Individual Details
William Haden
(Aft 1785 - 28 Oct 1846)
An 1807 Court case stated that Robert Gillespie Haden was 18 when his father died in February of 1803. Joseph's will said that William was the 2nd son by his present wife, so he would be younger than Robert.
The will of 1802 made this bequest to William:
To son William, second son of my present wife, all those tracts opposite to my old place I puchased from Benjamin Howard and all other lands on the north and northeast side of the main Yadkin and slaves, women Flora & Luce and girl Mary
Card Index to NC Land Grant Files; #0118. To Robert Gillispie & William Haden (by Margaret Haden, Executrix of Joseph Haden, dec'd. Rowan Co. 94 acres, Entry #854, 3 Dec 1803. Beginning at a large rock.
Letter: State of North Carolina, No. 854
Hugh Harah, Entry Officer of Claims for Lands in the County of Rowan
To the surveyor of sd County, Greeting
You are required as soon as may be to lay of and survey for Margaret Haden, Executrix of the Last will of Joseph Haden, dec'd for the use of her two sons Robert Gillespy Haden & Wm Haden a tract or parcle of Land containing one Hundred acres lying in the County aforesaid Including the small island sholes barrs & shores of the Yadkin River from the Lower Corner of Robert Bradsaws (sic-Bradshaw) land to the lower course of the land lately devised by Joseph Haden, dec'd to his son William, and from thence up the south branchof the said including both shores thereof to the upper corner of the land lately Devised by the sd Joseph Haden deceased to his son Robert for completion. Dated Aut. 29th 1803.
Observing the direction of the act of assembly in such case made and provide for uning out lands two just and fair plans of such serve with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to Transmit with this warrant to the secretarys office without delay
Given under my hand at Salsbury this 3rd day of Decr. 1803 signed: W. Moore
Sketch of plat and survey follows. Land lay within the fork.
Surveyed 7 Decr 1803. Begin large rock on lands devised by Joseph Haden dec'd to his son William on East bank of the Yadkin river below Robert Bradsahw's and above the fish traps running down the river bank the line of Joseph Haden decd to his lower corner below the fork thence west across the river to a stake on the west bank, thence up the south Yadkin as it meanders along Craig's line to a stake above the fish dam. Thence East acrss the South Yadkin to a stake on the north bank of the same thence down the South Yadkin to the corner of the land of said Joseph Haden dec'd thence along the said line to the fork, thence up the main Yaden to his upper corner, thence East across to the river to the Beginning, containing 94 acres.
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#980 DB 21, p.414
11 Jan 1808 Mortgage from Robert Roberts to Sterling Morgan both of Mecklenburg Co VA. Wit: James Whitton Jr. Billy D. Haden, James B. Morgan, William Haden.
Prvd by Billy D. Nov Ct 1808
Apparently this is William Haden, son of Joseph & Margaret Maxwell - he was born after 1785 and would be a young man by this time. There's no other known William available at this time. One had to be age 14 to witness a deed - Billy D. had married Elizabeth Linster in 1796 and could not have a child age 14.
14 Nov 1809. William Haden was bondsman for the marriage of John Ellis to Polly Bradshaw. Probably this William - he would likely be age 21 by now.
Rowan Co NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1815-1816
June Clodfelter Watson, no date of publication
p.154 Bills of Sale, May 1816
94. William Haden to Henry Chambers. Isam a Slave, 11 Oct 1815. Ack by William Haden
This must have been the William, son of Joseph & Margaret Maxwell. Even if Billy D. had a son he named William, among his unidentified children, he would not have been old enough yet to be buying and selling property.
And who is serving on the jury - this William, or Billy D.? I would think this William since Billy D. used the other name. But it could be either.
p.9 Thus. 16 Feb 1815 William Haden served on a jury
p.70 Sat 26 Aug 1815 William Haden served on a jury
Since he was a patroller along with John Maxwell, it would seem to indicate this is the correct William.
p.172 Patrollers apt Aug 1816
John Locke, Vincent Tabb, William Haden, Daniel Locke, Henry Parker & John Maxwell appointed patrollers in Capt. Parker's Co.
