Individual Details

Anthony Haden

(26 Mar 1746 - 28 Apr 1828)

There is on, the SAR applications ...The application of Matthew H. Crawford, #38585 is for Capt Anthony Haden/Hayden, submitted in 1924. The only problem is that it is based on this Anthony's grandfather who was already deceased by the time of the Revolution. I don't know that SAR has ever corrected this error, because I believe others have joined on this line. Since Mathew H. Crawford was also a descendant of this Anthony, who indeed served as a Captain in the Revolution, I suppose it is a moot point since he was a descendant of a Revolutionary soldier. He also cited the service of an Anthony Haden from Hanover Co - he was an Anthony D. Haden who later lived in Pittsylvania Co, VA and whose relationship to this family has not been proved. So this application confuses two Anthony Hadens of two different generations AND two unrelated Anthony Hadens who served from two different places in Virginia.

This family was in Goochland County and then Albemarle County (which became Fluvanna County) and then Campbell County. Late in life Anthony moved to Christian County, KY. Anthony had a total of eleven children by the three wives.

ABSTRACTS FROM 18TH-CENTURY VA NEWSPAPERS; Colonial VA Source Records, 1600s-1700s on CDRom from FamilyTreeMaker: James Corgan, Irish servant, age 26-27, ran away from Anthony HADEN, Albemarle Co. Virginia Gazette, 21 Mar 1771.
Virginia Gazette(Purdie & Dixon), Williamsburg ,
March 21, 1771.
RUN away from the Subscriber, in Albemarle County, on Sunday the 10th of March, an Irish Servant named JAMES CORGAN, about twenty-six or twenty-seven Years of Age, five Feet five or six Inches high, with light Hair, his Beard inclining to red, pretty much pockpitted, and has a little of the Brogue in his Speech. He had on, and carried with him, a Sailor's Jacket of dark Kersey, and Breeches of the same, a Scarlet under Jacket much worn, one Check Shirt, and one of the Dowlas, a Fetl Hat, a Pair of Yarn Stockings, and Scotch Shoes. Whoever will deliver the said Servant to me, in Albemarle County, shall have FORTY SHILLINGS Reward, besides the Allowance by Law; or, on giving such Intelligence as will enable me to get him again, FORTY SHILLNGS. ANTHONY HADEN. [symbol] He is a pretty good Sailor, and will likely endeavor to pass as such. All Masters of Vessels are cautioned against harbouring or employing him.

Fluvanna Co DB 1
p. 50 4 Dec 1777 Roger Thompson to Anthony Haden for 1500#'s. Tract of land of 380 acres in Fluvanna County both sides Cunningham's Creek, bounded by William Haden, said Roger Thompson, Thomas Staples and Cuthbert Champion. I purchased the land of George Thompson. signed: Roger Thompson.
Wit: John Cobbs, Henry Martin Jr., ____ ____pson, ____ ___berlake. Rec. 4 Dec 1777

ALBEMARLE CO VA COURT PAPERS 1744-1783; Benj B. Weisiger III; 1987.
p.36 Order to arrest Joseph Haden, Anthony Haden and John Robinson at suit of George Barclay, Executor of Mary Cole, dec'd, for debt. 13 Apr. 1772 Folder #2

Virginia Gazette, 4 May 1776; p.3, column 3 [Colonial Williamsburg website]
Bedford, April 25, 1776
Whereas I gave two Bonds, bearing Date the 27th of September 1774, each for the Sum of 25£, one payable, the 20th of May 1776, the other the 20th of May 1777, to Anthony Haden of Albemarle County, in Consideration of a certain Parcel of Land in Bedford: I hereby forewarn any Person from taking Assignments of the said Bonds until the said Haden makes me a legal Right to the said Land.
Signed: William Williams.

Haden, Anthony, Fluvanna Militia. Rec. as Ensign 4 Sep 1777; took oath as Captain 2 Apr 1779.

Fluvanna DB 1
13 Nov 1778 William Haden of Fluvanna to Anthony Haden of same, for 12#'s. Two tracts of land on Cunningham's Creek bounded by said William Haden, Turner Richardson, Roger Thompson, and said Anthony Haden, supposed, by estimation, to be 20 acres. Also two acres adjoining the said Anthony Haden's and William Haden's Mill, bounded by the north side of Cunningham's Cr and the mill pond. Signed: William Haden
Wit: William Wooddy, John M. Haden, Richard Allen. Recorded 3 Dec 1778
p. 133
3 Dec 1778 Anthony Haden of Fluvanna to Turner Richardson of same for 8#'s. Tract of two acres on Cunningham's Cr, bounded by Anthony and William Haden's corner below said Haden's Mill on the north side of the Creek. Signed: Anthony Haden. No witness. Recorded 3 Dec 1778.

He was a witness to marriage of Solomon Williams & Lucy Holland 11 Feb 1778, Goochland County.

