Individual Details
Joseph Haden Jr.
(Abt 1765 - Dec 1820)
Joseph is mentioned following Ann Wyatt and before Ritta in his father's will - I suspect he may be a few years older than born in 1765.
The marriage date for Joseph & Jenny was found in a court suit in 1807.
I also found it in the book of Rowan marriages by Holcomb: Joseph Hadeon to Jenny Headon, 8 Jan 1783; Richd. Pearson, bondsman; William Crawford, wit.
ABSTRACTS OF DEEDS OF ROWAN CO NC; 1753-1785 Vol 1-10; Jo White Linn, 1983
DB 10, p.383 22 Feb 1784 Thomas Frohock Esq to Joseph Hayden Jr for 200 £, 340 acres in forks of South Yadkin River & Second Crk Granted by Granville to James Andrews who sold it to John Frohock, whose will of 1763 left it to Thomas Frohock. Wit: Dugless Hayden, William Haden. Prvd. Feb 1786.
William Haden had bought land from William Frohock., at the fish dam.
Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#545 DB 11, p.404 9 Aug 1787
State Grant #1466 to Duglass Haden. 80a North side S fork of Yadkin adj James Andrews, John Howeil, & Humphrey Marshall Card Index to NC Land Grant Files, No 2251, Rowan Co. To Dugless Haden, [assignee Joseph Haden, Junr] 80 acres, Grant 1466, issued 9 Aug 1787. Entered #2602 on 1 Nov 1783. Book 67, p.148. North side of the South fork of the Yadkin River.
Abstracts of Land Entries: Rowan Co NC Dec 1778 - Feb 1795
Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987
Some of the following could be entries of Joseph's father; however, some of this Joseph's land descriptions do contain the names Andrews and Turner, and certainly by 1796 this Joseph had considerably holdings along Swearing Creek of the Yadkin. The Turner Place was one of tracts devised by Joseph Jr to was of his sons in his will. William Merrill was his brother-in-law.
#2610 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden enters 60 a Rowan Co on James Andrews Mill Branch; borders Jees Knightlings E corner and James Andrews [Granted to Joseph Jr., see DB 11, p.701]
#2611 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden enters 100 a Rowan Co. Borders Humphry Marshall's S corner, John Howell and his own line [Probably Joseph Jr - the Grant above also mention Humphry Marshall]
#2612 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden on waters of Swan Cr includes Charles Payne's improvement. Borders Peter Slagby and eter McQuoum. Joseph Haiden enters 200a N side Yadkin, borders John Andrews S corner, William Merrill, his own corner & John BlanketPickler [See Grant to Joseph -probably Jr but doesn't say, Deed Book 11, p.113 for 200 acres which mentions Swan Creek and Turner]
#2613 1 Aug 1783 Joseph Haiden enters 150a Rowan on Yadkin at mouth of Quelurs Br. Borders William Merrill [Grant to Joseph Jr., DB 11, p.700 - on Quiller's Branch which is one of the early streams I have not been able to locate'
[3272L] no number, no date - mid 1780's Joseph Haiden enters 150a Rowan on N side Yadkin. Borders Thomas Turner's W corner and his own line [It's possible this is same as the preceding entry.]
#89. 28 Feb 1793 John Howel enters 10 a in Rowan on South River. Borders river bank a short distance below the ford and crosses the river to Joseph Haiden; includes the fish pot. [most of Joseph Jr's land seemed to be on the South Yadkin - his father's in the forks or on the North Yadkin]
#183 16 Apr 1794 Joseph Haiden & William Moore enter 50a in Rowan bet Swearing Cr and Potts Cr. Borders Frohock & Linn [The Swearing Creek locations indicates this is most likely Joseph Jr.
Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#157 DB 11, p.113 25 Oct 1786
State Grant #1435 to Joseph Haden, 200 a on Sandy & Swan Crks adj Thomas Turner
Card Index to NC Land Grant Files, #2220, Rowan Co, Joseph Haden. 200 acres, Grant 1435 issued 25 Oct 1786. Entry #2605, 1 Dec 1783, Book 67, p.136. On waters of Sandy Creek and Swan Creek. Survey included which names both creeks and Thomas Turner's corner.