William sold his inheritance.
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#325 DB 20, p.322
3 Oct 1811 William Haden, son of Joseph to Joseph Pearson for $150. One tract 170a E side of Yadkin just above the mouth of Quillers Br adj David Woodson, Robert Bradshaw & Benj Howard. Tract of 84a on Yadkin, E side Thomas Br. All land to which he was entitled by will or descent from his father Joseph Haden.
Wit: R. G. Haden, John Murphey. Prvd by Murphey May Ct 1813
DB 23, p.795
11 Oct 1815 Bill of Sale. Wm Haden to Henry Chambers for $250 mulato boy named Isham. Wit: Allen Burroughs, Ed Chambers. Ack May Ct 1816
In Alabama, Clarke Co, where William's brother Robert settled before 1830, is also found a land patent issued to a William Haden. 1 Feb 1826 - a year prior to the first patent issued to Robert. The patent to William Haden was for 24 acres in S30, T7N, R4E.
Old St Stephen's Land Office Records & American State Papers Public Lands Vol I 1768-1888. Marilyn David Hahn. Southern Historical Press, Easley SC, 1983.
p.33 Register of Certificates, St. Stephens 1820-1845
11/5/1825 William Haden, Clarke Co, T17 R4
As I began to find records of this William Haden who went to Alabama but returned to Rowan, the part that became Davie Co, he had such a close association to Billy D. Haden that I began to suspect he was a son of his by his first wife. However after finding the following deed and then another when William Haden disposed of property he had inherited from Thomas Maxwell along with land that belonged to his sisters and his brother Robert, it became certain this had to be William, son of Joseph.
Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts
Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973
p.109 DB 2, p.154 16 Oct 1829
William Haden to John Maxwell, both of Rowan for $110.68 ¾ 40 ¼ acres adj Robt Goulding; Maxwell, part of Robin Hood Forest, lots #2 & 3 in division to William & Robert Haden. Wit: Willie B. Nash, Christopher Keller
Robin Hood Forest was the land originally belonging to Margaret Maxwell's father that was bequeathed to his son also named Thomas Maxwell. There is also a deed mentioning land that descended to their sisters - Margaret and Dianna. I believe Thomas Maxwell, the younger, died without heirs and the 350 acres was divided among his siblings, or their descendants if the siblings were deceased.
p.136 DB 2, p.422 3 Jun 1845
Wm Haden to dau Mary Jane for love, 500a where I live adj John Locke decd & Wm F. Kelly on Bear Crk and the lots bought from Robt Haden, Jeduthen Marr & wf Margaret, and Diana Newton and a lot inherited from Thomas Maxwell and 200a in another tract
p.423 3 Jun 1845 William Haden to dau. Mary Jane Haden for love, 9 slaves. Wit: W. B. March
Here is the rest of the story about William Haden:
Abstracts of Deed Books 25-29 Rowan Co NC 1818-1828
Salisbury NC 2002
James W. Klutz
#2350 DB 28, p.282
16 Jun 1825 Benjamin Maxwell to William Haden for $1040. 260a adj David Maxwell, Robert Hood, Robert Hood's Forest, Carson, & Stephen Pearson. Wit: D. McGuire, John Schools. Prvd by McGuire Nov Ct 1825
Abstracts of Deed Books 30-34 Rowan Co NC 1828-1840
James W. Klutz
#225 DB 30, p.339
15 Nov 1828 William Haden of Alabama, under Power of Attorney from Sarah & John Noell of Alabama to Frederick Ford for $412 2/3 of two 72 acres lots in Forks of Yadkin. Lots devised to Sarah Noel & John Noel as heirs of Joel & Rody Noell who owned the land as devisees of their grandmother, Molly Howell where Molly Howell lived. John Little, surv & Henry Parker, Billy D. Haden, Henry Fraley & Thos. Craige, commissioners. chosen by William Haden & Ford, on 25 Sep 1828 allotted 72 A in Lot #2 to John Noel adj Lot #1; Ford is to pay $48. Lot #3 of 72 a was to Sarah Noell adj Lot #2, Ford & John Gillis, and is to receive $132. Wit: Jess A. Hodgens, John Foard. Foard prvd Nov 1828 Ct.
