Individual Details


(10 May 1723 - 1817)

Nothing has ever been found to prove that John's parents ever lived in North Carolina although family tradition places them there at the time of his birth. I believe this to be an error. He was most likely born in Virginia, King William County.

From "Goochland Wills & Deeds 1736-1742" by Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1984, p.316. Goochland DB 3, p.316
7 Jun 1740 - Col. William Randolph Jr. of St James Parish, Goochland to Arthur Hopkins, Gent. for 100 £ land on north side of north branch of James River, 350 acres, commonly called "Doge Pint". Rec. 15 Jul 1740. [This land will be bought from Hopkins by John Haden.]

"A Merchant's Account Book: Hanover County, Virginia, 1744-1745." Continued
from Vol 36, #1. Abstracted by Edgar MacDonald.
Page 123: "[Folio 170] Virginia Hanover County Sundries Dr to Ballance
brought forward "Haden, John."
[This is likely a different John Haden, a man that had lands processioned in Hanover Co during this time period. A too little early to be this John.]

18 May 1747 Parents deeded land & slaves to John and Jean; it is assumed they married at approximately this time.
Goochland DB 5, p.263-4
Anthony Haden to John his son
From JOHN HADEN OF VIRGINIA: Anthony of St. James Parish, Goochland, 200 acres bought of Benjamin Hawkins and being in the Parish of St. James Northam.
DB 5, p.255
John Moseley to loving Son in Law John Haden and Daughter Jenny Haden his wife. Four Negroes: Hannah, B___, Nan, and Prince. After their deaths to be equally divided amongst the children of John Haden and his Wife Jenny Haden. Signed: John Moseley
Witness: James George, John Moseley, Junr.

3 Jul 1747. The St. James Parish Vestry (Goochland County) ordered John Haden and Joseph Peace, to procession the lands of their district They reported they had done so, 12 Arp 1748.
St. James Parish Vestry Book, 1744-1850, by William Lindsay Hopkins, self-published, 1987

Goochland DB 6, p.61
11 Apr 1750 Jeremiah Wade of Cumberland and Pearce Wade & Thomas Cothon of Albemarle, executors of Joseph Bellinger Dec'd to John Britt of Goochland for 60£. The plantation where sd Britt now dwells in Goochland on Byrd Crk, 128 acres. Begin at corner at the Byrd, on JOHN HADEN's line to corner on Bryan Connely. Sd Connely & Arthur Hopkins's line to the Bryd and down its meanders. Proved 15 May 1750.
p.103 5 Jul 1750 John Britt sold the above tract to John Lewis. Same adjacent properties named.

St. James Parish Vestry Book, 1744-1850, by William Lindsay Hopkins, self-published, 1987
22 Oct 1759. John Haden and John Lewis were appointed to procession the lands that Howell Lewis and John Farrar had done in 1755.

Goochland DB 8, p.351
2 Dec 1762. Benjamin Batchelder sold to John Haden for 50£, tract which Batchelder bought of Arthur Hopkins and patented by Hopkins on 25 Sep 1746. 400 acres in Goochland among the branches of the Bird. Corner between Ebenezer Adams & John Coles, both dec'd. New lines. Crossing a branch of Elk Run. Signed: Benjamin Batchelder
Wit: John Martin, John Lovell, Obediah Daniel.
21 Jun 1763 Martin & Daniel proved the Deed 19 Jul 1763. Further proved by John Lovell.

St. James Parish Vestry Book, 1744-1850, by William Lindsay Hopkins, self-published, 1987
26 Feb 1764. William Harrison and John Haden appointed processioners.

Goochland DB 8, p.427
16 Oct 1764 John Haden sold to John Lewis for 333£, 6sh, 8p a tract of 200 acres. North side Great Byrd Creek, down the Creek according to its meanders; Richard Merrians line, pine on William Britt and John Lewis, Lewises line. Signed: John Haden. [Probably the land given to John by his father]
Acknowledged by John Haden 16 Oct 1764. Jane, his wife, relinquished dower.