#809 DB 11, p.643 8 Aug 1787
James Brandon exr of John Howard Sr dec'd to Joseph Haden for 190# 84 a on E side of Yadkin on E side of Thomas Br or Run. Wit: John Johnston, Ja. Craige. Prvd by Craige at May Ct 1789 [I have not located Thomas Branch on a map - this could be either Joseph Sr or Jr]
#871 DB 11, p.700 11 Jul 1788
State Grant #1686 to Joseph Haden/Headen Jr 150 a N side Yadkin adj David Woodson, Benjamin Howard, James Patterson
Card Index to NC Land Grant files, No. 1785, Rowan Co to Joseph Headen, Junr, 150 acres. Grant 1686 issued 11 Jul 1788. Entered #2604, 1 Nov 1783, Book 64, p.396. North side of Yadkin river (at mouth of Quilla's Br.) Warrant for survey in name of Joseph Haden, Jun. Survey has Joseph Headen Junr, and dated 30 Aug 1784. Begin Red Oak David Woodson's corner on Benjamin Howard's line, with Woodson's line, pine in James Patterson's line, to Post oak, etc, Bejamin Howard's line. David Woodson, D,Surv. Chain carriers: James & Charles Patterson.
#872 DB 11, p.701 11 Jul 1788
#1696 to Joseph Headen Jr for 69a forks of Yadkin on Andrews Mill Crk adj Jesse Knighten, Sarah Denman, James Andrews & Humphrey Marshall
Card Index to NC Land Grant files, No. 1796, Rowan Co to Joseph Headen, Junr. 69 acres, grant #1696, issued 11 Jul 1788. Entry #2601, dated 1 Nov 1783, Book 64, p. 403. In fork of Yadkin River on waters of Andrews mill creek. Warrant again plainly has name as Joseph Haden Jun., but survey has Joseph Headen, Junr. Begin Jesse Knighten's corner on Sarah Denman's line, with her line, hickory James Andrews line, with his line, pine Humphrey Marshall's corner, with his line, Knighten's line to the beginning. 69 acres. 22 Jul 1784. Obediah Smith & Thomas Denman, chain carriers.
#1380 DB 12, p.334 4 May 1791
Henry Giles to Joseph Haden for 500# 340 ¼ a both sides of Swearing Crk adj Joseph Bowen, tracts #4 & 5, Robert Simson & Jacob Wiseman. Two State grants to this Grantor as confiscated land of Henry E. McCulloh [11:693 & 697]
Wit: W. More, Ls. Beard. Ack May Ct 1791
#2257 DB 13, p.621 27 Nov 1792
State Grant #2142 to Joseph Headen. 127 a N side Yadkin adj his own land and Edward Turner
Card Index to NC Land Grant Files; #2962, Rowan Co, Joseph Haden, 127 acres, Grant #2143, 27 Nov 1792. Warrant 3183. Entered 16 Jan 1789, Book 85, p.139. North side of Yadkin River. Warrant and survey included. Survey dated 1 Aug 1792. 127 acres, waters north side of Yadkin, begin near a branch, corner of sd Joseph Haden's land, to post oak on Edward Turners, etc.
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#183 Rowan DB 15, p.262
16 Aug 1790 Thomas Turner to Joseph Haden for 102# 199a on South side Yadkin adj Edward Turner & Jos Hall. State grant to Thomas Turner. Wit: Henry Giles, Andrew Smith. Prvd by Giles, Feb CT 1797
[The Turner tract is mentioned in Joseph Jr's will as being part of land given to his son Joseph.]
1796 Rowan Co Tax List on Swearing Creek:
Joseph Haden, 1358 acres, 1 white poll, 3 black polls
In 1798 he had 1500 acres, 1 white poll, 3 black polls
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#356 Rowan DB 16, p.18
1 Aug 1797 Dilley Williams and wf Nancy to Joseph Haden for 100# 59 ½ a on Swearing Crk, Tract #3. One fourth of 237 ½ a State grant to Humphry Brooks on 10 Nov 1784 [12:676] and ceded to Dilly Williams in right of wife Nancy by death of her father Humphry Brooks. Wit: Robert McKee, James Coles,Thos Harper. Prvd by McKee at Feb Ct 1798
[The land from the heirs of Humphrey Brooks was mentioned in Joseph's will as being part of his wife's bequest.]
