Individual Details
Douglas Haden
(Abt 1750 - Bef Jun 1801)
ROWAN CO NC VACANT LAND ENTRIES 1778-1789, Richard A. Enochs. Much of the land in this area had been the Earl of Granville's. There was no land office until 1778 for the residents to register their land; some may have been there for as much as 15 years when they entered.
5 Feb 1778 - Douglas Haydon entered 500 A on the south side Main Yadkin & north side of South Yadkin at William Haydon's line. Entry #119. Granted 21 Mar 1780 - see later.
12 Jun 1778 - Douglass Headon entered 250 A north side South Yadkin including improvement bought of John Church Entry #898. Granted 21 Mar 1780 - see later.
Williams and Weaver Ancestors: Williams Ancestors in Virginia, Vol. 1, Betty Ann Williams Steele, p.32
FamilySearch Books, digital online
Elias and James Williams appears to be share croppers as indicated in Elias' will written in 1799, having crops on the land of William Douglas Haden. The Haden families first appear
on the First Census of U. S., listed as Heads of Families - Virginia, 1782 in Fluvanna County, Virginia. Those listed were Joseph, John, Benjamin, William and Anthony Haden. Elias had
lived in Fluvanna County before the war, had known the Hadens and followed them to North Carolina. Land Entry 119, 5 February 1778. Rowan County, North Carolina, records "Douglas Headon enters 500 acres on South side of main Yadkin River and North
side of South Yadkin River; border: William Headon on main Yadkin River and up the two rivers." On Land Entry 898, 12 June 1778, Douglas Headon "enters 250 acres in Rowan County on North side of South Yadkin River opposite mouth of Second Creek; includes improvement he bought of John Church." Also in 1787, a State Grant of 100 acres is recorded to Douglas Haden. In the will of William Haden, dated 18 March 1789. lists his wife, Unity, and son, Douglas Haden, but later names him Bill Douglas Haden and a son-in-law, Joseph Haden along with daughters.
This land owned by William Douglas Haden is located about ten miles northwest of the town of Salisbury and across the river from the Boone's Cave State Park named after Daniel Boone who had been in this area at one time. The name of Haden, Headon and Haiden appears many times as these families were owners of much land. This establishes where the Williams families lived from about 1785 until after Elias died in 1800. Records do not show that Elias Williams owned any land.
Note: There is a map in the book showing the location of this property.
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1778 Tax Lists, Capt Lyon's District. Value in pounds.
Joseph Haiden -- 2413
Douglass Haydin -- 1085
William Haiden -- 3106
Abstracts of Land Entrys, Rowan Co NC 1778 - Feb 1795
Dr. A B. Pruitt, 1987
#1661 25 Oct 1778 James Andrews enters 200a on Yadkin. Borders his former entry, Humphry Marshall perhaps Douglas Headen, includes his own improvement
#2225 granted a warrant fro Joseph Andrew. Jul. 29, 1779, James Andrew enters 200 ac in Rowan Co on Yadkin R; border: his other two entrys, "perhaps" Douglas Haiden & Humphry Marshall
Abstracts of Deeds of Rowan Co NC 1753-1785 Vol 1-10
Jo White Linn 1983
p.144 Book 9, p.241
21 Mar 1780 State Grant #149 to Douglass Haden, 250A North side South Yadkin adj his own land
Card Index to NC Land Grant files; No. 731, Rowan Co, Dulas Headen, 250 acres, Grant 149 issued 21 Mar 1780, Entry #897, 23 Sep 1778, Book 35, p.364. North Side the South Yadkin, opposite the mouth of second creek. Warrant & Survey included. Survey for Duglass Haden, begin Black oak on River bank said Haden's corner, to black oak said Haden's corner, Pine on the river bank, meanders of the river. Surveyed 22 Jul 1779. Griffith Rutherford. Chain bearers: Humphrey Marshall & Joseph Haden.
