Individual Details


(1751 - 1819)

Have seen him referred to as "Capt. Haden" - George D. Blakey in "Men Whom I Remember" - called him William "D." Haden with a middle initial - but I have no hard evidence of either. Blakey also said he was a Captain in the Revolution. He was certainly an Ensign in Fluvanna Militia 1777-1779 under J. Napier, and then a Lieutenant.

Approved as Patriot, NSDAR, as William "Hadden" (old spelling which DAR refuses to change)
Ancestor #A212241, Member #906141, through child John M. Haden.
The following is proof of his service:
Haden, William, Fluvanna Militia, oath as Ensign 6 Nov 1777; oath as 1st Lt. 2 Apr 1779.
Also Fluvanna County, VA, Order Book 1777-1779, Reel 16, Library of Virginia
p.10 has date, 6 Nov 1777.
p.11: Wm Haden, Gent. Took the Oath of Ensign of a Comp-y of Militia under Capt John Napier by Comm'n bearing date 22nd August last.
p.39: date 2 Apr 1799
p.41: Anthony Haden Gent. Is recommended as a proper person to serve as Captain in the room of John Napier Gent. who resind his Comm'n. Wm Haden is recommended as first Lieutenant
....John M. Haden is recommended as a fit person to Serve as Ensign in the militia in the Comp'y commanded by Capt. Thompson in the room of Antho. Haden Gent. who has resigned. Anthony Haden, Gent., Produced a Com'n and qualified as Capt. Wm Haden, Gent. Qualified as 1st Lieut by taking the Oath. John M. Haden Gent. Qualified as Ensign...
And Public Service Claims, Fluvanna County VA Court Booklet, Reel 2, Library of Virginia
p.21. At a Court continued and held for Fluvanna County on Friday the 5th Mar 1784. Booth Fitzpatrick is allowed 5 pds for a Gun impressess'd for use of the Militia in 1780 as per Certificate under the hand of William Haden.

The old Ancestral File said William married Judith Moorman circa 1768, but that was too early given the age of William Haden. The Moorman family also has some tradition regarding this brief marriage - she may have died in childbirth. Moorman researchers place her in the family of Achilles Moorman and Elizabeth Adams. It is also possible that William's oldest daughter Sally was a child of this first marriage, but there simply isn't enough documentation to determine Sally's year of birth, nor positively confirm this first marriage.

1777 Fluvanna Co VA. For the separation of Fluvanna County from Albemarle County. Among others signing the petition: Benj. Bradshaw, John M. Haden, William Haden, William Oglesby, Tunstall Quarles, Turner Richardson, Benj. Thacker, Benj. and Patr. Woodson.
Bulletin of the Fluvanna County Historical Society, Number 9, Oct 1969. Could once be found at

Fluvanna DB 1
7 Aug 1777 John Haden of Fluvanna for the natural love I have for my son William Haden of Fluvanna, one tract of 400 acres in Fluvanna on the south side of the North Fork of the James River, both sides of Cunningham's Creek, the place whereon my son William Haden now lives. Signed 4 Aug 1777: John Haden. Wit: George Thompson, John Haden, Robert Farley. Rec. 7 Aug 1777.
Fluvanna Co DB 1
p. 50 4 Dec 1777 Roger Thompson to Anthony Haden for 1500#'s. Tract of land of 380 acres in Fluvanna County both sides Cunningham's Creek, bounded by William Haden, said Roger Thompson, Thomas Staples and Cuthbert Champion. I purchased the land of George Thompson. signed: Roger Thompson.
Wit: John Cobbs, Henry Martin Jr., ____ ____pson, ____ ___berlake. Rec. 4 Dec 1777
13 Nov 1778 William Haden of Fluvanna to Anthony Haden of same, for 12#'s. Two tracts of land on Cunningham's Creek bounded by said William Haden, Turner Richardson, Roger Thompson, and said Anthony Haden, supposed, by estimation, to be 20 acres. Also two acres adjoining the said Anthony Haden's and William Haden's Mill, bounded by the north side of Cunningham's Cr and the mill pond. Signed: William Haden
Wit: William Wooddy, John M. Haden, Richard Allen. Recorded 3 Dec 1778
On 3 Dec 1778, Anthony sold the two acres near the Mill to Turner Richardson.

Copies from The Library of Virginia:
Fluvanna County, Order Book 1777-1779, Reel 16
p.10 from p.9 ...Henry Martin appointed first Lieut. and Anthy. Haden Ensign of a Compy of Militia under Capt. thompson by coms. bearing date 4th Sept last, took the oaths.
p.10-11 Court held for Fluvanna county at the house of Thomas Staples, on Thursday the 6th day of November 1777...
Ordered that Henry Martin, John Moseley Haden, Wm Haden & John Moody or any 3 appraise the Estate of George Thompson Jr. dec'd and report the same to Court.
Wm Haden, Gent. took the Oath of Ensign of a Compy of Militia under Capt. John Napier by Comn. bearing date 22d August last.
Prest. Wm Henry & Jos. Haden Gent.
A Grand Inquest for the body of the County being impannelled, the Court appointed Tunstal quarles foreman who was sworn and then the rest of the Jury to wit: ...John Haden among the names
p.39-41 At a Court continued & held for Fluvanna County, April 2d 1779
Present: Roger Thompson, John Napier, Turner Richardson, Antho. Haden, Gent. Justices
Anthony Haden Gent is recommended as a proper person to serve as Captain in the room of John Napier Gent. who resigns his comn. Wm. Haden is recommended as fist Lieutenant.
John M. Haden is recommended as a fit person to Serve as Ensign in the militia in the Compy commanded by Capt. Thompson in the room of Anto. Haden Gent. who has resigned.
Anthony Haden Gent produced a Comn. and qualified as Capt.
Wm Haden Gent. gualifies as 1st Lieut. by taking the Oath.
John M. Haden Gent. qualified as Ensign in Capt. Thompsons Eompy. being thereunto appd by Comn.
At a court held for Fluvanna Co, 2d Apr 1779 for receiving propositions & grievances and proof of public claims. Prest. Roger Thompson, Thos. Napier, Turner Richardson, Jos. Haden & Antho. Haden, Gent. Justices. No claims being offered, the Court arose. Signed: Roger Thompson.