#561 DB 16, p.288
31 Jul 1797 James Coles & wf Lettice to Joseph Haden for 94# 47 ½ a on Swearing Crk, adj #5, and #23. Part of 237 ½ a grant to Humphy Brooks dec'd [12:676] who conveyed it to Lettice Coles as lawful heiress of Humphry Brooks. Wit: John Patten, ____ Yarbrough. Prvd by Patten May Ct 1798
[See earlier deed from Dilly Williams and wife Nancy - she was also an heir of Humphrey Brooks]
#1674 Rowan DB 18, p.85
1801 Joseph Haden Jr and wf Jane [x] to Robert Bradshaw for 25# 150a N side main Yadkin adj David Woodson, Benjamin Howard & James Patterson. State grant to Joseph Haden. [11:700] Wit: John Parke, Sally Merrell Prvd by Parke, Nov Ct 1801
[Robert Bradshaw's wife, Betsey Haden, was a sister to Joseph's wife Jane. Sally Merrill who witnessed was another sister.]
#2645 Rowan DB 18, p.1023
Nov 1803 Willis Ellis & wf Betsy to Joseph Haden for $450 59 ½ a Swearing Crk adj Lot #4, #1, #2, Dill Williams & wf Nancy - now said Joseph Haden [16:018], Lot #5. One fourth part of 237 acres State grant to Humphry Brooks [12:676] and from him devised to daughter Betsy Brooks, now wf of Willis Ellis. Wit: Thos. Carson, Robt. McKee. Prvd by McKee Nov Ct 1804
[Third deed from the heirs of Humphrey Brooks]
#2737 Rowan DB 19, p.88
24 May 1804 William Allen & wf Polly of Montgomery Co NC to Joseph Haden/Hadden for $50. 11 2/3a on Swearing Crk adj Lot #5 & Haden, formerly Willis Ellis. One fourth part of lot #1 which was 1/5 part of 237 acre State grant to Humphry Brooks [12:676] After her death it went to his wife and at her death to their daughter Polly, now wife of William Allen. Wit: Frd Miller, H. Dilamothe. Prvd by Miller Nov Ct 1804
[Another deed from the heirs of Humphrey Brooks.]
#3272 DB 19, p.723
16 Nov 1805 John Hampton & wf Cathrine to Joseph Haden for $225. Two tracts. First of 47 ½ a on Swearing Crk adj Lot #2, 1/5 part of 237 acres State grant on 10 Nov 1784 to Humphry Brooks dec'd and 11 acres 3 rods adj Ellis which was ¼ part of Lot #1. This lot was the widow's part of Humphry Brooks estate and at her death, ¼ descended to Cathrine her daughter now wife of John Hampton. Wit: John Clarke, Hardy Jones. Prvd by Jones May Ct 1806
[Another deed from the heirs of Humphrey Brooks.]
#3276 DB 19, p.728
20 Sep 1805 Bill of Sale. John Park to Joseph Haden Jr for #300, Negro girl Jude about age14. Wit: John Smith, Thomas Durham. Ack May Ct 1806
[Joseph's father was deceased [had died in 1802], but apparently he was still being referred to as "Junior" - this isn't likely his son Joseph who would have been only eight years old in 1805.]
#3283 Rowan DB 19, p.732
28 Nov 1805 State Grant #2875 to Joseph Haden, 5 acres, 2 rods on Swearing Crk adj William Strange, James Owens & John Clever. Ent. 6 Nov 1802
Card Index to NC Land Grant Files; #3697 Rowan Co, Joseph Haden, 5 acres, Grant #2875 issued 28 Nov 1805, on Entry 824, 3 Aug 1803, Book 121, p.103. North side of Hunting Creek. Survey included states it was a tract of land lying on waters of Sweaing Creek, five acres and 2 Rods. Begin at Spanish oak, William Stranges corner, a heap of stones James Owens, corner, to white oak John Clevers Corner. 7 June 1805.
