lands lying in Goochland Co also the following Negroes, Jeffrey, Voilet, Bel, Peter, Isaac, Rowlen, Ned and Nance, Pey and Lyd and all his cattle, horses, hogs & household furniture.
Signed: Zach. Haden.
Wit: Benj. Crenshaw, Callom Bailey, John Henderson
19 Aug 1788 Deed was presented and Acknowledged by sd. Zachariah.
1789. Case in Chancery, Goochland County, initiated by Zachariah Haden - the bill of complaint has many blanks in place of exact dates. Zachariah referred to a conversation with a certain Thomas Poor regarding a marriage then to be celebrated between Zachariah and Elizabeth Poor, daughter of the sd Thomas & Elizabeth his wife. Thomas Poor promised to give him the slave Dinah if the marriage took place. After the marriage he took possession of the sd Dinah and retained her until Thomas Poor departed this life when Elizabeth his widow set up a claim to Dinah and her increase pretending she was her property.
24 Mar 1790 Deposition of Benjamin Johnson of Campbell County. He was in company with Zachariah Haden and Thomas Poor his father-in-law at the Goochland Court. Haden asked the sd Poor if he gave him a Negro Girl named Dinah when he married sd Poor's daughter. Poor asked him why he was asking. Haden answered he had been informed that Poor intended to take her away again and it would be hard to raise a parcel of Negroes and have then loose them. Poor's reply was "content yourself, I did give her the said Negroe Gairl Dinah to you and I know nothing to the contrary, you are to keep the sd Negroes." Benjamin Johnson had served on juries with Thomas Poor - perhaps on one of those occasions the above conversation took place.
The case continued until November of 1790 when the schedule states it was absolved by death by doesn't say who had died - but it was not Zachariah. It would seem he kept Dinah as she is mentioned in his estate division in 1793.
Will Jan. 14, 1782. Goochland County, VA. Probated Feb 20, 1792. Wife Elizabeth and son Robert, executors. Witnesees: Benjamin Crenshaw and Sarah Thomas. Named in will: Jesse, Susannah, Elizabeth, Robert. Provisions of Will: Jesse received all his father's land in Carolina; Susannah received 200 acres; Elizabeth received 200 acres; Robert received remaining land.
Goochland DB 16 [page numbers cut off by filming]
In the name of God Amen, I, Zachariah Haden of Goochland County being in a declinging state of Health and mindfull of the Uncertainty of this Transistory Life do think Propper to mke today this my Last Will and Testament in Manner & form Following. I lend to my Deare Wife Elizabeth Haden all the Estate both Real & personal Enduring her Life or widdowhood. But if she marrys my will & Devise is that it shall be in manner Hereafter mentioned. My Desire is that my Land that be disposed in manner and form ass following. I give and bequeath all my Land in Carolina to my son Jesse Haden, he and his Heirs for Ever. I likewise give and bequeath to my Daughter Susanna Haden two Hundred and fifty acres of Land begining at Woods line thence up the sd flagg branch to Bailey's Line. I likewise give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Elizabeth Haden, Two hundred acres adjoining the sd Susanna's Line with the sd Plantation on it. I likewise give and bequest to my son Robert Haden all the Rest of my Land. My desire is that six devided ......betwixt Susanna Haden and Elizabeth Haden ______ ?Lewy, Selah, they and extrs. forever. My desire is that my Two daughters Susanna Haden and Elizabeth Haden shall have one horse and saddle and one featherbed and furniture to each. Likewise to my son Jesse Haiden two featherbeds and furniture and all my stock of cattle Horses and Hoggs. My desire is that my son Robert Haden shall have all the rest of my personal estate. My desire further is that the income of my estate shall fall to my son Jesse Haden and last I constitute, Nominate and appoint my Beloved wife Elizabeth Haden and my son Robert Haden, Exctrs of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed seal this 14 day of January one thousand Seven hundred and eighty three.