1 Jun 1780 Fluvanna Co Deeds 1777-1783, p.279 Thomas Linthicum Jr to John Clements, 100 acres on branches of Carey Crk where sd Clement now lives, part of a tract of 400 acres where Linthicum now lives. Wit: Anthony Haden, William Haden, Benjamin Anderson

Fluvanna DB 1,
p. 371
7 Mar 1781. John M. Haden, William Haden, and Anthony Haden of Fluvanna Co to Thomas Shores Jr of Powhatan Co, for 100#'s, tract of about 200 acres of land in Fluvanna
on the heard of Burkies Creek and waters of Cunningham's Creek and bounded by Daniel Lightfoot, John Haden, John Mann, Joseph Haden, and Thomas Shores, Sr. Signed: John M. Haden. No witnesses. Recorded 7 Mar 1782 [must have been 1781 - the same day - typo in the abstract]

"Friend" Anthony Haden of Fluvanna Co VA was Executor [along with wife Elizabeth Hopkins] of the Will of Joseph Hopkins Jr. signed 20 Jun 1780 and recorded 12 Aug 1782.
Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 451, Joseph Hopkins, Type: Will, Date: 12-Aug-1782
Will of Joseph Hopkins of Louisa; to son Lund Hopkins all of tract of land of 400 acres with appurtenances, to daughter, Susannah Hopkins, 1 negro girl named Violett if Susannah lives to marry and have a legal heir, otherwise to be equally divided amongst the surviving brothers and sisters; to son Joseph Hopkins negro boy George provided he lives to age 21; to daughter Elizabeth Hopkins negro Darby; to daughter Sarah Hoplins Boston; wife now pregnant and if child lives it is to receive all of moveable estate at age. If wife remains single she is to have all of estate, if she remarries the children shall have their legacies when they become of age boys 21 and girls 18. Administrator to be wife, Elizabeth Hopkins, and esteemed friend, Anthony Haden of Fluvanna Co. 20 Jun 1780. sig. Joseph Hoplins, Jr. Wit. David Allegree, Thomas Rowntree, John Forsee, Jr. Rec. 12 Aug 1782 Anthony Haden made bond for Admr.
Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 451, Joseph Hopkins, Type: Will, Date: 20-Jun-1780
Will of Joseph HOPKINS, Jr. To son Lund HOPKIN's all land in aforesaid County (Louisa) 400 acres. Daughters: Susannah, Elizabeth and Sarah HOPKINS, a son Joseph HOPKINS and wife with child. Exors: wife Elizabeth HOPKINS and friend Anthony HADEN of Fluvanna Co., VA. Dated 20 Jun 1780. Signed Joseph HOPKINS, Jr. Rec'd 12 Aug 1782.
Lousia Co Will Book 2, p.451
Will of Joseph Hopkins, Jr., Son of Joseph Hopkins, the Emigrant
I, Joseph Hopkins, Jr., of the County of Louisa, having at heart the
uncertainty of this life, am now of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, do make this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I give and bequeath to my beloved son, Lund Hopkins, all my tract of land lying and being in the aforesaid County, consisting of four hundred acres, with all its appertunances thereunto belonging; and I likewise give and bequeath to my daughter, Susannah Hopkins, one negro girl named Violett, to her and her increase forever, provided she lives to marry and have a true begotten heir, if not the above legacy to be equally divided amongst the surviving brothers and sisters; and I likewise give and bequeath to my son, Joseph Hopkins, one negro boy named George, to him and his heirs lawfully begotten forever, provided he lives to arrive to the age of twenty-one years,
if not the above legacy to be equally divided amongst the surviving brothers and
sisters; and I likewise give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Hopkins, one negro man named Darby, to her and her true begotten heirs forever, provided she lives to have such, if not the above legacy to be equally divided amongst the surviving brothers and sisters; and likewise give and bequeath to my daughter, Sarah Hopkins, one negro boy named Boston, to her and her true begotten heirs, provided she lives to have such, if not the above legacy to be sold and equally divided amongst the surviving brothers and sisters; and as my beloved is now pregnant with child, and it is the Lord's will that it should come into life and arrive to age, I give and bequeath to it, all and every part of my moveable estate, whatsoever and wherever, provided it lives, if not the above legacy to
be sold and equally divided amongst the surviving brothers and sisters; and my
desire is that as long as my beloved wife choses after my death to live single, that she may have a true right to the above legacies and give up to the above legatees the legacies so given by me as she pleases and when she pleases. But if she should see cause to marry, my desire is that the aforesaid legatees shall enjoy their right when they arrive to age, that is, men to twenty-one years and the women to eighteen years, and my desire is that all my just debts should be paid out of the monies I may have at the time of my death, or, otherwise, at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter mentioned.
And, lastly, I do appoint, nominate and constitute my esteemed and loving
wife, Elizabeth Hopkins, and my esteemed friend, Anthony Haden of Fluvanna County, executors of this my last will and testament, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty.
Joseph Hopkins, Jr. (SEAL)
Signed, sealed and declared by the said Testator as my Last Will and Testament in the presence of Daniel Allegre, Thos. Rowntree and John Forsee, Jr.