This power of attorney apparently prefaces the return of a William Haden who had gone to Alabama, but returns to Rowan Co. He may be the William, son of Joseph Haden & Margaret Maxwell who was born circa 1790.
Abstracts of Deed Books 30-34 of Rowan Co NC 1828-1840
James W. Klutz, 2004
#461 DB 30, p.663
17 Aug 1829 Mortgage. Joseph & John Welch to Richmond Pearson. 229 a on Hunting Crk adj Francis Neely where John Welch Lived. Owed William Haden $392.50 and had 90 day to pay or land to be sold. Wit: H. C. Jones. Prvd by Jones Aug Ct 1829
#625 DB 30, p.895
4 Feb 1830 John Welch & Joseph Welch to William Haden for $800. 229a on Hunting Crk adj John Locke, Henry F. Wilson, & Francis Neely. Wit: W. B. Wilson, Jno Locke. Provd by Wilson Feb Ct 1830
17 Aug 1831 Mortgage William Haden to Richmond Pearson. Three tracts. 269a called Welch Place where Haden lived adj W. B. Wilson 233a called Maxwell Place where Silvester Adams lives 90a where Wiley Nash lives adj Turner S. Parker. Haden owed John Meroney & Wm B. Wilson a $500 note due 1 Oct next, $500 due 1 May next and $1300 due 1 Aug. Pearson to sell if not paid and save Meroney & Wilson any expense as security for Haden on penal bond of $500 executed to Silvester Adams. Wit: S. Adams who rpvd Aug Ct 1831
#1078 DB 31, p.407
8 Aug 1831 Mortgage. Henry Keller to William Haden, John Maxwell & John Locke, three tracts, Negroes, lifestock. Keller owed Haden & Maxwell $600 plus other debts for a total of $2050.
#1318 DB 31, p.704
29 Sep 1832 Mortgage. William Haden to John Clement. Three tracts in forks of Yadkin on Bear & Hunting Crsk. 270 a in Benjamin Maxwell tract adj Wm F. Kelly Jno & Danl Lock. 10 a in Thos Maxwell tract adj Turner S. Parker & John Keller 260 a in Jno Welch tract adj John Locke, Jos Welch & Henry Wilson. Also Negro boy Phill, 2 waggons, 2 stills, 4 horses, 16 cattle, 17 sheep,, all furniture, corn crop.
Haden had multiple debts. One was to R. G. Haden of Alabama for $575. Another to B. R. Mobly of Alabama for $1130.50. Totaled between $3500-4000 and were past due. Mobley & R. G. Haden were to be paid after the other debts satisfied. Wit: B. Baily who proved at Nov Ct 1832
Obviously this is not the same John Clement that William's daughter Mary Jane married in 1853 - Mary Jane was born during the year 1832. By the 1850 census, her John Clement was living with his widowed mother. Possibly this is his father?
And this deed effectively proves that William had gone to Alabama along with Robert Gillespie Haden.
#1636 DB 32, p.175
22 Oct 1833 William Haden to Arthur Neely for $1500, 229a on Hunting Crk adj John Locke, Henry F. Wilson & Francis Neely. Wit: John A. Meroney, James Boswell. Prvd by Meroney May Ct 1834
#2185 DB 33, p.106
16 May 1836 Mortgage. John Donaho to Wm Haden, horse, oxen cart, lifestock. Donaho owed Haden $10 and Haden was security on other notes. 12 months to discharge debts or Haden to own property. Wit. T. S. Parker who prvd May Ct 1836
1840 Census. Davie Co, NC
Will. Haden. 1m age 20-30, 1m age 40-50, 2f age 5-10, 1f age 20-30.
William D. [Billy D] was enumerated separately.
The most puzzling thing about this William is the presence of all the younger people - William Haden's estate file, 1846, refers to his wife Henrietta, who he had married in 1838 and who died soon after William so her age is unknown. There was a daughter of William's born 1832 to an earlier wife so she could certainly be one of the females, aged 5-10. If William had other children, they died before he did leaving no heirs, as only Henrietta and daughter Mary Jane were his heirs at law. He was apparently the guardian of Joseph Orton, age unknown.
