Individual Details
William Haden
(Abt 1730 - Abt 1789)
Born between 1728-1731
Deed Book 7, p. 58; Goodchland Co VA: Deed from Anthony Haden to "son, William Haden, of the Parish of St. James Northam. 25 Nov 1755. Witnessed by John Haden, Zachariah Haden, Jeany Haden, and Agethe Moseley.
___ Nov 1755
From JOHN HADEN OF VIRGINIA, p.3 Anthony Haden of St. Pauls in Hanover to son William Haden of St. James Northam in Goochland. 200 acres. Purchased of Henry Nash [17 May 1748] and Frances Thurston [19 Sep 1749]. Witness: John Haden, Zachariah Haden, Jeany Haden, Agethe Moseley.
Have Copy from Goochland DB 7; p.58
FROM: Louisa Co., VA Deed Book C, pg 52, LDS Microfilm #0032202
This Indenture made this sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand seven hundred & sixty five Between William Haden & Unity his wife of the County of Louisa of one part & William Ragland of the sd County of the other part. Witnisseth that the sd William Haden & Unity his wife for & in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds Current Money of Virginia to them in hand paid before the Sealing & Delivery of these presents the receipt hereof they do hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained sold & confirmed & by this Presents do Give Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff & confirm into the sd William Ragland his heirs & assigns forever one Certain Tract or Parcell of land in the aforsd County of Louisa Containing one hundred & five Acres More or Less beginning at a Corner Sweet gum in the low grounds on Wm Harris's Line thence crossing the Southanna River to a Corner pine thence on Harris's line to a corner pine,thence on the sd line to his & Elkanah Rays corner pine thence the sd Rays line, Crossing the Southanna River to a corner several oaks in ?Coll. Johnson's line thence on Johnson line to the place where it first began with all & singular the Improvements & Appurtenances to the Same belonging or in anywise appertaining & the Revertion & Revertioned Remainder & Remainders the Singluar thereof & every part thereof to have & to hold the sd hundred & five Acres of land above bounded unto the sd William Ragland his heirs & Assigns with all & Singular its Rights Titles & Priviledges & appurtenances against them the sd William Haden & Unity his Wife & against all those persons whatsoever Claiming by from or under them or any other person Whatsoever free & Clear of all Former or other Deed or Deeds gifts Grants Bargains Sales Dowers Titles of Dowers Judgments Executions or any Incumbrance Whatsoever & further the sd William Haden & Unity his wife do furthermore bind their Heirs, Etrs & Admns current & promise & agree to & with the sd William Ragland that they will from time to time & at all times Hereafter Warrant & Defend the Property of the sd _____ with the appurtenances unto the sd William Ragland his heirs &assigns to the only proper use & behoof of him the sd William Ragland his heirs & Assigns forever in Witness whereof the sd William Haden & Unity his wife have hereunto set their hand & Seals the Day & place first above written.
Signed: William Haden, Unity Haden
[witnesses at bottom of page cannot be read on the microfilm - read from Louisa Co Virginia Deed Books, C C 1/2, D d 1/2: 1759-74; Abstracted & compiled, Rosalie Edith Davis, 1977; LDS FHL Call Number: 975.5465 R2d v. 2 - they were James Meriwether, William Harris, and Elkanah Ray]
24 Jul 1766 Indenture proved by the witnesses & ordered to be recorded
This would not seem to be the property that Anthony gave William. Is it possible this is land he inherited in right of his wife Unity? A sister of William's was married to a Ray, but any relationship to Elkanah is unknown.
Louisa County Orders 1767-1769 LDS FHL Call Number: 975.5465 P2s V.3-4
County Orders no. 3 1760-1774 p.43
14 Jul 1766 Indenture from William Haden & Unity his wife to William Ragland proved by witnesses and admitted to record
There are other instances of a Haden associated with a Ragland re land in Louisa Co. Presumably this Joseph Haden Jr. is the son of John Haden, a nephew of William & Unity. He would have been designated "Junior" because he also had a uncle Joseph Haden. There is no other younger Joseph Haden of an age to witness in 1770.
Virginia Deed Books, C C 1/2, D d 1/2: 1759-74; Abstracted & compiled, Rosalie Edith Davis, 1977; LDS FHL Call Number: 975.5465 R2d v. 2
DB D 1/2, p.235-237. 12 Feb 1770. Edward Ragland of St Paul's Parish, Hanover County to Richd. Hundley of same. 100#'s curr money; 456a on south side main Branch of Southanna River, granted by Patent to John Ragland, dec'd, father to sd Edward and left to him by his last Will & Testament. Dividing line between sd Edwd and brother Evan Ragland; Rack Punch Spring.