At a court held for Louisa County on Monday, 12th of August, 1782.
This will was this day in open court exhibited by Anthony Haden one of the Exors. therein named, who took the oath prescribed by law and was proved by the oaths of Daniel Allegre and Thos. Rowntree, two of the witnesses thereto, and ordered to be certified. Bond acknowledged, probate granted.
Teste: John Nelson, Clk.

p.65 Louisa Co WB 2, p.452 Bond of Anthony Haden, exr of estate of Joseph Hopkins. Sec with Roger Thomson, Thos. Rountree. #1000. Dated & rec. 12 Aug 1782. Signed:
Anthony Haden, Roger Thomason, Thomas Rountree

Note: A lawsuit was brought in Louisa Co by Lund Hopkins of Powhatan Co against Robert Yancey, Deputy Sheriff, and Richard Faris, who had bought his mother's dower land went to the Supreme Court of Appeals in Virginia and was heard on 18 Oct 1810. Lund Hopkins' mother remarried, had her dower laid off, sold it, and moved away by 1785. She and her second husband, Samuel Beaver, sold the dower land to Richard Faris. The entire tract was on the tax rolls in her name and the Deputy Sheriff purchased 200 acres of it for back taxes [about 40£]. Yancey later sold it to Faris for about the same amount. Anthony Haden was supposedly notified, as the administrator of the estate of Joseph Hopkins soon after the sale but he had no assets of the estate. There was personal property on the land that could have been sold for the back taxes. The Court of Chancery had decided the sale void and decreed title be returned to Lund. That decision was upheld.
Louisa Co DB L, p.??: Lund Hopkins and Mary H. his wife of Powhatan Co to Edward Massey of Albemarle, for 218 £. 218 acres in Louisa, Fluvanna line adjoining Richard Faris, George Gilmer.

The Virginia Genalogist, Vol. 29, 1985, p.130
"British Mercantile Claims 1775-1803"
Claims of Henderson, McCall & Company, 19 Feb 1802, p.50-51
Joseph Hopkins Junr. Albemarle. 26.4.3 1/2, account, Richmond Store. He was killed at Gates' Defeat during the late war. He left a tract of land and four or five slaves. His executor was Anthy. Haden, formerly of Albemarle, but now of Campbell County. The widow of Joseph Hopkins having imprudently married a second husband who was a spendthrift, the whole of the estate was wasted before 1790.
Claims of Thompson, Snodgrass & Company, Goochland Store, p.125-31 [not dated]
p.127 Anthony Haden, Fluvanna. 38.11.10 He removed to Campbell Company about fourteen years ago in good circumstances. He now resides in the same county, able to pay his debts.

I have as yet found no connection between the Hopkins of Louisa and the Hopkins that had intermarried with the Haden family in Albemarle & Fluvanna.

1782, 6 April. Virginia Public Claims, Fluvanna County [Janice L. Abercrombid and Richard Slatten, Virginia Revolutionary Publick Claims, page 363]: Benjamin Thurmond presented one certificate by Capt Daniel Tilman, one by Capt Anthony Haden, and one by Capt Richard Napier. There is a note stating, "the preceeding articles taken for the Fluvanna Militia when under march".

Fluvanna Co DB 1, p.460
1 May 1783 Turner Richardson, Gentleman, to Anthony Haden for 400#'s, tract of about 408 acres on Burks Creek and branches of Cunningham's Creek, being the upper part of the tract Richardson now lives on, purchased of the said Anthony and by a deed made to the said Richardson by Jno Haden Sr. The land is bounded by Anthony Haden, William Haden, John M. Haden, said Richardson, Doctr. Powell. Also conveyed is 2 acres purchased of William Haden by a deed made to the said Anthony Haden & thence conveyed by deed to Turner Richardson. Bounded by Cunningham's Creek below the Mill, William Haden. Signed: Tuner Richardson. No wit. Rec. 1 May 1783.
The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 30, p.108; 1986
"Local Notices from The Virginia Gazette" Richmond, 1784; 5 Apr
Thomas Johnson, Sheriff, advertises for sale at Louisa Court house, land to satisfy the tax due thereon: names include Anthony Haden, 100 acres

21 Jan 1787 Campbell Co VA DB 2, p.440
John Welch, son and heir of John Welch, dec'd and Chloe his wife, and John Booker Hoy and Mary his wife of Rowan Co, NC, sell to Anthony Haden of Campbell Co, for 140£, 432 acres on north side of Seneca Creek and another 32 acres deeded by gift by Samuel Gilbert, dec'd, to his daughter Mary Welch, it being the plantation where John Welch lived and died. Wit: Samuel Welch, Isham Welch, James Welch, Thomas Hoy, Edward Burton, Jesse Stanley
Proved by Affirmation of Samuel & James Welch and Isham Welch [indicates they were Quaker]
Rec. 1 Oct 1789

