Individual Details

Joseph Haden

(Abt 1735 - Feb 1803)

The birth year of Joseph is given in "John Haden of Virginia" and also by Irene Cook as 1740-42. However, a deed dated 19 Jan 1756 from Anthony to his son Joseph for 200 acres of land would seem to me to indicate Joseph had come of age or was about to be married in 1756. If he was then age 21, he would have been born by 1735. This helps some with the confusion about the age of his children and his possible marriages.

The Ancestral File gives an earlier marriage of Joseph to Mary Tulley, but I have found absolutely no evidence of this marriage. This marriage is also found in the Hayden Quarterly with Mary Tulley born in 1749, married abt 1756 (age 7) and died 1820 which is completely out of line with other known facts.)

I have seen Feb 3 1764 as date of marriage to Elizabeth Hundley, but that is the birth of daughter Elizabeth as recorded in The Douglas Register.. There is an Ambrose Hundley mentioned in connection with William Rea - the man I believe was married to Joseph's sister Elizabeth. Hundley was from Hanover Co which has few extant records and I've not been able to find additional information about him. Elizabeth and Joseph were most likely married about the time of the following deed from Anthony to his son Joseph.

19 Nov 1745
Goochland DB 5, p.50
Richard Brown, carpenter of County of Goochland to Anthony Haden of said County. For 20£. Tract on North side of James River on Branches of Byrd Creek. Begin a corner pine on Thomas Massie's ...thence on Arthur Hopkins ...on Henry Nash on which Richard Brown now dwells, purchased by sd Richard Brown of William Matlock. 200 acres. Signed: Richard Brown, Rachel Brown. Ack. at Court 19 Nov 1745.
19 Jan 1756
Anthony Haden of parish of St Pauls in Hanover Co ...Love, goodwill & affection to son Joseph Haden of Parish of St. Anns in Co of Albemarle 200 acres purchased of Richd. Brown [See 19 Nov 1745. DB 5, p.50] in Goochland Co. Signed: Antho.Haden. [No witnesses] Acknowledged in Goochland Court 20 Jan 1756

Albemarle DB 2, p.56 7 Apr 1758 Charles Lewis of Goochland & Mary his wife of 1st part.
James Lewis of Albemarle & Elizabeth his wife of 2nd part & Francis Jerdone of Louisa Co of 3rd part. Charles Lewis has 4753 acres in Albemarle intented for his son James, but they have agreed to sell to Francis Jerdone for 1000£. On East side Ivey Crk of the James, granted Michael Holland of Hanover on 15 Mar 1744 and sold to Charles Lewis on 24 Jul 1745. Wit: John Cobbs, John Bryant, Joseph Haden. Proved by witnesses on 10 Aug 1758.
DB 4, p.47 26 Feb 1768. Moses Lowry to William Clark, 100 acres on Lewisis Creek adjacent Joseph Haden, Thos. Bayley & Jno Payne being land Moses Lowrey bought of Thomas Bailey.

From Irene Cook and other assorted Haden researchers: Joseph Haden and Richmond Pearson (a possible son-in-law) were witnesses for marriage of Joseph Haden, Jr. and Jane Haden in 1783 in North Carolina. According to her reasoning, Richmond, if a son-in-law, would have married a daughter of Joseph and an unknown spouse before Elizabeth Hundley. A Sarah Haden married 5 Nov 1772, Albemarle Co VA, Richard Pearson. Sarah, nor any the children of Sarah & Richmond Pearson are mentioned in the will of Joseph Haden.

My own research indicates that Joseph was older than given by the above researchers - he was born by 1735 in order to receive a gift of land from his father in 1756. He may certainly have married Elizabeth Hundley earlier than has been estimated. The girl Sarah, if age 16 at her marriage, was likely born about 1756 - about the same time Anthony gave land to Joseph, so it then becomes possible for Sarah to be his daughter and a daughter of Elizabeth Hundley. Sarah was deceased by the time Joseph wrote his will and Richmond Pearson remarried - Pearson was a very wealthy man and none of his children would have necessarily needed a bequest from their Haden grandfather and they are not mentioned.

This record found in the Louisa Co VA court orders. Likely this Joseph as the younger Joseph Hadens were not really old enough to be involved in a suit.
Louisa County Orders 1766-1772, Ruth & Sam Spariacio
Louisa County Court Orders. 10 Mar 1772 p.101
In action upon case Joseph Haden vs Bartelott Cauley. Sheriff left a copy of the writ and the defendant failing to appear tho solemly called. On motion of plaintiff by his Atty. Ordered that attachement do issue against the estate of sd Defendant
Louisa County Court Orders. 11 May 1772 p.86
Joseph Haden vs. Bartelott Cauley. No effects to be found within the Sheriff's bailiwick, on motion of Plaintiff is discontinued.