Signed: Zach. Haden
Signd Seald Publishd & Declared
in presence of us
David Powers, Sarah Thomas, Ben. Crenshaw, Sher'd Parrish
At a Court held for Goochland County the 20th day of February 1792 this writing was presented in Court and proved by the Oath of Sher'd Parrish to be the last Will and Testament of Zachariah Haden deceased which was continued for further proof. And on the motion of Robert Haden, Executor therein named [who made oath according to Law and gave Bond in penalty of two thousand pounds, probate thereof was granted him on due form with leave for the Executrix to come in hereafter.
Test. Wm. Miller, CGC
At a Court of Quarter Sessions held for Goochland Co at the Courthouse on Monday the 19th of March 1792 This writing was further and fully proved by oath of Benjamin Crenshaw….
At a Court 18 Jun 1792. Writing further and fully proved by Sarah Thomas.
Inventory on estate of Zachariah Haden dec'd, late of Goochland
Included 5 yearlings, 1 Steer, White face cow and calf, Show cattle-2 years old, 10 cows, 6 - three-year old cows, white horse, blaze face bay horse, sorrell mare, one race horse, 13 sheep, 8 lambs, 1 white sow, another white sow, black sow, 9 hogs, 3 hogs, 9 shoats, colt and bay mare, wagon, etc.
Slaves were man Isaac, man Jeffry, woman Dianah, girl Pall/Patt, girl Fanny, boy Lewy, boy Charles, woman Bell, boy Peter, girl Amy, woman Lydia, woman Violet
Slaves on next page - partially obscured; includes girl Frankey, girl Polly boy ?Dreo, and woman Nancy
Psalm book, Bible Testament
Looking glass
Total of 895 £ 6 shillings.
In pursuance of decree of the Court dated 21 Mar 1793, the following appriased the Estate of Zachariah Haden dec'd on 11 Apr 1793: Shad. Vaughan, Wm Miller, Humphrey Parish.
20 Aug 1793. Inventory returned and ordered recorded. Test. Wm. Miller, Clk
After the death of Zachariah, the family was unhappy with the provisions of his will. Robert, as eldest, sued his mother and siblings in Chancery Court for a proper division of the estate, stating that the will was likely to be contested. Included was the following letter from his mother:
February 22nd, 1793
Some time in the year 1790 (sic - it was 1792) my deceased Husband departed this life leaving a Will which has Since been admitted to record in your Worshipsful Court, but the legacies & distributions therein made being not Satisfactory, Either to myself or the legatees therein mentioned, I am induced to Signify to your Worship my wished (in which the Legatees have concurred) of having a Divion of the Estate in a different manner from that proposed by the said Will: & being advised that in order to accomplish this End, it may be necessary to have the same Sanctioned by the Court, I do by these presents agree that in lieu of the Legacy to me devised in sd. Will, I am willing to receive one third part of the Estate for my Natural life (Reserving to myself Choice of Lts in Negros) one fourth part of which I have agreed to give up to my son Robert for certain purposes. Note: it was a widow's prerogative to accept her dower one third and renounce her husband's will. The terms as proposed & agreed to by The Legatees are as follows, after a final adjustment & paymt of all Debts due from the Estate, that an Equal Division of Land shall take place in quantity, & that Robt. Haden shall have his Choice in Lots and also his Choice of Lots of Negroes then remaining; and after reserving to the sd Robt. a horse & Walnut table now in his possession, both which Articles he conceives to be his proper right, an Equal Division with other Legatees in the remaining part of the Estate & in Consequence of the sd Robert having his Choice as aforesd, he agrees to relinquish his Claim on the Estate as a Manager therefore until the present year. It is further agreed by the legatees, that the Land shall be divided in the following manner. Viz, beginning on the Side next to Benjamin Crenshaws & taking a sufficiency on that side to make one part, which is accepted & agreed to be taken by Thos. Poor, & that the next Lot shall be adjoining to that, so as to include the plantation whereon the said Robert now lives which is accepted & agreed to be taken by him & that the next lot shall be adjoining to the sd Robert & the said Thomas, Including the place called the Middle field, which is accepted & agreed to be taken by Eliza. Haden the younger & that the last lot shall be the tract of Land Whereon I now live, which is accepted & taken by Jesse Haden that being the place where I choose to live; and that the three Lots made Choice of by Thos. Poor, Eliza. Haden & Jesse Haden, shall be Valued by those Gent who may be appointed to Divide the Estate and in case of a superiority in those three last mentioned Lots, those in whose favor it may fall, to be bound to make Compensation, so as to make the said three Lots Equal in Value.