Campbell Co Va. Deeds 1784-1790 by T.L.C. Genealogy,1991
P.241Mar 1,1787 from George Vest and Mary,his wife of C. to John Candrey
of Chesterfield County for 50 L one certain tract of land of about 200
acres and bounded on the East by the lands of Shildrake Brown,on the
North by Clark Morman,on the West by Robert Brown,on the South by
Anthony Haden,William Brown,and Thomas Lester.Signed George Vest, Mary Vest .Wit: Isaac Reynolds,George Fox and Daniel Blankenship.Recorded Sept
P.242 Mar 1,1787 from George Vest and Mary his wife of C. to Robert
Brown of C. for 62 acres L 10 shillings,one certain tract of land of
about 260 acres in C. on the branches of Seneca Creek bounded on thje
East by a new line made from Plephus's (Plelphus) old road to Morman's
line,North on the West by said Brown,on the South by David Terrell and
Anthony Haden. Signed George Vest, Mary Vest [did not get next page

Anthony Haden to Anna Dabney. Marriage Bond dated 30, Nov 1787, Albemarle Co. John Jouet, security. Joshua Nichols witness. Lucy Dabney and Susanna Harris, Witnesses

Anthony Haden must have retained land in Goochland - a 400 acres tract.
Goochland Co DB 15, p.484
A list of tracts of land in Goochland Co on which the taxes have not been paid for the 1785 returned.
Anthony Haden
Wm Sampson for Stephen Sampson, sheriff - their list
24 Mar 1791
p.486 A list of tracts on which taxes have not been paid ….year 1786 Anthony Haden. Returned same day as above.
List of land on which no tax paid for year 1787
Anthony Haden, 400 acres
Signed Sm. Sampson for Sm. Royster, sherrif
Returned to Court 19 Apr 1791
Goochland DB 16 [page numbers are not visible - cut off by filming
p.6 Non Inhabitants in the Land Tax report, Goochland 1789
Anthony Haiden, Fluvanna 400 acres
And for 1790
Anthony Haiden, 400 acres
A list of land returnd in Goochland Co for 1791
Anthony Haydon, Fluvanna 400 acres
Insolvents & non-inhabitants for year 1793 Upper district
Anthony Haden, 400 acres
20 Apr 1795 returned to Court by John Miller, Deputy Sheriff for Nathaniel Massie late High Sheriff.

1 Nov 1791 Fluvanna Co VA DB 2, p.481
Thomas Rountree and Lottishea, his wife of Rutherford Co NC sell to Anthony Haden of Campbell Co VA, for 30£, land in the County of Fluvanna. 25 acres, north side of the north fork of the James River, which land was conveyed by Col. John Payne of Goochland Co. to Thomas Rountree by deed recorded in Albemarle Co. Signed: Thomas Rountree, Lottishea Rountree
Wit: John Rountree, Sarah Byras, Stripling Byras
Rec. 1 Dec 1791

CAMPBELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS 1790-1796 TLC Genealogy. DB 3, p.201. 7 Jun 1792. From Robert Brown and Mary his wife to Anthony Haden of Campbell Co for £100, two tracts. One on east side Seneca Crk where Thomas Ramsey lived and said Brown sold to said Ramsey and Ramsey sold to sd Haden, being about 100 acres bounded by John Condy, William Johnson, & Charles Moorman. The other tract of 45 acres bounded by north bank of south fork of Seneca Crk just below the old mill, Benjamin Butterworth Jr's and said Haden's line of land he purchased of David & Josias Bullock and said Haden's plantation. Signed: Robert Brown, Mary (X) Brown. Wit: William Condrey, John Henness, Caleb Condrey. Rec. 7 Jun 1792.
DB 3, p.308 28 Mar 1793. Anthony and Anna his wife to John Quarles Dabney for £30, 100 acres south side Seneca Crk, bounded by John McDaniel, John Condy, William Johnson, & Charles Moorman. Signed: Anthony Haden, Anna Haden. Wit: John Haden. Rec. 4 Apr 1793. [John Quarles Dabney was married to Anthony's sister Mildred]
DB 3, p.486 1 Jan 1795. Augustine Potter and Elizabeth his wife for £10, 11 acres, bounded by north side of Phelps Road, Lewis Duvall, said Haden, and John W. Gilbert. Signed: Augustin Potter, Elesebeth Potter. Rec. 5 Feb 1795.