Book 9, p.242 21 Mar 1780 State Grant #64 to Duglas Haden 500a S side Yadkin on N side South Yadkin adj Wm Haden
Card index to NC Land Grant Files; Describes grant as Entry 119, entered 10 Jun 1778, issued 21 Mar 1780 for 500 acres, Book 28, p.455. Located on the South side of main Yadkin and North of the South Yadkin. Survey included shows the land between the two riverss
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
Petition to restore Edward Turner's right of citizenship, 5 May 1782. Capt. Dugless Haden signed. Presented to House of Commons 17 Apr 1782 and was rejected. His 200 acres plantation confiscated, but was only 162 when surveyed.
p.169; DB 9/492 27 Nov 1783 Duglass Haden & wife Elizabeth to John Howell for £150, 248 acres N side of the South Yadkin R. Wit: Obadiah Smith, Ezekiel (x) Griffin. Proved Aug Court 1784. [Probably the same as the above 250 acres granted in March of 1780]
p.207; DB 10/386 8 Feb 1786 David Woodson Esq to Duglas Hayden for £200, 450 acres on Yadkin adjacent John Blanketpickler [?Blankenbaker] & James Patterson. Wit: David Stockton, Geo. Thomason. Proved Feb Court 1786 [This tract was sold to his father about a year later.]
Abstracts of the Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co NC 1775-1789 Vol. III
Jo White Linn
7 Nov 1786 Grand Jury included Joseph, Wm & Douglass Haiden, Obediah Smith, Moses Lindster, Thos. Maxwell.
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
Capt. Dugless Haden's Return of Souls 1787 (Jersey Settlement area of Davidson Co)
Listed first: Douglas Haiden, 2 wm under 20 or over 60 [sons William & Jesse]; 1 wm 20-60, 1 wf, 4 B 12-60, 4 B under 12, over 60
1789 Tax List of Capt Pearson's Co. (area that became Davie Co)
Unity Haydon, widow, 672 acres, 9 B polls
Douglas Haydon Sen: 564 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Joseph Haydon, Sen: 500 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Sarjeant Hughes: 1 wp, 2 bp
p.306 Stephen Pearson: 200 a, 1 wp
John Pearson, 300 a, 2 bp
Joseph Pearson: 500a
Richmond Pearson: 3241a, 1wp 13 bp
Capt Douglas Haden served in the Revolution and was later Capt in the local militia.
The rejected pension application of Frederick Walser, R11096, dated 29 Apr 1837, states that Walser served under Capt. Douglass "Hadon", Capt John Lopp, Cap. Thomas Cowan, Col. F. Locke in the militia. In the month of August 1780 he was a resident of Rowan Co, now Davidson and was mustered into service as a minute man in the company of Capt Douglass Haden. He was marched up and the down the Yadkin River, to suppress and guard against the depredations of the Tories under Fannin [David Fanning]. He was in irregular service until Sep 1781, serving 12 months as a minute man. He was later drafted into the company of Capt Thomas Cowan and served three months. The whole time of service was 15 months. Walser believed he was born 25 Dec 1760, Lincoln Co, PA and came to North Carolina with his father in 1771. He had no proof of age, nor of his service.
Jacob Trout, Pension S1780, applied on 20 Aug 1832 in Rowan Co NC. He was then age 83. He entered service under Capt Haden [named later as Capt. Douglas Haden] in the Regt commanded by Col. William Loftin and served six months. He was marched from Rowan Co where he lived and was at Wilmington when Cornwallis surrendered. Previous to that he was drafted but his parents were old and infirm and he hired a substitute, giving the money to Capt. Richmond Pearson.
Richmond Pearson did make oath that the discharge was put into his hands but he cannot not find it.
In 1787, Capt Dugless Haden made "A Return of the Souls " in his Company.
He listed 2 white males under 20 & over 60. 1 white male 20-60 [himself], 1 white female, 4 blacks 12-60 and 4 blacks under 12 or over 60. There would appear to be an extra male - I believe this to have been Jesse who has not traditional been placed in this family. I do believe Douglas had two sons - William Douglas called "Billy D" and Jesse.
In 1789, in Capt. Pearson's Company, Douglas was listed with 564 acres of land. Grant #64 for 500 acres is the only known tract in his possession - perhaps it surveyed slightly larger than originally planned.
Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#545 DB 11, p.404 9 Aug 1787
State Grant #1466 to Duglass Haden. 80a North side S fork of Yadkin adj James Andrews, John Nowil, & Humphrey Marshall Card Index to NC Land Grant Files, No 2251, Rowan Co. To Dugless Haden, [assignee Joseph Haden, Junr] 80 acres, Grant 1466, issued 9 Aug 1787. Entered #2602 on 1 Nov 1783. Book 67, p.148. North side of the South fork of the Yadkin River. Warrant made out to survey for Joseph Haden Junr, 1 Nov 1783 - assignment on the back dated 15 Mar 1786, signed by Joseph Haden. Surveyed 16 Mar 1786, W. Moore. For Dugless Haden, on North side South Fork of Yadkin River, begin post oak James Andrews corner on John Nowils running along Andrews line, Humphry Marshall's corner, with his line, down the rive to John Nowil's corner, with his line.