ALBEMARLE CO VA COURT PAPERS 1744-1783; Benj B. Weisiger III; 1987.
p.36 Order to arrest Joseph Haden, Anthony Haden and John Robinson at suit of George Barclay, Executor of Mary Cole, dec'd, for debt. 13 Apr. 1772 Folder #2

This must have been the sale of land in Virginia in preparation for moving to North Carolina.
VALENTINE PAPERS; Albemarle Co records:
DB 6, p.531 Mar 1777 Joseph Haden & Elizabeth his wife of Albemarle Co to Matthew Jordan of Goochland for £17. 270 acres on branch of Great Byrd called Bailey's Creek. This property was better described when sold by Mathew Jordan.
Fluvanna DB 1, p.111 Mathew Jordan & Mary his wife of Fluvanna Co to John Fulcher of Goochland for £400. 270 acres in Fluvanna adj Thomas Bailey, Lewis Venible, Mathew Vaughan & others agreeable to deed made by Joseph Haden to Mathew Jordan for same.

This appears to be the first record in North Carolina.
p.137; DB 8/426 3 Nov 1777 William Frohock, planter to Joseph Haden, Gentleman for £250, 200 acres South side Yadkin R at the fish dam; part of tract in forks of the Yadkin granted to William Sparks by Mathew Sparks on 10 Apr 1765. Wit: Richmond Pearson, Anney Haden, Sarah (x) Pearson. Proved Nov Court 1777.
The location on the South side of the Yadkin, the fish dam, the forks of the Yadkin will be mentioned many times in deeds of Joseph and his brother William, their sons and associates. I believe the witness Anney Haden to have been Joseph's daughter who married Wyatt. Sarah, likely also Joseph's daughter, wife of Richmond Pearson.

Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1778 Tax Lists, Capt Lyon's District. Value in pounds.
Joseph Haiden -- 2413
Douglass Haydin -- 1085
William Haiden -- 3106

Joseph has been declared a Patriot of the Revolution by DAR for furnishing supplies. Said to be included in the Pay Vouchers, #178, #S.115.93.

Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co 1775-1789, Vol. III
Jo White Linn 1982
p.28 8 Nov 1777 Deeds prvd
Wm Frohock to Joseph Haiden 200 a 3 Nov 1777. Ackn.
p.99 3 Nov 1783
Overseers of Roads: Moses Linster from Deals Crk to South Yadkin. Joseph Haiden from Lindsters Ford on the South Yadkin to Jesse Knightings Old Place.
p.128-129 7 May 1785
Justices to take 1785 taxables. Richmond Pierson in Capt. Pierson & Haiden.
Mentioned multiple times in this volume: Haiden's ferry and Haiden's muster ground. As well as references to Capt Haiden and Haiden's Co.
7 Nov 1786 Grand Jury included Joseph, Wm & Douglass Haiden, Obediah Smith, Moses Lindster, Thos. Maxwell.

Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1782 List of men summoned to shew Cause why this propty should not be confiscated. Capt. Pearson's Co Includes Wiet Foard, Joseph Haiden

Abstracts of Land Entries: Rowan Co NC Dec 1778 - Feb 1795
Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987
#998 2 Jul 1788 John Howard Jr enters 150a in Rowan N side Yadkin. Borders Joseph Headen, William Headon, David Craige
#2079 Transferred to Joseph Haden, from Jos Haden to Davd Woodson 12 Feb 1779 William Merrill enters 640 a in Rowan on head of Hambys Cr, includes widow Trout and Andrew Garron's improvement
#2610 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden enters 60a James Andrews Mill Br; Jesse Knightling's east corner & James Andrews.
#2611 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden enters 100a; border, Humphry Marshall's S corner, John Howell's line
#2612 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haden 200a on N side Yadkin; John Andrews S corner, William Merrell, his own corner & John Blankenpickler
#2613 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden enters 150a on Yadkin at mouth of Quelurs Branch; William Merrell.
[Note: the next two entries were for Richmond Pearson]
p.97, #89 28 Feb 1793 John Howel enters 10 ac in Rowan Co on South R; border on river bank "a short distance below the foard and crosses river to Joseph Haiden; includes the fish "pot".
p.103 #183 16 Apr 1794 Joseph Haiden and William Moore enters 50 ac in Rowan Co between Swearing Cr and Potts Cr; borders Frohock and Linn

Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#809 DB 11, p.643 8 Aug 1787
James Brandon exr of John Howard Sr dec'd to Joseph Haden for 190# 84 a on E side of Yadkin on E side of Thomas Br or Run. Wit: John Johnston, Ja. Craige. Prvd by Craige at May Ct 1789 [I have not located Thomas Branch on a map - this could be either Joseph Sr or Jr]

Marriages of Rowan County North Carolina 1753-1868 compilied by Brent Holcomb Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc Baltimore Maryland 1981
Smith, Cornelius & Winney Adams 13 Oct 1789 Joseph Haden bondsman; Ed Harris Witness
This Cornelius Smith who married Winifred Bussell/Beffel Adams (widow of
John Adams, deceased 1762) 13 Oct 1789 Rowan County, NC, Joseph Haden, bondsman, and witnessed by Ed. Harris, was first married to Rachel Lynn 26 Aug 1768 Rowan County, NC, Andrew Smith and Edward McGuire, bondsmen, and witnessed by Thomas Frohock.
[This could have been either Joseph Sr or Jr]

Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1787 List of Capt. Pearson (Davie Co area, Forks of the Yadkin
William Heydon, 1wm 21-50, 3 wf, 4 B 12-60, 5B under 12, over 60
1789 Tax List of Capt Pearson's Co. (area that became Davie Co)
Unity Haydon, widow, 672 acres, 9 B polls
Douglas Haydon Sen: 564 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Joseph Haydon, Sen: 500 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Sarjeant Hughes: 1 wp, 2 bp
p.306 Stephen Pearson: 200 a, 1 wp
John Pearson, 300 a, 2 bp
Joseph Pearson: 500a
Richmond Pearson: 3241a, 1wp 13 bp
Obediah Smith and Thomas Maxwell were also listed.

Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#2416 DB 13, p.783 13 Jul 1790
Benjamin Howard of Madison Co VA to Joseph Haden of Rowan for 150#. Approximately 260 a adj David Woodson, Quillers Br and Grantor. Wit: Thomas Turner, John McClean, Alexr Cairns, Lawrence Williams. Prvd Feb Ct 1795.
[Benjamin Howard's tract is mentioned in Joseph's will]

1790 Census; Rowan Co NC
Joseph Haiden 1m over 16, 3 females, 2 slaves

Abstracts of Land Entries: Rowan Co NC Dec 1778 - Feb 1795
Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987, p.90
[#272L] Jul 1791, nearest date.. no number, no date. Joseph Haiden enters 150a N side of Yadkin; Thomas Turner's W corner, his own line.

Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#2831 DB 14, p.338 28 Sep 1791
Joseph Headen Sr ,adm of William Copeland, to John Windbriner, 228 a on Peelers Crk in forks of Yadkin.

Abstracts of Land Entries: Rowan Co NC Dec 1778 - Feb 1795
Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987
#183 16 Apr 1794 Joseph Haiden & Wm Moore enter 50a between Swearing & Potts Crk; borders Frohock & Linn

Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
Petition for separate election. Legislative Papers, Petitions, Box 3, NC State Archives 1793-4
p.320 Includes Billy Haden, Jesse Hayden
p.321 Joseph Haden, Dugles Haden, Captn. Thos Maxwell Sen.
1796 Tax List of Capt Chambers (area that became Davidson Co)
Joseph Haden: 1358a, 1wp, 3bp
1798 Tax List of Capt Smith's Co (Davidson Co area)
Joseph Hadon: 1500a, 1wp, 3bp

1800 Census; Rowan Co NC
Joseph Headon: 1m -10 [Robert G.], 1m 16-26 [William?], 1m +45 [Joseph] 2f under 10 and 1 f 10-16 [Margaret & Dianna & extra dau?], 1f 26-45 [Margaret Maxwell] 20 slaves.

Debts in Virginia from before the Revolution followed Joseph to North Carolina by subscription; accessed 28 May 2011
The Virginia Genealogist
"British Mercantile Claims; 1775-1803" [These claims involved debts owed British merchants when British property was confiscated during the Revolution. Not until around 1800 were special agents assigned to investigate individual debts and determine the status. The records found in the Public Record Office, London.]
Vol. 29, p.223 1985
Claims of Thompson, Snodgrass & Company, Goochland Store
Joseph Haden, Senr. Fluvanna. £13.6.11 1/2. He removed to North Carolina during the war and carried with him a very good estate. He resided near Salisbury in Rowan County and from last account heard of him was still able to pay.

Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#1723 DB 18, p.132
28 Sep 1801 Bill of Sale. Joseph Hayden Sr to Sargent Hughes for $200, Negro man Ben age 20. Wit: Robt Bradshaw, Robt Haden
Prvd by Bradshaw Nov Ct 1801
[Sargent Hughes was his son-in-law. Robert Bradshaw was the husband of Joseph's niece; Robert Haden, his son.]

Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#1539 DB 12, p.516 21 Nov 1801
Memo. Of Agreement bet Joseph Haden & Richard Marrs of Rockingham Co. Marrs conveyed Negro man Kiah about 22 years old to Haden for $430 on condition that the $430 will be reapid when called for, at which time Kiah will return to Marrs. If Kiah dies, he dies Marrs property and Marrs is to pay Haden the above sum before 25 Dec 1802. Wit: Wm Bradberry, Robert Haden. Signed by Richard Marr, Joseph Haden
Sworn to by Bradberry bef Francis Locke, Judge on 10 Apr 1811 [?]
Joseph's son Robert would be about age 16 - a witness was required to be 14.

Will dated 16 Oct 1802. Executors: Wife, Margaret, friend Jno Steele, Esq., Thos. Maxwell, and son Robert G. when he is 21 years. Witnessed: Billy D. Haden, Benjamin Maxwell, Elizabeth Haden. [Billy D. Haden was his great-nephew grandson of his brother William - Elizabeth likely his wife; Benjamin Maxwell his wife's brother]
Bequests: son Robert Gillespie eldest son living by present wife, William second son by present wife, Ritta, Joseph, Ann Wyatt, Judah Hughs, Margaret eldest female child of present wife, and Dianna second female child by present wife. (Gifts to Joseph, Ann, Judah are 20sh as they must have already received their inheritance - Ritta gets only one slave; 4 children of Margaret Maxwell get most of the remaining estate and the rest to be divided among them after the death of Margaret.
More on specific bequests:
To son Robert Gillespie, eldest son now living by present wife, all the tract whereon I now reside and all other land prospects named by me in the forks of the Yadkin and the following slaves: man Isam, boy Abram, and woman Dinah
To son William, second son of my present wife, all those tract opposite to my old place I puchased from Benjamin Howard and all other lands on the north and northeast side of the main Yadkin and slaves, women Flora & Luce and girl Mary
To daughter Ritta, one slave named Vat
To son Joseph in addition to what I have already done, 20sh. To daughter Ann Wyatt in addition to what I have done, 20sh. And to daughter Judah Hughs, in addition to what I have done, 20sh.
To daughter Margaret, the eldest female child of my present wife, these slaves, woman All, girl Pat, girl Fanny, boy Daniel
To daughter Dianna, second female of my present wife, these slaves, girls Rachel, Letah & Milla
To wife, use of the following, men Jim & Patrick and women Milla & Phillis during her life and at her decease to be divided between Robert G., William, Margaret & Dianna.
Whole of my estate to be kept together until son Robert G. attains age 21.
Residue, after educating children, etc. to be equally divided among my four youngest children, born of present wife.
Executors: wife Margaret, friends John Steel Esq & Thomas Maxwell, and son Robert G. after he is 21.

Some research papers indicated that Joseph & Margaret Haden also had sons named Benjamin & Thomas, named in her father's will in 1800 but not named in Joseph's in 1802. This is an error. Thomas Maxwell's will does name his daughter Margaret married to Joseph Haden. He named no grandchildren nor children of Margaret at all. Thomas Maxwell did have sons named Benjamin & Thomas Maxwell. [Rowan Co NC Will Book D, p.202]

Joseph's will of 1802 fails to mention any Sarah, or her children, that might have been married to Richmond Pearson. There is also no mention of the daughter Elizabeth whose birth and baptism in 1764, were recorded by the Rev. Douglas back in Goochland Co. Some indicate Elizabeth was the same as the Ann Wyatt named in Joseph's will but an Ann, or Nancy, Haden is believed to have married Francis Wayatt in the mid 1770's when Elizabeth would have been too young to marry. Francis Wyatt is also seen as married to both an Ann and Elizabeth Haden and also to Fanny Austin in 1799 in Caroline Co when he should have still been married to Ann, since the will was written in 1802. I have not found any Wyatt research that seems anything but confused. The names of the children of Nancy and Francis Wyatt include common Haden given names - one son named Haden Wyatt. I believe Nancy was the only Haden wife of Francis Wyatt and that Elizabeth Haden, born in 1764, died young.