1 Sep 1779 William Haden was a witness to the marriage of Benjamin Johnson, son of Joseph Johnson, and Anna Norvell, dau of James Norvell. Surety: John Johnson. Goochland County. [Benjamin was William Haden's brother-in-law.]

1 Jun 1780 Fluvanna Co Deeds 1777-1783, p.279 Thomas Linthicum Jr to John Clements, 100 acres on branches of Carey Crk where sd Clement now lives, part of a tract of 400 acres where Linthicum now lives. Wit: Anthony Haden, William Haden, Benjamin Anderson

Fluvanna DB 1,
p. 371
7 Mar 1781. John M. Haden, William Haden, and Anthony Haden of Fluvanna Co to Thomas Shores Jr of Powhatan Co, for 100#'s, tract of about 200 acres of land in Fluvanna
on the heard of Burkies Creek and waters of Cunningham's Creek and bounded by Daniel Lightfoot, John Haden, John Mann, Joseph Haden, and Thomas Shores, Sr. Signed: John M. Haden. No witnesses. Recorded 7 Mar 1782 [must have been 1781 - the same day - typo in the abstract]
5 Dec 1782 William Haden to John "Turbush" [sic - I'm sure this was Furbush] for 75#'s, tract about 364 acres in Fluvanna on the south side of the Rivanna River and on the branches of Cunningham's and Burks Creeks and bounded by John M. Haden and Daniel Lightfoot's lines, and Robert Pasley. Signed: William Haden. No witnesses. Rec. same day.
6 Mar 1783 Robert B. Payne of Fluvanna and Fredricksville Parish to William Hadin of same for 180#'s. Tract of land of about 150 acres in Fluvanna, both sides of Cunningham's Creek, bounded by William Haden, John Haden, the dividing line between the said Robert Payne and David Cockran. The land includes the plantation whereon Thomas Linthicum Jr lately lived, being part of a large tract belonging to the said Robert B. Payne. signed: R. B. Payne. Wit - none. Rec. 6 Mar 1783
Fluvanna Co DB 1, p.460
1 May 1783 Turner Richardson, Gentleman, to Anthony Haden for 400#'s, tract of about 408 acres on Burks Creek and branches of Cunningham's Creek, being the uppor part of the tract Richardson now lives on, purchased of the said Anthony and by a deed made to the said Richardson by Jno Haden Sr. The land is bounded by Anthony Haden, William Haden, John M. Haden, said Richardson, Doctr. Powell. Also conveyed is 2 acres (the mill) purchased of William Haden by a deed made to the said Anthony Haden & thence conveyed by deed to Turner Richardson. Bounded by Cunningham's Creek below the Mill, William Haden. Signed: Tuner Richardson. No wit. Rec. 1 May 1783.
See Fluvanna DB 1, p.127 for the deed when William Haden so the mill lands to his brother Anthony.

Library of Virginia, Online Catalog, lists William Haden of Fluvanna Co as being issued a certificate including the value of the item claimed, the owner. The county courts held sessions between 1781 and 1783 to issue certificates to those claiming losses for public service during the Revolution.
Copy from Library of Virginia
Public Service Claims, Fluvanna County, Court Booklet, Reel 2, p.21.
At a Court continued and held for Fluvanna County Friday the 5th March 1784
Booth Fitzpatrick is allowed 50 sh for a Gun impress'd for the use of the Militia in 1781 as per Certificate under the hand William Haden.
Joseph Farrar is allowd £4 10. for a large Gun imprest by William Haden for the use of the Militia in 1781.

William Haden is found on the Fluvanna Co, VA titable tax lists in 1782, 1783 and 1784.
He sold his land in Fluvanna Co VA back to parents in May of 1784, the 400 acres given to him - see Fluvanna DB 1, p.22. William probably left Fluvanna Co about that time.
Fluvanna DB 2, p.34-5. 20 May 1784. William Haden and Ann his wife and John Haden and Jane his wife of Fluvanna to George Toler of Goochland. For the sum of 400#'s, tract of 400 acres in Fluvanna Co. Signed by all four parties.

A letter from Socrates Haden refers to his g grandfather (John Moseley Haden, son of John Haden/Jean Moseley) as having a brother William; later in the same letter he calls him William Douglas and says he went to Kentucky; mentions that his grandfather [Socrates grandfather was, William son of John Moseley Haden] went with him and stayed two years in Kentucky.

However, William did not immediately go to Kentucky, which has likely caused the confusion with a William Hayden who was married to the widow LeMert. He first went to Bedford County, Virginia, for about three years.
Bedford Co, VA Deed Book 7, p.566
30 Jan 1785. Francis Smith of Bedford sold to William Haiden of the County of Fluvanna for 400#'s, all the land whereon Francis Smith was living - 800 acres on the North side of Stanton River at the Mouth of Blackwater River. Description is metes and bounds, including the Staunton River, and notes no neighbors. Signed by Francis Smith. Wit: Joseph Frith, George Moody, Samuel (x) Layne.
25 Jul 1785. Proved by witnesses George Moody & Samuel Layne.. 26 Sep 1785. Further proved by Joseph Frith
Bedford Co VA Deed Book 8, p.87
22 Feb 1788. William Haden & Ann his wife of Bedford to Stephen Hook of the same for 700#'s, sell a tract of 753 acres on the North side of Stanton River. Bounded by John Anthony, Barnet Arthur, Josiah Hatcher, the River. Signed: William Haden, Ann (X) Haden. Wit: John Thrasher, William Sutphin, Hendrick (X) Sutphin, George (X) Chowning.
28 Jul 1788. Proved by witnesses John Thrasher, William Sutphin, George Chowing.