#767 DB 11, p,607 22 Dec 1788
Benj Waller of Randolph Co NC to William Haden of Rowan for 100#, Negro girl Beck about 13 years. Wit: Douglass Haden. Prvd by Haden at Feb Ct 1789
#771 DB 11, p.610 6 Feb 1788
Dughlass Haden to John Howell for 30# 80A North side S fork of Yadkin adj James Andrews, John Howell & Humphrey Marshall. Wit: Joseph (x) Andrews
Ack Feb Ct 1789
#2556 DB 13, p.958 4 May 1785
John Howell to his step son Joel Noel and adopted dau Rhode Noel. 147a on N side S fork of Yadkin adj James Andrews & Duglass Haden. Being the NE part of a 250 A grant to Duglass Haden [B 9, 241] who conveyed it to Howell in 1783 [9:492]. Wit: William Andrew, John Marshall. Ack May Ct 1795
#2994 DB 14, p.542 4 Jun 1796
John Howard [I believe this should have been Howell, not Howard] to Mary Smart, 173 a N side South Yadkin adj James Andrews, Humphry Marshall & Joel Noel part of 250A conveyed from Duglas Haden to this Grantor in 1783. Wit: Jn. Collins, Joel Noel. Prvd by Collins Aug Ct 1796
1790 US Census, Rowan County NC Dugles Haiden 1m over 16, 2m under 16 [one of these would be Billy D., the other Jesse], 1 female, 9 slaves.
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
Petition for separate election. Legislative Papers, Petitions, Box 3, NC State Archives 1793-4
p.320 Includes Billy Haden, Jesse Hayden
p.321 Joseph Haden, Dugles Haden, Captn. Thos Maxwell Sen.
LDS #313551 Rowan Co NC Deeds
Deed Book 16 1798-99
p.242 1 May 1798 Duglas Haden to Jesse Haden. 20# Tract on Yadkin begin Robert Bradshaw's Corner on the River bank, the North, original corner, along James Andrews line west, along Blanketpicklers line; his other line; river Bank down the river, 225 acres part of tract of 450 granted by state of NC to Dugless Haden as appears of record. "etc. etc. as in the last foregoing deed from John Sloan to Jesse Haden on Page 241" [Sloan had deeded three tracts of land to Jesse Haden in the prior deed and on the same day]. Signed: Dugless Haden Wit: Jacob Fisher [German sig]
Ack May Session of Court
Abstracts of Wills & Estates Records of Rowan Co NC 1753-1805
And Rowan Co Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778
Jo White Linn, 1979
p.65 WB D; 246 Elias Williams. 14 Oct 1799, prb 1800. Wife Agatha to have man Sam who then goes to son James who is also to have ½ the crop at Willm. Duglas Haden's. Dau. Jean Hillard, to have the other ½. Exrs: son James Williams and neighbor Capt. Duglas Haden. Wit: Wm. Merell, Moses Linster
William Merrill was a brother-in-law to Douglas. Moses Linster was the father of Billy D's first wife Elizabeth Linster.
p.33, Williams-Weaver book cited above -
Excerpts from the Will of Elias Williams:
...Second I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved daughter
Jean Hillard the remainder part of my crops now at Will'm
Douglas Haden on the ground to have and to hold forever with his
taking care and securing said crop in the bin of this crop and
otherwise to James Williams, I give it and all the rest of my
property I will give and bequeath to my daughter Jean Hillard to
be her own forever.
Lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my dearly
beloved son James Williams and my near neighbor and friend Capt.
Douglas Haden, Executors of this my will and testament and
disannul all other wills, ratifying and disannulling all other
Note: Elias Williams's wife was Agatha Moseley.
"Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19 of Rowan Co., NC 1797-1807," by James
W. Kluttz:
#798 DB 16, p.602
27 Mar 1799 Nathan Chaffin, Sheriff, to Douglass Haden, by virtue of an execution of the Equity Ct of Salisbury against James Andrews, dec'd, in the amount of 17.04.10# which sum was recovered by Obadiah Smith. Chaffin seized 100a the Yadkin R, adj Robert Andrews & Haden. At public sale 5 Feb 1799, Haden was highest bidder.
Wit: Benj Hodges, James Dickey, James Williams. Ack May Ct 1799
#942 DB 17, p. 34. 11 Oct 1799. John (I) Andrew, Joseph (X) Andrew, Robert (X) Andrew, John (I) Church and wf Jane (X), Phillip (X) Church and wf Hannah (S) and John (X) CHUMEY and wf Elizabeth (X) to Robert Bradshaw for 10 sh, 100 A on Yadkin R. Adj Douglas Haden and James Andrew, dec'd. Being part of a State grant to James Andrew, Wit: Phillip Beck. Prvd
by Beck at Nov Ct 1799.
[Heirs of James Andrew, long time neighbor of Douglas: John, Joseph, Robert, Jane, Hannah & Elizabeth. Apparently this was two separate deeds, later both are referred to as being purchased at a Sheriff's sale. Douglas did not keep these tracts - they ended up with Jesse.]
#1325 DB 17, p.78
17 Jan 1800 Dugless Haden to Joseph Haden Sr for $25 9 acres and 7 chains on S Yadkin in the forks of the Yadkin adj Matthew Sparks, formerly, now William Haden, dec'd & Billy Dugless Haden. Part of State grant to this Dugless Haden. Wit: Benjamin Hodgins, W. Moor. Prvd. By Hodgins at Nov Ct 1800
Again this appears to be part of the grant of 1780 for 500 acres. I wonder if the family graveyard was part of this since it was such a small tract, or perhaps it contained the mill or ferry often mentioned in description's of deeds in Rowan co.
1800 US Census, Rowan County NC, Salisbury [alpha census]
Headon, Douglas 1m 45+, (he would be 50) 1f 45+, 12 slaves
LDS #313551 Rowan Co NC Deeds
Deed Book 17 1799-1801
p.405 2 Sep 1800 Joel Noel & Rhode his wife to Duglass Haden. $162 Parcel of land being part of Original tract formerly belonging to said Haden. Bank of South Yadkin River, west side of Howards road on said Hadens original line; James Andrews original line now Jesse Haden's on the west side said road; 45 acres. Part of a tract of 240 conveyed from Haden to John Howell and afterwards in part conveyed to said Noel as appears of record. Signed: Joel Noel, Rhody (x) Noel
Wit: Benjamin Hodgins, James Williams, Jesse Haden
Nov Session 1800 proved by Benjamin Hodgins
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#1192 DB 17, p.330
17 Jan 1800 Dugless Haden to Billy Dugless Haden for 15# 151a in Forks of the Yadkin R adj William Haden [formerly] and Joseph Haden. Part of land where said Dugless Haden lived and a state grant to him. Wit: Benjn Hodges, W. Moore. Ack May? Ct 1800
This would seem to be part of the 1780 grant for 500 acres in the Forks of the Yadkin. Leaves Douglas with about 100-150 acres, plus his inheritance from his father William. It also appears that he has made gifts of land to each of his sons - Jesse and Billy D.
#313551 Rowan Co NC Deeds
Deed Book 17 1799-1801
p.405 2 Sep 1800 Joel Noel & Rhode his wife to Duglass Haden. $162 Parcel of land being part of Original tract formerly belonging to said Haden. Bank of South Yadkin River, west side of Howards road on said Hadens original line; James Andrews original line now Jesse Haden's on the west side said road; 45 acres. Part of a tract of 240 conveyed from Haden to John Howell and afterwards in part conveyed to said Noel as appears of record. Signed: Joel Noel, Rhody (x) Noel
Wit: Benjamin Hodgins, James Williams, Jesse Haden
Nov Session 1800 proved by Benjamin Hodgins
The abstract of this deed as published by Klutz is misleading. Following the words "now Jesse Haden" he had inserted [?son]. The deed actually read "now Jesse Haden's on the west" The word son does not exist in this deed.
See DB 13, p.958 for the deed to Howell.