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
[The dates of the deeds seem to indicate a mix-up in the order of the deed books - I have arranged them according to dates.]
#759 Rowan DB 21, p.169
28 Nov 1807 State Grant #2928 100a to Joseph Haden, 2a at forks of Yadkin adj Joseph Haden dec'd. Entered 12 Apr 1806
Card Index NC Land Grant Files; Number #3757, for 2 acres, Grant #2928 issued 28 Nov 1807, Entry 1015, 12 Apr 1806, Book 122, p.440. At fork of Yadkin River. Warrant for three acres, but surveyed as two acres, 28 Jul 1806. Begin hickory, the original corner of lands of Joseph Haden, dec'd , to hickory, to South fork of Yadkin thence down as it meanders to the Main Yadkin, containing two acres. Chain Carriers: Robert Haden & Robert Bradshaw.
#803 DB 21, p.220
22 Apr 1807 Robt Gillespie Haden, planter to Joseph Haden, planter for 5sh and in accordance with decree from Ct of Equity of Rowan in case of Joseph Haden vs Robt Gillispie Haden. 200a fork of Main and South Yadkin called the point tract adj the Fish Dam. Both signed deed. Wit: Maxwell Chambers, who prvd at Feb Ct 1808
#955 Rowan DB 21, p.391 [See notes of Robert Gillespie for this court case]
24 Feb 1808 Thos Durham Sr to Thos Durham Jr for 5sh 156a Richard Crk of Swearing Crk adj Israel Cox now Samuel Barclay, Robt Barcly. Includes plantation where Grantor formerly lived. Grant from Henry Eustace McCulloh in 1773. Grantor reserved 8/9 parts of any gold or silver found on land. Wit: Joseph Haden, Ebenezer Moore. Moore prvd Nov Ct 1808
#1347 Rowan DB 21, p.862
5 Mar 1810 Power of Attorney of Thomas Durham of Smith Co TN to Joseph Haden & Thos Durham Jr to sell any of his land in Rowan.
#194 Rowan DB 20, p.191
9 Aug 1810 Joseph Haden & Thomas Durham Jr as atty for Thomas Durham Sr of Smith Co TN to Henry Derr for 50# 50a on Richards Crk of Swearing Crk adj Jephtha Durham, Benj Todd Sr & Israel Cox. Remainder of 200 acre grant to Robt & Walter Barcley as heirs of Robt Barcley dec'd and to Thomas Durham Sr on 2 Oct 1797. Wit: W. Moore, M. Davis. Prvd Feb Ct 1811
#215 Rowan DB 20, p.212
11 Jun 1810 Joseph Headon/Haden to Geo Fisher for 1000#. 200a at fork of main Yadkin & South Yadkin. Wit: Ed Chambers, Thomas Hall Prvd May Ct 1811
[This may be the 200 acres Joseph Haden had promised Joseph and his niece Jenny when they married. There was a lawsuit against Robert G. Haden in 1807 concerning title to this land and the court ordered a deed to be made to Joseph.]
#219 Rowan DB 20, p.216
11 Jun 1810 Joseph Haden to Geo Fisher for 10sh 2A in forks main Yadkin and South Yadkin adj Joseph Haden, Dec'd. Wit: Ed Chambers, Thomas Hall. Prvd May Ct 1811
#2199 Rowan DB 23, p.14
29 Jan 1814 Joseph Haden, Atty of Rowan & Thomas Durham of Smith Co TN to John Darr for $345. Two tracts. 183a on Richards Crk adj Benj Todd, Thos Adams, Caleb Campbell & George Fezer. State grant to Robert Barclay dec'd 18 May 1780/1789 & conv to Durham by Robert & Walter Barcly. 45a on Abbotts crk adj William Eaton, Vol. 17, Deed Book, page 327, dated 10-2-1797, shows that Robert and Walter Barclay sold by deed made in Kentucky two tracts of land in Rowan County.
#2269 Rowan DB 23, p.100
13 Dec 1813 Wm Strange to Joseph Haden for $100.50 16 acres and 3 rods on Swearing Crk adj Strange. Part of State grant to Strange on 10 Nov 1784.