William and Ann left Bedford County about this time, certainly prior to the fall of 1790, because her dower release had not been secured when they were still in Bedford Co. Note that Fayette County, later Kentucky, was still part of Virginia in 1790.
DB 8, p.340 18 Sept 1790. Commonwealth of Virginia to John Parker & Abraham Bowman of the County of Fayette. Regarding Indenture of 22 Feb 1788, bargain & sale by William Haden & Ann his wife. Ann cannot travel to our county court of Bedford to acknowledge and we command you to go personally and receive her acknowledgment apart from her said husband. Signed: James Steptoe, Clerk of Bedford County Court
2 Nov 1790. We did go to Ann Haden and did relinquish right of Dower in 753 acres of land in the County of Bedford, sold to Stephen Hook. Signed: Jno Parker, Abraham Bowman
DB 8, p.341 22 Nov 1790 Ann Haden's relinquishment of dower was returned and ordered recorded.

William has been difficult to find from 1790 until 1797. "History of Kentucky" says that William and wife immigrated to Kentucky and settled near Lexington in 1778 (that surely must mean 1788, not 1778); then moved to Logan County and settled on Black Lick Creek. Wife of son James, Rebecca Morton, is also said to be "of Lexington" in writings of George D. Blakey and their marriage record has not been found. Nor have I located marriage record for daughter Sally to Thomas Proctor. Both these weddings likely took place during the time they were in Fayette County.

1783-1792 Court Order Books for KY [Supreme Court of Dist of KY while still part of VA]:
[Entries for a William Haydon, Thomas Proctor & William Morton were all found in this book. Also Ewings & Slaughters - others families that moved to Logan Co. There was at least one other William Haydon, descendant of Thomas Haydon of Spotslyvania Co, VA - a very different family, in this area at this time so I cannot be sure of this record.]
Office Judgments; Book A (1785-88) November Court 1788:
p.510 John McFall v. William Haydon, on debt. Defendant failing to appear, plaintiff to recover against the defendant and John Collier, his appearance bail, £12 with 5% interest from 7 Mar 1786 and costs. Defendant to have credit for 1£ 2sh 6p paid.
[a John McFall will also eventually move to Logan Co KY]

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] Listed in Fayette Co KY Tax List in 1788: William Hadden, William Haydon, and William Haydon Jr. It is believed that William Haydon, son of Thomas Haydon of Spotsylvania was living in Fayette Co at this time along with his brothers John, James, Ezekiel. Abner, a son of John Haydon is listed - most of John's other sons were too young at this time although there was a William who could have been the William Haydon Jr. Benjamin, son of William is listed and William also had a son William whose birthdate is unknown but he might have been of age which would account for the William Haydon & William Haydon Jr. Haydon had been the usual spelling in Spotsylvania Co for this family. This leaves William Hadden as possibly being the same as William Haden of this study.
Also on the Fayette Co KY Tax List in 1788 was Thomas, Hezekiah & John Proctor, and a William Marten and William Martin - possibly one of these actually Morton. Another man listed in 1788 was Robert O'Neal, father of Thomas Proctor's first wife. This furnished additional proof that William Haden did live near Lexington [Fayette Co] before moving to Logan Co and that daughter Sally likely married Thomas Proctor and son James married Rebecca Morton, during the time the family was in Fayette Co.

Extracts of KY Assembly Records found in USGenWeb Archives of Logan Co KY:
[I have no idea if this can be the same man as William Haden of Logan Co and actually suspect these records are more likely William Haydon of Spotsylvania Co VA.]
3 Dec 1794 Town established upper side of Kentucky River at its junction with the Ohio on property of Benjamin Craig and James Hawkins. Name to be Port William. Trustees: Cave Johnson, Thomas Montague, Jeremiah Craig.
21 Dec 1795 Trustees of Port William: Simon Adams, Richard Masterson, John Van Peet, WILLIAM HADEN
[Port William is today Carrollton, Carroll Co KY. In 1780 when there were only three counties, it was located in Fayette Co; this area remained Fayette Co until Woodford was formed in 1788; it became Franklin Co in 1794, Gallatin in 1798, and Carroll Co in 1838.]

The Kentucky Gazette 1787-1800
Genealogical & Historical Abstracts
Karen Mauer Green
Gateway Press, Inc. Baltimore 1983
Vol III, Number XLIX 2 Aug 1790
List of letters in the printing office:
Aquilla Gilbert in Fayette Co
William Hayden in Fayette Co

