Individual Details

William Haden

(1785 - 1865)

I believe William had a wife before Pamelia Blakey. There are two earlier marriages in Logan County for a William Haden - one to Betsey Hughs Jul 27 1805 and one to Polly Barnett Jun 4 1805 - the Hughes lived nearer the Hadden family which had several Williams. Barnetts were neighbors to the Hadens so this seems most likely. There is also the possibility that William Haden had a daughter too old to have been a child of his marriage to his cousin Pamelia Blakey. The following gift by and will of Thomas Barnett supports the theory that William did have an earlier marriage and at least one child by that wife and that the lady died very soon after the birth of that child. By December of 1808, William Haden had married Pamelia Blakey.

William Jr. is first listed as a white male over 21 in 1806 in Logan Co Property Tax List.

Pamela Blakey and William were 2nd cousins. Shared Anthony Haden and Margaret
Douglas as great-grandparents.

Warren Co KY DB D, p.90 7 Mar 1808 Thos. Barnett to Nancy Haiden, a dau of my daughter Mary C. Haiden, dec'd. Negro girl.
Then there is the probate of the will of Thomas Barnet, 16 Aug 1819. He gave slaves to son John, son James C., daughter Elizabeth Shannon, granddaughter Letha Barnet who was daughter of deceased son William. To Heirs of Lucy Sanders, dec'd daughter $1. To heirs of Mary Haden, deceased daughter $1. To Adams S. Barnett, grandson $1. To Thomas Fields Barnet, grandson, $1. [These were sons of dec'd son William] Remainder of estate to be divided among John, James & Elizabeth Shannon. Executors: John Barnet, James C. Barnet. Signed: Thomas Barnet. Written 27 Nov 1818. Wit: Thomas Bowles, William Barnett.

1810 Logan Co KY Census. William Haden, 1m age 16-26. 1f under 10. 1f age 16-26. 4 slaves.

Microfilm #896205 (D&E)
p.11 21 Apr 1815
This indenture made this 21st day of April in the your one thousand eight hundred and fifteen between William Haden Senr & William Haden Junr both of the State of Kentucky & County of Logan (Witnesseth) That the said William Haden Senr for & in consideration of the sum of nine hundred & sixteen Dollars the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the sd (William Haden Senr) have granted, bargained and sold & by these presents do bargain grant & sell & convey of sd William Haden Junr his heirs or assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Logan bounded as follows (Viz) Beginning at a honey locust & red oak standing on the bank of the Black lick fork of Gaspers river by the mouth of a Drain running these So. 52 East 29 poles to a hickory corner to James Haden, and with his line North seventy West 264 poles to a red oak & a hickory corner to James Haden thence North 42 East 160 poles to a stake by two post oaks or Moodys line & with his line South 45 East Eighty five poles to a post oak Corner to Moody thence North 40 East 11 poles to a stone corner to Saml Haden & with his line south 69 East 340 poles to a sugar tree on the bank of the creek & corner to Saml Haden, thence up the creek with its meanders to the Beginning. Containing by calculation two hundred sixty-two acres & thirty one & an half poles be the same less more. To have and To hold the sd tract or parcel of land with all its appurtenances as above described & the said William Haden Senr & Sally his wife do covenant bargain & agree to Warrant and forever to defend the aforesd tract of land with all its appurtenances to the sd William Haden Junr His heirs forever .....and from all manner of claim or claims that may appear through me or under me or my heirs or assigns forever by these presents. In Testimony hereof we have set our hands & affixed our seals this the day and date above written. William Haden Sally (herXmark) Haden
Signed & Sealed & Delivered in presence of us: Hugh Stevenson, Caleb Mason
Logan County Sct. We John Barnett and John McCutcheon both Justices of the peace in and for the County aforesd do certify that the foregoing Indenture was this day acknowledged before us by the within ordained Sally Haden to be her act and Deed, and the sd Sally Haden being examined by us separate & apart from her husband, declared that she freely and voluntary relinquished her right of dower to the land and premises therein named without fear or persuasion. Given under our hands this 4th day of May one thousand eight hundred & fifteen. Jno. McCutcheon Jno. Barnett
Logan County Sct. I Spencer Curd Clerk of the County Court of Logan aforesd do hereby certify that the within Indenture of bargain and sale from William Haden Senr to William Haden Junr was on the 21st day of August 1815 proven before me in my office by the oath of Caleb Mason and on this day by the oath of Hugh McCutcheon (subscribing witnesses thereto) to be the act and Deed of the said William Haden Senr. In Testimony whereof and that the same together with the certificate of relinquishment of dower therein endorsed, and also this Certificate stands truly recorded in my office. I hereunto set my hand the 21st day of Nov 1815 Spencer Curd