Joseph's widow remarried after his death:
Sent from John Barnes as found in the McCubbin manscript collection at Raleigh:
"May 3, 1803: letters granted John Steele and Margaret Haden on the estate of Joseph Haden Sr.,... Steele did not qualify."
"Marriage bond: Margaret Haden to William Brown Aug. 15, 1804 signed by Daniel Cress." [Heretofore this marriage has been assigned to the daughter of Joseph Haden & Margaret Maxwell, but it was the widow, Margaret Maxwell Haden who married William Brown as the following note reveals.]
"Oct. 2, 1806. Richmond Pearson vs. Margaret Brown (executor of deceased Joseph Haden) case #_____ went up to Supreme Court"
[The question here is .....why would Pearson be suing Joseph's widow unless he was attempting to gain something in right of children who might have been grandchildren of Joseph's ....or was he serving as guardian of some of Joseph's younger children?]

There was another lawsuit involving two of the sons of Joseph that gives interesting information about family relationships, the marriage date of Joseph & Jenny Haden, death date for Joseph and approximate birth date for son Robert Gillespie:
"Salisbury Dist Court p. 240: Joseph Haden vs. Robert Gillespie Haden before Judge Spruce Macay Apr. 11, 1807. The complainant says he is the son of Joseph Haden and in addressing Jenny (dau. of William Haden) whom he later married on Jan. 9, 1783, his father and her father agreed to advance their interests. Her father (William Haden) gave them some slaves at marriage (Bet, Sid, and Isaac) while his father (Joseph Haden) was to give them 100 A, being the upper part of the half where he lived on the main Yadkin by the fence of his main plantation, called the point tract, where the South and Main Yadkin come together, (and the remainder of it after he died). He did give him the first part immediately after the marriage, but took it back in 1783 having become offended with some of the tenants, he said, offering to pay $800 for it, in 1794, said complainant refused. Said father, Joseph Haden died in Feb. 1803, leaving a will devising both the upper and lower parts to Robert Gillespie Haden (the defendant) then about 18 years, for whom Obadiah Smith was appointed guardian and neither are willing to make the deed. The def. Robert Gillespie Haden says the land was not given and the complainant was only an overseer on the plantation. The decree says that Robert Gillespie Haden must make a deed in fee simple of the 200 A on the south side of the Main Yadkin at the fish dam and up both Main and South Yadkin Rivers, to said complainant and both parties pay the costs."
Rowan DB 21, p.220
22 Apr 1807 Robt Gillespie Haden, planter to Joseph Haden, planter for 5sh and in accordance with decree from Ct of Equity of Rowan in case of Joseph Haden vs Robt Gillispie Haden. 200a fork of Main and South Yadkin called the point tract adj the Fish Dam. Both signed deed. Wit: Maxwell Chambers, who prvd at Feb Ct 1808

In the Estate files in Rowan Co NC, LDS Microfilm #1498464, there is a file called "Joseph Haden, 1804" Most of the papers in the file are in fact those of Joseph Jr. who died in 1820. Joseph Jr. also has an estate file in Davidson Co - because of his very young children, it took many years to settle his estate and the newer county had been formed. The only paper in the "Joseph Haden, 1804" file that actually refers to this Joseph is the guardianship bond Of Obediah Smith for Robt. G. Haden, orphan of Jos. Haden dated 7 Feb 1804. Bond was 2000 pounds; Jacob Fisher was his security.
I believe there were two successive Jacob Fishers that were associated with the Haden families - some of the earliest documents show Fisher signing in German but this Jacob on the bond signed as"Ja. Fisher".


BirthAbt 1735Virginia
MarriageAbt 1755Goochland County, Virginia - Elizabeth Hundley
MarriageAft 1777Rowan County, North Carolina - Margaret Maxwell
DeathFeb 1803Rowan County, North Carolina


SpouseMargaret Maxwell (1745 - )
ChildMargaret Haden (1780 - )
ChildDianna Haden (1784 - )
ChildRobert Gillespie Haden (1785 - 1850)
ChildWilliam Haden (1785 - 1846)
SpouseElizabeth Hundley (1740 - 1777)
ChildSarah Haden (1756 - 1790)
ChildAnn "Nancy" Haden ( - )
ChildRitta Haden (1763 - )
ChildElizabeth Haden (1764 - )
ChildJoseph Haden Jr. (1765 - 1820)
ChildJudith Haden (1772 - 1817)
FatherANTHONY HADEN (1694 - 1763)
MotherMARGARET DOUGLAS ( - 1747)
SiblingJOHN HADEN (1723 - 1817)
SiblingAnn Haden (1724 - )
SiblingRuth Haden (1729 - )
SiblingWilliam Haden (1730 - 1789)
SiblingElizabeth Haden (1732 - )
SiblingRachel Haden (1735 - )
SiblingZachariah Haden (1738 - 1792)