A fire at the county clerk's home in Fayette County KY in 1803 destroyed most of the county records. There are fragments of the "burnt records" that have been filmed by LDS, #2111044-2111046. The burnt records are grouped by volumes but the volumes are not consecutive by dates. I did find among those deed fragments every indication that William Haden and his kin and acquaintances were there, living on the South Elkhorn.
Vol. 3, p.332 Thomas Marshall and Mary to Robert Parker. Tract on waters of South Elkhorn, 80 acres. NW corner to Robert Todd's Survey; Robert Oneals survey. Being part of Col. Peachey's Military Survey of 2000 acres. [no date was saved but it follows the previous deed in September of 1790]
Vol 4, p. 1 Thomas & Mary Marshall of Woodford Co to Robert O'Neal. For 156 £. Tract both sides South Elkhorn; Robert Todd's line, McDaniel's line, Haden's corner. Acknowledged by Thomas & Mary, she relinquished dower, Sept Court 1790.
[Robert O'Neal was the father of Polley who married Thomas Proctor in 1785 - she died and Thomas married William Haden's eldest daughter Sally before 1800. Thomas Marshall was a Revolutionary War commander and was appointed surveyor for the county of Kentucky and then for Fayette when Kentucky County was divided in three parts.]
Vol. 4,p.3 14 Sep 1790 Thomas Marshall Senr and Mary to William Haden of county of Fayette. Sum of 418 pounds, 10 shillings. Parcel containing 409 acres on waters of ___th Elkhorn; thence with Proctors line. Including two Plantations, Collins new lines, being part of William Peaches Military Survey. Ack Sept Court 1790
p.4 14 Sep 1790 Thomas Marshall and Mary to James Wren of Fayette….small fragment
Vol. 4, p.110 James Wren and Valinda his wife to William Haden for 81 £. 43 acres in Fayette Co on the South E____ …. Gilbert's corner on Elders line….on Haden's The place where Thomas Proctor now lives being part of William Peaches Military Survey of 2000 acres. William Haden his heirs and assigns. Signed: James Wren, Valinda Wren [no acknowledgement or date but it appears to have been presented in court in 1797 - could have been made at any time previously] There is no date in the deed James Wren & Valinda to William Haden “date above written” p.108 & 109 are both John Craig's deed, 14 Jun 1797 - produced in Court 10th July 1797. p.111 & 112 deed of Trust, Robt Johnson Trustee. Produced in Court Aug 1796 and again in Aug 1797, ack by Robt. Johnston & ordered recorded.

Vol. 4 p.181 Apr 1790
Charles & Janny Gilbert of Fayette to Adrian Davenport. 400 £, current money. Tract in Fayette on waters of South Elkhorn, Parkers Line, Thomas Proc….[some doubt about this word but it appears to be part of the word Proctor], Ashers line. ___bert now lives & conveyed by Thomas _____ [Marshall]. 100 acres
Ack by Gilbert, May Court 1798
Vol 4, p.275
14 Sep 1790 Thomas Marshall and wife Mary of Woodford Co to Thomas Stepp. 94 ¾ acres. Fayette Co, both sides of ____horn. Corner to Robert O'Neals on McDaniel's line. Willis's line. Willis's corner, Worley's line, McDaniel's line. Including two plantations whereon Thomas Stepp now ____. Being part of William Peachy's military survey of 2000 acres. Sep Court 1790. Ack by Thomas Marshall and Mary released dower.
Vol. 4.,p.276
14 Sep 1790 Thomas Marshall and wife Mary of Woodford Co to Jacob Ford of Buckingham Co. For 39 £. 50 acres in Fayette on the w____. Begin Worley on Willis's line. With Worley's line. Hopwood, Haden's corner, then with H___.
Vol. 4, p.277
Gilbert's corner on Elder's line. Being the place where Thomas Proctor now lives, part of William Peaches military survey of 2000 acres unto the said James Wren. 43 acres.
Sept Court 1790.
Vol. 4, p.277
14 Sep 1790 - Thomas Marshall & Mary to John Williss of Fayette. 85 £.
Vol. 4, p.278
begin at Robert O'Neals. Including ____ where sd Williss now lives.
Sept Court 1790.
Vol 3, p.92 Thomas Marshall Senr and Mary his wife of Woodford Co to Andrew Elder. Tract on waters of Thomas run in Fayette Co - 143 and ¾ acres. Begin corner to Hadons and running thence; Ashersts corner; Gilberts corner. Wit by Jacob Todhunter, Charles Gilbert, Hugh Cochran. Proved in Court by the witnesses April, 1792.
Vol. 3, p.94 31 Mar 1792 Thomas & Mary Marshall to Charles Gilbert of Fayette Co for 150£ Tract of 100 acres in Fayette Co on waters of South Elkhorn. On Parkers line, at Todds fence. The place whereon the said Gilbert now lives …part of William Peeches survey of two thousand acres. Wit: Jacob Todhunter, Andrew Elder, Hugh Cochran. Proved by witnesses, April Court 1792.
Vol. 2, p.195
Year of our Lord one th dred and ninety four. Between Robert O'Neal & Nancy his wife of Fayette Co and M______ of one part and Joseph Craig of the other part. 80 acres of land for the said _____ performance of which is hereby acknowledged. Tract in Madison Co containing 80 acres part of tract patented for sd O'Neal of ____dred and odd acres and on the cany branke back creek …
Signed: Robert O' Ann ONea
Fayette Co Ct Oct 1794 Ack by Robert O'Neal and ordered recorded
Vol 2, p.63 14 Apr 1795 Samuel Lusk and Sally his wife to Aquilla Gilbert. County of Fayette on waters of Hickman and Jessamine Creeks, part of a tract of Isaac Hite. Acknowledged by the Lusks, April Court 1795 [Aquilla Gilbert was the father of Charles Gilbert who married Jenny Haden, a first cousin of William Haden of Logan Co KY; Charles was also in Fayette Co]

A link between Logan Co and Fayette Co is made in an excerpt from The Kentucky Gazette, 1801-1820, by Karen Mauer Green, Gateway Press, Baltimore, 1985 [This was the Lexington, Fayette Co, KY newspaper]
p.86 From Vol XIX, Number 1071, Monday, 1 September 1806.
James Haden of Logan County regarding the account of William Haden, Senr.

First evidence of William Haden in Logan County is the Logan County Tax List revealing that William Haden has 1000 acres entered by Jonathan Clark on the Gasper River in 1797. By 1800, he is being taxed on over 1600 acres on the Gasper, Red, and Barren rivers and son James has 400 acres on the Gasper. [This is Jonathan Clark, older brother of George Rogers Clark - there is a suit in the estate records of Logan Co filed 3 Jan 1824 by the children of Jonathan, who died Nov 1811, for division of his lands. Equity Box 11, #226. Several deeds of William's and his sons' refer to land adjacent Jonathan Clark's Military Survey.]