Logan County KY Deed Book G, p.259-261 12 Oct 1819. William Haden Jr. sells 140 acres to William J. Morton for $600; land on the Gasper bounded by Thomas Buckannon. Wife is examined & reliquishes dower but not named. Witnesses are Jno Morton and Francis Drake.

1820 Logan Co KY USCensus lists 1m 26-45 [William], 1m -10, 1m 16-18, 1m 16-26 [which could be same boy-no son is known - are these possible orphaned nephews?] 1f 26-45 [Pamela], 1f -10 [Margaret born 1811] and 1f 10-16 [could be the Nancy Haden who married James W. Blakey? and born of an earlier wife? daughter of Mary "Polly" Barnett?]

Deed Book K, p.194 3 Nov 1821 John H. Posey to William Haden for $503. 200 acres. East side of Gasper. Conveyed to Posey by Samuel Owens.
Deed Book K; p.488 4 May 1815 William Haden Jr to John M. Haden for $900. In Logan Co on Readings line. 100 acres. Witness: Jno McCutchen & Jno Barnett. Signed: William Haden Jr. Pamela Haden relinquished her dower.

Deed Book L, p.103 10 Oct 1822. 200 Acres where Wm. Whitsitt now lives given up by Wm. Haden on 11 Feb 1822. Sold on 22 May to George Blakey, highest bidder for $541. Same tract conveyed to William Haden by John H. Posey on 3 Nov 1821.
p.215 29 Jan 1823. Samuel H. Haden to William Haden. 42 acres for $265.50. ..Land description begins at a stake by William Haden's fence. Samuel H. Haden's wife examined but not named.
p.216 William Haden to William Sawyer for $151. 18 acres. Wife relinquished dower.

Logan County KY Court Records Book 8 (1822-1827) LDS #0364563
p. 127; 5 Oct 1824 William Haden was now administrator of father's estate. James his brother had died. Estate still not settled.
p. 245 Aug Term 1826 Churchill H. Blakey (who married Sally Haden, the younger) executed Bond in the penalty of $5000 and Letter of Administrator granted him on goods and chattels of William Haden, dec'd. (Churchill H. Blakey then died in September of 1826 at the age of 27)
p.281 Mar Term 1827 Wm Haden executes Bond of $5000 and letters of Administration granted him on the Goods of Wm Haden dec'd.
p.352 Jan Term 1828 On the motion of the Baptist Church at Bethany meeting house in Logan County by P. Warden their moderator and producing the following.......of sd church. Towit. At a meeting of the Baptist Church of Christ of Bethany meeting house in Logan County on the Saturday before the first Sunday in January 1828, Appointed Brethren Robert Woodward, Millis Hall, Samuel Haden & Wm Haden Trustees to this meeting house in place of Edward Collins and John Proctor which we certify to the Logan County Court agreeably to an act of Assembly in that case made and provided. Phillip Warden, Moderator. Wm Haden Protem Clerk. It is now ordered that said persons named in sd order of the church stand as Trustees to sd meeting house agreeably to an act of assembly in such case made provided.
[Also found in Logan County Deed book: 14 Jun 1792 William Conner was bound out to Phillip Warden to be taught the Hatter's trade! So the preacher earned his living making hats....]