Here is the sale of the Andrew's land Douglas bought at a sheriff's sale. He sold it to Jesse. One tract may have been sold to his brother-in-law Robert Bradshaw but not recorded, but Bradshaw sold to Jesse, too:
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#1295 DB 17, p.448
18 Feb 1800
Douglas Haden & wf Elizabeth to Jesse Haden for $30. 100a adj Robert Andrews, formerly, now Benjn Hodgin and Jesse Haden's. Part of a 200a State grant to James Andrews sold by the sheriff to this Grantor. Wit: Robt Bradshaw, Benj Hodgins. Hodgins prvd Nov Ct 1800
p.77 DB 17, p.454
#1300 18 Feb 1800
Robert Bradshaw & wf Betsy to Jesse Haden for $250. 100a adj Duglas Haden & James Andrew dec'd. Part of State grant to Andrew which was conveyed at a sheriff's sale to Haden. Wit: Benj Hodgins who provd Nov Ct 1800
Abstracts of Wills & Estates Records of Rowan Co NC 1753-1805
And Rowan Co Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778
Jo White Linn, 1979
p.65 WB D; 246 Elias Williams. 14 Oct 1799, prb 1800. Wife Agatha to have man Sam who then goes to son James who is also to have ½ the crop at Willm. Duglas Haden's. Dau. Jean Hillard, to have the other ½. Exrs: son James Williams and neighbor Capt. Duglas Haden. Wit: Wm. Merell, Moses Linster
William Merrill was a brother-in-law to Douglas. Moses Linster was the father of Billy D's first wife Elizabeth Linster.
Found in a file at the Davie Co Library
May 1801:
Administration on the estate of Douglass Haiden granted to Jesse & William Haiden (as the widow relinquished), and they give bond of 1000 pounds with Jacob Fisher as security.
By June of 1801, Douglas Haden had died, apparently intestate as no will has ever been found or indicated. Douglas' widow Elizabeth was still living. The following quit claim, guaranteed by bond, may have been necessary because of the will of William Haden, passing the land down to Billy D. only.LDS #313552 Rowan Co Deed Book 18 1801-1817
p.179 State of North Carolina.
Know all men by these presents that I Billy Duglass Haden of the County of Rowan & State aforesaid am held & firmly bound to Jesse Haden of the same place in the penal sum of One thousand Dollars money of the United States of America for the true payment of which I bind myself my heirs Executors & Administrators to the said Jesse Haden his heirs Executors & Administrators or Assigns firmly by these presents sealed this thirteenth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & one.
The condition of the above obligations in such that the above bounded Billy Duglass Haden does himself his heirs & Administrators give up relinquish Quit Claim & Confirm to the said Jesse Haden all his right title or Claim to the tract of land on which his mother Elizabeth Haden now lives, containing in the whole 394 acres, with all the Houses, tenements & appurtenances thereunto belonging, except the said Billy Duglass Haden his family and property, to be ferried free at any time hereafter across the South Yadkin at the ferry where James Williams now living and his right to a Waggon and the said Billy Duglass Haden shall & will forever Warrant & defend the right of the aforesaid premisies & his right to the Waggon to the said Jesse Haden his heirs or assigns free & clear from any Claim molestation or trouble whatsoever from by or under him or his. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above written.
Billy D. Haden
Signed Sealed & Delivered: James Linster, Joseph Hall
Rowan Co. Nov Sessn. 1801 This Bond was duly Acknowledged by Billy D. Haden, recorded & ordered to be registered.
Here is a tract of land - likely the remainder of the 500 acre grant in 1780 - sold by Jesse & Billy D. to James Ham who then sold it back to Billy D. three days later. If Jesse and Billy D. were in agreement that this property should belong to Billy D., one wonders why Jesse did not deed it to him directly.
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#2996 p.176 DB 19, p.357
15 Jun 1805 Jesse Haden & Billy Dugless Haden to James Ham for 100# 164a in Forks of Yadkin adj this Grantee and Charles Burrow. Part of state grant to Dugless Haden, dec'd. Wit: Dd Craige, Elizabeth Haden. Prvd by Craige Aug Ct 1805
Surveys in this time period were notoriously erroneous and could be off as much as 50 acres which explain acreage discrepancies in deeds. It is interesting that Douglas had 564 acres to claim for tax in 1789 and this is a 164 acres tract.