I wonder if this is William Haden's first wife - Jane Welch. She would have been deceased by 1842 but that item might have been omitted from the abstract since it is ambiguous. The daughter was also called Jane after she married and the bequest could have been to her. William Haden had as his ward an Orton child who was mentally defective.
Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts
Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973
p.9 WB 1, p.70 Frances Welch. 30 Mar 1842. no prb. Sons: Daniel a negro named Polly, and John and Joseph. Dau: Elizabeth Orton, Isabella Neely. Dr. Hall, Jane Haden. Exr: Arthur Neely, Wit: Jos A Hawkins, Richard Leach
Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts
Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973
p.116 DB 2, 213
16 Apr 1839 Wm F. Kelly to William Haden for $2000 200a in Forks of the Yadkin adj James Carson & Charles Busey. Wit: Thomas & Albert C. McNeely
p.134 DB 2, p.405
25 Mar 1840 Joseph W. Rice to William Haden & Radford Forster for $300, my interest in Negroes belonging to Elizabeth Coon by will of Joseph Richards now in possession of Jacob Coon. Wit: Wm Hendrix
p.87 DB I, p.453 23 Aug 1841
William Haden to Martial Turner of Iredell Co for #50. 102 ¾ a in Iredell adj John Lazenbury & Roby Tucker. Wit: W. B. March, Wilfred Turner
p. 91 DB I, p.485 27 Mar 1841
William Haden to Alexander Douthit for $400. 95 ¾ a adj Caswell Harbin & Edmund Ethison. Wit: J. Inglis, M. D. Armfield
p.105 DB 2, p.121 16 Dec 1842
Letitia Jenkins to Peter Seamont 46a on Bear Crk. Adj A. G. Carter, T. S. Parker, John Kellar, Wm Haden, Being that part that descended to her brother Thos. Maxwell dec'd. Also 14a, a lot that descended to Dianna Newton & her sister Margaret Haden, heirs of Thos. Maxwell dec'd. Betsy L. Leach, John Clement.
p.118 DB 2, p.235
22 Nov 1843 Billy D. Haden to William B. March & William Haden for $700. 260a adj Daniel Cleche, Thomas Deadman, Jesse Tuterow and Rowland Crump. Wit: N. Hainline, Melinda E. Haden
I have no clues as to who Melinda E. Haden might be. Among the estate papers of William is a lawsuit from Caroline E. Haden against William B. March & William Haden. There is a tract of land called the "Billy D. Haden" tract sold by the administrator of William's estate - it was 260 acres. Caroline appears to have been the widow of Billy D. Haden - she married Thomas Deadman, 1848, as his second wife.
p.126 DB 2, p.318
9 Aug 1844 Thos. J. Hudson to Lawrence Hudson for $1 14 ¾ a where sd Thos. Lives on S Yadkin adj Wm Haden, B. Garner & G. W. Pearson and 50a adj sd Lawrence and personalty to pay debts. Wit: Edward Griffin
p.128 DB 2, p.344
28 Feb 1845 Vincent Reid of Caldwell Co NC to Wm Haden for $100. 260a adj Wm Steelman, John Cook, Daniel Cain. Wit: D. James, C. Kellar
p.133 DB 2, p.385
28 May 1845 William Haden to Braxton Bailey for $501, Negro man John., age 15, bought from Radford Foster. Wit: N. Hanline
p.136 DB 2, p.422 3 Jun 1845
Wm Haden to dau Mary Jane for love, 500a where I live adj John Locke decd & Wm F. Kelly on Bear Crk and the lots bought from Robt Haden, Jeduthen Marr & wf Margaret, and Diana Newton and a lot inherited from Thomas Maxwell and 200a in another tract
p.423 3 Jun 1845 William Haden to dau. Mary Jane Haden for love, nine slaves. Wit: W. B. March
p.149 DB 2, p.538
1 Sep 1846 Wm B. March to John H. Garner to Jesse Fraley of Rowan for $1000. 206A on S Yadkin adj Moses Wagner, Thos. Maxwell, G. Pickler & heirs of Wm Haden dec'd and G. W. Pearson, known as Burgess Garner tract. Wit: M. Booe, H. R. Austin
p.155 DB 2, p.593