By 1759 John was buying land in Albemarle Co., VA; about 1765 they actually moved to Albemarle Co.
DEED ABSTRACTS OF ALBEMARLE CO, VA; DEED BOOK 2; Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1988. p.27; from pp.88-89 of DB 2: 8 May 1759. Joseph Tate of Roane Co NC to John Haden of Goochland. For £80. 400 acres adj to East end of the Byrd, running on John Clark's line, Richard Adams' line, up the Byrd. One other tract of 100 acres on branches of Elk Run of the Byrd, Richard Adams' corner, on Edmund Lilley's, Arthur Hopkinses. Signed: Joseph Tate. Witness: Tandy Holman, Archelaus Mitchell, G. Marr. Ack. by Joseph Tate on 8 Mar 1759. Alice, his wife relinquished.
Note: Joseph Tate was living in Roane Co NC in 1759 - he was obviously a near neighbor of the Hadens. Did he encourage John's brothers William & Joseph to also move to North Carolina?
DEED ABSTRACTS OF ALBEMARLE CO, VA; DEED BOOK 3; Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1988. p.120/pp.493-494 of DB 3
9 Aug 1764 Col. Arthur Hopkins of Albemarle to John Haden of Goochland for £400. Parcel in Albemarle on both sides Rivanna River containing 1150 acres. Down the River according to it's meanders to branch opposite Rock House, crossing river said Hopkins' line, corner of Arther & Samuel Hopkins, their dividing line to Capt. Joseph Thompson's line. 350 acres known as "Dogpoint" and purchased by Arthur Hopkins from Col. William Randolph, dec'd and 800 acres opposite side of the River granted by Patent to said Arthur Hopkins. Signed by Arthur Hopkins and ack. by him on 9 Aug 1764.
DEED ABSTRACTS OF ALBEMARLE CO, VA; DEED BOOK 4; Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989. p.97/pp.437-439 of DB 4.
10 Sep 1767. Saml. Hopkins of Mecklinburg Co to John Haden of Albemarle for £130. 2600 acres in St. Anne's Parish, Albemarle. Pointers in Moody's line, crossing Cunningham's Creek, George HIlton's line, William Creasey's line, George Payne's line, crossing Bush's Creek, oak in sd John Haden's line. The whole of which was granted by deed from Arthur Hopkins to said Saml Hopkins except 100 acres sold to Green Richardson and 200 acres to John Moody as by deeds appear. Signed Saml Hopkins and ack. by him September Court 1767.

Likely this is the same John Haden mentioned in the Louisa Co Court Orders. His brother William lived for a time in Louisa.
Louisa County Court 12 Mar 1770 p.67
Vincent Sprouse Pl agst William Creasy Jr. Def
in Trespass
By consent of parties by their Attornies all matters in difference between them are referred to the determination of Henry Martin, John Haden & William Furbush whose award is to be taken & made the judgment of the Court and ordered accordingly.
12 Sep 1770 p.17
Sprouse vs. Creasy. Find for Plaintiff 5# 10sh. 7 Oct 1770. Henry Martin, John Haden, John White. The plaintiff to recover same & his costs

Albemarle Will Book B, p.275: Will of William Forbush dated 10 May 1771, proved Apr Court 1772. Wit: JOHN HADEN, Green Richardson, John Asklin. [COLONIAL & GENEALOGICAL RECORDS OF THE DAR; Albemarle Co 1748-1800]

7 Aug 1777 John's property became part of the new Fluvanna County.
Fluvanna Co VA Deeds 1777-1783, TLC Genealogy, 1991, LDS FHL Call Number: 974-547 R2f [1st Deed Book of Fluvanna]
7 Aug 1777. From John Haden of Fluvanna Co to Robert Parsley (Pasley) for 16E's, tract in Fluvanna on branches of Cunningham's Creek containing about 100 acres bounded by David Cockran, John Moody, Daniel Lightfoot, several new lines made by agreement of the parties, the land of the said John Haden, Signed: John Haden. No witnesses. Recorded the same day.
p. 10
7 Aug 1777 John Haden Sr of Fluvana for the natural love I have for my son, Joseph Haden, 650 acres of land in Fluvanna, bounded by lines of John Clarke, Thomas Lilley, William Lilley, David Clarkson, John Robinson, and Saml Martin, being the tract whereon the said Joseph Haden now lives. Signed: John Haden. No witnesses. Recorded same day.
7 Aug 1777 John Haden of Fluvanna for the natural love I have for my son William Haden of Fluvanna, one tract of 400 acres in Fluvanna on the south side of the North Fork of the James River, both sides of Cunningham's Creek, the place whereon my son William Haden now lives. Signed 4 Aug 1777: John Haden. Wit: George Thompson, John Haden, Robert Farley. Rec. 7 Aug 1777.

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] John Haden listed in Fluvanna Co VA tax list in 1782.

In 1784 Sold Fluvanna Co home tract property; moved to Campbell Co VA, near son Benjamin.
Fluvanna DB 2, p.60 20 Dec 1784 John Haden and Jean his wife to George Thompson, tract of land known by the name of Dog Point situate on the Rivanna River wheron John Haden has long resided containing 224 acres which the sd Haden purchased of Arthur Hopkins and which was conveyed to Hopkins by Col. William Randolph.

From Mail List; 9 Jun 2004:
1785 Personal Property Tax List, Campbell Co VA; District #6
Listed as John "Hadam" but next to Benjamin Haden.
One white male, 7 slaves over age 21, 6 slaves under 16, 12 slaves total, 4 horses, 6 head of cattle.