ALBEMARLE RECORDS, Valentine Papers Vol 1; p.105
DB 10, p.512 4 Dec 1792 Johnston (X) Ballard to Anthony Haden. 400 acres on Doyles River deeded sd Ballard by John Crag. Adj. John Mullins, Bazaleel Brown, Richd Bruce, John Maupin Jr, James Keaton & Wm Via. Wit: Robt. McCullock, John Craig, James Harris, Thos. Ewell, Wm Via, Jewwe Ewell. [this land was sold ....see next]

ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS 1793-1794; Deed Book 11. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Ancient Press, 1999. p.75/p.210-211 of DB 11; Apr 1793-Jul 794. 13 Dec 1793 Anthony Haden and Anna his wife of Campbell Co to James Harrison of Albemarle for £190. 400 acres in Albemarle bounding John Mullins, Bazaleel Brown, Benajah Brown, William Bruce, John Maupin, James Keaton, and William Via. Conveyed by John Craig to John Ballard and from Ballard to Anthony Haden. Signed: Anthony Haden, Anna Haden. Wit: Bazaleel Brown, Bernard Brown, William Maupin, Charles Overstreet, Thomas Harris, James Harris. Proved by Overstreet, Thomas & James Harris at Feb Court 1794. Ann'a relinquishment was taken on 10 Nov 1794 by Charles M. Talbot in Campbell Co and ordered recorded Feb Court 1795 [ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS Deed Book 11; Jul 1794-Sep 1795, p.69/pp.367-368 of DB 11

Anthony Haden also had a close relationship with Turner Richardson - in fact Anthony named one of his sons, Turner Richardson Haden. Richardson had moved to Kentucky but the claims of the British are interesting and reveal still more about the life of Anthony's friend Joseph Hopkins. by subscription; accessed 28 May 2011
The Virginia Genealogist
"British Mercantile Claims; 1775-1803" [These claims involved debts owed British merchants when British property was confiscated during the Revolution. Not until around 1800 were special agents assigned to investigate individual debts and determine the status. The records found in the Public Record Office, London.]
Vol. 15, p.201 1971
Debts due William Cunningham & Company
Turner Richardson, Albemarle. £4.8.5 by account, Richmond Store. He moved to Kentucky about twelve years ago. He carried with him estate sufficient to pay his debts but it is said his affairs have been much embarrassed since his residence in Kentucky and his property considerably squandered. He lives near Frankfort in Mercer County [databases online indicate Richardson died about 1802]
Vol. 15, p.202 1971
Debts due Henderson, McCall & Company
Turner Richardson and Anthony Haden, of Albemarle. £50 by note, Goochland Store. Anthony Haden lives in Campbell Co, Va., and is very able to pay.
Vol. 29, p.130 1985
Claims of Henderson, McCall & Co. 19 Feb 1802
Joseph Hopkins, Junr., Albemarle. £26.4.3 1/2, account, Richmond Store. He was killed at Gates' defeat during the late war. He left a tract of land and four or five slaves. His esxecutor was Anthy. Haden, formerly of Albemarle, but now of Campbell County. The widow of Joseph Hopkins having imprudently married a second husband who was a spendthrift, the whole of the estate was wasted before 1790.
Vol. 29, p. 223 1985
Claims of Thompson, Snodgrass & Company, Goochland Store
Anthony Haden, Fluvanna. £38.11.10. He moved to Campbell County about fourteen years ago in good circumstances. he now resides in the same county, able to pay his debts.

CAMPBELL CO Deeds; Valentine Papers, Vol 1, p.401.
11 Jan 1802 DB 5, p.438 John Q. Dabney & Milly his wife of Campbell to Anthony Haden of sd Co for £137:10s. 137 acres both sides Seneca Creek adj Lewis Duvall.
6 Jan 1802 DB 5, p.440 John Quarles Dabney & Milly his wife of Campbell Co to Timothy Terrill. £220. 275 acres on East side Seneca Crk adj land of John Haden being the same tracts deeded to sd John Q. Dabney by Wm Johnson Jr and wife, Anthony Haden & wife and part of a tract which sd. John Q. Dabney purchased of John Haden as per deeds on record in Campbell Co.

Did Anthony go, or plan to go to Wilkes Co?
Wilkes Co, NC Land Entries Part 1 Nov 1796 - Nov 1805
Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1994.
#1903 (1703) 30 Apr 1804. Anthony Haden enters 200 ac in Wilkes Co on waters of Hunting Cr; border: begins near Howard's N corner and runs S with his line; includes the vacant land between Charles Johnson and widow Young.
#2605 (2404) 1 Feb 1808 Charles Colmon enters 50 ac in Wilkes Co on waters of Hunting Cr and on head of the big meadow; border: James McBride's line and runs to Anthony Haden's line.