Logan Co Court granted Certificate #234, to Jonathan Clark, for 2000 acres, part of a Military Warrant on the sinking fork of the Gasper River. Surveyed 28 Oct 1784 by Burwell Jackson, Recorded 28 Jan 1785 by Richard C. Anderson
On 15 Apr 1799, there was surveyed for Jacob Rame, 200 acres for Certificate #2271, on waters of the Gasper River, corner to Clarks 2000 acres Military survey. John Breathit, Deputy Surveyor. Chain carriers, William Haden and Benjamin Neill. James Haden, Director.

The following concerns the confusion regarding a very different William, probably William Headen, whose records were confused with this man. In fact, DAR accepted applications had attributed the same Rev War service to both men until I filed for my daughter and corrected the records.
A third marriage seen in some records, including DAR, to Mary LeMert in Bedford Co VA seemed very improbable to me [actually it was impossible]. The source of this information is "Marriage Bonds of Bedford County Virginia, p.391: "1795,1,25 William Haiden (sic) and Mary Lemert; Reul Shrewsbury surety; married by Alderson Weeks.
Ancestral File and DAR Patriot Index both list this marriage in Bedford County, VA as belonging to this William Haden. It is not. This William Haden was already in Kentucky by 1790. I believe an earlier researcher confused some of the many William Haden/Hayden/Headens. There is a William Haiden listed in Personal Property Tax Records of Bedford County from 1785-1787, 1791-1817, as well as a John Haiden who appears in 1796 and Joseph in 1800 and William's "tithables" change accordingly as though they were sons going off on their own. William is the only grown male in his household beginning in 1800. There is a Will for William Headen in Bedford County VA dated 20 Aug 1815 and proved 25 May 1818 in which he names his wife Mary and two sons John and Joseph, no other heirs. Executors were Griffin Dobyns and Thomas Welch. Witnesses: Jonah & Abner Dobyns, John Wilkes. The General Index to Deeds, Grantees, reveals that a William Haiden bought 800 acres from Francis Smith in 1785 (this William Haden) and a William Haiden bought 1000 acres from Robert Mead on Goose Creek in 1787 (the other William). In 1796, William Headen and his wife Mary, deeded 409 acres to include interest in a mill to John Headen and then again in 1803 they deeded 120 acres to John - these two tracts are on the same watercourse as the above 1000 acres (Goose Creek). In 1817, William Headen and wife again deed land on Goose Creek to John Headen. The mill is mentioned in William Headen's will and in some of the property tax records. It is obvious to me this is an entirely separate family. During this same period of time, William Haden, subject of this study, was paying taxes, buying and selling parcels of land, marrying off his children, in Fayette and then Logan County, Kentucky.

First mention in Logan County Court Records - Book A-1, p.95 10 Jul 1798. William Haden serves on a jury and finds the defendant William Lowry guilty.
Kentucky Land Grants Vol 1 (Chapter IV-Grants South of Green River) shows 100 acres to Wm Haden in 1799, Logan Co, Black Lick Fork. (The Black Lick is a tributary of the Gasper River - deeds, tax lists, etc. refer to the property of William Haden as being on the Black Lick]

1800 - there is no extant census for Kentucky, but both William Haden and James Haden were on a Tax list, Logan Co.

Logan Co WB 1
Division of estate of John Bell dec'd of state of Virginia to dau Susannah Bell now Susannah Steel. Rachel, Eleanor & John her children. 225E's. Moses Steel pay to the other legatees sum of 21£ 13sh 4p
27 Oct 1802 William Haden, Geo Berry, Saml Orr
Nov Term 1802 Allotment of estate of John W. Bell deceased to Susannah Bell, now Susannah Steele.
John W. Bell late of Virginia.
Nine slaves
Alloted to Henry Bell as heir: 4 slaves valued at 280£ He is to pay to other legatees 22£ 10sh
16 Apr 1804
Geo Berry, William Haden, Saml Orr
Apr Court 1804 Division to Henry Bell

Logan Co Deed Book A, p.46
14 Mar 1803
William Haden of Logan County, KY appropriates John Latham of the same place as his attorney to convey a tract of land in the aforesaid county, 75 acres between Jonathan Clarks Military Survey of 2000 and Jacob Barnes' Headright of 200 acres on the black lick fork of Gaspers River. The said Latham is to convey the land to any person he think proper.
Signed: William Haden
Wit: Daniel Donalson
19 Mar 1803 Indenture acknowledged and admitted to record
Arm. C. Morehead, CkLC
William Haden received warrant #711; Survey #3743 for this tract.

Last marriage. Deed records of 1810-1815 in Logan County, KY list wife of William Haden, Sr. as "Sally" in several pages. Found William Haden's marriage to Sarah (Sally) Johnston 21 Dec 1807 in Logan County KY. Examination of tax & will records have not revealed which of the many Johnson/Johnstons was Sarah's first husband. They had a daughter, referred to as Sally, the younger, in the division of his estate. William's oldest daughter who had also been a Sally was already deceased.

1810 Census, Logan Co KY. William Haden. 1m 10-16 [Samuel], 2m 16-26 [John & Joseph, neither yet married], 1m over 45 [William].
2f 10-16 [Polly & Nancy], 1f 26-45 [Sally Johnston]
30 slaves

WB 1
p.186 Estate of Elizabeth H. Morton dec'd appraised
Wm Bell, Geo W. Hopkins, William Haden SnrMar Term 1811 Elizabeth H. Morton Appraisement returned

Warren Co Deeds
DB F, p.76 20 Jun 1812 William Haden and Sally his wife of Logan Co KY to Edmond Sweeney for $600. Land on Big Barren River, 200 acres. Wit: John Rice, Daniel Jones, Wm Rice, Joseph Haden, John M. Haden.