Signed: Edward Ragland
Wit: Wm. Venable, William Clark, Joseph Haden Jr.
14 May 1770 proved by oaths of Venable & Clark.
Louisa County Virginia Orders: 1769-1770, Ruth & Sam Spariacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, LDS FHL Call Number: 975-5465 P2s
Order Book 1766-1772
County court 10 Sep 1770 p.6 Edward Ragland's deed for land to Richard Hundley was further proved by oath of Joseph Haden Jun. A witness thereto and ordered recorded
John Haden, likely the father of Joseph Junior, was also mention in the Court Orders:
Louisa County Court 12 Mar 1770 p.67
Vincent Sprouse Pl agst William Creasy Jr. Def
in Trespass
By consent of parties by their Attornies all matters in difference between them are referred to the determination of Henry Martin, John Haden & William Furbush whose award is to be taken & made the judgment of the Court and ordered accordingly.
12 Sep 1770 p.17
Sprouse vs. Creasy. Find for Plaintiff 5# 10sh. 7 Oct 1770. Henry Martin, John Haden, John White. The plaintiff to recover same & his costs
This was a puzzling finding given that William's records in NC appear as early as 1767 - did he have an additional tract of land in Louisa? Or was this a transcription error?
Louisa Co, VA Tithables & Census, 1743-1785
Edited & Compiled by Rosalie Edith Davis, 1981, Heritage Trails, Manchester, MO
LDS FHL Call number: 975-5465 R4d
1770 - Trinity Parish, Maj. Johnson
Wm Hayden 1 tithable
Tithables for Louisa are missing from 1754-1766 as well as many of those later
This appears to be William's first purchase in North Carolina; he seems to have arrived a few years prior to his brother Joseph.
p.90; DB 6/482 17 Sep 1767 Mathew Sparks and wife Sarah to William Haden for £150, 172 acres in the fork of the Yadkin R adjacent William sparks grant of 4 Apr 1767. Wit: Benjamin Taylor, James Whitaker.
[Court order Bk II, p.729. Benj Taylor & Jas Whitaker proved deed from Mathew Sparks & Mary to William Haden. 172 acres. 17 Sep 1767.]
Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co NC 1763-1774 Vol. II
Jo White Linn, 1979 [No Hadens listed in earlier Vol I]
II:729 Deed from Mathew Sparks & wf Mary to Wm Haiden. 172 acres 17 Sep 1767 Proved by Benja Taylor & Jas. Whitaker
p.82 22 Jul 1768 Wm Hadin on jury
p.162 1 Nov 1774 Wm Headin Overseer of road from Howard's Ferry to Boone's Ford in Forks of the Yadkin in Room of Will. Sparks.
Peter Henley/Henby to take care of children of Margaret Haiden [This is curious - should this have been Hardin? There were Hardins living in Rowan at this time.] now in his possession until next Court to be dealt with according to law.
18 Sep 2006
Dutchman's Creek Baptist Church 1772 - Eaton's 1790 Minutes/Records
(1774) January the 22 year 1774 At a meeting held by the Brethren at the
Mulbeary Fields and there constituted a Branch of the church and at that
time to administer the Ordenances of the Gospel as Baptism and the Lords Supper
The persons Baptised ware Edward Boon Peter Butner William Rite Quilla
Green John Barker Ann Rite Hannah Green Elesabeth Barker Thirty eight
Further more chose Elexander Holston Deacon
(1774) March the six 1774 At our quarterly meeting we received four members
by Baptism, three by letter their names are Benjamine Martin Andrew Hunt
William Huston George Eaton Margret Eaton Allies Eaton Ruth Gray
Forty five members
March the 19 There was aded to the Church two members John Jones and
Sarah Swinne
(1774) March the 20 There was aded to the Church fifteen members by Baptism
Their names are
Thomas Turner John Turner Thomas Adams Richard Barns George Parks
Thomas Brisco Wagstaf Canade Daniel Lewes Isaac Eaton Sarah Turner
Ann Turner Gaterean Turnor Rebecah Turnor Unity Haden Agnes Parks
These all received and Baptised by John Gano at Boons Fourd - in all
members 62.
At Boons Foard April 17
There received twelve members by Baptism
August 28 Received at the Mulbery by Baptism David Baley Bazeal Owen
Jessey Bond Caterein Vannoy Ann Allin Rebecca Turpin William Turpin
letter and Experance.
(1774) September the seaventeenth
Received at Boons Foard Six members by Baptism and one by letter.