The following are listed in order in which they were presented in court, not necessarily the date of sale.
Wilkes Co, NC, DB G, p.310 (Film #7521048, img 160)
21 Oct 1811. Anthony Haden of Wilkes County appointed John M. Smithson of the same his lawful attorney to receive by any legal means or ways all dubts owing me from any person in the State of North Carolina, but especially to make John Felts, Esqr, a title to a tract of 535 acres he bought from me at my sales, and receipt of any sums. Signed: Anthony Haden. Wit: Charles Johnson, John Felts. Proved by Charles Johnson May Term 1812. (Note: he had 250 acres from grants, 100 acres bought from Mary Dickens, 6 acres from Samuel Nicholson - doesn't add up to 535 - the tracts bought from Joshua Hays were sold at a sheriff's sale in 1820]
Wilkes Co, NC, DB G, p.354
28 Mar 1807 Mary Dickens of WIlkes to Anthony Haden of the same, for $100, sold 100 acres in Wilkes on waters of Hunting Creek, survey dated 22 Jan 1795. Adjact Joshua Mises line, crossing a branch of Hunting Creek
Signed Mary (her+mark) Dickens Wit: W. D. Haden, Joel H. Haden [sons of Anthony]
Nov Term 1812. Deed was proven in open court by oath of Joel H. Haden.
Wilkes Co, NC, DB G, p.356 (Film #7521048, img 184)
11 Nov 1806 Samuel Nicolson of Cilkes Co to Anthony Haden of the same for 3#'s a tract of land in Wilkes County, six acres, bounded by Pipe Camp Creek and Hunting Creek and Haden's line.
Signed Samuel (his S mark) Nicholson. Wit: Joel H. Haden, John Haden Jun.
Nov Term 1812. Proved by oath of Joel H. Haden.
Wilkes Co, NC, DB G, [File #7521048, img 223
9 Sep 1805. Joshua Hays of Wilkes Co, NC to Anthony Haden of the same. for $220. Three tracts of land adjoining and containing 200 acres lying in the Bushy Mountains. No neighbors noted.
Signed: Joshua Hays. Wit: Johnathan Hays, Wm Lewis
Nov Term 1813. Deed proved in open court by oath of Jonathan Hays.
Wilkes Co NC DB N, p.10 [Film #7521055, img 389]
2 Jan 1820. Thos. Witherspoon, Esq, high sherriff of Wilkes Co and Aswell Sharpe of the same. Writ issuing against the property of Anthony Hayden for $10, which sum was recoved by Aswell Sharpe. Witherspoon to expose to sale ___acres of land lying and being in Wilkes Co. Describes two tracts without nieghbors and another tract of 50 acres. (Note: the descriptions match the land Anthony purchased of Joshua Hays). Tract put up at public sale on 2 Jan 1820 - Aswell Sharpe became last and highest bidder at the sum of $10 6 1/4 cents.
signed: Thos. Witherspoon, Shrff. Wit: Benj.J. Parker, John Tomlinson.
Acknowledged by Witherspoon in opne court, July Term 1832.

Anthony Haden witnessed the Will of Charles Gilbert, his son-in-law, in Logan Co KY 4 Mar 1824. At this time, Anthony was living in neighboring Christian Co KY.

An Anthony Haden married Martha McFarland Christian Co KY 22 Aug 1826
[Anthony did live in Christian Co at this time. He was married three documented times but not to a Martha. However, it is quite possible this was a brief marriage in his old age with no issue - he died in Christian Co KY in 1828 and his will of December 1827 mentions no wife.]

He left a will in Christian Co, Will Book E, p.330, dated 19 Dec 1827; Probate May Term 1828. Age 82 years. Named daughters Jane Gilbert, Elizabeth Gosley (sic - Gosney), Rebecca Epperson; sons John, Turner's heirs (Turner now dead), Hendley & Richard (nothing as they have received all he will ever give them), James's sons Richard & James, Joel H., William D., children of Nathan O. under care of daughter-in-law Ann (although Nathan is living) - George, Nancy, Sibella & Sally Ann. Sons James and Nathan O. to be executors.
Wit: John McCarroll, James S. Dozier

Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Virginia; Vol. 2; Lyman Chalkley
Dr. Joseph T. McAllister's collection of Revolutionary Declarations.
22 Aug 1832. Robert Grant, age 71, drafted 1779 or 1780 in Fluvanna Co, under Capt. Levi Thompson and marched to Cabin Point. In 1780 or 81, he was drafted under command of Capt. Anthony Haden, Lt. Daniel Lightfoot and they operated in Hanover, Orange & other Eastern Counties. Drafted again under Capt. Richard Napier; engaged at the siege of Yorktown.
3 Sept 1832. James East was born in Goochland Co August of 1753. Enlisted in Fluvanna Co under Capt. Hayden and Lt. Benjamin Anderson.