William must have died late in the year 1819:
Logan Co KY WB B, p.280 List of property of the Estate of William Haden Senr dec'd appraised the 20th of January 1820. Included: cherry table, clock, 1 dozen Windsor chairs, a Bible & other books, looking glass, widow curtains, 5 horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, geese, carriage, crop of tobacco, crop of wheat, corn, oats, shocks of hemp, a bell, and 25 slaves. Arthur Slaughter, Taylor B. Drake & Jos. Smith.
17 Apr 1820 the appraisement was presented in court & ordered recorded. Spencer Curd

The 1820 Logan Co census lists the Exors. of Wm Haiden, dec'd and lists 19 slaves. The widow Sally is listed with a male age 16-26 and a male over 45 [the males may have been farm hands or overseers], a female under 10 (Sally the younger), and a female over 45 (the widow).

Court Order Book 7, Logan County, KY LDS Microfilm #0364562 p.206
Feb Term 1820 "On the motion of James Haden letters of administration granted him on the estate of Wm Haden Sen'r Dec'd he having taken the oath required by law and executed Bond security with William Whitsett, ??? Poor, & Spencer Curd his securities in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars." Appraisers: John McCutcheon, Arthur Slaughter, Taylor B. Drake, Joseph Smith, or any 3.....
p.228 April Term 1820 "Appraisement of the estate of William Haden Sen'r Dec'd returned and ordered to be recorded." [Property appraised 20 Jan 1820, returned to court 17 Apr 1820. Logan Co WB B, p.380]
p.289 December Term 1820 "Ordered that James Wilson, William Kerchival Jr. and Chatham Ewing assign to Sally Hayden (sic) widow of William Haden Dec'd her dower in said estate to the court." [Dower laid off on 3 Jan 1821 and returned to court 19 Feb 1821 - Logan Co WB B, p.350.]
p.302 February Term 1821 "The Commissioners appointed at the last December Term of the Court to make divisions of the negroes of William Haden Dec'd, this day made their report which was approved for Record and being opposed by William Porter one of the Legatees and having heard evidence and arguments of Council the said William Porter withdrew his objections (removing his ... Equity) whereupon It is considered by the Court that the report be received and moved to be Recorded and Approved and that Each legatee received his porportion agreeably to said Division and that William Whitsett recover his costs of said Porter herein expended." (I have copy of this division of negroes from Court Records sent by Mary Vick Duff of the Logan Co Genealogical Society. The Commissioners postponed division of the lands. It is recorded p.343, Logan Co WB B. It took place 4 Jan 1821 and was filed 19 Feb 1821.)

Logan Co Deed Book L, p.244f 5 Jan 1822 [actually 1821]. The heirs of Wm Haden decd, settled with Samuel who had land laid off by his father & surveyed, but title had not been made. Samuel had also received personal property and negroes. He gives up further claims to the estate & pays the heirs $500 for all property and the 271 acres of land adjoining William Haden Jr & Clark's Military Survey on the Black Lick fork of the Gasper River. Signees are: James Haden, Thomas Procter for himself and as guardian of the children of his former wife Sally Haden decd, William Whitsitt for himself and as guardian of the children of his late wife Milly Haden dec'd, William Haden, Lowry Bishop as guardian of Benjamin R. Haden a grandson, Joseph Haden, Joseph Haden as guardian for John & William sons of John Haden decd, William Porter, Nancy J. Porter, John Wilson, Polly Wilson, Sally Haden, guardian for Sally Haden her daughter. Nancy J. Porter & Polly Wilson relinquished their Dower rights in Butler Co on Jan 30. Although this deed was dated 1822, the Dower release was 1821, which I believe is the correct year based on other events.] Acknowledged by Spencer Curd, Logan Co clerk, on 3 Mar 1823.

WB B, p.502 7 Apr 1823
Commissioners Charles Morehead & William J. Morton, two of the Commissioners appointed at the January Term 1823 to settle with George W. Morton & Rebecca Haden, Admrs of James Haden, dec'd, who was Admr. of William Haden Dec'd, settlement. Included some of the following:
Amt of sale of negroes rendered by Geo. Morton: $2904.21
Notes due included:
Lowry Bishop. Wm. Porter & S. H. Haden. Ben Porter & Jno Wilson.. Ben Proctor & David Poor. G. W. Porter & S. H. Haden, Saml. H. Haden. Thos Proctor & Wm Whitsitt. Sarah Haden & S.H. Haden, Thomas Proctor. Wm Haden. Ben Temple, Wm Whitsitt & Wm Haden, Wm Whitsitt & Wm Comfort, Jos. Haden's acct
Paid included;
Lawyers Fee, Logan Co Sheriff, James Haden's Services as Admr, James Haden's acct.
Found in the hands of the Administrators from sales and hire of Negroes, $2904.21 1/2. Disbursements of $529.90. Total amount in the hands of the Administrators, $2235.09 3/4 and an amount against Jos. Haden for $39.50.
Report was ordered recorded 7 Apr 1823. Spencer Curd CLCC

p.131 Agreeable to an order of the Logan County Court issued at the October Term 1824. We Arthur Slaughter & John McCutcheon Commissioners met at the house of Wm Haden according to Appraisement for the purpose of Settling with Sd Haden, Adm of Wm Haden dec'd and do report as follows. Viz. That there is in the hands of sd Haden
Bonds not due
Bond on James G. Proctor due 1 Jan 1825
Do on Lowry Bishop
Do on Wm Porter due 1 day of Jany 1825
Cardwell Breathitt due 1825
Wm Comfort due 1 Jany 1825
Thomas Proctor due 1st Jany 1825
Due sd Haden, Adm $90 due 1st Jany 1825, due 20th Feb 1825 $100
Credit of $30 given Thos Proctor on his note for several Invalid Negroes belonging to the Estate of Wm Haden Dec'd
By cash paid to Thos Blakey ?Heir
Paid to Charles Moman for service rendered to the Estate
By Cash paid to ?????for Sally Proctor, Heir
Cash paid to Wm Procter, Heir
Cash paid to Saml Haden Guard. for Sally Haden, Heir
Signed: Dec 3 1824, Saml McCutcheon, Arthur Slaughter
3 Jan 1826, Settlement with Wm Haden, Admin of Wm Haden Dec'd was recorded.