p.131 Agreeable to an order of the Logan County Court issued at the October Term 1824. We Arthur Slaughter & John McCutcheon Commissioners met at the house of Wm Haden according to Appraisement for the purpose of Settling with Sd Haden, Adm of Wm Haden dec'd and do report as follows. Viz. That there is in the hands of sd Haden
Bonds not due
Bond on James G. Proctor due 1 Jan 1825
Do on Lowry Bishop
Do on Wm Port due 1 day of Jany 1825
Cardwell Breathitt due 1825
Wm Comfort due 1 Jany 1825
Thomas Proctor due 1st Jany 1825
Due sd Haden, Adm $90 due 1st Jany 1825, due 20th Feb 1825 $100
Credit of $30 given Thos Proctor on his note for several Invalid Negroes belonging to the Estate of Wm Haden Dec'd
By ____ paid to Thos Blakey ?Heir
Paid to Charles Moman for service rendered to the Estate
By Cash paid to ?????for Sally Proctor, Heir
Cash paid to Wm Procter, Heir
Cash paid to Saml Haden Guard for Sally Haden, Heir
Signed: Dec 3 1824, Saml McCutcheon, Arthur Slaughter
3 Jan 1826, Settlement with Wm Haden, Admin of Wm Haden Dec'd was recorded.

1830 Census: 1m 20-30; 1m 40-50 [William]; 1f 15-20 [Margaret]; 1f 40-50 [Pamela]

Logan Co DB T, p.118 26 May 1834 Joel C. Rice & Rebecca his wife & Elizabeth Nantz to William Soyars for $80. On waters of Gasper. In William Waddy's NE boundary line in the old Logan & Warren Road where the said Road crosses said lines at the top of the first rise; sd Woody's [sic] Spring branch, Waddys line. To William Hadens NW boundary line and with his line to Clarks line. William Smalls Eastwardly corner; corner to Thomas Buckhannons settlement right, to his additional claim; corner to Saml Perry, his line, to Robert Bells still house. Being the patent to William Reading by grant dated 7 Apr 1813. Signed: Joel C. Rice, Rebecca A. Rice, Elizabeth H. Nants. Rec. 26 May 1834.

Logan Co DB X
p.134 14 Mar 1836. William Haden to James W. Blakey. $2000. The following described tracts on Black lick fork of Gasper River.
1. 262 acres 31 ½ poles as per deed from Wm Haden Sr. and wife to said Wm Haden bearing date the 21 Apr 1815 which is of record in DB E, p.11. band of Black lick fork by mouth of a drain; corner to James Haden & with his line; Woodey's line; Samuel Haden and with his line; up the creek with its meanders.
2. The second tract was conveyed to sd William Haden by Samuel H. Haden on 29 Jan 1823 as per deed of record
To the sd James W. Blakey, his heirs, etc. Signed: Wm Haden, Pamela Haden
Wit: Wm C. Poor, Samuel S. Perkins.
Ack by sd Wm Haden and sd Pamela examined & relinquished Rec. 8 Sep 1840.
[Note that this deed was not recorded until the time that James W. Blakey sold the land late in 1840.]

Logan Co DB V; p.460 20 Feb 1838 William Haden to George D. Blakey as Trustee for use & benefit of Margaret Haden the daughter of the said William of the other part. For love and affection and $1. To Blakey as Trustee, one tract on Black Lick fork of Gasper River of about 300 acres. Being the tract on which the said Wm Haden now lives, also one Negro Boy Gilbert aged about 4 or 5 years. Following conditions: The sd Wm Haden reserves to himself the use and benefit of said property during his natural life. After the payment of the following debts which are to be paid by said Blakey out of the said Negro and land . $250 to Jos. B. Bigger. $250 to Isaac Browning. $275 to Joshua Spencer and $200 to W. William Johnson. After payment of said debts, the property to be held by sd Blakey as Trustee for the use of said Margaret Haden and the heirs of her body. After the death of Wm Haden, the sd Margaret to have and enjoy said property during her lifetime and at her death to her children. Signed: Wm Haden, Geo D. Blakey
Deed of Trust produced & ack and rec. 20 Feb 1838.