#2785 DB 19, p.134
18 Jun 1805 John Ham to Billy Dugless Haden for 100#, 164 a in forks of Yadkin adj N and S forks of Yadkin and Charles Burrow. Conveyeance from Jesse Haden & Billy Dugless Haden to said Ham. Wit: David Craige. Prvd by Craige at Aug Ct 1805
[See DB 19, p.357 for the deed from Jesse & Billy Dugless to John Ham. These deeds were proved in court on the same day but recorded in the deed book out of order.]
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#1329 DB 21, p.842
10 Mar 1804 William D. Hadden & Jesse Hadden to Charles Burroughs for $1000. 198a W side main Yadkin E side South Yadkin adj Joseph Kincaid, Joseph Pickler, Hadden & Howards Rd. Grantors signed as Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden
Wit: James Wilson, Jno. Sheriff Smith Provd Aug Ct 1810
The brothers sold another tract of land that belonged to their father, Douglas. Notice it was six years between the sale and proving the deed in court.
#2045 DB 22, p.792
Jun 1811 Joseph Kincaid & wf Eleanor to Dr. Wm Moor. 100a adj 100a sold by Sheriff to Duglas Haden and James Andrew, dec'd. [Andrew was the deceased. The sheriff was selling off his land.] Wit: Wm Cozart, John W. Linster. Ack May Ct 1813
#326 DB 20, p.323
6 Mar 1813 Joseph Pickler to Wm Moore, Dr. 102a N side South Yadkin adj James Andrews now Joseph Kincaid & Dougless Haden. Wit: Joseph Kincaid who proved May Ct 1813.
Obviously a reference to the land that Douglas Haden bought at a sheriff's sale in 1800. There are a number of deeds recorded out of date sequence in Deed Book 20.
Interesting connection to Douglas Haden. The following James was a son of the Elias Williams whose will is cited above.
Williams and Weaver Ancestors: Williams Ancestors in Virginia, Vol. 1, Betty Ann Williams Steele, p.46-47
FamilySearch Books, digital online
...The children of JAMES WILLIAMS and MARY UPDEGROVE are as follows:
...6. JAMES DOUGLAS WILLIAMS, my Great Grandfather, was born 3 October 1800, in Rowan County, North Carolina, and named for Captain Douglas Haden. He died 19 October 1872, in Cherokee County, Kansas, and buried in Lola Township Cemetery. He
married in Crawford County, Indiana, on 7 September 1820, to RUTH PECKINPAUGH by Rev. John Seaton. Ruth is my Great Grandmother. She was born 26 April 1804, in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, and died 24 January 1871, in Cherokee County, Kansas, and buried in Lola Township Cemetery. Ruth is the daughter of GEORGE PETER PECKINPAUGH and BARBARA RIDENOUR. They had ten children. (See these families in a later book.)
7. Rachel Haden Williams, named for Capt. Douglas Haden, was born 14 January 1804 in Casey County, Kentucky, and died after January 1900 when she was 96 years old in Knox County, Illinois. She married in Crawford County, Indiana, on 7 September 1820, to
Solomon Peckinpaugh, by Rev. John Seaton. He was born 1796 in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, and died 23 November 1853 in Knox County, Illinois, and buried in Rice Blue Cemetery. He was the son of George Peter Peckinpaugh and Barbara Ridenour. According
to 1840 Census they had three sons and one daughter and listed on 1850 Census shows Horton, age 26 (born 1824). and James M. or W. for Williams, age 28 (born 1822).
Note: this Williams family also has a connection to the Moseleys of Goochland, VA.
Birth | Abt 1750 | Virginia/North Carolina | |||
Death | Bef Jun 1801 | Rowan County, North Carolina | |||
Marriage | Elizabeth [HADEN] | ||||
Military | Captain, NC Militia, Revolutionary War |
Spouse | Elizabeth [HADEN] ( - ) |
Child | William Douglas "Billy D." Haden (1775 - 1843) |
Child | Jesse Haden (1776 - 1836) |
Father | William Haden (1730 - 1789) |
Mother | Unity [HADEN] ( - ) |
Sibling | Margaret "Peggy" Haden (1755 - 1818) |
Sibling | Sarah "Sally" Haden (1758 - ) |
Sibling | Jane "Jenny" Haden (1760 - 1830) |
Sibling | Elizabeth "Betsey" Haden (1765 - 1813) |
Sibling | Mary "Molly or Polly" Haden (1770 - ) |
Williams and Weaver Ancestors
Digital Book on FamilySearchEndnotes
1. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
2. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).