Case before the Court of Appeals of Kentucky.
Reporter: 30 Ky. 168
Wm Haden, et al. v. James Haden's Heirs, et al.
Apr 10, 1832
William Haden, Sr., died intestate in Logan Co leaving an estate in land, slaves and chattels and leaving a widow with eleven children. In Dec of 1820, the county court of Logan appointed commissioners to divide among the children, the land and slaves. No division of land was made and only the slaves that hadn't been assigned to the widow for dower were divided. Most of the children had received advancements - some had received land and slaves; other had only received slaves. All of those except William Haden [Jr] to whom land had been advanced refused to bring into hotchpot what they had receive and waived right to slaves then distributed, but reserved a right to distributive interest in whatever estate might afterwards be distributed Slaves were assigned to those who consented: William Haden [Jr], Porter & wife, Benjamin Haden, Sally Haden, the children of Mrs. Proctor, the children of Mrs. Whitset. Only William had received land. The distribution was made to equalize the total value which each had received and after taking the land into consideration, William Haden received much less than the others.
In 1825, the widow having died, suit was instituted in chancery by William Haden, Porter & wife, and Wilson & wife, for distribution of the dower slaves and land. All the parties, except the heirs of James Haden, accepted the distribution formerly made by the commissioners and were unwilling to disturb it. Of those who had received land, William Haden was the only willing to put it in the hotchpot. Samuel Haden declined all participation in the distribution [he had received his share as shown by a deed in 1822]
The circuit court disregarded the earlier distribution by the commissioners, and caused a sale of the dower slaves and decreed distribution. The circuit court attempted to equalize the ten shares by taking into estimate the previous advancements in value of the slaves.
The Court of Appeals reversed the decree of the circuit court. They could find no reason for disturbing the first distribution of the county court, since by doing so Wilson & wife, Joseph Haden's heirs and the heirs of John M. Haden, must take more they they asked for, or seemd to consider themselves entitled to.
In the distribution of the slaves, the parties who had received advancements in land, were not according to the law then in force, bound to account for the value of that land, but the parties concerned seem to have done so and been satisfied except for the heirs of James Haden. James Haden, himself, concurred during his lifetime and was never disturbed by him. Those whose estates were equalized by the county court, should be deemed in the final distribution, to equal shares in the total estate remaining for distribution and they are entitled to any land subject to partition as the other four distributees were unwilling to be charged with the advancements made to them in land.
In the distribution of the slaves that were yet undistributed, the rule established in ordinary cases must be applied to Wilson & wife, Joseph Haden's heirs, the heirs of John M. Haden, and James Haden and the value of advancement should be made accordingly. The amount advanced to each of the ten distributees and the amount which each shall have received since the distribution of the county court should be ascertained and the portion to which Wilson & wife, Joseph Haden's heirs, the heirs of John M. Haden & those of James Haden, should be assigned to them. The residue and the land remaining for partition should be divided into six equal parts and assigned to the other six, Samuel Haden being unwilling to account for advancements, will be entitled to nothing. The slaves distributed by the county court should not be taken into consideration - they should receive their part as if those slaves had not existed, or as if they had been divded among all ten. He who refuses to enter into hotchpot is entitled to no share. Those who waived their claims to shares in the slaves distributed by the county court will have no cause to complain. [this would apply to the heirs of James Haden.] As James Haden was the administrator of Wm Haden, his personal representative should be a party, and any amount still in his hands or in the hands of Wm. Haden, administrator de bonis non, should be considered in the final distribution. Decree reversed and case remanded for further proceedings and proper decree.
[John Breathitt was attorney for the defense.]

Later entries deal with appointments of men to settle the administration of the estate of William Haden Dec'd and report to the counrt; seems to have been some problems with winding this up - son James who was administrator and the widow Sally both died before final settlement. Also, since William died intestate the estate would not be closed until the youngest child reached majority and Sally, the younger, would have been no older than about eight or nine when her father died.

Eventually a granddaughter ended up with the home - it is said to have been the first brick house in Logan County ("History of Kentucky"). And her grandsons owned the property in this century. The estate may have been as large as 3000 acres at one time, although I have not found the records to support this claim. William was taxed on 2300 acres in 1800 - some 1300 acres appears to have been in Warren Co.