1 Dec 1787 Campbell Co, VA DB 2, p.261
John Talbot of Wilkes Co, GA, to John Haden of Campbell, for 100£, tract of 438 acres in Campbell Co on the south side of the Otter River, adj Haden's land (and others)
Rec. 6 Dec 1787.

20 May 1795 Moved in w/ son Benjamin; deeded property to him
CAMPBELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS 1790-1796 TLC Genealogy. DB 3, p.539.
20 May 1795 John Haydon [sic] to Benjamin Haydon for £800, tract both sides of Otter River, bounded by John Callaway, Thomas Yuille, David Irvine, James Deering, Thomas Jones, and his own line. Signed: John Haden. Wit: John Jones, Jesse Webb, William Farmer. Rec. 4 Jun 1795.
DB 3, p.610. I, John Haden, for natural love for my son John Mosley Haden of Fluvanna, grant to said John M. Haden, one Negro man, Prince. 7 Jan 1796.
DB 3, p.611 I, John Haden, for natural love for my son Benjamin Haden of Campbell Co, grant to said Benjamin Haden, Negroes - Patrick, Abram & Mary, 3 horses, 1 wagon and gear, still and worm, all blacksmith's tools, cattle, hogs, all household furniture, all plantation utensils. Signed: 7 Jan 1796, John Haden.

Campbell Co VA DB 3, p.610
7 Jan 1796 John Haden for natural love and affection I bear unto my son John Moseley Haden of Fluvanna County. One negro man, Prince. Rec. the same day as the gift to Benjamin,

John Haden divided his property by deed rather than making a will. This deed is in Campbell Co VA, DB 3, p.607. 20 Oct 1795. The relationships are expressly stated in this agreement:
"Know ye, that we the SONS and SONS IN LAW of John Haden of the county of Campbell have by mutual consent and by and with the consent of sd John Haden, agree'd to divide among us, all & every part of sd John Haden's estate that he choose to give up to us"
One of the signatures is Anthony Haden - it is the first signature.. Others are Wm Hopkins [husband of Mary], John M. Haden, J. Haden [Joseph], Jno. Dabney [husband of Mildred], Benj. Haden, and Jno. Moorman [husband of Rachel]. These would seem to be listed in birth order.
Not all the children of John & Jean were included in the above deed - my husband's ancestor, the son William, had already received his land, sold it back to his father and gone to Kentucky some 10 years previously. The daughter Margaret who married John Robertson/Robinson had also previously received land and had either moved away or died as nothing more has been found about her. The daughter Jane who married William Moorman was deceased and William Moorman, a very wealthy man, was remarried.

There are deeds on file in Albemarle, Fluvanna, and Campbell Counties to account for the six older children. The younger four were baptized and recorded in the "Douglas Register".

John obviously owned large quantities of land in Goochland, Albemarle, Fluvanna Counties. In 1782 he was on the land tax list with 1,213 acres. There are records of John living as late as those deeds of 1796. The Haden book, John Haden of Virginia, gives his date of death as 1817, but I'm not sure of the authority for that date as none is cited, and he doesn't appear in the 1810 census. The Bible record of Capt Jack Jouett had the date of John Haden's birth, but not his death. The note of his birth was part of the Haden records on a paper pinned in the 1803 Bible, many years later after the events.

The 1800 census of Virginia is missing. In 1810, I found only Benjamin, John's son:
Benjamin Hadon [indexed as Hudon]: 2m -10, 2m 10-16, 1m 16-18, 1m 16-26 [quite possibly the same son as the one 16-18], 1m 26-45, 1m over 45.
2f under 10, 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
This matches Benjamin's family well and Benjamin and his wife were over age 45 by 1810.


Birth10 May 1723
Marriage31 Jan 1745Goochland County, Virginia - JEAN MOSELEY
Death1817Campbell County, Virginia


SpouseJEAN MOSELEY (1722 - 1796)
ChildAnthony Haden (1746 - 1828)
ChildMary Haden (1747 - 1801)
ChildJohn Moseley Haden (1749 - 1830)
ChildWILLIAM HADEN (1751 - 1819)
ChildJoseph Haden (1752 - 1820)
ChildMargaret Haden (1755 - )
ChildJane or Jeannie Haden (1757 - 1789)
ChildMildred "Milly" Haden (1760 - 1818)
ChildBenjamin Haden (1762 - 1837)
ChildRachel Haden (1764 - 1831)
FatherANTHONY HADEN (1694 - 1763)
MotherMARGARET DOUGLAS ( - 1747)
SiblingAnn Haden (1724 - )
SiblingRuth Haden (1729 - )
SiblingWilliam Haden (1730 - 1789)
SiblingElizabeth Haden (1732 - )
SiblingJoseph Haden (1735 - 1803)
SiblingRachel Haden (1735 - )
SiblingZachariah Haden (1738 - 1792)
