Individual Details
Sarah "Sally" Johnston
( - Bef Oct 1822)
1820 Logan Co Census. Sally Haden. Lists a male age 16-26, and one over 45. Female under 10 [Sally the Younger] and a female over 45 [Sally, herself] William's sons were married - were there Johnson/Johnston kinfolks living with Sally; perhaps even a son? Or were they farmhands?
Logan Co Will Book B, p.350 Order of the court from Dec Term 1820, the commissioners met on the land herein described according to the annexed plat, on 3 Jan 1821, to lay off to Sally Haden widow of William Haden, dec'd, the parcel of land [including the mansion house] described as containing two hundred & ten acres as her dower. Also to allot and assign to said Sally Haden her dower of the negroes - Ambrose, Cuzzy & child Daniel, Jordan, Gabriel, Charlotte & Judith. The heirs of William Haden by themselves or by their Guardian were present and made no objection to the division.
Signed: James Wilson, William Kercheval Jr., Chatham Ewing
Returned to court 19 Feb 1821. Spencer Curd, clerk.
Logan Co Deed Book L, p.244f 5 Jan 1822 [Actually 1821]. The heirs of Wm Haden decd, settled with Samuel who had land laid off by his father & surveyed, but title had not been made. Samuel had also received personal property and negroes. He gives up further claims to the estate & pays the heirs $500 for all property and the 271 acres of land adjoing William Haden Jr & Clark's Military Survey on the Black Lick fork of the Gasper River. Signees are: James Haden, Thomas Procter for himself and as guardian of the children of his former wife Sally Haden decd, William Whitsitt for himself and as guardian of the children of his late wife Milly Haden dec'd, William Haden, Lowry Bishop as guardian of Benjamin R. Haden a grandson, Joseph Haden, Joseph Haden as guardian for John & William sons of John Haden decd, William Porter, Nancy J. Porter, John Wilson, Polly Wilson, Sally Haden, guardian for Sally Haden her daughter. Nancy J. Porter & Polly Wilson relinquished their Dower in Butler Co on Jan 30. [Although this deed was dated 1822, the Dower release was 1821, which I believe is the correct year based on other events.] Acknowledged by Spencer Curd, Logan Co clerk on 3 Mar 1823.
NOTE: Sally was still living in January of 1821.
Logan Co Deed Book I/J, p.400: 14 Nov 1821. William Whitsitt mortgaged the slaves his children were to receive after the death of the widow of William Haden, dec'd. Sarah died between November of 1821 and October of 1822.
Logan County Court Records, Book 7 LDS #0364562
p.433, Oct 1822 Commissioners appointed to appraise the estate of decendent Sally Haden and make report.
Will Book C, p.46 Inventory of the estate of Sally Haden, dec'd. Total $822. She had many household items, two spinning wheels, 36 head of hogs, 10 head of cattle, 16 head of sheep 18 geese,, 3 horses, a riding carriage, corn, oats, & fodder, tobacco hanging. Edward Collins, H. Proctor, Peter Morton, commissioners appointed by the Logan County Court.
Wm. Whitsitt, Justice of the Peace, certified on 18 Oct 1822.
The foregoing is a true list of the goods and chattels of Sally Haden, dec'd. Saml. H. Haden as Administration for Sary, dec'd.
1 Mar 1824. Ordered recorded.
Will Book C, p.47 Settlement of the estate of Sally. Haden. Peter Morton, Arthur Slaughter, and Thos Blakey, Commissioners, met at the house of Saml. H. Haden on 28 Feb 1824. Total of estate accounted for $850.90.
1 Mar 1824 Ordered recorded. Spencer Curd.
Logan County KY Court Records Book 8 (1822-1827) LDS #0364563
p.154 7 Mar 1825 "Samuel Haden, Administrator of Sally Haden Decd pay Peter Morton, Arthur Slaughter, and Thomas Blakey one dollar each for making settlement with said administrator."
Spouse | WILLIAM HADEN (1751 - 1819) |
Child | Sarah I.\J. "Sally" Haden (1812 - 1897) |
1. Logan County Genealogical Society,Inc., Logan County Kentucky Marriages 1790-1865 (c.1981; Additions and Corrections 1985), p.39 Sally is often a nickname for Sarah..
2. Logan County Kentucky Deed Abstracts 1792-1813. (Abstracted by Joyce Martin Murray).
3. Logan County Kentucky Court Records (1817-1822) Books 3 & 7 (Court Orders) (LDS Microfilm #364562).