MEN WHOM I REMEMBER, LOGAN COUNTY, KY, by George D. Blakey. Articles from Russellville KY Newspapers. Compiled by Logan Co Genealogical Society, Inc., 1982
These articles were a series of 62 printed between 24 Jul 1877 and 29 Jan 1880 about the various citizens of Logan Co in the early 1800's as remembered by George D. Blakey, who was a 1st cousin once removed of William Haden. From #30 [p.74 in the book]:
"I cannot give the date of Capt Haden's settlement in Logan, but it must have been early in the 19th century. It was about the year 1816 or '17 that I witnessed the marriage of his daughter Polly to Mr. John Wilson, of Butler County. The marriage took place [10 Jan 1817] in the paternal home in the presence of a large crowd of people mostly relatives and friends. A short time after [21 Oct 1817] his daughter, Nancy, was married to Mr. William Porter of Butler, his two oldest daughters having previously married, one to Gen. William Whitsit [Milly, married Wm Whitsitt 20 Mar 1799, and was deceased before her father was] and the other to Major Thomas Proctor [Sally married Thomas Proctor about 1798 and was deceased by 1808]. His sons -- James, who had married Miss Rebecca Morton, of Lexington [married before 1800, probably before coming to Logan Co KY], John, who married a Miss Jackson [John married 7 Mar 1814 to Margaret Jackson of Warren Co KY]; William who married a Miss Blakey [William married his 2nd cousin Pamela Blakely on 10 Dec 1808 and he may have had a brief earlier marriage] , and Samuel T. who married a Miss Harris [Samuel was Samuel "H." and was married to a Frances as evidenced by deed records, and she may have been Frances Rebecca according to family tradition.] were all settled near their father -- hence it was called the Haden settlement. His son, Benjamin, had married a Miss Stockton of Barren County [Kitty Stockton, a 2nd cousin, and Benjamin Haden married 10 Feb 1807 in Barren Co] , and Joseph, who married a Miss Breathitt, of Maryland [Joseph Haden married Ellen Thomas, possibly a young widow whose maiden name was Breathitt on 13 Jan 1813 in Logan Co] , the latter settling at Hadensville in Todd County, from whom the village took its name; all of these six sons and four daughters worthily perpetuated the high character which they had inherited from their noble sire, for indeed, he was a noble man, not only by birth, but by all the essential qualities of head and heart that constitute true nobility. As noticed in a former article, he was the grandson of Anthony Haden, of England, who married Miss Margaret Douglass, of Scotland. [There is no proof that Anthony came from England, nor any real proof that Margaret's surname was Douglass - it's likely they were both 2nd or 3rd generations Virginians.] He was a Captain in the Revolutionary War, in which he made a brilliant record [William was definitely an Ensign, but there is nothing to indicate he was a Captain], and lived to see his six sons and four daughters well married and all save two settled near him. [There were actually five daughters as William had a daughter by his 3rd marriage to Mrs. Sarah Johnston - this child was also named Sally, and called Sally "the Younger" in the estate settlement records. George D. Blakey, as a teen-ager, when he attended the wedding of Polly Haden & John Wilson, may not have been interested enough in an infant to realize this child's existence.] At an advanced age about the year 1818 or '19, breathed his last without a groan or struggle, leaving a large estate in lands and slaves and a richer treasure of a good name for his children. His oldest son, James, was a substantial farmer, though fond of the chase. Mounted upon his gallant steed, with his trusty rifle and faithful pack of hounds, he seldom failed to capture a noble buck for in those days the county abounded in deer and turkeys. He died about the year 1823 or '24. His widow, whom we all love to remember, survied him several years. Joseph Haden died a few years after, leaving a widow and two sons [George and Rannie who died in 1855, unmarried]. She, too, was one of Nature's noble women, and her surviving son, George, of Muhlenburg county, now an old man, shows that he appreciates the importance of the proper training as well as the value of a good name. [Both Rannie and their mother Ellen are buried on the homestead of George in Muhlenburg Co.] After the death of old Capt. Haden, his homestead, by inheritance and purchase, became the home of Dr. Thomas Blakey, who had married one of his granddaughters in the person of Miss Whitsitt [Ann Haden Whitsitt, daughter of Milly Haden & William Whitsitt]; there he spent the remnant of his life and it now belongs to his children, Col. C. H. Blakey and Mrs. Monroe Hall; and it may be that the ancient home of the once interesting Haden family may remain in the family a hundred years from now. But it is more essential to adhere to the noble qualities of head and heart of the original Haden family than to the earthly riches of which they were possessed."

An Equity Court Case, filed 12 Mar 1821 by Jonathan Clark's heirs concerning their father's land claims, included a deposition of Samuel G. Whyte on 26 Apr 1823, at the home of Benjamin Temple, Logan Co. Whyte stated that he lived in Logan Co in 1804 and in passing from the then residence of James McGown where William Smith now lives, to Charles Exoses on the Gasper River, he passed through the flat of Barrens between John Bratton's and the bridge on which the Russellville and Bowling Green road crosses the Black Lick Creek. He mentioned the lower part of the Shaker Farms, down to Capt. William Haden, Sr, dec'd and there asked William Haden Jr. who owned that fine body of land he'd passed through. Wm. Haden Jr. answered that it belonged to Col. Jonathan Clark. He has been acquainted with that land since 1804 and it has been called and known by the name of Jonathan Clarks 2000 acre Military survey ever since.
Logan County Kentucky: Abstract of Equity Cases, Vol II, Montgomery Vanderpool


Birth1751Goochland County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1772Virginia - Judith "Jane" Moorman
Marriage31 Oct 1775Goochland County, Virginia - ANN "NANCY" JOHNSON
Military1777 - 1779Ensign & 1st Lt., Fluvanna Militia,VA, Revolutionary War
Marriage21 Dec 1807Logan County, Kentucky - Sarah "Sally" Johnston
Death1819Logan County, Kentucky


SpouseJudith "Jane" Moorman (1752 - 1775)
SpouseANN "NANCY" JOHNSON (1757 - 1798)
ChildSally Haden (1774 - 1808)
ChildJames H. Haden (1776 - 1822)
ChildJoseph Haden (1778 - 1824)
ChildEmily "Milly" Haden (1781 - 1820)
ChildBenjamin Haden (1783 - 1810)
ChildWilliam Haden (1785 - 1865)
ChildJOHN MOSELEY HADEN (1788 - 1817)
ChildSamuel H. Haden (1790 - 1865)
ChildNancy J. Haden (1798 - 1884)
ChildMary "Polly" Haden (1800 - 1867)
SpouseSarah "Sally" Johnston ( - 1822)
ChildSarah I.\J. "Sally" Haden (1812 - 1897)
FatherJOHN HADEN (1723 - 1817)
MotherJEAN MOSELEY (1722 - 1796)
SiblingAnthony Haden (1746 - 1828)
SiblingMary Haden (1747 - 1801)
SiblingJohn Moseley Haden (1749 - 1830)
SiblingJoseph Haden (1752 - 1820)
SiblingMargaret Haden (1755 - )
SiblingJane or Jeannie Haden (1757 - 1789)
SiblingMildred "Milly" Haden (1760 - 1818)
SiblingBenjamin Haden (1762 - 1837)
SiblingRachel Haden (1764 - 1831)