6 Nov 1847 Division of property William Haden dec'd. In public sale to Thomas J. Deadmon as highest bidder at $681. 260a on Yadkin adj Nickolas Click & Thomas Deadman, incl. the mill. L. Bingham
Thomas Deadmon was married to Caroline E. Haden, widow of Billy D. Haden
p.158 DB 3, p.7
27 Apr 1848 Public sale of 5/6 of Harbin tract that William Haden died seized of and 1/6 of same tract Walter Etchison died seized of to L. R. Rose for $176 and $20. 93 acres on Dutchman's Crk. Lemuel Bingham
p.167 DB 3, p.88
30 Sep 1848 John McRarie [McCrary] to Samuel Smoot for $400. 217a W side Bear Crk, formerly property of William Haden. Wit: B. Bailey, Thomas Furches
p.179 DB 3, p.388
26 Feb 1850 Sale of land of William Haden decd 28 Oct 1846 to Philip F. Meroney for $250 79 ½ poles in Mocksville on Salisbury Rd. Wit: G. A. Bingham
p.182 DB 3, p.401
22 Apr 1850 Sale of land of William Haden 27 Nov 1849. L. Bingham, clerk, to John Wagner for $1280, 200a on S Yadkin adj Samuel & Charles Buis & James Carson
Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts
Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973
p.10 WB 1, p.77 William Haden. Nov 1842; prb Feb 1846 Wife: Henrietta. Daughter Mary Jane, a minor, to go to school at Salem. A tract called the Elizabeth Kelly place Exr & guardian: John Clement. Wit: C. Harbin, G. W. Pearson
p.11 WB I, p.84 Henrietta Haden. 27 Feb 1846; prb Aug 1846
Bro: Alfred McCulloch - the bequest from her father James McCulloch, land adj Joseph Daniel & Elizabeth McCulloch [sister] Stepdaughter Mary Jane Haden to have estate from the testator's late husband, William Haden. Exr. Archibald G. Carter. Wit: Jesse A. Hodges, Wm H. Beatty
The estate file of this man was huge. There were many unpaid bills and many receipts. There is a reference to a bill from William Haden in Alabama, and also to a tract of land called the "Billy D. Haden" tract. William B. March is mentioned several times.
LDS #1941317 Estate Papers of Davie Co NC
William Haden 1846 [Note: see estate of William F. Kelly.] I never got to review this file of Kelly. and there's no hint of any relationship in the file of William Haden. The estate file is now online at The widow, Sarah A. Kelly filed for dower petition, Nov 1850 - there was one son, John Kelly, of full age. Braxton Bailey was guardian of Thomas Lemuel Kelly, Nicholas Young Kelly, Marcia M. Kelly, Abner Kelly, and Albert Kelly. Lemuel Bingham was guardian of James, Sarah Emma, Elizabeth, and William Kelly. Kelly had died in Dec of 1848 leaving two tracts of land.
Most of the William Haden file is made up of bills, some dated several years earlier, and receipts for paid bill. I copied selected data and attempted to arrange in date order.
28 May 1830 Rowan Co. Know all men by these presents that I William Haden of Rowan Co do hereby appoint A. G. Carter of Rowan, my true and lawful attorney. Recover and receive all sums of money debts and demands now due in my name and answer to any suit that may be brought vs. me during my absence.
Signed: William Haden
Carter's name was Archibald G. Carter as revealed by his signature on one of the receipts. In 1828, William Haden first appears as being "of Alabama" - perhaps he traveled back and forth. Carter obviously served as his attorney for many years.
IOU dated 15 Nov 1842 Signed: Wm Haden
$250 Six months after date, I promise to pay Billy D. Haden two hundred & fifty dollars for value rec'd as witness my hand & seal. May 2, 1843 Wm Haden
Rec'd on the within note $150 24 May 1843, Billy D. Haden
Rec'd on the with note $51 Feb 26 1845
[Nothing on the promissory note to indicate what was received.]