#2530 Rowan DB 23, p.372
4 Mar 1815 Efford Owen to Peter Owen Jr. 54a on Swearing Crk adj Capt. Joseph Haden, Lot #6, Lot #5, Lot #8.
#3271 Rowan DB 24, p.307
26 Feb 1816 Michael Miers of Barren Co KY & Jacob Wells/Willis of Meclenburgh Co KY to Joseph Haden for $50. 20a on Swearing Crk part of conveyance from Henry McCulloh to Michael Miers dec'd on 14 Nov 1761 and inherited by Michael Mires & Mary Willis, children of Michael Miers dec'd. Wit: Joseph Haden Jr. Naphtali Durham, Jones S. Fuller. Prvd by Jos Haden Jr. Aug Ct 1817
#3276 Rowan DB 24, p.312
16 May 1817 Bill of Sale. William Semison to Joseph Haden for $200 Negro girl Candace, age 7. Wit: Jas. Smith, Wilson Wiseman. Prvd by Smith Aug Ct 1817
#3394 Rowan DB 24, p.462
30 Aug 1817 Joseph Abbot & Lucy and Massy & Elizabeth Thomas to Joseph Haden for $130 to Abbot and $35 to Thomas. Three tracts. 17 ½ a East side Swearing Crk adj Myers, which was allotted to Lucy from lands of Michael Myers dec'd. 10a part of the dower of Mary Myers dec'd from sd Michael Myers. And 10a part of dower of Mary Myers dec'd from sd Michael and to which Elizabeth Thomas is entitled. Part of grant from Henry McCulloh to Michael Myers. Wit: John Smith, Samuel Wilson who prvd Feb Ct 1818
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1817-1818
June Clodfelter Watson, no date
p.79 Deeds rec Aug 1817
Mary Willis, Jacob Willis & Michael Mires to Joseph Haden. 20 acres. 26 Feb 1816. Proved by Joseph Haden Jr [Rec. DB 24, p.307]
p.128 Deeds rec Feb 1818
Joseph Abbott & Lucey his wife, Massy Thomas & Elizabeth his wife to Joseph Haden. 37 ½ acres. 30 Aug 1817. Proved by John Smith and Smauel Wilson. [Rec. DB 24, p.462]
p.142 Wed May 1818
Petition of Robert Moore & Elizabeth his wife, Henry & James Ellis by Guardian Anderson Ellis …. Maurice Davis, Joseph Haden, Jesse Haden, Peter Smith and George Smith act as commissioners to divide the estate of Willis Ellis Dec'd according to the direction of his last will & testament.
Abstracts of Deed Books 25-29 Rowan Co NC 1818-1828
Salisbury NC 2002
James W. Klutz
#727 Rowan DB 26, p.72
29 Dec 1820 Joseph Haden, atty for Thomas Durham of Smith Co TN to William Haden for $345. Per power of attorney, dated 5 Mar 1810, registed Book 21, p.882. 230a on Swearing Crk adj Jeptha Durham and Lewis Beard. Part of 525 a tract conveyed by Benj Todd to Thomas Durham [4:401] Signed: Joseph Haden Wit: Samuel Wilson, W. Moore. Prvd by Wilson Feb CT 1821
[Joseph's will was dated 16 Feb 1820, no probate date given in source. But he was certainly alive when he signed this deed in December of 1820.]
p.53; Capt Jonathan Davis's Company.
Joseph Haden: 0 White polls [probably because of age]; 5 Black polls. Three tracts of land, 544, 525, and 240 acres. 308 acres as agent for T. Durham. [probably son-in-law who has gone to Tennessee]
Will made 16 Feb 1820. Wife, Jane, land and plantation where they now live. Children named: Polly, Betsey, Lucy, Patsey, Joseph, William, George, Wiley, Alexander and heirs of daughter Sally Durham. Friends, Major George Smith and Samuel Wilson to be executors.
Jane, wife, plantation of 190 acres, four lots formerly belonging to heirs of Humphrey Brooks, Decd... [Deeds are found for these in DB 16, 18 & 19] wagon & team ...livestock, furniture, farming utensils as necessary to carry on the farm for the use of the family. 5 Slaves. After death or remarriage all but land to be equally divided among Polly, Betsy, Lucy & Patsy, and Joseph, William, George, Wiley & Alexander.