There names Samuel Freeman Jemima Mearil by letter Adam Butner
William Headen William Durham Mary Roberts Sarah Drake Hannah
Hunt Rachel Brown by letter. October the second aded to the church
by letter George More.
(1774) November the fifth (sat.)
There was aded to the church by Baptism Six members Zadock Martin
Hannah Reed Mary Gray Margret McMahan Ann Nealley Ann More
Ann Belen by letter.
(Page 121) July 3th aded to the church one member Nancy Garner
(Page 122) Eatons 1779 (?)
John Gano March 29 1774
(page 124) George Hudspath
Benjamin Martin
John Wrigh Edward More
Zadock Martin Bazeleal Oynas
George Moore James Wilson
October 12 Day 1782
William is in the list of Patriots for DAR - through his daughter Margaret who married David Stockton. He is said to have rendered material aid to the troops in Rowan Co, NC
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1778 Tax Lists, Capt Lyon's District. Value in pounds.
Joseph Haiden -- 2413
Douglass Haydin -- 1085
William Haiden -- 3106
NC Revolutionary Pay Vouchers. #284
Rowan County: Certify that as Commissioner for the County aforesaid, I have purchased from William Haden, One Hundred Bushels Corn and Thirty one Bushels Oats
At the price in Spanish milled dollars by a Resoluton of Congress dated the 25th Feb 1780 and amounting in the whole to Ninety Five and one half Spanish milled dollars, which sum to to bear Interest at 6 percent until paid, agreeable to an Act of General Assembly in such case made.
20 Nov 1780. Signed: Alexander Long.
Abstracts of Land Entrys, Rowan Co NC 1778
Dr. A B. Pruitt, 1987
#119 5 Feb 1778 Douglas Headon enters 500a Rowan Co, S side main Yadkin and N side S Yadkin. Borders: William Headon on main Yadkin and up the two rivers
#998 2 Jul 1788 John Howard Jr enters 150a in Rowan N side Yadkin. Borders Joseph Headen, William Headon, David Craige
Book 10, p.59 4 Nov 1784 State grant #758 to William Haden 87 acres on waters of Swearing Creek, begin on corner of Benjamin Merrell, corner John Claver [Clary], corner William Strange. [He will give this land by will to daughter Salley Merrell]
Card Index to NC Land Grant Files; #1357. Rowan Co, William Haden. Grant 358 for 87 acres issued 4 Nov 1784. Entry #1215, 3 Nov 1778, Book 51, p.238. On waters of Swearing Creek. Survey included.
Rowan Co NC DB 10, p.3 26 Oct 1784. William Haden to daughter Margaret "Stogden" [Stockton] for love and natural effection [sic] negro girl Milly & boy Jeffrey. At her death they & their increase to her children. Wi: Tho. Frohock, Dugless Hadin. Proved Nov Court 1784.
and on p.4 26 Oct 1784. William Haden to daughter Sally Merrell for natural effection negro girl Dinah & boy Henry. At her death to be divided among her children. Wit: Tho. Frohock, Dugless Hadin. Proved Nov Court 1784.
A court case in Tennessee in 1822, filed by Sally's son-in-law, will hint that the title to the slaves was made at this time so William could protect them from seizure for his debts incurred during the Revolution.
Abstracts of the Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co NC 1775-1789 Vol. III
Jo White Linn
7 Nov 1786 Grand Jury included Joseph, Wm & Douglass Haiden, Obediah Smith, Moses Lindster, Thos. Maxwell.
p.219; DB 10/547 25 Jan 1787 Dugless Haden to William Haden for £150, 450 acres on Yadkin adjacent John Blanketpickler, James Andrews & James Patterson. Wit: Geo. Thomason, James (X) Andrews. Proved Feb Court 1787.
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1787 List of Capt. Pearson (Davie Co area, Forks of the Yadkin
William Heydon, 1wm 21-50, 3 wf, 4 B 12-60, 5B under 12, over 60
1789 Tax List of Capt Pearson's Co. (area that became Davie Co)
Unity Haydon, widow, 672 acres, 9 B polls
Douglas Haydon Sen: 564 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Joseph Haydon, Sen: 500 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Sarjeant Hughes: 1 wp, 2 bp
p.306 Stephen Pearson: 200 a, 1 wp
John Pearson, 300 a, 2 bp
Joseph Pearson: 500a
Richmond Pearson: 3241a, 1wp 13 bp
Irene Cook referred to Will in Rowan County NC dated 18 Mar 1789 with executor Dugless Haden and son-in-law Joseph Haden. Land grant to William Haden, 1785, Rowan County, NC. Possible children from Bible & other records of Martha Tant are Anthony D., John Sr. born 1769. These sons have never been proven and I doubt they belong here - they lived in Pittsylvania Co VA around 1800-1820 but have not been linked to North Carolina. DNA tests of descendants of the John of Pittsylvania do indicate there could have been a relationship, but likely several generations earlier.