Bill from Ephraim Gaither, 1843
Brandy, Whiskey, Toddys for a crowd, dinner & spirits
25 Mar 1844 Promise to pay William Haden $933.06 balance due upon the judgement in favor of Haden against Thomas Foster, Radford Foster & myself. James. F. Martin
One bill marked William Hayden [of Alabama]
?? 1845 For making an overcoat $4
29 Mar 1844 IOU for $30 signed Wm Haden
29 Aug 1844 Promise to pay Henry R. Austin guardian of William W. Haden on order the sum of $27.19 Wm. Haden
Summons for William Haden for debt dated 29 Nov 1845, also 8 Apr 1845
Fall Term 1845 Jesse A. Hodgins vs. Caroline E. Haden ….William Haden W. B. March
Mileage & attendance, Sept 1845
There was another notice of a reverse lawsuit Wm. B. March & William Haden vs. Caroline Haden.
I have in my notes from a correspondence in 2001 that a William D. Haden married Caroline, daughter of Barbara Darr and Morris Davis - this area needs more research. This appears to be Billy D's widow suing for money owed.
Davie Co NC Marriage Bonds & Certificates 1836-1868
Typed by Genalogical Society, Salt Lake City 1959
Caroline E. p.26 to Thomas J. Deadmond 1 Jun 1848 Lemuel Bingham [bond]; Augustus Davis [wit]
Davis married Ruth Haden, daughter of Douglas P. Haden, 1850. Jesse Hodges was married to Martha "Patsy" Haden, daughter of Joseph & Jenny.
Caroline E. Haden vs. William Hadin, William B. March In Equity
Defendants Share of Costs $9.25. Rec'd of A. G. Carter 27 Nov 1846
I'm not sure of the date of the following - very difficult to read but I could make out the quote cited. It may have had something to do with the above lawsuits.
To the Hon. Richmond M. Pearson of Court of Equity. Complaint of A. G. Carter adm of Wm Haden against Wm. B. March
"said Haden during the latter portion of his life having been a man of very intemperate habits & extremely neglectful of his business"
Twelve months after date we promise to pay B. Bailey Guardian of Mary Jane Haden minor, the Sum of $538 for value received this 25 Dec 1845. Signed: Wm Haden, John Hall
Bill to Mr. Wm Haden from C. & N. Reynolds
Mar 4 1845 - Jan 1846 Toddys, Drinks, Brandy…..
Bill to Mrs. Henritte Haden from Christopher Kellar
Feb 6 1846
To henging meat
To minding shoes
To ficking a crib
To making a wagon tung $26.49
Paid 25 Dec 1846
Also bill to William Haden from Kellar for many sundry items…. $25.12
Haden died sometime between the time he signed the note Bailey, 25 Dec 1845 and the posting of the following notice on 24 Feb 1846. One document noted he had died January last.
24 Feb 1846 All person having claims against estate of William Haden are required to present them….
A. G. Carter
Rec'd of A. G. Carter, adm of Wm Haden $4 for crying Sale two days Mar 30 1846
M. B. Armfield
11 Sep 1846 Issued for Robert Williams to answer and pay debt to W. Haden, A. G. Carter adm.
In Equity Fall term 1846. Petition of A. G. Carter, Adm of William Haden deceased and Braxton Bailey, guardian of Jane Haden an infant under the age of 21 years … sometime in the month of Jan last, William Haden departed this life having duly published & declared a last will & testament. John Clement was nominated Executor but Clement having died during the life time of said Haden, letters of Admin were granted petitioner at the Feb Term of Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Short time prior to his death, provision for daughter Jane his only child, he by deed appt Petitioner Braxton Bailey guardian of said Jane and conveyed to him in trust a number of Negroes & a valuable tract of land. At the time of Haden's death he was largely indebted. May not be able to pay debts without selling a portion of the negroes. Haden was seized of a number of tracts of land which he directed be sold and apply to payment of his debts, with the balance to his daughter Jane, sole heir. A sale may be made of the following tracts: Henry Willson tract, adj Thos. M. Young, Helfers' heirs & others - 200 acres. Tract known as Nath Harbin tract adj Charles Griffin, John McRorie [probably McCrary] & others containing 100 acres. A tract known as Evy Davis [Davis was the husband of Douglas P. Haden's widow Eliza.] tract adj Adam Littles heirs & others of 175 acres. The Vincent Reid tract adj Wm Hawking & others of 200 acres. The Billy D. Haden tract, adj Roland Crump, Nicholas Click & others - 260 acres. [Purchased from Billy D.] An improved lot in town of Mockville of 1 acre.