Heirs of my dau Sally Durham a slave now in possession of Thos. Durham
Dau Polly Miller, slave and her child, livestock, bed, all of which she has already received
Dau Betsey MeGlenne, slave, livestock, bed which she has already received
Dau Lucy Wilson, slave, livestock, bed, & $200 worth of land which she has received
Dau Patsey Smith, land adj my house & plantation purchased of the heirs of Michael Myers, slave, livestock, bed, all which has been put into her possession
Son Joseph, tract of 527 acres - the Turner Place, consisting of 3 tracts adj Giles plantation [See DB 15, p.262 for one of the tracts], slave, bed, livestock all of which he has received except the land
Son William tract on Swearing Creek, formerly Henry Giles' of 151 acres [See DB 12, p.334]; part of tract adj on the east side, slave, bed, furniture and a horse & saddle which he has already received
Son George, all the balance of my land on east side of Swearing Creek, slave, horse, bed, livestock, my writing desk
Son Wiley, tract on west side of South Yadkin River, about 340 acres purchased of Thomas Frolock decd adj Moses Lynster [See DB 10, p.383, bought in 1784], slaves, livestock, bed.
Son Alexander, after death or marriage of my wife, the plantation and land whereon I now live, slave, livestock, bed, large still & tubs which shall be in his mother's use until he comes of age.
Joseph Haden has two estate files. One is in Rowan Co, NC - LDS Microfilm #1498464 - filed as Joseph Haden, 1804, but actually had only one document relating to his father; the remainder of the file was in reference to this Joseph who died in 1820. The other file is found in Davidson Co - LDS Microfilm #1888288 - and is Joseph Haden, 1822; Davidson was formed out of Rowan in that year.
A document dated January 21, 1821 presented to the May Term of court in Lexington, Rowan Co is the Inventory and sale accounting. Signed by Samuel Wilson and George Smith, Extrs.
Interesting items in the Inventory included a wagon, 256 bushels of corn, 1051 #'s of tobacco, 11,592 #'s cotton, shot gun, watch, 9 sheep, 11 geese, 39 head of hogs, saddle, books. No cattle, horses, or slaves were included in this list. Total proceeds from the sale was $799.44 3/4. There is list of Notes owed the estate [includes Henry Smith, John McGlennie, Peter Smith Jr, Willm Haden, among others], cash on hand etc. with the total amount of the estate being $1505.40.
Guardianship bonds were included - One each for George, Willie, & Alexander Haden. Henry Ratz - spelled as Ratts in the bond, but as Ratz in his own signature - became their guardian. All bonds were dated 16 Feb 1821; Jacob Lopp and Godfrey Ratz were security. Willie's name was spelled as "Willie" in the guardianship bond, but as "Wiley" in the two accounts I copied.
On 17 Mar 1821, Henry Ratz made a return of the sale of the property for the heirs of Joseph Haden dec'd. Sold for George was a colt, a cow and calf, hire of Negro boy Job, plus rent on five fields and one meadow. Sold for Wiley Haden was a colt, a cow and calf, hire of boy Frank, and one little Negro girl for her vittles and clothes. Sold for Alexander was one mare, one cow and calf, and hire of boy Ned.Return was signed 21 May 1821.
Another document filed as "A list of the Renting and hiring of the property of George Haden, Wiley Haden, and Alexander Haden on February 16, 1822 on a Credit of twelve Months. Likewise a return of the Money Come due on Same day for soil renting and hiring of last year. The list was filed on 18 Feb 1822, signed by Hen. Ratz
LDS Microfilm #1888288, Estate files of Davidson Co, NC, pp.1062-1091
I only made copies of selective documents.
There were numerous "Refunding Bonds" signed by the heirs as they received payments. These are most interesting in that they bear the original signatures of all involved.