The Revolutionary Pension Application of Daniel Thacker of Fluvanna Co VA, 18 Oct 1833, mentions that he had enlisted about the 1st of April 1780 in Fluvanna Co as a substitute for Samuel Smithson. He marched from Fluvanna to Hillsborough, NC in a company under the command of Joseph Haden. In 1781, he joined a company under Capt. Anthony Haden from Fluvanna, marching through the lower part of Virginia pursuing the enemy through the counties of Culpeper, Orange, Louisa & Fluvanna and to Yorktown, returning to Richmond where he was dischaged. Col. Dabney commanded the detachment.

Revolutionary War Claim, R-4418. Howard County, Mo 19 Apr 1853, child and heir at law was Joel H. Haden, resident of Howard County MO. Anthony was a Captain and a Private in the Virginia Militia.
DAR Member #65801 - Erma Virginia Means: Name appears on a Bill of Accounts in the Record & Pension Office of the War Dept in Washington, DC as having received $20 for his services Feb, Mar, Apr 1783.
"Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement of VA"; V.2, p480-489 - Military Services. In the Declaration of Robert Grant of Fluvanna Co, dated 22 Aug 1832, he states he was drafted in 1780-81 to serve under Capt. Anthony Haden, Lt. Daniel Lightfoot in Hanover, Orange, and other eastern counties. ....found online at

Copies of Pension Application for Anthony Haden R.4418 [Rejected]

7 Apr 1853 Ballard Co KY Declaration of James C. Haden, Greenberry & Sibbellen Wray
James C. Haden, Greenberry Wray and Sibbellen Wray his wife formerly Sibellen Haden, children & heirs at law of Nathan O. Haden, dec'd make declaration for the purpose of obtaining the benefits under the Act of Congress. Nathan O. Haden was the son of Anthony & Anna Haden, both deceased. Anthony was a Captain in the Revolution for a length of time sufficient to entitle him to a pension. Anna Haden died in Chrsitian Co, KY 24 Dec 1824. Anthony Haden died in Christian County April 1828. Their father Nathan O. Haden died in Todd Co KY 4 Sep 1833. Their mother, wife of said Nathan died on 24 Dec 1826. Anthony Haden was married to Anna Dabney in VA in Dec 1787. Their father and mother left the following children: Nancy H. Haden aged 35 years, James C. Haden aged 34 years, Sibellen W. Haden aged about 31 and Sally Ann Haden aged about 28. They pray examination of their right in conjunction with that of Joel H. Haden, their uncle, and Nancy Prewitt [relationship not stated, but I believe their sister Nancy] to a pension. Signed: J. C. Haden, G. B. Wray, Sibbellon W. Wray.
7 Apr 1853 Ballard Co KY
James Haden, Greenbery Wray & Sibellon Wray his wife formerly Sibellen Haden of Bullard Co KY, heirs of Anthony Haden a revolutionary soldier and Anna Haden his wife, who is now deceased do appoint William H. Wells, of Elkton, Todd Co KY our lawful attorney to examine and prosecute any claim that may be due of said Anthony Haden and Anna Haden in virtue of service in the Revolutionary War and the several acts of Congress realtive thereto.
Signed: J. C. Haden, G. B. Wray, Sibbellon W. Wray.
Both of the above certified by W. S. Watson, JP, and Jacob Corbett, Clerk of Bullard Co Court. 7 Apr 1853

17 Apr 1853 Howard Co MO Power of Attorney
Joel H. Haden of Howard Co MO appoints William H. Wells of Elkton, Todd Co KY his lawful attorney to represent the heirs of Anthony & Anna Haden in virture of Military Service in the Revolutionary War. Signed: Joel H. Haden.
19 Apr 1853 Howard Co MO Declaration of Joel H. Haden
Joel H. Haden, resident of said county declares that he is the child and heir at law of Anthony Haden, deceased, who was a Captain & Private in the Army of United States from Virginia, in the War of the Revolution. Anthony Haden was entitled to a pension on account of Military Service but never applied. Anthony Haden died in Christian Co KY on 28 Apr 1828. The wife of said Anthony Haden, Anna Haden formerly Anna Dabney and mother of this applicant died in Christian Co KY on 24 Dec 1824. They were married in Albemarle Co VA on 21 Dec 1787. He, Joel H. Haden, is the only surviving child of Anthony & Anna Haden and he is aged about 64 years. He is the eldest of 3 sons. His brother William D. Haden departed this life many years since. His brother Nathan O. Haden departed this life 4 Sep 1833. Signed: Joel H. Haden
Both Certified by Wm T. Mallory, JP, and Andrew J. Hemom, Clerk of Howard Co Court.