Filed Sept 23, 1846
20 Oct 1846 Issued to Hubara Baily - debt to W. Haden
26 Mar 1847 Rec'd of A. G. carter, adm of Wm Haden $35.40 in full. Thomas McNeily
A. G. Carter Adm & other
Petition for Sale of Land. Pursuant to decree of court Fall Term 1846 Public Sale at Mocksville, Wed 28 Oct 1846 John M. Monie highest bidder of the Henry Willson Tract at price of $375. L. N. Rode bought the Allen Harbin Tract - $176. D. R. Wheeler the Evy Davis Tract $76. Martin Booe, Vincent Reed Tract $5. Thomas S. Deadman, the Billy D. Haden tract $781. Phillip F. Meroney, the Town Lot for $250. Total of $1663. Singed: L. Bingham
Spring Term 1847
Thomas Deadmond married Billy D.'s widow, Caroline E. Haden on 1 Jun 1848. They are in the Davie Co 1850 Census.
July 5, 1847
Mr. Carter
Pay the amount that Mr. Welch has brought. It will be known some day whether it be right or not, I hope I shall not be troubled any more.
Mary J. Haden
7 Jul 1847 Rec'd from A. G. Carter adm. $42.98 in part of account against Wm Haden for his daughter Jane Haden in his life time. Joseph Welch
Braxton Bailey appt Guardian of Mary Jane Haden 28 Feb 1849
Security, Martin Booe and Jesse A. Clement $14,000
Orphan of William Haden
Feb 8 1848 Rec'd of A. G. Carter ….Admin of William Haden, dec'd former guardian of Jos Orton [Idiot] eight hundred and twenty four dollars and two cents in part payment of the amt due from said Guardian to his said ward. Joseph Wilson guardian of Joseph Orton.
Aug 30, 1849 Rec'd of A. G. Carter Admin of Estate of William Haden dec'd the sum of $300 in part of a Judgement the State at the Relation of Joseph Orten vs. A. G. Carter Admin and others, Aug Term 1849
Petition of Mary Jane Haden by her next friend & guardian Braxton Bailey. She is the owner of two tracts of land in Davie from her father Wm Haden dec'd. Known as the home place where her father lived & died, informally known as the Ben Maxwell place, adj the heirs of Wm. F. Kelly dec'd and the lands of A. G. Carter, John Keller Sen & others, about 300 acres much of which is worn and washed into great gullies. The other about 200 acres known as the Stephen Pearson place purchased by Haden from Wm. L. Kelly & other adj the lands of Fisher's heirs, Giles W. Pearson & others. The proceeds from the rents amount to very little. The buildings are gradually going to ruin, fences are down, the lands are depreciating in value. A sale is in her interest.
Archibald G. Carter & Wm Beatty sworn that they are acquainted with the above and a sale therof would be …interest of the petitioner
29 Sep 1849 Sworn before Bingham, Clerk
B. Bailey, guard, et al
Petition for the sale of Land
Persuant to order at Fall Term 1849, exposed to public sale at Mockville on Tues 27 Dec. John Willson, being the highest bidder purchased the home place at the price of $1504 and John Wagner purchased the tract known as the Kelly or Stephen Pearson tract at price of $1208. S. Bingham.
Spring Term 1850
Tracts of land that William had deeded to Mary Ann.