Thomas Durham with William Haden as his security, bond for $500 on 19 Oct 1822. He had received of George Smith & Samuel Wilson, executors of the last will and testament of Joseph Haden deceased, one Negro girl named Liza and her child named Mariah willed to the heirs of the body of Sally Durham. This is all that their guardian [Thomas Durham] is entitled to receive at this time. If their are at any time hereafter debts against the estate of the deceased, Thomas Durham shall well and truly pay and satisfy his proportionable part. Signed Thos. Durham, Wm Haden. Test: Henry McGuire
Henry Ratz with John Smith, security, signed a bond on 31 Jan 1823 as guardian of George, Wiley & Alexander Haden. He had received for them $357.55 in full of their legacy now due. with the same assurance to repay. Signed: Hen. Ratz, John Smith. Attest: Wm. Haden.
Joseph Haden with William Haden as security signed a Refunding Bond for $500 on 31 Jan 1823. He had received from George Smith & Smauel Wilson $116.85 due from his father's estate. Signed: Joseph Haden, Wm. Haden. Test: Henry McGuire
Thomas Durham Junr of the State of Tennessee, Warren Co, and Joseph Haden of Smith County of state aforesaid, with William Haden of Davidson Co as their security acknowledge receipt of $557.00 on 11 Jun 1823 [It would seem that both had recently moved to Tennessee] Thomas Durham Junr was guardian of the heirs of the body of his late wife Sarah Durham, now deceased, daughter of Joseph Haden Dec'd, namely Joseph H. Durham, Asinath Durham, and Thomas A Durham for which he has given security in Warren Co, TN. He received the full legacy due amounting to $276.72 1/2. Signed: Thos. Durham, Joseph Haden, Wm. Haden. Attest: William Owen, Spruce Wilson
There is an error on the back of the Bond - its says "Re estate of Joseph Haden & Sarah Haden, his wife, both dec'd. 1823" Of course the bond states clearly that Sarah Haden Durham was the daughter of Joseph, not his wife.
Joseph Haden with George Haden as his security [Apparently George now of age] signed a bond on 11 Jun 1823. Joseph was in receipt of $159.90 1/2, which was his part due from the sale of four Negroes on 10 June 1823. Signed: Joseph Haden, George Haden Test: Spruce Wilson, William Owen
William Haden, Peter W. Smith as security signed a bond on 31 Janu 1823. William Haden had received 116.85. part of his said legacy. Signed: Wm Haden, P. W. Smith. Witness: Hen: Ratz
John McGlemery by his agent Mathew M. Hughes with Thos. Dugless as security signed bond on 13 Jan 1825. John McGleming by his agent had received of George Smith & Samuel Wilson $162.48 being John McGlemings full and districutive share of the Joseph Haden estate. Signed: John Macglimre by his agent Mathew M. Hughes, Thos. Dugless. Attest: Lon Hunt as to Hughes, Wm Haden as to Dugless. [and yes there are three different spellings of John's surname]
Peter W. Smith with security William Haden signed a bond on 31 Jan 1823 whereby Peter W. Smith had received $16 which is in full of that part of his legacy due. Signed: P. W. Smith, Wm Haden. Test. Hen: Ratz
There may have been other bonds missed. I didn't find one for Fredric Miller, husband of Mary "Polly" Haden. Also there wasn't one for Samuel Wilson, husband of Lucy Haden, but he was one of the Executors.
Document filed June 1824 states that it is a "Settlement of Joseph Haden Estate"
George Smith and Samuel Wilson presented their report as of 6 Mar 1824. The estate had received for the hire of four Negroes from 15 March [1822] until the 10th of Jun 1823 - $30.88 - and from the sale of Negroes on 13 Jun 1823, a total of $1509.75. The estate had earned interest on notes and judgments. There were vouchers of amounts paid - Godfrey Ratz and George Haden both received small amounts from the estate and there was a 5% commission allowed the Executors. Isaac Kinney & William W. Wiseman, two of the acting justices of the peace of Davidson Co were commissioners to settle the estate and did audit the above figures on 6 Mar 1824.