Will mentions wife, Unity, son Dugless Haden and his son Billy Dugless Haden, Geny Haden, Betsey Haden, Molley Haden, Sally Merril and son Timothey Merril, Peggy Stockton. No indication whatsoever that there were other children.
18 Mar 1789:
William Haden lent to wife Unity the land whereon they lived during her widowhood with all the stock and negroes and after, the land and man Ben to go son Dugless Haden, during his life and afterwards to his son Billy Dugless Haden. His still and desk and big kettle to son Dugles; also 50 acres of land below my corner on the river bank concluding the mill seat on Swan-Creek and the Negroes, Let, Jack & York. To Genny Haden, three Negroes, Lid, Bob & Isaac during her life then to be equally divided among her childrn. To daughter Betsey Haden, half of the tract where Nicolaus White lived, Negroes Beck, Snook & Tom; two beds & furniture and half of the house and kitchen furniture and half of all kinds of stock. If she dies without issue, then to daughter Molley Haden. Also to Molley, Negroes, Fillis, Merear, Rachel & York and half the house & kitchen furniture, half of all kinds of stock and two beds & furniture. If she dies without issue, then to Betsey. If Betsey & Molley both die then it to be equally divided among my remaining to childrn. To Sally Merril, the land where she now lives for her lifetime and then to my grandson Timothey Merril. To Sally, 5 £. To Peggy Stockton, 5 £. My son Dugless Haden and son-in-law Joseph Haden to be Executors. Signed: Willm. Haden. In the presence of James Atkins, Joseph (x) Andrew.
Estate file as sent from the North Carolina Archives consisted of a nearly unreadable inventory and the guardian bond of John Stokes as guardian of Molly Haden, the youngest daughter. The inventory is signed Dougless Haden, Exec. It is:
"An Inventory of the personal estate of William Haden of Rowan County, deceased" - taken, I believe, January 18, 1790 [date is very dim]. Although most of the items are too dim to be read accurately, it is obviously the inventory of a fairly well-to-do gentleman. There are numerous items of furniture, cooking utensils, tools. 7 head of horses & mares; 13 head of cattle, 19 hogs, 9 sheep. 19 geese. 13 Negros. 1 shot gun, a man's saddle. No evaluation is given, just a list of items.
The Guardian Bond is dated 4 May 1790. John Stokes was appointed guardian to Molly Haden, daughter of William Haden deceased. His securties were William Alexander and Spruce Macay, all of Rowan County, in the amount of £2000. All three men signed their signatures. C. D. Osborn witnessed. Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter-Sessions at the time were George H. Birges, Chairman, and James Hardy and Maxwell Chambers.
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co 1775-1789, Vol. III
Jo White Linn 1982
p.191 5 May 1789
Will of William Haiden prvd by James Adkins & Joseph Andrew. Douglass Haiden & Joseph Haiden Jr qualified as Exrs.
Birth | Abt 1730 | ||||
Marriage | Abt 1750 | Unity [HADEN] | |||
Military | 1776 | Rendered material aid; Rowan Co NC, Revolutionary War | |||
Death | Abt 1789 | Rowan County, North Carolina |
Spouse | Unity [HADEN] ( - ) |
Child | Douglas Haden (1750 - 1801) |
Child | Margaret "Peggy" Haden (1755 - 1818) |
Child | Sarah "Sally" Haden (1758 - ) |
Child | Jane "Jenny" Haden (1760 - 1830) |
Child | Elizabeth "Betsey" Haden (1765 - 1813) |
Child | Mary "Molly or Polly" Haden (1770 - ) |
Father | ANTHONY HADEN (1694 - 1763) |
Mother | MARGARET DOUGLAS ( - 1747) |
Sibling | JOHN HADEN (1723 - 1817) |
Sibling | Ann Haden (1724 - ) |
Sibling | Ruth Haden (1729 - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Haden (1732 - ) |
Sibling | Joseph Haden (1735 - 1803) |
Sibling | Rachel Haden (1735 - ) |
Sibling | Zachariah Haden (1738 - 1792) |
1. Dorothy Kabler Haden, John Haden of Virginia, (Adams Press, Chicago, IL c.1968. LDS Microfilm #1597980).
2. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
3. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).