Jane Haden & others. Petition to sell land. Unreadable affidavit of A. G. Carter
…possession for many years ….seen the Will of Benj Maxwell under to have his claims …That he conveyed the same to William Wilson & John A ??? who conveyed to Wm Haden. Benj Maxwell had possession of the same thirty years ago but has been held in possession ever since by these claiming under him has made diligent search title & cannot find the same. Sworn to in court Sept. 26 1850
Another deposition:
In 1832 or 1833 I wrote a deed from one Silvester Aday to John A. Mauray? & Will. B. Wilson for the tract of land. And know that the deed was duly executed. I was informed that William D. Haden dec'd purchased from Mauray & Wilson and know that he took possession & lived there many years.. Signed: R. M. Pearson
There must have been some doubt about the title to this property - however he certainly had bought at least one tract from Benjamin Maxwell, See DB 28, p.282, 16 Jun 1825.
Rec'd of A. G. Carter, Admin of William Haden $10.60 in full of the costs in the case, State ….County Court Nov 26, 1850
Aug 1851 Rec'd from A. G. Carter adm William Haden $70.22 in full Jos. Owens Adm. James Owens.
Davie Co NC Marriage Bonds & Certificates 1836-1868
Typed by Genalogical Society, Salt Lake City 1959
Mary J. p.17 to John M. Clement 18 Jan 1853. by Jesse Rankin MB
Beal Ijams, Jr [bond] & C. Hardin [wit]
Bill from Salem Female Academy for Mary Jane Haden, dates from July 1845 to Aug 1846 Clothing, Board, Books, Tuition, etc. $138.75 Filed. Jul 13 1853
Dec 6 1853 Rec'd of A. G. Carter, adm of Wm Haden
28 Sep 1856
Filed petition for sale of tract on which Wm Haden lived and died. At the last term of the Court the clerk making the sale …..under new title. I am anxious to have the sale confirmed… [Can't read signature - this may be the beginning of Mary Jane & her husband John Clement trying to get the estate settled - Mary Jane probably turned 21 in 1853.]
Ack we are indebted to J. M. Clements in the sum of $1000 on condition that he prosecute his suit in the court of Equity, A. G. Carter Admin vs. J. M. Clement & Wife, that he pay all costs and charges.
Dec 18 1858
In Equity spring term 1859
Answer of John M. Clement & wife M. J. to the bill of complaint of A. G. Carter, admin of William Haden
William Haden died 1846. Left a last will & testament. Bequeathed to the widow and daughter Mary Jane. The widow died a short time after. The plaintiff took on her admin.
M. J. was under age at the time of her marriage to John M. Clement. Desirous of settlement since there has been great delay. Henrietta did not survive her husband over three months and nothing to delay settlement. She has been dead thirteen years.
Thoughts on this huge file - there were many debts, but a great deal of property remained. William Haden's handwriting was very shaky - looked like a very old man's writing. Mary Jane was not yet age 21 in 1858 so he may just have been a drunk. There were bills for Henrietta's drinking as well.
Caroline E. Haden appears to have been the widow of Billy D. Haden. She married Thomas J Deadmond, 1848, in Davidson Co. They are in the 1850 Davie Co census: Thomas was age 39, Caroline age 32 [so she was born 1818] Living with them were George Beaker [or Becker], age 10, America Haden, age 10, and Catherine B. Davis, age 24. There is no known connection to any of these people, except that America was likely the daughter of Caroline & Billy D; Catherine Davis may have been her sister as Caroline is reputed to have been the daughter of Morris Davis & Mariah Darr. The 1820 census of Billy D. Haden, shows 4 little girls under the age of 10 - only three of these girls have been identified.
Birth | Aft 1785 | ||||
Marriage | 15 May 1838 | Davie County, North Carolina - Henrietta McCulloh | |||
Death | 28 Oct 1846 | Davie County, North Carolina | |||
Marriage | Mary Welch |
Spouse | Mary Welch ( - ) |
Child | Mary Jane Haden (1832 - ) |
Spouse | Henrietta McCulloh ( - 1847) |
Father | Joseph Haden (1735 - 1803) |
Mother | Margaret Maxwell (1745 - ) |
Sibling | Margaret Haden (1780 - ) |
Sibling | Dianna Haden (1784 - ) |
Sibling | Robert Gillespie Haden (1785 - 1850) |
1. John Barnes. Email Correspondence