4 Jul 1853 Christian Co KY Declaration of Joshua C. Prewitt
Joshua C. Prewitt aged about 54 years declares that he was two years intimately acquainted with Anthony Haden deceased and his family. Anna Haden, wife of Anthony died in Christian Co on 24 Dec 1824. Anthony Haden died in Christian Co KY in April or May of 1828. They had the following named children: Joel H. Haden, William D. Haden and Nathan O. Haden. He does not know what became of William D. Haden but believes that he died many years ago. Nathan O. Haden died in Todd Co KY in 1833 leaving the following children: Nancy H. Haden, James Haden, Sibellon Haden & Sally Ann Haden. During the peiod of his acquantance with Anthony & Anna Haden they lived together as man and wife. He knows said Anthony Haden was a officer in the Revolution; he has heard him relate many incidents connected with the War and speak of his intimacy with Genl. Lafayette. He had heard Anthony Haden speak of being Paymaster and seen papers relating to him as Captain. He is further acquainted with Joel H. Haden, the eldest of the children of said Anthony & Anna Haden, who is a resident of the State of Missouri; that he is a minister of the gospel and a man of high standing. He is a disinterested witness. Signed: J. C. Prewitt
Certified by Danl. S. Hays, JP, Abram Stites, Court Clerk
[I believe this is Joshua C. Prewitt who married Nancy Haden, daughter of Nathan O. Haden - see Census records, her notes.]

July 1853, Elkton KY Cover Letter by Wm. H. Wells.
Anthony Haden, never applied for his pension, being able to live without it.

17 Sep 1853 Pension Office Letter to William H. Wells.
I have examined the papers transmitted for the service of Anthony Haden under the Act 7 Jun 1832. There is no law under which grandchildren are entitled to a pension but may be payable to a child or children.

20 May 1930 Letter from E. W. Morgan, Acting Commissioner, to Honorable William L. Nelson, House of Representatives, Washington DC
Response to his letter of 15 May 1930. [Gives the dates and relationships as outlined in the testimony] "The application of Joel H. Haden was not mentioned, as the only form of rejection in the claim stated that grandchildren were not entitled, only a child or children, & Joel made no further effort to claim pension & as neither the soldier or his wife ever applied, the real rejection should have been on that bases, so there seems to be no other way to handle it at this late date."

26 Jan 1935. Letter from Miss Emma DeJarnette, Richmond KY
Have you the name of Captain Anthony Hayden or Haden from Kentucky, born 1746, recorded as a Revolutionary soldier, if so please give me the information, when & where he entered.
4 Apr 1935. Reply to Miss Emma DeJarnette
Includes relationships, residents, death dates, ages, as given in the declarations. Their claim was not allowed.
A. D. Hiller, Executive Asst to the Administrator

Which Anthony Haden lived in Botetourt? The date and location would seem to preclude this Anthony - was this the Anthony who appears in Arkansas Territory 1805 or the Anthony D. Haden who was in Charlotte Co in 1790 and in Pittsylvania Co by 1807?
Fincastle Weekly Advertiser, 26 Jun 1801
NOTICE. All those in arrears of Land Tax for the year 1783, in the County of Botetourt, or as the county then was, are requested to hold themselves in readiness to make immediate payment on application, as no indulgence can be given, in consequence of the bounds being so very large; if indulgence is given it will be out of my power to make my collection in time, and if I do not the consequences will be serious.
Anthony Haden, C.B.C. [probably Clerk of Botetourt Court]
Botetourt, May 29, 1801


Birth26 Mar 1746Goochland County, Virginia
Marriage14 Jul 1765Goochland County, Virginia - Drusilla Rountree
Military1777 - 1781Fluvanna Militia, VA, Revolutionary War
Marriage1 Sep 1781Fluvanna County, Virginia - Mary Ann Crenshaw
Marriage21 Dec 1787Albemarle County, Virginia - Anna Harris
Death28 Apr 1828Christian County, Kentucky


SpouseAnna Harris (1756 - 1824)
ChildRev. Joel Harris Haden (1788 - 1862)
ChildWilliam Dabney Haden (1790 - 1834)
ChildNathan O. Haden (1793 - 1833)
SpouseDrusilla Rountree (1748 - 1781)
ChildJane or Jenny Haden (1768 - 1836)
ChildElizabeth R. "Betsy" Haden (1769 - 1827)
ChildJohn Haden (1772 - 1842)
ChildTurner Richardson Haden (1773 - 1812)
ChildHendley Haden (1776 - 1865)
ChildRebecca Haden (1778 - 1838)
SpouseMary Ann Crenshaw ( - 1786)
ChildJames Carter/Crenshaw Haden (1782 - 1840)
ChildRichard P. Haden (1783 - 1864)
FatherJOHN HADEN (1723 - 1817)
MotherJEAN MOSELEY (1722 - 1796)
SiblingMary Haden (1747 - 1801)
SiblingJohn Moseley Haden (1749 - 1830)
SiblingWILLIAM HADEN (1751 - 1819)
SiblingJoseph Haden (1752 - 1820)
SiblingMargaret Haden (1755 - )
SiblingJane or Jeannie Haden (1757 - 1789)
SiblingMildred "Milly" Haden (1760 - 1818)
SiblingBenjamin Haden (1762 - 1837)
SiblingRachel Haden (1764 - 1831)