Six months later, William separated from Pamelia, leaving this land and personal property to be held in trust for both.
p.605 20 Jun 1838 William Haden of 1st part. Pamela Haden & Margaret Haden her daughter of 2nd part and Thomas Blakey & James W. Blakey & George D. Blakey of the 3rd part. Whereas that William Haden & Pamela Haden have determined & do hereby separate themselves as husband & wife. In trust for use & benefit of Pamelia & Margaret the following property. Tract of land of 300 acres on which the sd Wm Haden now lives On Negro woman Sarah, one girl Sucky, one girl Lucy, one boy Frank, all children of sd Sarah. One man named Josefah, one boy named Jerry, one named Giles, one girl Mary also all & every description of household & kitchen furniture except one bedsted & furniture, some farming utensils, one gig, and stock of cattle, sheep except one cow & yoke of oxen. One half of bacon, beef & venison, sugar & coffee together with all the growing crop of potatoes & garden vegetables. Following Conditions: reserves possession of land until the 1st of Jan next and then into the hands of Thos. Jas. & Geo. Blakey. The Blakeys bind themselves to pay the following debts out of the property: Isaac Browning, note of $250 Wm Johnson of $300, one to Dearbon Dooley assignee of J. Spencer of $273; one to John Nowley Jr for $360, one to Mebeth of $180, one to Norton of $60 in addition to $280 paid by George D. Blakey to J. B. Bigger. The sd Wm Haden hereby binds himself not advertise the seperation upon the condition that the sd Blakey do hereby release the sd Haden from all & every liabilities.
Signed: Wm Haden _______ _______ Thos Blakey, James Blakey, George D. Blakey
Test: Wm C. Poor, Barlet (x) Whitlow
Proven by witnesses. 16 Aug 1838

1840 Census: 1m, 50-60 [William,age 54]; 2m 5-10 [likely grandsons]; 1f 50-60 [Pamela age 53]; 1f 30-40 [dau. Margaret living at home with 2 sons born 1832 & 1834?]

8 May 1844 William testified in Court for Margaret Blakey, Widow of George Blakey.
He stated he married in 1808 to Pamela, the daughter of George & Margaret Blakey and that Margaret Blakey, the widow, is now living in his house. The family Bible containing the family record of George Blakey is now in possession of Margaret Blakey and the leaf of paper hereto appended is a list which was this day cut from the said Bible and the entried record the marriage of sd George & Margaret Blakey and also the births of their children and was written by their eldest son Wm. W. Blakey many years previous to his death, he having died in 1824. He states that the leaf contains a fathful record of the marriage and the births. Signed: Wm Haden. Thos. Blakey, JPLC
Pamela appeared the same day and stated she was the daughter of George & Margaret Blakey and wife of Wm Haden. She has read his deposition and it is true. The leaf was cut from he mother's family Bible and the record of her parents marriage was written by her brother William W. Blakey long before his death in 1824. Signed: Pamela Haden
William M. Clark and Enoch Northern also testified that they were present when the leaf was cut from the family Bible of Margaret Blakey, widow of the late George Blakey and they have every reason to believe that it is true and just record.

1850 Logan Co KY USCensus lists William, Sr. age 64, wife Pamela age 62. Living with them is Margaret G. Hopkins, age 40 and Margaret Blakey, age 80. All listed as born in Virginia, but at least daughter Margaret born in KY. [Don't know where Margaret's son William, age 16, was in this census. Son George Hopkins was found a page earlier in the census. And since William and Pamela had separated he probably wasn't actually there.]

1860 Census Simpson Co KY
Household #74: Samuel H. Haden Sr age 69 and Jane Haden age 47.
#75: William Haden age 75. (Is this Wm? He's about the right age. "Permelia Haden" was living with daughter Margaret and grandson George S. Hopkins in Logan Co. There was no William Haden in Simpson Co in earlier years.]

Also from Simpson Co comes the following cemetery record:
Phillips Cemetery: Hayden, William, 21 Jan 1786 - 13 Nov 1865
The last time this cemetery was recorded (1982) this stone was not found. There are markers in the cemetery of infant children of S. H. & M. L. Haden - who is likely Samuel H. Jr.