There is a list of the sales of property belonging to the Estate of Joseph Haden as sold by George Smith, Executor, on a credit of 12 months. The same was willed to his widow during her natural life, she is therefore entitled to the interest of said money. Dated 21 Oct 1829. This was a sale of farm tools, a horse, several head of cattle and hogs. Total was $132.52 3/4
An additional account of sales of the property belonging to the Estate of Joseph Haden was sold by George Smith, surviving executor [obviously Samuel Wilson has died - he was not mentioned in the sale in 1829 either] - credit of 12 months & subject as the property of the first sale [apparently refers to the interest going to the widow, but the sale of furniture, spinning wheel, etc. made me wonder if she had now died]. Dated 18 oct 1837. The total from this sale was $33.56. It was filed 7 Feb 1838.
The amounts from these two sales were included in the report of John M. Smith to follow.
Another document titled "Settlement of the Estate of Joseph Haden Senr, Decd" had two dates - one was Feb. 1838, another Feby. 1845. John M. Smith, Execr.
There is an Account of Sales of the estate of Joseph Haden, Nov. 1844. This document has a lot of bleed through from the back and is very difficult to read, but it was important enough to try:
Inventory of the Sale of Joseph Haden dec'd. Negroes being advertised according to Law to be sold on the 21st October 1844. His Executors being dead & Mgr. George Smith leving [sic]. His Executor proceed to sell the following negroes the above day. Alexander Haden became the highest bidder for Mary at Two hundred & fifty dollars and Robert at Two hundred & seventy dollars & Joseph Haden became the Highest bidder for Nathan at $200. the hole Sum is Seven Hundred & Twenty dollars for whose Sums they gave their bonds with aprooved security. Jno. M. Smith, Exr.
The other document stated "John M. Smith, Executor of George Smith died, who was Executor of the last will and testament of Joseph Haden sen dec'd, The accounts with the legatees under Joseph Haden sen Will.
20 Nov 1844 - Amount of first sale $132.54. Interest up to 21 Aug 1844, 13 years & 10 months - $109.32. Amt of 2nd sale - $33.56. Interest to 18 Aug 1844 - 5 years & 10 months - $11.74 for a total of $287.16
12 Feb 1839 Pd Gersham Tussey $1.33
24 Aug 1840 Pd John Roach $1.24
Oct 25 J. S. Clemmons attorney fee $5
Nov 10 Meshack Pinkston, admr. of Jane Haden decd. - the interest on prinicpal he being intitled $121.06
5% commission on receipts - $14.35. Paid Clerk for certificate $.20. Paid clerk for one letter $.25. In the hands of John M. Smith, Executor $143.73
We James Wiseman & Alexander F. Smith, two of the acting Justices of the Peace for said County having examined the above account believe it to be right & that there is a balance in the hand of John M. Smith, executor of one hundred & forty three dollars & seventy three cenets to be distributed amongst the Legatees under the will of Joseph Haden Senr dec'd. Given under out hands & seal this 20th November 1844. Signed: James Wiseman, A. F. Smith
Birth | Abt 1765 | ||||
Marriage | 8 Jan 1783 | Rowan County, North Carolina - Jane "Jenny" Haden | |||
Death | Dec 1820 | Rowan County, North Carolina |
Spouse | Jane "Jenny" Haden (1760 - 1830) |
Child | Sally Haden (1783 - 1819) |
Child | Mary "Polly" Haden (1785 - ) |
Child | Betsy Haden (1787 - ) |
Child | Martha "Patsy" Haden (1790 - ) |
Child | Lucy Haden (1793 - 1832) |
Child | Joseph Haden (1797 - 1859) |
Child | William H. Haden (1799 - 1836) |
Child | George Haden (1800 - 1832) |
Child | Wiley Haden (1800 - 1826) |
Child | Alexander Haden (1806 - 1853) |
Father | Joseph Haden (1735 - 1803) |
Mother | Elizabeth Hundley (1740 - 1777) |
Sibling | Sarah Haden (1756 - 1790) |
Sibling | Ann "Nancy" Haden ( - ) |
Sibling | Ritta Haden (1763 - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Haden (1764 - ) |
Sibling | Judith Haden (1772 - 1817) |
1. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
2. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
3. Elizabeth Wheeler Francis and Ethel Silvey Moore, Lost Links: New Recordings of Old Data From Many States (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore c1975 LDS Microfilm #0982004, 2nd on Roll), Rowan Co NC Marriages; p.38.
4. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).