I am Gent. your Servt.
Eliza. (her + mark) Haden
Teste: Wm Sampson. Stephen Murrell.
Other documents in the Chancery Court file (available at Library of Virginia) show that Elizabeth & Jesse were both under age - William Sampson apparently appointed as their Guardian.
21 Mar 1793. The Court appointed Humphrey Parrish, Joseph Shelton, Shadrach Vaughn and William Miller, or any three of them, as Commissioners to divide the estate, both real and personal, reserving to Robt. Haden a horse and walnut table in his possession and giving him Choice in lots of land & Negroes, and reserving to the Widow, one third of the Estate, one fourth of which she is to give up to sd Robert immediately after the Division. Joseph Shelton chose not to serve - the other three submitted their report dated 19 Aug 1793.
Lists of what was allotted each legatee is included. The land was divided into five lots. The widow kept the slaves, Violet, Franky, Fanny, Med, Nancy, Dinah and Amy. Robert received slaves Jeffry, Patty, Peter and Charles and was to receive Dinah & Amy from his mother at some point. Thomas Poor, in right of wife Susannah, received slaves, Isaac & Solo. Jesse received slaves Lewy and Patt. Elizabeth the younger received Lydia & Polly. Seventeen slaves in all. A wagon was divided - the widow received the wheels; each of the children one fourth of the wagon body - I found this curious and wonder how this was accomplished!
Birth | Bef 1738 | ||||
Marriage | 27 Jan 1763 | Goochland County, Virginia - Elizabeth POOR | |||
Death | 1792 | Goochland County, Virginia |
Spouse | Elizabeth POOR (1742 - 1809) |
Child | Robert D. Haden (1765 - 1832) |
Child | Thomas Poore Haden ( - 1792) |
Child | Susannah Haden (1768 - 1834) |
Child | James Haden (1771 - 1792) |
Child | Elizabeth Haden (1773 - ) |
Child | Jesse Haden (1776 - ) |
Father | ANTHONY HADEN (1694 - 1763) |
Mother | MARGARET DOUGLAS ( - 1747) |
Sibling | JOHN HADEN (1723 - 1817) |
Sibling | Ann Haden (1724 - ) |
Sibling | Ruth Haden (1729 - ) |
Sibling | William Haden (1730 - 1789) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Haden (1732 - ) |
Sibling | Joseph Haden (1735 - 1803) |
Sibling | Rachel Haden (1735 - ) |
1. David George Kyle (Material left to him by a cousin), Internet Home Page: Haden/Poor (Cave) (
2. Compiled by Kathleen Booth Williams, Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia 1733-1815 (Kathleen Booth Williams c1960), p.35 (Marriage Register p.10).
3. Edited by W. Mac Jones, The Douglas Register. Detailed record of Births, Marriages, kept by the Rev. William Douglas, from 1750 to 1797. [Note: Douglas went to Goochland in 1750 but did not start the Registter until 1756.] An Index of Goochland Wills. Notes on the French-Huguenot Refugees who lived in Manakin-Town. (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore Reprinted 1985; Original, 1928. c1966) Available online at by subscription., p.24.
4. David George Kyle (Material left to him by a cousin), Internet Home Page: Haden/Poor (Cave) (