A possible, but doubtful, son of William and Pamela is a William Haden found in the 1850 Logan Co Census, age 36 - this would fit in with the male child listed in 1820 and young man in 1830. His wife was listed as Elizabeth J., age 30. There is a marriage 11 Sep 1837 - William Haden to Elizabeth J. Proctor. Oldest child of this couple is Rebecca H. age 10. This William is some six years younger than the William M. Haden, son of James. His other children named Elizabeth, Henry, Charles, Robert.
In 1860, a William Haden was in Simpson Co KY, p.347, household 698. Listed as William Haden, Jr. age 46. Henry C. age 16, Charles S. age 14, Robt H. age 12, Mary C age 10, William J age 8, John T age 4.
[The fact that he is listed as "Jr", and has some of the same children as the William from 1850 Logan Co, and it's likely that the older William Haden is now living in Simpson Co with his brother Samuel, all lend credence to the theory that this man IS William Haden, Junior and son of this William - however I think it more likely he could be the eldest son of Samuel H. Haden. and the title of "Jr" was simply to differentiate between the two men of the same name in Simpson Co. Other factors make his relationship to Samuel most likely.]

Logan Co Tax Rolls
In 1830, only one William Haden is found on the Logan Co tax rolls. - he has 288 acres on the Black Lick, entered by J. Clark. This is part of the original Haden property that was part of Jonathan Clark's military survey. Can only be this William the son of William & Nancy Johnson Haden.
In 1831, he is still there but a W. Haden also appears with 83 acres on the Gasper River, entered by Jefferson Haden. This would be Jefferson's younger brother William Morton Haden.
In 1833, two William Hadens appear - one has 300 acres on the Black Lick, the other only has himself as a white male over 21 so no doubt William Morton Haden.
In 1834 only the older William is taxed.
In 1835 the older William has his 300 acres on the Gasper river & has 12 slaves which is approximately the number he has been taxed on all along. William M. has 90 acres on the Gasper and has one slave & five horses.
By 1836, William M. has bought more land, slaves & horses - a young man rising. Our older William still has 300 acres on the Black Lick. William Haden, Jr. appears as a white male over 21 with 1 horse - he is listed next to our older William. This is precisely the year we would expect the William who would marry Elizabeth Proctor in 1837 to turn 21 from the evidence in the 1850 Census. Another indication there WAS a son of William that has previously not been noted as being under 10 in 1820. However the eldest son of Samuel would also be this age and Samuel apparently did not move to Simpson Co until the following year.
1837 lists William F. Haden with land on the Gasper but he isn't even listed as being over 21 which would be true for William Franklin Haden, born 1817. Older William is there with his 300 acres. William M. has about the same as the previous year. William Jr. is not taxed.
1838 lists a plethora of Williams. Our older William with his 300 acres. William M. as usual. William F. is now listed as being over 21. A William Haden over 21 with one horse is also there but not indicated as a Junior. William Hadden is also listed with other Haddens and he is over 21 without any other property.
In 1839 is found William M, William F. who seems to have sold his land, William Haden Sr. with 300 acres of land, William Haden Jr. over 21 with 1 horse. And a William Haden over 21 with no additional taxable belongings - either this should have been William Hadden or perhaps Samuel also had a son William who has now reached age 21!


Marriage4 Jun 1805Logan County, Kentucky - Mary C. "Polly" Barnett
Marriage10 Dec 1808Logan County, Kentucky - Pamela Blakey
Death1865Simpson County, Kentucky


SpousePamela Blakey (1787 - 1870)
ChildMargaret George Haden (1811 - 1867)
SpouseMary C. "Polly" Barnett ( - 1808)
ChildNancy I.\J. Haden (1807 - 1840)
FatherWILLIAM HADEN (1751 - 1819)
MotherANN "NANCY" JOHNSON (1757 - 1798)
SiblingSally Haden (1774 - 1808)
SiblingJames H. Haden (1776 - 1822)
SiblingJoseph Haden (1778 - 1824)
SiblingEmily "Milly" Haden (1781 - 1820)
SiblingBenjamin Haden (1783 - 1810)
SiblingJOHN MOSELEY HADEN (1788 - 1817)
SiblingSamuel H. Haden (1790 - 1865)
SiblingNancy J. Haden (1798 - 1884)
SiblingMary "Polly" Haden (1800 - 1867)
