Individual Details

Joseph Haden

(1 Jul 1797 - 18 Jun 1859)

[Haden records had marriage as 1810 which makes the couple too young. I have chosen 1815 after finding birth year for Amanda.]

Lived in Macon County according to "Lost Links" - Moved to Macon Co 1836

1820, Smith Co TN, p.64, Line 942
Joseph Haden, 1m under 10 [Joseph T.], 1m 16-26 [Joseph age 23]. 2f under 10 [Amanda & Jerusha], 2f 16-26 [Rebecca and ?]

1830, Carter Co TN
2m under 5, 1m 5-10 Joseph, 1m age 30-40 [Joseph?]. 1f 10-15, 1f 20-30

Found from the mail list, 5 Nov 2005
[The BLM records online do not show the following - in fact do not show that particular section]
Macon Co AL, Land & Tax Records - BLM
14 Jun 1839
Robert E. Center - S10, T17N, R23E - St. Stephens - 320 Acres
Remarks: Enoch Parsons-James Dellet-Aaron Cooper Assignees of HADEN

1840, Macon Co Census
J. Haden. 1m -5 [Charles], 1m 5-10 [William Alex.], 1m 15-20 [George], 1m 20-30 [Joseph T.], 1m 40-50 [Joseph himself was 43] 2f -5, 2f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 1f 30-40 [spouse - Rebecca should have been 47] and 1f age 60-70. 11 slaves.
I believe there should have been 6 unmarried daughters in 1840; I have no ages so couldn't begin to place them.

1 Feb 1843. Land Patent to Joseph Haden issued at the Cahaba office in Alabama for 148 acres in Bullock Co. S30, T15N, R22E
A second patent on the same day for 158.74 acres in Bullock Co. S25, T15N, R21E

Found in father Joseph Haden's estate file. Joseph's mother also now dead. One wonders how this transaction took place from North Carolina to Alabama
Inventory of the Sale of Joseph Haden dec'd. Negroes being advertised according to Law to be sold on the 21st October 1844. His Executors being dead & Mgr. George Smith leving [sic -leaving]. His Executor proceed to sell the following negroes the above day. Alexander Haden became the highest bidder for Mary at Two hundred & fifty dollars and Robert at Two hundred & seventy dollars & Joseph Haden became the Highest bidder for Nathan at $200. the hole Sum is Seven Hundred & Twenty dollars for whose Sums they gave their bonds with aprooved security. Jno. M. Smith, Exr.

10 Jun 1848 Land Patent to Joseph Haden. 53 acres. Bullock & Macon Counties. S32, T15, R22

The 1850 Census of Macon Co AL makes total confusion of this family. It appears to me that if the Joseph Haden of Macon Co is the same as the Joseph Haden who married Rebecca Durham, serious errors were made. The children as listed in LOST LINKS when compared to the Census are even more confusing. The Census has Joseph Haden, age 50, born NC - he would have been abt 53 so that part could be semi-correct. His wife is Mary, age 44, born in Georgia - certainly not Rebecca Durham. William, age 18, born GA [This is the age for the William Alexander shown in LOST LINKS. But all the children born in Georgia - did the enumerator get carried away with his ditto marks???] Next child is Annett, age 16; then James 14, followed by Joseph 12, and John 10. Joseph B. Haden age 23, is also listed with the family. The next family enumerated is that of G. W. Haden, age 28 [That age does match George Wiley from LOST LINKS but he is also dittoed as born in Georgia]. With G. W. is a female of the same age, Martha, born in Alabama, and children Joseph age 8, William age 6, Nancy age 4, and Sarah age 2. In 1860 George W. Haden will be found in Macon Co with a different lady and set of children whose ages overlap with the above. The 1860 Census also has Thomas Haden [who matches up well with George's older brother Joseph Thomas], but the other members of the family aren't found at all.

1850 Census, Macon Co AL, p.301 and 301a
Family 1517
Joseph Haden, age 50, Farmer, b. NC
Mary, age 44, b. GA
all the rest also born in GA:
William, 18 Farmer
Annett, 16
James, 14
Joseph, 12
John, 10
Joseph B. Haden, 23 Farmer
Family 1518
G. W. Haden, age 28, b. GA
Martha, 28, b. AL as are all the children
Joseph, 8
William, 6
Nancy, 4
Sarah, 2

Alabama 1850 Agricultural & Manufacturing Census, transcribed by Linda L. Green. 1999. Reprinted by Willow Bend Books 2002.
Macon Co.
Joseph Haden, owner. 120 acres improved land; 200 acres unimproved land; Cash volue of land - $2000. Value of Farm Implements/Machinery $150. Value of Livestock $180.

1860, Macon Co, AL, p.802
Family 754
Geo W. Haden, age 38, Farmer, b. Tennessee
Mrs. Nancy, age 40, b. AL as are all the children
Joseph W., 16
Evan P., 14
Asenath, 11
Nancy Z., 6
Abednigo Dick, 6
and on p.791
Family 662
Thomas Haden, age 41, Farmer, b. Tennessee
Mrs. Elizabeth, age 30, b. NC
Susan C. age 10, b. AL as are all the rest
Sallie R., 7
Mollie A, 5
Wm, 3
Charles, 1
Miss Mary L. Dick, age 14

Although the census may be confusing, a probate record found in Macon Co gives a good representation of the family. Daughter Asenath and husband are not listed; quite possibly she has died.
J. T. Haden and W. A. Haden filed their final settlement report on 5 Apr 1862. It states:
Before me Wm. K. Harris, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Macon County came William A. Haden & J. T. Haden, Executors of the last will and testament of Joseph Haden dec'd who state on oath that the above and foegoing a/c for Final Settlement of Said Estate is true and correct and they the heirs of Said Estate are G. W. Haden, J. T. Haden, W. A. Haden, M. A. [Mary] Breton wife of Wm. C. Breton, America Dick wife of M. W. Dick, all whom reside in Macon County and are of full age. Also R. J. [Jane] Williams wife of S. S. Williams, T. C. [Teresa] Williams wife of B. F. Williams who are of full age and reside in Montgomery County Ala. Charles J. Haden, J.M. [Jerusha] Smith wife of G. W. Smith, A. D. [Amanda] Moore, wife of Dudley Moore all of full age and reside in Texas, Post Office unknown to affiants.
Signed: J. T. Haden, W. A. Haden
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this the 5 day of April 1862. Wm. K. Harris, Clk.
Rec'd of J. T. Haden & W. A. Haden Executors of the last will and testament of J. Haden dec'd the Sum of Three Thousand Six hundred and Eight four 58/100 Dollars in full Satisfaction of a claim rendered against them as Executors of said Estate by the Probate Court of Macon County Ala on a final settlement of said Estate on the 28th day of April AD 1862 in my favor as one of the distributees of said Estate. This the 13th day of March, AD 1863. B. F. Williams, T. C. [Teressa] Williams.

Alabama 1860 Agricultural & Manufacturing Census, transcribed by Linda L. Green. 2000. Reprinted by Willow Bend Books 2002.
Macon Co
Geo. W. Haden. 280 acres improved land. 620 acres unimproved. Value of land - $7000. Value of farm implements - $200. Value of livestock $1275.

It's obvious this family needs a great deal more research. And we have either a grossly incompetent census taker, errors in the book LOST LINKS, or we are dealing with more than one Haden family in Macon Co at this time, or some combination of all of the above.

7 May 2003 Visited the cemetery in LaPlace, Macon Co AL. It's in quite bad shape with many broken stones, but just off Highway 80 to the North as you drive through "town". Both the stones erected to commemorate Joseph & Rebecca and their son Joseph Thomas & his wife Elizabeth had tall obelisks - Joseph T. & Elizabeth's is broken with the spire on the ground. It's obvious these stones were not placed at the time of Joseph & Rebecca's deaths, and probably not when Joseph T. died either. Since Elizabeth lived until 1908, they may have perhaps been place about the time of her death. The stone of Joseph & Rebecca is engraved on three sides - one says simply "We loved them". Joseph's side has "Joseph Haden - Born July 1 1797 - Died June 18, 1859". Rebecca's side states "Rebecca Wife of Joseph Haden, Daughter of Thomas & Rebecca Durham, born December 12, 1794, died June 18, 1858". Apparently whoever placed the stones knew more about her family.


Birth1 Jul 1797Rowan County, North Carolina
MarriageAbt 1815Tennessee - Rebecca Durham
Death18 Jun 1859La Place, Macon County, Alabama


SpouseRebecca Durham (1794 - 1858)
ChildAmanda Haden (1817 - )
ChildJoseph Thomas Haden (1818 - 1877)
ChildJerusha Melvina Haden ( - )
ChildGeorge Wiley Haden (1822 - )
ChildJane Haden ( - )
ChildAsenath Haden ( - )
ChildMary Allen Haden ( - )
ChildDr. William Alexander Haden (1832 - 1878)
ChildTheresa Caroline Haden (1833 - )
ChildAmerica Haden (1836 - )
ChildCharles Jefferson Haden (1840 - 1863)
FatherJoseph Haden Jr. (1765 - 1820)
MotherJane "Jenny" Haden (1760 - 1830)
SiblingSally Haden (1783 - 1819)
SiblingMary "Polly" Haden (1785 - )
SiblingBetsy Haden (1787 - )
SiblingMartha "Patsy" Haden (1790 - )
SiblingLucy Haden (1793 - 1832)
SiblingWilliam H. Haden (1799 - 1836)
SiblingGeorge Haden (1800 - 1832)
SiblingWiley Haden (1800 - 1826)
SiblingAlexander Haden (1806 - 1853)
